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The real truth about 9/11 according to FBI vault!

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posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

I doubt if it was hamas...sounds like something a fake jew would say comin from israel

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:28 PM
Nice find OP. . very interesting but not surprised.
I figured it was CIA

edit on 9-4-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:44 PM
Looked like a ramble to me. We will know the truth in 100 years, can't you wait?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by rstregooski

What's with all the whiteouts?

that's us government just doing some thinkig for the plebs. don't worry.
they're neither evil nor are they hiding anything by redacting and censoring
their documents. all is good. dick cheney is telling the truth and that's
that! anyone who thinks differently is a liar! i'm a liberal. my brains are
huge. cheers!
edit on 9-4-2011 by psyop911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-4-2011 by psyop911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Uncertainty
This whole post is sounding like Zionist propaganda!

You must be moronic to think that the so called 9/11 was a conspiracy. Anybody who does, can they please answer the following points?

1.) A conspiracy requires people with complicit knowledge to remain silent, 9/11 must have taken tens of thousands of people, how do you ensure they all remain silent? For example, air traffic controllers, media employees, opposition politicians.

2.) Can you provide any concrete proof whatsoever those events did not unfold as the official report?

3.) Do you people believe the Earth is flat because you once read it on the internet?

How rude and uniformed.

1. It would not take thousands. A small handfull of insiders will do just fine. Airtraffic controllers only know what they think they see.

2. Yes. Building seven! No jet fuel.

3. I won't dignify with an answer, but you may be interested to know that only three steel buildings in the history of steel buildings have ever collapsed due to fire...I'll let you guess which three.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
I always knew something was wrong with the official account of 9/11, but I never thought the major conspiracy theories were completely correct. And they weren't. I read the hijacker timeline (search hijackers on and click on the first link) and all I can say is WTF. The hijackers never had any contact with al Qaeda, nor went to Afghanistan. Who did they have contact with? Hamas! It gets better. The hijackers were in falls church, va. I looked at a map and falls church is right next to Langley, the CIA headquarters. They were in falls church for 5 months. Who wants to bet they had contact with the CIA?
Based on the info from the FBI I must conclude that Hamas planned the attack, and our government knew this but seeing as Palestine and Syria have few valuable natural resources in comparison to Afghanistan, tptb decided to blame the attack on al Qaeda so we could invade Afghanistan and take their resources. Based on the timeline it's not even a stretch to say that the CIA helped the hijackers, the hijackers were right next door to CIA headquarters for 5 months in 2001!!
Revolt and let's create a real democracy, not this corrupt republic!

I'm sure this "revelation" will be used to help Isreal with their little problem...
Oh, yes! Somebody must have made a mistake and let this leak!

How convenient.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

I does not take a genius to figure out that the C.I.A had there hands in this whole mess. I watched a video just today that shows snippets of news during the attacks on the world trade center towers. In real time, just an hour after the first building was hit, they were already naming Bin Laden, as the most likely culprit. They also had some bozo on the street explaining just how the buildings fell and why. Was this guy a planted CIA agent working in conjunction with the mass media whores?..check it out..


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:52 PM
link it is

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by sith9157 it is

Can you send it again, just copy and past the address at the top for the youtube page.

Thanks :-)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

Dont you just love Hamas? They are currently doing a great job of getting what's remaining of the Palestinian people killed off by retaliatory Israeli air and tank strikes.

Anyone would think they were doing it on purpose!

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Nephalim
Hamas is Al Qaeda.

It looks as if Hamas was designed to weaken the Moslem world and aid the fascist agenda.

2. The CIA, and its friends in MI6 and Mossad, developed the idea of using ‘Moslem’ militants to advance their ‘fascist’ agenda.
Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is used by the CIA and MI6 to do their dirty work.
(The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in Egypt, Syria and Iran)
Hamas has made the Palestinians look like ‘mad Moslems’.
Hamas has divided the Palestinians.
Hamas has given the Israelis an excuse to kill off hundreds more Palestinians.
“Some analysts believe …HAMAS, an offshoot of the Egyptian Islamic Brotherhood was created in 1987… to counter-balance the nationalistic… Fatah.
“The Fatah leadership believes the establishment of Hamas was not without the help of the Egyptian Mokhabarat and the Israeli Mossad.” (Killing Palestinian Civilians; Who is to Blame?)

Atta was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by hapablab

Originally posted by sith9157 it is

Can you send it again, just copy and past the address at the top for the youtube page.

Thanks :-)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:15 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen

You have been witness to a CIA-Mossad Covert Field Op.

And it was never about Oil, it was about countries who
did not have a Rothschild Central Bank and also
sold oil in currencies other than the US Petro Dollar.
It's all about money and who controls it.

Also, there is Mossad right here in this very thread
spewing vermon guiding you away from that very

What you are actually seeing in the FBI vault is actually
the lives of these Mossad Agents as their public
identities. Their actual real names you will never
know them. Yes they were in Langley VA cuz they
were Mossad Agents working with the CIA.

The ties to Hamas is only part of their cover identity.

9/11 was truly an inside job. Wall Street is full of Jewish
Bankers who could not get a Rothschild Bank in
Afghanistan nor Iraq nor Libya.

And guess what else ??
House De Rothschild is Jewish. Fancy that ???

So Mossad gave them Hamas Martyrs to go to war.

Ever wonder why the last few minutes of the
black box audio tapes were not released?
That was their Hebrew Prayers which were
the last ones recited.

The voices of the hijackers on the black box
was indeed Arabic, but had Jewish accents.
Mossad are fluent in multiple languages
including Arabic.

Now you truly know why most Jewish renters moved
out of the twin towers over a month before 9/11.
They didn't know what exactly was coming but
they were tipped off to leave.

And now you know why the 3 Mossad Agents
were filming across the river for the Mossad

And just a few years ago, over 100 US Congressman
signed a loyalty pledge to Israel. Is it making any sense
to you now. The US populace has been played
like a fiddle.

The Zionist Jews have infiltrated almost
every organization in the world including
American Politics and Government.
Obama's top Chief of Staff Emanuel
was also Jewish. There is the real
invasion right there. And here we were
creating a stick about illegal immigrants.
They have got nothing on the Zionists.

The hierarchy of Jewish Bankers goes all the
way to the top and stops at the Rothschilds.
This is where the trail ends for 9/11.

Larry Silverstein was also Jewish. fancy that??

Everyone else was a patsy.

And Rothschilds are NWO. Their Lieutenant
George Soros is in Bretton Woods right now
deciding the fate of the global economy
post 9/11 and the fate of America.

They killed almost 3,000 on 9/11.
Do you think they will bat an eye
if they kill you ??? or thousands more ???

On 9/11, 19 Mossad Agents martyred themselves
so the world would kill their enemies whom their religion
won't allow interest bearing banks. Rothschild's Banks.
And Rothschilds can't make money off a 1/3 of the
worlds population if they have no Rothschilds Bank.

All of the webs connect if you look hard enough.

edit on 4/9/2011 by boondock-saint because: spelling

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Uncertainty
This whole post is sounding like Zionist propaganda!

You must be moronic to think that the so called 9/11 was a conspiracy. Anybody who does, can they please answer the following points?

1.) A conspiracy requires people with complicit knowledge to remain silent, 9/11 must have taken tens of thousands of people, how do you ensure they all remain silent? For example, air traffic controllers, media employees, opposition politicians.

2.) Can you provide any concrete proof whatsoever those events did not unfold as the official report?

3.) Do you people believe the Earth is flat because you once read it on the internet?

1.) As very real conspiracies throughout history have taught us, this is easier than you might think...various methods such as compartmentalization to keep people from knowing they are even part of a conspiracy are used to keep it silent. Not to mention the few who might think they were part of a conspiracy may not have known the full details of what would happen, and now are frightened of being implicit in it. Its likely only a very few top people would have access to all of the knowledge. The truth of the matter is most people censor themselves....very little is likely needed to keep a conspiracy going, since a good majority of us will keep quite even if we know something, simply for fear of being blacklisted and ridiculed. Also we don't know for sure the level of involvement...the conspiracy may have simply been to allow the events to happen, and arrange for certain elements to come to fruition. There are plenty of groups in the country today, Muslim and otherwise who would like to create a huge act of terrorism....most don't get the opportunity. It would take very little to watch over a group, and send them an anonymous helping hand, even if simply by allowing them to get away with things they would have normally been caught in. Only the very top level would have any knowledge of the complete plan...those doing the dirty work would likely be given a false reason for doing what they are doing....such as ignoring a groups suspicious activity so that we can prosecute them down the line for a greater crime. Those agents that did such things would likely stay quite since it would look like they dropped the ball.

2.) Besides the myriads of physical research into anomalies around how the buildings fell I am always shocked that ANYONE can buy the official version WHEN THE VERY AUTHORS THEMSELVES DON'T BUY IT!!! Oh, mean you didn't know that? Heres a link for you. I guess by your definition the very authors of the official report are "Moronic". That's a bit of a paradox isn't it? You putting faith in something written by morons?

3.) No, but Do you believe everything is a "Zionist" conspiracy because you read about it on the Internet?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
is it this one??

Big Brother!! Something that I just picked up from this doc that I hadn't thought about before is on page three.

"the Newark division has reviewed the Toll records for these phones which produced the following..."

So everytime you go through a Toll they log your phone?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:38 PM
I'm reckoning someone should have conspired to "find" some WMD's too.

Are there any scholars here?, how many of us/them/you/me have confined our research to a few books and the internet?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:57 PM
and most want to know:
Why WTC7?

the SEC

Securities and Exchange Commission
had evidence of insider trading relating
to Rothschild Banking Cartels and Jewish
Wall Street Bankers illegal activities.
This included WorldCom and Enron.
All this evidence was being stored in
the vault in WTC7.

It can't be exposed to the world if it's
in a burned pile of rubble on the ground.
The Zionists were silencing the evidence.
No actions against WorldCom or Enron
criminals happened after 9/11.
Why do you suppose that is ???

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by rstregooski

Originally posted by Uncertainty
reply to post by rstregooski

I also work in the construction industry although in a different country from you, as such I''m not sure of the things you refer to in your post.

For example, I'm a welding inspector, and spent two years on a highrise. We had an elevator shaft accident resulting in one man's death, and the site shut down for two weeks. Workers were not even allowed to bring their tool-belts or any equipment home when they left. Look at the investigations post-911, it's like they were trying to get evidence out of there as soon as possible

OSHA has a tendacy to do that. This was not a work related accident. You also didn't have the bodies of ~2500 people buried beneath tons and tons of rubble. You also didn't have the entire lower end of Manhattan disrupted in the course of 1 hour.

So, tell me, what SHOULD have been done, and explain why using known procedures.

I'll wait.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:05 PM
That building 7 thing still leads to an inside job.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by woghd
2. Yes. Building seven! No jet fuel.

You're right. NIST doesn't claim it was jet fuel either.

Originally posted by woghd
3. I won't dignify with an answer, but you may be interested to know that only three steel buildings in the history of steel buildings have ever collapsed due to fire...I'll let you guess which three.


Kader Toy Factory.
Sofa King store in Charleston SC.

Both steel framed, both collapsed from fire. Sofa King store collapsed in just 47 minutes.

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