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The real truth about 9/11 according to FBI vault!

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posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:19 PM
Hamas has been around since 1928 and they obviously had regrets about Israel moving in 19 years later. I seem to remember some disinfo stories concerning Ibrahim Ghosheh back in the 60's but it could have just been a troll to catch violent minded terrorists.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by RRJ58
That building 7 thing still leads to an inside job.

why was WTC7 standing for a few hrs before
it fell? I have a theory on that.
Just bringing the building down
might not destroy the evidence
(paperwork) in the vault.
But when the plane went into
the South Tower and parts of it went
through, it hit WTC7. At that time,
the building was evacuated.
This gave plenty of time for
a saboteur to break into the
vault and set ablaze the contents.
The fire spread to the entire floor
which folks thought was just damage
from the plane.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:21 PM
I love how whiney and defensive 9/11 "truthers" get when someone doesn't agree with their opinions or their conspiracy theories.

But, let's just say the attacks were actually carried out by Muslims. These attacks took place due to the flawed US foreign policy and our support of Israel. I don't know how so many people can ignore this, but to each their own.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
I love how whiney and defensive 9/11 "truthers" get when someone doesn't agree with their opinions or their conspiracy theories.

But, let's just say the attacks were actually carried out by Muslims. These attacks took place due to the flawed US foreign policy and our support of Israel. I don't know how so many people can ignore this, but to each their own.

the FBI only found the bread crumbs the CIA
and Mossad wanted them to find.

These were cover identities of Mossad Agents IMO.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
I love how whiney and defensive 9/11 "truthers" get when someone doesn't agree with their opinions or their conspiracy theories.

someone who? dick cheney? david dunbar? james meigs? nancy pelosi? tony blair?
saddam? usama? big bird? sheldon?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:37 PM
this is turning out to look a lot like wikileaks. amazing information, until you come across something you don't like. then it's all lies.

all of it.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
Revolt and let's create a real democracy, not this corrupt republic!

Huh? You've got it backwards.

We have a corrupt democracy. It's an actual, functioning republic that we need.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Riposte
You've got it backwards.
We have a corrupt democracy. It's an actual,
functioning republic that we need.

I second that emotion.
star for you

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by FDNY343

This whole subject sickens me. Suck a waste of life no matter who did it. However, in the name of Justice, I think the best place to start is in the ground zero soil. A good series of spectrographic analyses should provide the evidence of nano thermite, which everyone here seems to be in agreement on. Nano thermite is very special and unique compound, and the patent is only liscensed to one company. Companies who manufacture any kind of high explosive must keep strick inventory of their output. So, the best way to hide the paper trail would be to have the plant accidentally blow up with everyone inside. Those things make a big noise, and even bigger headlines. Start your trail there.

Someday, they will all be held accountable, in this lifetime or the next. Let us hope it is both.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by Uncertainty

I'll mention that the 6-ton engines from the plane that supposedly crashed into the pentagon were never recovered, and the explanation was that the metal "vaporized" upon impact. Having said that, it was reported that all the bodies were able to be identified either by fingerprints or other means. So how can a "fire" vaporize a 6-ton engine and leave human remains en-tact, well enough for identification? And yes I realize this is in that clip I posted but not the first place the information has been presented...

Not sure if you've seen the clip I posted on page 3, but if not, check it out and then see what you think. It compiles a lot of news reports the day of, and much more.

Where did you get the idea that the engines weren't recovered, and the "explanation" was they'd "vaporized"? That myth was put to rest on *this* site:

Also, here's one of several accounts of bodies being found still strapped into the plane's seats:

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:29 PM
I really don't believe that Hamas was responsible. Too big for a resistance movement like them to pull off. I still stand by the false flag theory.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by whiskyfuel010
I really don't believe that Hamas was responsible. Too big for a resistance movement like them to pull off. I still stand by the false flag theory.

100 % agree!

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by userid1

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by Uncertainty

I'll mention that the 6-ton engines from the plane that supposedly crashed into the pentagon were never recovered, and the explanation was that the metal "vaporized" upon impact. Having said that, it was reported that all the bodies were able to be identified either by fingerprints or other means. So how can a "fire" vaporize a 6-ton engine and leave human remains en-tact, well enough for identification? And yes I realize this is in that clip I posted but not the first place the information has been presented...

Not sure if you've seen the clip I posted on page 3, but if not, check it out and then see what you think. It compiles a lot of news reports the day of, and much more.

Where did you get the idea that the engines weren't recovered, and the "explanation" was they'd "vaporized"? That myth was put to rest on *this* site:

Also, here's one of several accounts of bodies being found still strapped into the plane's seats:

So because has a news article saying bodies were still strapped into the plane's seats, does it automatically make it true?

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:40 AM
I wonder why Israel never just finished off Hamas...
Israel has the support of the most powerful nation in the world, and Hamas? Who's supporting Hamas? How could they survive a year against Israel, let alone 24? Things are really starting to make sense, that is, if Hamas is funded and created by Israel/America.

We do NOT have a democracy, I don't care how many times they've told you that, we do not have a democracy. We have a republic, where all of the representatives are funded by private corporations.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by jhn7537

Originally posted by userid1

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by Uncertainty

I'll mention that the 6-ton engines from the plane that supposedly crashed into the pentagon were never recovered, and the explanation was that the metal "vaporized" upon impact. Having said that, it was reported that all the bodies were able to be identified either by fingerprints or other means. So how can a "fire" vaporize a 6-ton engine and leave human remains en-tact, well enough for identification? And yes I realize this is in that clip I posted but not the first place the information has been presented...

Not sure if you've seen the clip I posted on page 3, but if not, check it out and then see what you think. It compiles a lot of news reports the day of, and much more.

Where did you get the idea that the engines weren't recovered, and the "explanation" was they'd "vaporized"? That myth was put to rest on *this* site:

Also, here's one of several accounts of bodies being found still strapped into the plane's seats:

So because has a news article saying bodies were still strapped into the plane's seats, does it automatically make it true?

Barring evidence to the contrary (and I've yet to see anyone provide any) then "Yes", an interview with a rescue worker describing their first hand experience suffices as evidence for me. Do YOU have any verifiable evidence that his description is not true? Please provide...
edit on 10-4-2011 by userid1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by userid1

Originally posted by jhn7537

Originally posted by userid1

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by Uncertainty

I'll mention that the 6-ton engines from the plane that supposedly crashed into the pentagon were never recovered, and the explanation was that the metal "vaporized" upon impact. Having said that, it was reported that all the bodies were able to be identified either by fingerprints or other means. So how can a "fire" vaporize a 6-ton engine and leave human remains en-tact, well enough for identification? And yes I realize this is in that clip I posted but not the first place the information has been presented...

Not sure if you've seen the clip I posted on page 3, but if not, check it out and then see what you think. It compiles a lot of news reports the day of, and much more.

Where did you get the idea that the engines weren't recovered, and the "explanation" was they'd "vaporized"? That myth was put to rest on *this* site:

Also, here's one of several accounts of bodies being found still strapped into the plane's seats:

So because has a news article saying bodies were still strapped into the plane's seats, does it automatically make it true?

Barring evidence to the contrary (and I've yet to see anyone provide any) then "Yes", an interview with a rescue worker describing their first hand experience suffices as evidence for me. Do YOU have any verifiable evidence that his description is not true? Please provide...
edit on 10-4-2011 by userid1 because: (no reason given)

No, I do not have any evidence, nor have I seen any pictures that show bodies strapped to the plane's seat, but if the conspiracy is true, don't you think that the "people" behind these attacks would have false stories sent to media outlets to help sell the lies?

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by userid1
Also, here's one of several accounts of bodies being found still strapped into the plane's seats:

Which turned out to be not true. There are pictures of three bodies, but you can not see seats, or any sign of aircraft parts around them. Two of them are in coveralls, one in what looks like a Navy uniform. It was the Navy part of the Pentagon that was hit. They are not identified, so no one knows if they were passengers or Pentagon staff...

This thread is from 2008...

There were 42 Navy victims in the pentagon attack...

edit on 4/10/2011 by ANOK because: 911wasaninsidejobby

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
Which turned out to be not true. There are pictures of three bodies, but you can not see seats, or any sign of aircraft parts around them. Two of them are in coveralls, one in what looks like a Navy uniform. It was the Navy part of the Pentagon that was hit. They are not identified, so no one knows if they were passengers or Pentagon staff...

In what way does this make anything not true?

Please read this and then contact the first responders who saw bodies strapped into seats.

Perhaps you'll have more luck convincing them they didn't see what they saw.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:29 AM

I really don't believe that Hamas was responsible. Too big for a resistance movement like them to pull off. I still stand by the false flag theory.

Hamas was the target of the troll obviously and the FBI document transparently claims the "hijackers" were trained near Fall Church Virginia. Apparently its true they don't allow profoundly F'ing retards to participate in the democracy. Gotta put the maple syrup on the table first, along with the box of tooth picks. I'm outa here.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:13 AM
I doubt we will ever know the truth but one thing is for sure, the official story is garbage.

This video seals the deal for me. Steel does not just turn to dust and blow away in the wind. But it did on that day.

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