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The real truth about 9/11 according to FBI vault!

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:24 PM
Fire doesnt cause molten steel.
2nd line

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

sorry to repeat Gulf of Tonkin, didn't catch your post 'til now. Man, Jim Morrison...

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Hamas is Al Qaeda.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by rstregooski

I whole heartedly agree we should all be reasonable human beings. I am unfamiliar with the Tonkin incident you speak off but I will look it up.

I do not want to hear what the news tells me, I wish to join conversation with you guys so that I can make my own mind up on matters.

I am simply asking what you can tell me that I might not already be privy to.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Uncertainty

Just for reference, I don't watch TV for news, except local news. It's like an "open secret," especially on these forums, that all major media is co-opted by the world's biggest corporations, which present equally huge conflicts of interest. For example you have companies like GE both making bombs for Iraq and Afghanistan on one hand, and owning big chunks of mass media on the other hand, where the cases for why we should go to war in the first place are made.

Most information I get anymore is on the internet, and contrary to what the MSM claims, not everyone online is a "moonbat." Though it doesn't surprise me that the MSM pursues that vision of the internet, since it's direct competition to their own brainwashing. MSM is a joke. Even the BBC in Britain. I don't think any mass media puts the people before profit, and that means dancing when their sources of funding tell them to.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:40 PM
Is there anything in those pages about the FBI shepherding a couple of those hijackers around Calif.?
Hani Hanjour and one of the others?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Uncertainty

I'll mention that the 6-ton engines from the plane that supposedly crashed into the pentagon were never recovered, and the explanation was that the metal "vaporized" upon impact. Having said that, it was reported that all the bodies were able to be identified either by fingerprints or other means. So how can a "fire" vaporize a 6-ton engine and leave human remains en-tact, well enough for identification? And yes I realize this is in that clip I posted but not the first place the information has been presented...

Not sure if you've seen the clip I posted on page 3, but if not, check it out and then see what you think. It compiles a lot of news reports the day of, and much more.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by rstregooski

For example, I'm a welding inspector, and spent two years on a highrise. We had an elevator shaft accident resulting in one man's death, and the site shut down for two weeks. Workers were not even allowed to bring their tool-belts or any equipment home when they left. Look at the investigations post-911, it's like they were trying to get evidence out of there as soon as possible

You are comparing a person falling down an elevator shaft to toppling of 2 110 story buildings, a 23 story hotel,
(WTC 3), a 47 story building (WTC 7) in addition to the low raise building (WTC 4, 5, 6)


One they removed the debris to search for survivors - they were several still trapped aka 2 Port Authority Police
in elevator shaft under concourse. Another survivor was trapped for 27 hours in debris pile

McMillan is the last person pulled alive from the wreckage of the World Trade Center.

It was just after 12:30 p.m. on Sept 12, 2001. The towers had fallen 27 hours earlier.

From inside a dark, oven-hot tomb atop a ragged ridge of tangled steel, two firefighters heard a voice.

It was McMillan, then 30, a single mom, and on the job only nine months as a Port Authority clerk.

"We have a survivor," one of the firefighters called to a clump of men that included two volunteers who drove from Massachusetts and a cop from Nova Scotia with a rescue dog.

McMillan's head was pinned between two pieces of concrete, her legs sandwiched by pieces of a stairway. Her toes had gone numb hours ago. Her right hand was pinned under her leg. Only her left hand was free.

For hours, she had reached upward with that free hand into the blackness and dust, pushing and twisting her fingers into the small spaces between steel and concrete.

Then they spent the next few months recovering bodies and putting out the fires

The debris pile burned for 3 months. The site was finally cleared in May 2002 - thats 8 months.

Hardly trying to clear the evidence quickly, but thats your conspiracy fantasy...........

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:47 PM
Noone in their right mind will make me believe that muslims were behind 911. Of course all the Zionist Jews that were involved in 911 would love us goyim to believe that.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by rstregooski

I'll mention that the 6-ton engines from the plane that supposedly crashed into the pentagon were never recovered, and the explanation was that the metal "vaporized" upon impact. Having said that, it was reported that all the bodies were able to be identified either by fingerprints or other means. So how can a "fire" vaporize a 6-ton engine and leave human remains en-tact, well enough for identification? And yes I realize this is in that clip I posted but not the first place the information has been presented...

Engines did not vaporize .....!

Were recovered from inside the Pentagon

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 12:35 AM
This is just more diversion, thrown in to perpetuate the confusion felt
by most. As long as people steer clear of the real truth of 9/11 :
that there were no terrorists, no planes and few if any deaths.
9/11, as we saw on our brainwashing tv screens was computer generated
imagery, broadcast to the world via a complicit sold-out media, with paid actors
and media insiders playing the eyewitness roles of public convincers.
Most 'victims' were computer generated, ficticious entities, without
any basis in reality and without any personnal histories.
The con was successful by all accounts.
Plans for their new world order are right on track.
Look around you.
All governments and medias are aware of and complicit in this hoax.
That is why they are so silent on the matter.
The same small few people/groups run the world.
The perpetrators would not have been able to get so many people on
board, if the death of so many real people was an integral part of the plan.
So they faked everything and because most believe everything they
see on the corner box, success was inevitable.
Keep arguing, Keep believing. That is what they want...
While slowly but inexorably they slip the rugs of freedom from under our feet.
Don't forget the people pay for everything.
They must be laughing their socks off.
It will be us who have sacrificed our own childrens futures.
We will have let them get away with it.
Life everywhere is going down the tubes.
This will make it all the easier(for those who are left) to accept
the slavery that is their new world order, when it is soon ushered in.
We will only have ourselves to blame.
Ah well.
edit on 9-4-2011 by pshea38 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 02:10 AM
I'm the op and I'm glad people try to debunk stuff.
That said, stop arguing and stay on topic.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:10 AM
Greetings from Mossad.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

I thought Zionists were caught in a van packed with explosives, after 2 days of broadcasting this arrest, it vanished so quick that people right now don't know whether to believe it or not.

It goes to show how much the US media effects the truth, or reality if you want to call it that.
edit on 9-4-2011 by P3ACE0WAR because: typo

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
tptb decided to blame the attack on al Qaeda so we could invade Afghanistan and take their resources.

They say we invaded Iraq "for oil". They say we invaded Afghanistan "for oil" and according to you, to "take their resources". They are already saying now that we are going to invade Libya "for oil".

So my question is...Iraq is over and done with, where is all the oil? Why did it just cost me $75 to fill my tank? Where and what are the "resources" that we are pillaging from Afghanistan?

If we are "invading" other countries with the only purpose to rape and pillage their resources, I would like to see what resources we have gotten as a result? Anyone?
edit on 9-4-2011 by Blazer because: typo

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:27 AM
I haven't had time to read through all the posts and apologise if this has popped up but similar to the so-called perpetrators of 9/11 something apparently went on in London before our 'introductory experience to Al Q. our lot were from the Muslim community and some were taken around either the House of Lords or Parliament by some MP or other and apparently thought they were helping in a large training operation being conducted by our rescue and police services.
We were so lucky that day though, it could have been worse but rumour had it that Mr Netanyahu himself was in Scotland Yard conducting operations. I have read most of this on these threads.

I do think that there are a number of courageous people in all the Departments involved in both the States and UK that try to leave 'open' areas for the truth to shine through. I don't blame them in the slightest for keeping quiet, if you are dealing with such disgusting excuses for humanty who will kill no end of innocent people for their political and greedy aspirations, they wouldn't hesitate to kill an informant or their family. I hope we will eventually get the chance to expose these people and get them and their thugs out into the open and into the Hague.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:08 AM
It is quite evident, after almost 10 years, that they do not want you to know the truth behind 9/11. This includes who planned it, who executed it, how it was planned and executed.. Nor doo they want you to know the real reasoning behind it or the profits made off of it.. They do not want you to think, nor do they really want you remembering for now..

I've said this before, and I'll say it again, it was a ritual, and it was mainly for future generations to set a marker in time... It wasn't muslim terrorists, though a muslim or a bunch may have been involved.. it wasn't Al-ciada.. it wasn't Hamas.. it wasnt just Zionists, or Mossad... it wasn't just an inside job... it was the peak of evil and their push to take over the free world, which is the earth.. It was evil men and women taking a grab at our throats to push this world into a spiral of death and destruction... There has been a serious war going on for centuries.. one with very little distinction between whos involved, and whos a bistander... Evil has been making a push to infiltrate our minds and our love to bring a world into turmoil and to enslave us in a world of material things...

This war I speak of, has been waged on you and I. it has been waged on the poor people (less civilized and built-up) of the world to deprive them of the resources they were not aware of.. to drain the earth of its beauty.. we watch the news and seem to have an opinion of the invasion of other countries as if we're going to get up out of our couches and do something about it.. we criticise the way we handle Iraq, and Afghanistan, and we're suprised we went into Libya.. or that we'll eventually go into IraN. These people do not care about you or i, which is why we fight their wars, and make their material goods, and spends hours and hours away from our families to do pointless things for "society"... we have all been duped.. we have all been taken advantage of..

If theres one thing i learned from 9/11, its that on 9/12, we should have turn down our whitehouse doors and demanded respect, and truth, and investigations, and Bush to resign.. We think theres a system and a machine that runs this world, but its people, and people need to stand up together when it demands it, and punich those who do not secure us, and do not attempt to please us in our knowledge and quest for truth... we shouldn't wait and expect things to get done, we should have taken it...

The next time something happens, stand up and demand, the next time, question everything... but most important, the next time.. lock up those who failed to protect us, until they give us our information... Yes, I'm talking torture.. we tortured many people since 9/11, and none of them would have given us as much information as those who were supposed to protect us.. it isn't free to run the free nation.. theres a risk, that risk is death if you do not do your job...

we are weak today.... but tomorrow...

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by Blazer

It's making tons of profit. Pretty dumb question. You think we would just go in and all of a sudden we would have $.50 oil? Please. The true reason for what you are speaking is not related to oil production at all. It's based on the market. Right now the market is nervous. After Japan and with middle east in flux the marketplace is tumultuous. Add to it the dollar being slowly dropped as international exchange currency, and all the QE's and money printing and there you have it. It's not just oil if you noticed getting expensive either which indicates inflation.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by rstregooski

Its called redacting and it is done to protect people's privacy/sensitive items.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

We do not live in a corrupt Republic. Acting like a Democracy is what got us to where we are at right now. Democracy is corrupt because of intimidation and mob rule. In a true Republic the government isn't corrupt because in a true Republic the government is scared of it's citizens (the way it should be)

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