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The Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:18 AM
religion makes me sick. i FIGURED out the truth from common sense and logic to disprove it many years ago.... probably when i was around 10.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

However, there is enormous evidence to support the assumption that deceptive entities have masqueraded as extraterrestrials. And although deception appears to be a frequent trait of these "visitors", it is also true that we humans have encouraged the charade.


Folks we are being duped by the movies, the brainwashing and being led by the devils themselves to believe that aliens/greys are real when in fact they are demons/jinns. They are doing this so that when the jinn manifest themselves they want you to obey their every command for fear that they will use great technology and power against you. These demons/jinn are in communication with the highest power structure of the elite and it is all part of the master plan to put you into obedient little sheep.

Interesting angle, I have suspected some of the more esoteric and and fantastic attributes given to the Pharaohs (Animal heads e.g.) were in fact powerful Ifreets (powerful Djinns) possessing humans or appearing in human-like forms to make humans subservient to them.

However all of this, just like Aliens (not UFO's, I hate it when people merge the two) live in the realm of fantastical probabilities.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:23 AM
well.. where to start? Djinn/Genie? real? maybe until such time said is disproved.. prentending to be Aliens? have you seen plan 9 from outer space? our culture far more readily accepts the reality of aliens than of Djinn.. so it'd make sense to pretend to be one to infiltrate our collective mentality.. The Koran? Religious claptrap as is every other book claiming to be the word of god.. I've read every religious text i could get my hands on in an attempt to understand where i came from or why i was here.. came up with the concurrent theme of "Aliens" and about how they "created" us.. so to believe in "God" is to believe in "Aliens"..

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
if djinn or demons actually do exist why would they waste their time trying to convinvce us they are aliens/ Greys , when they could easily just stick to being themselves and trick us as they usually do.

Why would they go out their way to masquerade as aliens ?

How would you convince people there is no true religion if not to bombard them with disinfo from all angles? Make some people believe that they are aliens, some people believe they are Greek gods, some people believe they are Hindu deities, stc. That way people can say that all religions contradict each other and thus there is no truth to be found in any religion.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:00 AM
So, aliens are LESS believable, than demons/jinns...

That can only come from a horribly religious fundaMENTAList place... oh wait... that s about right... it s from the US...

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by 547000

I wouldnt waste my time convincing any one of anything. If I was a deamon, I wouldnt wear disguises either. I would just show up, gut entire continents, and make garlands out of thier colons, and then go back where I came from. Or alternatively take over the world, before being smoked by some nutcase on a harley davidson, with a tank turret on it, firing rounds dipped in holy water, and engraved with bible passages.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by 547000

Dont get me wrong, i do believe in dark/evil energy. But not satan and all those so called demons who will get your body and dance with it like crazy.

Yes most are liars, and some even delusional or have slight or severe mental problems.

But i see you only believe in such because you had the chance to read a book about it.

If you believe what you read then please read 'The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus' .

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Demons don't want to have you suffer for a finite time then go to heaven. They want to drag you down to hell with them by making you consciously choose to reject the gospel by manufacturing counterfeit truths.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by StarBoy

I have had spiritual experiences.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by 547000

And that is why they are so weak. Anyone who has ever come across a situation where demonic presence is concerned, knows several things about them. First of all they inhabit people. It is PEOPLE who house demonic presences on the Earth, not houses, not objects but humans, and sometimes animals. They have NO power to build themselves flesh, and no power over humans who do not allow them in.
They are pathetic, and have no power over good people. Aliens are not shape shifting demons, because demons do not build thier own bodies, they have to inhabit pre existing flesh constructs. I have been involved in the removal of demonic presences from a good friend of mine. He was most assuredly inhabited, and though it took several hours, I was able to call on Gods favour, and banish it from whence it came. I had no time to call for other peoples assistance, and thusly the pathetic mewling creature left my friends body with only me and the creator standing over it, watching it retreat.
There is no demon, in hell or on Earth that can turn a God fearing man. That is a fact.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:46 AM
Relgious gooberism that attempts to define all beings in the universe-multiverse in terms of only God, Satan, angels, demons and then, of course, the "pinnacle" of "God's" Creation - wink wink, nudge nudge - humans of planet Earth, is basically THE reason why this "civilization" is unable, at least so far, to move on to the next sociological level. It can't be any plainer than that.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

People are warned to stay away from the occult for that reason, I think. Any man who doesn't know that the gospel is true can be persuaded to throw it away by means of deception. Demons can even take the form of beautiful beings of light.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:56 AM
Well this thread has already been ripped to shreds..

How can you simply state the Koran as fact? Just because someone has wrote something doesnt mean its true. Many have already posted FACTS that the Koran was full of fables that cant be true. (Flying Carpet...give me a break) Even if you do beleive that aliens and grays are demons/shapeshifters, what evidence do you have that aliens or grays even exist? If they do exist what makes them demons? Because an old book says that demons will shapeshift to cause us to believe different things? Why wouldn't they come back as a talking goat?

Its because of people like you that the government cant disclose about aliens, because religious nuts like you would call them demons and would more then likely do something crazy to try and stop them from contacting us. I hope you gain some knowledge from all of these responses and use common sense when defending your claim next time, instead of using your emotion of being wrong. Don't believe everything you read, and try to use facts next time.

Common sense makes sense to me.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by 547000

The point I am making is that Demon kin cannot , physicaly are incapable of, being aliens. They have not the power to present a face to man, other than that which they are offered by a willing supplicant, wether in a moment of weakness, or in deliberate and anarchic attempt to destroy others.
Thats why I cannot stand the prattle of those who believe in the "aliens talk to me in my sleep " crap. They are asking for trouble, and not the sort they think they are asking for either. On the other hand, I believe that actual alien visitation to this planet is a real possibility, and although evidence for it lies thin on the ground, there is plenty of circumstatial basis for suspicion. I personaly believe that demons and aliens are seperate things. Mankinds scientists and learners should greet the alien, and the shield of faith , the massed ranks of Gods people on Earth should meet the demons. At no point should these disciplines be entwined, tangled, or remotely close to one another. It is increasingly obvious to me that there are very few Christians capable of intelligent scientific debate, equating every question and mystery to the glory of Gods creation, and completely uninterested in learning anything more than that, and scientists largely should not be asked to endure the prattle of the less well psychologicaly developed of the zealots out there.
Lets just let these two disciplines move along side eachother, rather than what THE PROFESSIONAL would have us do, which is muddy the waters between the two, with his psuedo religious, and baseless drivel.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by skyjohn
Some people will believe any old nonsense...

How are demons a more logical answer to what UFOs are than saying they are just misidentified planes/birds/insects/lanterns/balloons/CGI hoaxes etc...
edit on 4-4-2011 by skyjohn because: (no reason given)

I am telling you guys, it is all B.S. I have read countless hours of material, watched documentaries, and videos of so many different scenarios. I believe that all this "alien" technology is derived from the "German Acquisition" after WWII. We scooped up all engineers and technology that we could get our hands on and took it onward from there. Watch the documentary called "UFO the german deception" It states how the Pennsylvania incedent produced pics and discriptions that matched that of the Nazi Bell and almost all the UFO hotspots are close to these different military instalations that the Germans were located to and work in there different areas of expertise. Some of the sightings were discribed to a T like some of the german technology. I think we are being set-up for a false invasion.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

I have done some research and I am pretty sure the sky gods that came to numerous cultures around the world were demonic in nature. It even says that they took human brides, which is also written about in the Bible. I think these fallen angels, demons, watchers, and aliens in alternate dimensions are one in the same. Most channelings and alien abductions seem non-physical in nature, and I don't think all are crazy or liars. Demons are not permitted to take physical form for now, but it even says that God will not hold them back anymore from doing so one day.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I think you can call anything with two or more of different names. That doesn't mean they are not what they are. Demons and Jinns may be from the outer space and so are the aliens. On top of that, some aliens are known to having been in collusion with the US military since the time of the president Eisenhauer. Claiming all the aliens are demons is a sweeping generalization that does not conform to the reality. It is a symptom of a lack of perspective.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:27 AM
Well interesting theory, however I wonder why the Jin would bother using spaceships. If they were spiritual beings or demons why would they need a physical transportation device. Also why would they be doing experiments on people if they were demons. I can see why a demon might want to anal probe someone but why would a demon need to take dna samples from a person??

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by old_god

Interesting angle, I have suspected some of the more esoteric and and fantastic attributes given to the Pharaohs (Animal heads e.g.) were in fact powerful Ifreets (powerful Djinns) possessing humans or appearing in human-like forms to make humans subservient to them.

Actually, wasn't it Solomon who commanded an army of Jinn, and made them subservient to him? The Key, and the Lessor Key details this. Solomon was said to have controlled them with a ring that was inscribed with his power symbol, and six pointed star known as the Star of David, David being the son, or grandson of Solomon. It is my take that at first, humankind was not trusted to be on their own. So the Annunaki made hybrids to stand between them and humankind, there were the Pharaohs, half human, half ET, Enoch was one, Abraham was one, Moses was one, and there were others, all over the surface of the Earth. Solomon was said to have thrown the ring into the Euphrates River, thus binding the Jinn for all time. This is why I have to laugh when some of our Muslim brothers attempt to scare us with Jinn, and try to convince us that all ETs are Jinn. Were have we heard this before?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by TrueBrit

Demons don't want to have you suffer for a finite time then go to heaven. They want to drag you down to hell with them by making you consciously choose to reject the gospel by manufacturing counterfeit truths.

You know, having studied on these elemental creatures in may books on Demonology and associated content, which took many years to do, I have to laugh at those who claim to know all about them, their agendas and desires, as if they were trusted friends. I have also often wondered why it is ONLY fundamental religious people who get possessed by a demon. Personally, I believe then to be no more that human thought-forms, created by those who strongly believe in them, and talk about them a lot, and use them as a catch all label for anything not in the Christian Bible or the Koran.

So tell me, where did you get your knowledge of Demons from?

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