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The Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
When I first saw the thread title I thoughtit was going to be an expose of religion

I laughed hard!!!!!
Thank You!

I dislike Religion,because its "mans" way of controlling those who want to believe in the concept,that we are not alone. Something bigger then CHANCE created everything. I do believe there could be a higher power though. I think many do. You dont need RELIGION to base the existence of something unseen though. Demons/Aliens? Interesting concept,if you believe in it.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Banjamin Jefferson Madiso

If knowledge always consists of facts then how do we explain insufficient causality? On a quantum level aren't we really just starting to scratch the surface. And with a qualitative system as opposed to a quantitative, aren't we really just postulating? I think some "scientists" may agree.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by mizbeach40

Enlightenment is in truth being a fool. The one that jumps off of a cliff into the mysterious and unknown with trust in no matter what happens is the one who is that much closer to awakening.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:27 PM
The truth of it is nobody knows the answers it's all guess work any other way of thinking on this would be highly delusional.
I have been studying the subject of the grays/aliens for over ten years after personally witnessing a U.F.O. in daylight and seeing a metallic ship and i can tell you my theories vary from week to week as the whole subject is intensely fascinating but in it's present state has no tangible answers and therein lies the conumdrum.
The whole field has so many different tangents you can go off on and so many links to things you would never have thought would have any relevance that it's just mindblowing to me.I found out one undeniable fact though-there is zero indesputable evidence going back through mans history of any grays,faeries,bigfoot,loch ness monsters to have ever existed so you do have to ask yourself something is surely toying with us in ways we can't even fathom.Which of course might make you feel like it's a Jinn as there's a lot of cosmic mischief going on.
All i can say is that not having answers to questions makes you smarter after years of dwelling in them.

My current theories are to expansive and complicated to write here-even in a nutshell is hard but here goes
1)The U.S. government knows pretty much what's going on but is powerless to act and keeps it's secrets but has done this in part to protect us beleive it or not.
2)The secrecy by the U.S. government in particular is actually misguided and holds us back.Once Pandoras box is opened it cannot be closed.But that is our test.
3)The Grays are our ancient enemies and are terrified of us and so we are kept here as prisoners until we reach a higher consciousness whereby we stop all war and murder and can be allowed to journey into the cosmos-ask yourselves why we have'nt got past the moon since getiing there 40 odd years ago-we have infact been pushed back.This higher consciousness will allow us to be able to read each others thoughts as the Grays do and will lead to a more compassionate society-imagine reading the thoughts of your victim before you commit an act of evil and feeling the emotion of it,all misunderstandings and paranoia will diminish before it even reaches that stage anyway.
4)The Grays are collecting D.N.A so that souls who have not ascended still have access to elemental bodies and can recur as there will soon be a massive dieback but the dieback will trigger our next conscious evolution
5)The Grays have strong connections to the inorganic beings in Carlos Castanedas books-if you go with fear you will see fear.They feed from our emotions.They are what we want them to be.
6)The Grays access many different worlds and dimensions and can enter the world of the dead-many abductees often see their dead ones with the Grays-which is either a massive blag(pisstake)perpetrated by them or is entirely true.Which can draw you off into many conclusions but all speculation.
7)The Grays are guiding us to ascension which does'nt mean it's a path of love peace and lentils but rather it's a path of self discovery frought with danger and ectasy.

Like i said all theories i feel to be real but have no evidence whatsoever but gut instinct.They could well be true as i believe but they maybe fake as a chocolate fireguard.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:28 PM
The op's point is so elementary here that I am surprised the self proclaimed geniuses here argue so foolishly...
Just because people say something happened do we believe it?
Just because text books give us history and science, does that make it all true?
have we become so stupid and lazy that we yell at the text book writers
For not proving all they say before our very eyes? Is it not our responsibility as
Students to worry less about who is right and instead discovery for ourselves what is right?
You people cry about hoaxes and brainwashing but you are hoaxing yourselves if you
think that burden of proof for what you believe for yourself is not on you alone.

all of knowledge is but a guide... But wisdom is discerning for one's self which guide is leading you off a cliff...
However unintentional it may be.

Science proves theories using days and weeks and months and sometimes years long
But wisdom proves faith through the experience of hundreds of generations.

But humans are stuck in what seems like a perpetual state of teenage rebellion... Always only seeing and
Hearing only what we already think should be or could be reality...
While constantly tearing down the spirits of those who share experience
instead of knowledge.
edit on 4/4/2011 by TarzanBeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta

true enlightenment comes when one expands the mind and reach a level of absolute truth. As of now, noone has been enlightened, the day you see humanity working together without greed, money and thirst for power, sharing peace and love and treating eachother as equals.

THEN I will say, we have been enlightened. until then keep up the fight for what is right, continue educating yourselves with an open mind.

The universe is a big place. One can't help but wonder about the wondrous worlds out there.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Some important questions for you to ponder:

1) Why exactly did God create these Jinns/Demons in the first place?

2) Why are they allowed to interact with us?

3) Why does God not step in and help us knowing what will happen if He does not?

edit on 4/4/2011 by Dark Ghost because: grammar

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
The op's point is so elementary here that I am surprised the self proclaimed geniuses here argue so foolishly...
Just because people say something happened do we believe it?
Just because text books give us history and science, does that make it all true?
have we become so stupid and lazy that we yell at the text book writers
For not proving all they say before our very eyes? Is it not our responsibility as
Students to worry less about who is right and instead discovery for ourselves what is right?
You people cry about hoaxes and brainwashing but you are hoaxing yourselves if you
think that burden of proof for what you believe for yourself is not on you alone.

all of knowledge is but a guide... But wisdom is discerning for one's self which guide is leading you off a cliff...
However unintentional it may be.

Science proves theories using days and weeks and months and sometimes years long
But wisdom proves faith through the experience of hundreds of generations.

But humans are stuck in what seems like a perpetual state of teenage rebellion... Always only seeing and
Hearing only what we already think should be or could be reality...
While constantly tearing down the spirits of those who share experience
instead of knowledge.
edit on 4/4/2011 by TarzanBeta because: (no reason given)

man I need somebody like you for back-up

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

A misogynist pedophile flies to heaven on a winged horse. Yes that's quite a story but only a hoax if someone believes it. Oops!

Now "greatest hoax ever"? There are some contenders for that title but I would think the freak on Secretariat is in the top ten.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

The enlightened don't recur they have reached ascension.They may recur though if they are requested to do it for the benefit of others at which point they will be blind again in life.
Great post though when you look at humanity you realise we are living in an asylum,we are all fragments of the same thing and look what we do to each other.Pure insanity.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

So why exactly did God create these Jinns/Devils/Demons (whatever you want to call them) in the first place?

Why are they allowed to interact with us?

Why does God not step in and help us knowing what will happen if He does not?

Great questions but you're gonna lose this one. Have you ever heard the quote that ends: "He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"? This is one of those times. A circular exchange will follow and I am by no means prescient.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Demons and jinns are aliens too, just not from space and don't travel around using space ships. They are more like inter-dimensional aliens, though not physical in nature and who need host bodies/minds, kind of like a complicated virus that has a tendency to take over its host. You can even say that all they are is a meme in the ocean of memes. They are not something that can survive and manifest unless a great many minds are linked into the same system of thought and ritual, hence why religion is such a great and thriving system to create and sustain the energies that they thrive on. Most of them thrive on fear and hopelessness and misery and power over others. How do I put this so that all you nutters can understand.

Ok how about this they are like the supposed multidimensional reptilians who feed off of human suffering, and are in control of the mental constructs of this planets ways and systems, and leaders. They are not a physical thing, just a ethereal thing that can interconnect with this plain through our thoughts and believes, and manipulate those thoughts and believes to there ends. Hence why they all say that this world is controlled by reptilians, and why they use the system to start wars every couple of years, because the humans they control get the money and the pomp of being on top, and they get the thing they feed on, such as fear, hopelessness, and misery of humans. And rinse and repeat every generation, or couple of generations and to keep the masses in ignorance of certain things.

Thats why certain elite's worship certain idols, and are into certain cults. Now do you begin to understand the differences between space aliens and jinns and demons, aliens as in from space are creatures that are part of this universe that are a manifestation of this universe/dimension and must follow this universes rules and laws, such as gravity and what not. Demons and jinns are not from this universe/dimension and do not follow the same rules and laws as in this dimension because in there dimension/universe those rules and laws are different then here. And they can not manifest in it but in the minds of those who are susceptible, and even then heavy indoctrination and ritual is required, as a way to connect with the rules of the dimension that they are from, hence religions and cults and all that mambo jumbo because the bridge is the human mind. Jeez make me write all that, because of your ignorance of simple things like space aliens and jinns, get edumacated on how certain things are dude.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by skyjohn

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Originally posted by skyjohn

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Originally posted by skyjohn
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

The article you linked to is talking about UFOs, and connecting them to aliens/demons/jinns.

And there is no evidence for either demons or "alien greys" existence.
edit on 4-4-2011 by skyjohn because: (no reason given)

There have been numerous accounts in islamic literature of jinns.

There are numerous books on the life of Harry Potter.
This doesn't make him real.

You talk about being enlightened but you're not even thinking logically about things.

Harry potter is filed in the fiction section

The koran is not. What evidence do you have that the koran is fiction?

Einstein wrote the the theory of relativity, does that make it fiction as well?
edit on 4-4-2011 by THE_PROFESSIONAL because: (no reason given)

Told you you're not thinking logically.
I never said everything that is written down is a work of fiction.

There are works of fiction, and there are facts that can corroborated with evidence.
All religious books belong with the fiction.

The evidence all points to Demons not existing, having old books that mention them is not enough, you need other corroborating evidence to back up those claims.

You claim to be enlightened, but you sound very close minded to the evidence you have available to you.
edit on 4-4-2011 by skyjohn because: (no reason given)

While I don't fully buy into what THE_PROFESSIONAL says (I am open to the possibility of inter-dimensional beings), it would be wrong to say that ALL religious texts are fiction. On the contrary, much of what is written in religious texts is fact - FACT. And no, I am not a religious nut either
)) I just wanted to point out that I feel it needs to be known that we cannot dismiss religious texts as complete tripe. I mean this purely on historical events that are well-known and documented. Not the burning bush and parting of the Red Sea by "magical" forces :-) If you know what I mean. There is of course The Flood. Well documented in many texts and cultures. People from the sky...again, well documented in religious and non-religious sources. But here are just a few pieces of information that prove that The Bible is NOT entirely fictitious and that people need to stop disputing the book and other such books as complete rubbish because they don't follow or agree with what is preached inside. Christ, (no pun intended) even many scientists agree that The Creation in Genesis is probably, in laymans terms, quite accurate as to how the planet and it's life formed...if a little bit sped up.

The Battle of Carchemish in 605 B.C.
Herod Archelaus
More Herods that are fictitious ;-)
Historical Battles between the Israelites and Phillistines
Battle of Hunayn
The Battle of Badr

I hope that is enough for you skyjohn :-)

OP - "Enlightenment"...surely an enlightened person would have enough knowledge and understanding on how to expose such things to us mere plebs.

I love the way that everyone always dismisses other peoples opinions and viewpoints as bull and see theirs as right. And we all claim to have open minds. Instead of expressing it as an opinion and working together to find answers, we all squabble. I wonder if we will ever become one species and work together on getting answers instead of dividing ourselves due to half-truths and conjecture in the pursuit of "fact" where there is none. "Religion" should be the quest to discover the meaning of everything and not dwell too much in our past. We all want to be right instead of doing what is right. Religion creates division even amongst non-believers.

If self-righteous arrogant fools, that think they have the answers, could fly, this place would be an airport. I realise how little we know about everything. I would rather be a part of the solution and find those answers, rather than spout my "truth" to those that don't know any better.

Apologies if this seems a bit harsh or makes me appear just as arrogant, but this site is jam-packed with the worst lot of "enlightening truth". But I have had just enough of this backwards thinking that takes us backwards as a species. Embrace each others opinions and work together to dispel them or prove them. Too many people claim to know the truth...I fear it will be some time before we, as a species, progress. Rant over.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I feel you OP, but the rabbit hole goes deeper than that.

You see, the so called "aliens" are not in fact extra-terrestrials like Hollywood and the government would like us to believe. Nope, they are not jinns or demons either.

What you don't understand is the fact that certain factions of the world's governments have time traveling technology. Some agents were sent back in time to write the Koran. They knew that if they wrote it far back in our history we would accept it as fact...ESPECIALLY if the author claimed that the Koran is fact. Once an author claims that their book is empirical evidence we have to accept it as such. Our governments know this.

So our governments wrote the Koran by going back in time and then claimed it as fact, so now we can't refute its truth. We're stuck.

While they were sending agents back in time, they also created Hollywood to sell us sci-fi movies so that we would buy into the "alien" agenda. But they knew that many people would be very clever and would not fall for the alien agenda, but would know that the Koran is the truth because the author claimed it as such. So they knew that we would know that aliens are not really from other planets, but are in fact jinns.

You see, the authors of the Koran never actually claimed that the Koran was "fact." The agents who wrote it forced a local villager to write in the Koran "I, the author of the Koran, claim this book as fact." That way we would have no choice but to believe it. See, I know that the agents didn't claim it as fact because I have an ancient document written by that same local villager, who tells the actual truth in his document by telling the story of what the agents did...and at the end of the tale he claims that its a fact, so we have no choice but to accept it.

Now, all of this was done to hide the truth. So called aliens are not from outer space, they are not jinns either. They are unicorns. Yes, unicorns. The author, JK Rowling, knew what the government was up to so she wrote Harry Potter to show us the truth. But the government stuck her books in the fiction section as a smear campaign. So Rowling had to go back in time to write her own ancient document that says that the Harry Potter series is non-fiction. And then at the end of the document she said that it is a fact, so clearly, that is the truth of the matter. The government has been cooperating with our evil, overlord unicorns for thousands of years now, and soon they are going to enact their plan.

I have JK Rowling's ancient document, and this whole post is a fact, so skeptics can't debunk it now. Don't worry OP, I got your back.
edit on 4/4/2011 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/5/2011 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/5/2011 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/5/2011 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

What eveidence do you have that the Koran is non-fiction?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:11 AM
This thread is ignorance of the highest order!! If someone can't disprove something then it is considered fact because someone else said so? Richard Greer has stated his books are fact, but since no one has disproved his claims then it is true? HA I know almost no one takes his work seriously anymore because it seems like BS to me. Like someone said the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind is religion.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by ezekielken

I was addressing logic and the o.p.s' lack of said logic in his claims and replies...Where is the logic in those comments? Not only do I fail to see any logic in those comments, I also fail to see any relevance to the o.p or the context of my post. So I guess my reply to you is, "WTF is your point?" Or was your objective to sound intellectual?
In my mind, the picture that is developing of you, is, a mixture of Dennis Miller, Bill Maher, and Michael Where did it seem as if I was referring to anything on a quantum level??? No need to explain..

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Hemisphere
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

A misogynist pedophile flies to heaven on a winged horse. Yes that's quite a story but only a hoax if someone believes it. Oops!

Now "greatest hoax ever"? There are some contenders for that title but I would think the freak on Secretariat is in the top ten.

No, no, no, not Secretariat, Pegasus...Secretariat didn't have wings. But don't forget, Santa's reindeer are magic and can fly because the jolly old elf sprinkles pixie dust on them and then says the magic words; On Donner...

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:44 AM
The Professional may suffer from narcissistic personality disorder, in which case people should just give up on this pointless debate that he's drawn ya'll into. People like the OP wouldn't admit any kind failure or shortcoming(s) even if they were in intensive therapy. His logic is flawed, but he won't acknowledge that. He is arrogant, condescending, dismissive, and belligerent. I'd suggest to others to stop trying to convince the OP otherwise, because no amount of logic or debate will shatter his dearly held delusions.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

UFOs in 14th century artwork:

UFOs in 15th century artwork:

UFOs in 17th century artwork:

UFOs in 18th century artwork:

1942 a million eyewitnesses... pretty sure none of them thought this was a demon.

Gonna have to disagree with your OP. Congrats on mindlessly following religious dogma though, you must be well respected by your church peers.

By the way, if it was the greatest hoax a lot more people would be following it...

edit on 5-4-2011 by Thermo Klein because: fixed incorrectly placed picture

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