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The Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:07 AM
I believe in the Bible, not the Koran, but I agree with you. Most people think the spirits/angels or ETs they're learning things from are speaking spiritually advanced things, but in reality they are doctrines of demons. I think in the End Times they will manifest physically on Earth as part of the grand deception.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:13 AM
The visitor are from below us. Underground.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by skyjohn

All religious books belong with the fiction.

So you are saying the Koran is fiction? You must provide evidence that it is a work of fiction. Otherwise it is a fact.

When religious documents put forth statements that are blatantly false and contradictory to all known laws of science and basic observations that any intelligent person can make, then they should be classified as fiction or fantasy.
If you would like proof that the three great monotheistic religion's texts are false, read through this website a bit:
For the Quran specifically check out

Now, don't go murdering any innocent people that have nothing to do with this simply because that site does a far better job of destroying the Quran than simply burning it.
As-Salamu Alaykum moron

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
How do you know? Did you sleep in the same desert as Solomon? What if God made himself visible at those days and chose to hide himself now.

Scientists said there was no possibility that the atom was the smallest thing or that the earth was round.

But humanity has made many advancements in multiple sciences.
To date, there have been no advancements made in religion.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by stigup
This thread is ignorance of the highest order!! If someone can't disprove something then it is considered fact because someone else said so? Richard Greer has stated his books are fact, but since no one has disproved his claims then it is true? HA I know almost no one takes his work seriously anymore because it seems like BS to me. Like someone said the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind is religion.

Prove it.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyWarbucks

Originally posted by meathed
RELIGION is the BIGGEST hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.

If religion is the biggest hoax on the planet then how can we explain these awesome dance moves powered by the holy spirit?

edit on 4-4-2011 by JohnnyWarbucks because: (no reason given)


That man has always freaked me out, just as much as the people that DANCE to his beat

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

If we are being duped by the Movies then it would seem that the Aliens must be the good guys. Nearly all of the modern 'Alien' movies of the past 15 years or so have portrayed them as being very evil, and here to do nothing but take over the world. Its fairly rare to see the cute and friendly 'E.T. the Extraterrestrial' or information and technology sharing 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' style of aliens in popular portrayals anymore. Hollywood seems fairly committed in portraying them as quite Demonic the great majority of the time...if not in reality, then at the very least in their attitude towards Humanity. So if your are right and Hollywood is 'duping' us, then you would be arguing that the Aliens are the good guys......If you are suggesting that they are the bad 'Demons' of myth and legend then you can't really argue that Hollywood is duping anybody since this is exactly the way they act in modern films. You can't have it both way sir. Either Hollywood is duping us or they are not......Which is it?

You seem to be stating a logical paradox in suggesting both to be true......perhaps you should re-examine your critical thinking skills.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by bhornbuckle75


You created that paradox. He never said hollywood was wrong about the aliens' intentions...
J ustabout their state of existence.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:03 AM
You guys have attacked the OP for saying ufo's are jinns. Please there is not one shred of evidence that UFOs come from other it to me you cant can you all we know is the phenomenon exists. And please as evidence that they come from other planets I will not accept channelers or so called prophets. So basically you all make asses of yourselves denying the OP his belief which is exactly in all probability equal to yours.
edit on 5-4-2011 by shroudnews77 because: grammar

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:06 AM
I am not to keen on posting on topics regarding aliens -even though I am a believer-, yet I was compeled to do so this time. All I would like to say, is that the OP's scource website, provides little to no credible evidence. It is all running purely on speculations, estimations, guesses and beliefs. If our site moto is "deny ignorance" then this post shouldn't even spark much debate, unless well documented proof, or well documented proof in correlations with ats standards(which isn't often much) is presented.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by shroudnews77

Go watch some 'Ancient Aliens' .

If you dont search you will never find what is true and what isnt. Guessing it isnt well appreciated on ATS.

You have to search the pros and cons otherwise you will be stuck in a hole of ignorance.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Matthew Dark

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
How do you know? Did you sleep in the same desert as Solomon? What if God made himself visible at those days and chose to hide himself now.

Scientists said there was no possibility that the atom was the smallest thing or that the earth was round.

But humanity has made many advancements in multiple sciences.
To date, there have been no advancements made in religion.

How can their be advancement in science? science is just a collection
Of probabilities, possibilities, and perception... All things that already potentially
Exist in the form of potential and have since the first catalyst... We just chip away at
The marble to reveal to ourselves what is convenient to understand...what we want to see.
You want the truth? It's not a statue... It's a chunk of marble.
it always will be.

Religion skips all the tedious work and acts on faith according to the experience
of our elders.

Grandpa may not have been able to calculate the distance between
Two stars, but he could take on a bear with a slingshot and grass blades.

Both are equally vain with out understanding the importance and the gift of life.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by SpeachM1litant
I am not to keen on posting on topics regarding aliens -even though I am a believer-, yet I was compeled to do so this time. All I would like to say, is that the OP's scource website, provides little to no credible evidence. It is all running purely on speculations, estimations, guesses and beliefs. If our site moto is "deny ignorance" then this post shouldn't even spark much debate, unless well documented proof, or well documented proof in correlations with ats standards(which isn't often much) is presented.

There is more evidence for demon possession and influence in this world
Than there is for sunshine and rain. figure out what you
believe instead of calling others liars. What a waste!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Is there?

Go on then prove it, give some evidence. Make me believe, make me surprised!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

UFO = Unidentified Object yet you and others are identifying them as extra terrestrial life? And basing your whole hypothesis on extra-terrestrial life on absolute bollox. How do you know that the LA incident wasn't a demon? Demons from the past could be aliens...and vice versa...or whatever...what I am saying is none of you know
utterly wasting data space on the internet.

"I seen a UFO - I believe in aliens" - so astonishing to believe that people fall for such garbage. Not one photograph or video has been proven to be a real spaceship from another planet...and you believe a painting? Come on. We all want to believe that we are right but nobody is man enough to admit that they got it wrong...and go back to the drawing board

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:26 AM
There are no demons out there.

Demons are real though and they are just humans. Every single human being has the capacity to be a demon - to be evil and twisted.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:29 AM
Well i definitely believe that there is other life in the universe but when it comes to these aliens visiting us, im a bit skeptical, however, if you go looking for jinn, then lets just say you most definitely will find them and you wont like it.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:36 AM
Im just waiting for this guy to post his dating history,
Than we can have another all time greatest reply ever.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I'm sorry, but you have NO proof that alien life is improbable. I guess Carl Sagan wasn't on your..."level of enlightenment" either? Have you ever heard of the Drake equation? Did you know they have found habitable planets in our galaxy?? That means that there are habitable planets in other galaxies. Most definitely. Come on man... A technologically advanced race is a far more probable theory than demons that shape shift. They have sure fooled a lot of people... I'm sorry but i'm not buying into this one little iota.

I guess the purpose of this giant vast universe is for... Us and the demons right? Oh so enlightened... I guess those planets and all that energy is just wasted so we can have pretty stars in the sky at night. PLEASE

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by EQUlNOX

WOWWWW So yes... lets completely disregard evolution on our on planet as basis for what can happen on other planets... And lets just say that these UFOs are shape shifting DEEEEMOOONNS!!!! Man that is so much more convincing of an answer. Why do they abduct people and have implants placed into their body? Do you have any proof that these entities, that we both believe are real, are demons? Hmm also why the hell do those white orbs have being in them??? And why do they shoot lasers at our nukes disabling them? COME ON! Yeah... lets go back to the drawing board. You failed to do your research... No proof my ARSE!

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