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The Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You are making the claim that the koran is true therefore the burden is on you to prove its truth. If I said I had a magic elephant in my house that can poop jelly beans you would logically say prove it. I would not say to you prove I dont have a magic elephant.

You can begin by proving these excerpts from the koran.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:59 PM
Heck I'll Star and Flag that
I mean think about much do we REALLY know about either one of them? I mean LIKE REALLY know, NOT what you THINK that you know. When you look at it from that perspective it is totally viable. In and here I can't remember who it was, or where I heard/read it from, but I remember coming across something referring to someone having either a religious experience or perhaps it was directly from scripture somewhere but it referenced the devil and him saying something to the effect of "And we (as in demons I believe it was) will STILL EXIST, but will only be known by a different name". Dammit I wish I could remember where/who I had heard this from....MAYBE it was something that Chuck Missler had said since he is perhaps one of the few, if not THE ONLY one that I can have "preach scripture" to me.

And seriously folks...for those of you that have never heard of, or listened to Chuck Missler (and I am a big fan of Max Igan, Neil Kramer, Bill Cooper, Rik Clay RIP just FYI), then I HIGHLY recommend that you check out some of his videos on youtube cause I am telling you....the man is SMART....damn smart

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:06 PM
The Koran is one of the most evil documents around - at least other faiths don't actually explicitly tell followers to kill anyone who isn't a believer!!

Fight unbelievers who are near to you. 9:123 (different translation: Believers! Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Let them find harshness in you. (another source: ) Ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers....


Whether "moderate" moslems choose to not take it literally is irrelevant - there will always be plenty of simple and/or brainwashed souls who do.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Could it be Aleister Crowley?
Read my sig.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:10 PM
Well if The_Prof really is a troll, he's definitely done a number on a lot of people here with this thread. There's been some good replies though.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:11 PM
When I first saw the thread title I thoughtit was going to be an expose of religion

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

However, there is enormous evidence to support the assumption that deceptive entities have masqueraded as extraterrestrials. And although deception appears to be a frequent trait of these "visitors", it is also true that we humans have encouraged the charade.


Folks we are being duped by the movies, the brainwashing and being led by the devils themselves to believe that aliens/greys are real when in fact they are demons/jinns. They are doing this so that when the jinn manifest themselves they want you to obey their every command for fear that they will use great technology and power against you. These demons/jinn are in communication with the highest power structure of the elite and it is all part of the master plan to put you into obedient little sheep.

There are beings that are terrestrial/extraterrestrial/extra dimensional/multi-dimensional/interdimensional/intradimensional and so on. In an a Universe that is an expression of Infinity there are infinite octaves of awareness, experience, and understanding. No single answer is the right and only one, for all things are correct from any one perspective. This is where humanity, religious dogmas, scientific conclusions, and arguments of morality pale in insignificance. There is no right and wrong, there simply is - each moment is of infinite value for the present is really all that exists in an eternal present with all things possible.

What people believe to be fairy tales, dreams, mythology, and imaginative thoughts are really how the Universe is. Those who are more awake than others may remember soft memories of something that feels fantasy-like may be getting closer to the deeper truths in the roots of the mind. When humanity begins to grasp Infinity, then and only then, the door has been opened.

The reason why there are 'UFO' sightings that are more personal is simply to allow such entities to become aware of infinity which is often best expressed to the uninformed as the mysterious or unknown

Like Jesus of Nazareth said "Knock and the door shall open". Growth and understanding is on a personal level.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Originally posted by skyjohn

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Originally posted by skyjohn
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

The article you linked to is talking about UFOs, and connecting them to aliens/demons/jinns.

And there is no evidence for either demons or "alien greys" existence.
edit on 4-4-2011 by skyjohn because: (no reason given)

There have been numerous accounts in islamic literature of jinns.

There are numerous books on the life of Harry Potter.
This doesn't make him real.

You talk about being enlightened but you're not even thinking logically about things.

Harry potter is filed in the fiction section

The koran is not. What evidence do you have that the koran is fiction?

Einstein wrote the the theory of relativity, does that make it fiction as well?
edit on 4-4-2011 by THE_PROFESSIONAL because: (no reason given)

At least the theory of relativity can be proved and watched every day...

As for the other stuff... like... demons and jinns and whatever... ahem... not so much.

And by the way... harry potter is very sub par in fantasy when compared to the bible or the koran... I mean, come on... it takes A LOT OF CREATIVITY and IMAGINATION and... well... a very very awesome capability for bullsh+t... plus I never seen anyone kill in the name of Harry Potter. So as fantasy goes... the bible and the koran take the cake when it comes to fantasy writing. Not even Wells or Tolkien come near.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:17 PM
absolute nonsense

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You are making the claim that the koran is true therefore the burden is on you to prove its truth. If I said I had a magic elephant in my house that can poop jelly beans you would logically say prove it. I would not say to you prove I dont have a magic elephant.

You can begin by proving these excerpts from the koran.

For those who didn't want to click the link here are a few quotes

# Allah asks for a loan, promising to pay us back with interest. Allah straightens and enlarges whatever is bent or small. 2:245

# "Allah told the Jews to sacrifice a bright yellow cow. 2:67-69

# But they weren't sure what cow to kill. All cows pretty much look alike to Jews. 2:67-69

# Somehow they worked it all out, though, and killed a yellow cow. 2:71

# A man was murdered about the same time that the yellow cow was killed. Nobody knew who the murderer was. So Allah told the people to smite the dead man with a piece of the dead cow. When they did that, the dead man came to life and told everyone who had murdered him. (I hope I got that right.)2:72-3

# After the people worshipped a calf, Moses told them to kill themselves. That, he said, would be best for them. 2:54

# Allah struck Moses with lightening and then revived him just so that Moses would thank him for it! 2:55-56

Seriously, I am shocked anyone believes this nonsense. Kill yourself? really?

So...what does a yellow cow prove? I can easily paint a cow yellow grab a gun and shoot it.

Also, what does "Allah" want with money? Also when i read interest, the first thought was towards the banksters and their interest.

Religions are the cause of most of the worlds problems, if you want to believe in God, look inside yourself and not some book written by man.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:48 PM
Many thanks to the OP for one of the funnies threads I have read in a long time - the intellectual debate and level of argument was dizzying.

Way to (t)roll, OP

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

However, there is enormous evidence to support the assumption that deceptive entities have masqueraded as extraterrestrials. And although deception appears to be a frequent trait of these "visitors", it is also true that we humans have encouraged the charade.


If people still think that way then welcome to the middle ages. So much ignorance. When science is close to finding of life on another planets.

Maybe round Earth is also Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:02 PM
i read somewhere that the number of fallen angels was 200. Has anyone one else noticed the disproportionate occurence of this number in the media? Has anyone been following the recent "bertations" ie: incoherent babbling by news reporters? I recently phoned a buddy , another ATS member, and was connected without a ringtone. Turns out he wasn't home but what I heard from the other side was a continous garble of nonsensical words, punctuated with some wierd oscillating wooshes. Gave me the heeby-jeebys, needless to say I didn't listen for long. This is just another in a long string of odd occurences in my life. for example , when I wear a watch it will lose two to three minutes in the first month. Any thoughts on all this?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:08 PM

Is this real?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:09 PM
well, they'd still be real in your interpretation.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by skyjohn

All religious books belong with the fiction.

So you are saying the Koran is fiction? You must provide evidence that it is a work of fiction. Otherwise it is a fact.

OH MY GOODNEES GRACIOUS! Do you not see how backward you are in your logic in that statement?

According to that logic, claims that I suppose are not obviously false, are fact, unless and until proven false...
So, in the realm you live in, the scientific method is obsolete. Instead of formulating hypotheses, developing theories, conducting experiments within strict guidelines with full documentation and redundant controls, testing results, reproducing results, predicting results, interpreting data, compiling reports and submitting ALL of the data and documentation for peer review, so others may reproduce the same results for themselves with the same conditions and controls, as is the universally accepted process of "proving" something.

If I may give you something I share with people who are confused by faith, ideology and evidence, and their contexts. Faith defined, is, a steadfast, almost unshakable belief in something for which there is absolutely no supportive evidence. That is a good definition, because if there were any evidence, faith would not be required, one would possess KNOWLEDGE, and, knowledge neccessarily cancels out faith. Faith cannot exist where there is knowledge.

In non-religious contexts, faith manifests itself in many ways. I am only going to identify and discuss one at this time though. In everyday conversation, most of us engage in discussions on subjects that we do not hold advanced degrees. So it would be understood, if not expected, that on any given subject, the average human would have a limited knowledge base. But that doesn't stop most of us from talking as if we did possess advanced degrees on numerous subjects, which, apparently, we do not. For example, I am not a psychologist...BUT, I am a philosopher, and I do have a nice healthy understanding of myself and my fellow humans, how we think, and WHY. I am not the only one, I am not special, so don't think I am take myself very seriously, we are al the same. I just see things a certain way.

Anyway, we use our perceptions, a limited amout of data, and our knowledge database of past experiences, (both others' experiences, through stories, news, movies etc, and personal experiences), in an attempt to draw conclusions about situations where there is inadequate information to know whats going on. We literally make up stuff in our heads to fill in the blanks in the data. Thats all good if more data follows to fill in the blanks, all bad potentially, if there is no more data but one holds on to the conclusions they drew from incomplete info. The conclusions drawn from incomplete, or even worse, inaccurate (FALSE) data, we usually refer to as OPINIONS, while, KNOWLEDGE always consists of nothing but the FACTS!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by lestweforget
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Could it be Aleister Crowley?
Read my sig.

Oh SNAP!! Talk about synchronicity right there!!!
Here I am trying to think of who said...not too mention of what saying that I was trying to think of no less, but then there you are with it in your sig!
Well now that I am done totally crapping my pants here....ummm yes I guess it was Mr. Crowley who I do believe made reference to that. Man it gonna be rough sleeping tonight

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by skyjohn

Not talking about UFOs. I am talking about the aliens and greys. UFOs are really mostly military in my opinion.

And military was in antiquity?

Wonders In The Sky
By Jaccques Vallee
See on

"In Wonders in the Sky, respected researchers Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck examine more than 500 selected reports of sightings from biblical-age antiquity through the year 1879 - the point at which the Industrial Revolution deeply changed the nature of human society, and the skies began to open to airplanes, dirigibles, rockets, and other opportunities for misinterpretation represented by military prototypes. Using vivid and engaging case studies, and more than seventy-five illustrations, they reveal that unidentified flying objects have had a major impact not only on popular culture but on our history, on our religion, and on the models of the world humanity has formed from deepest antiquity."
edit on 4-4-2011 by sergejsh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Faith2011

Not Religion. God / Creator = (Reality=90) (In Touch=90) A=1 B=2 C=3...

The Nephilim of Genesis 6 are still being created by the fallen angels. UFOs, Aliens,proof of life on Mars, popular culture's obsession with Star Trek and more recently the Cydonia pyramid and sphinx --- these elements are all partof the rebel angels' plan to deceive even the Elect. This page hopes to clarify who is denoted by Elohim, and Benai Elohim, cherubim, seraphim, the rebel angel's hybrid creations the Nephilim, and the common notion that Ezekiel's encounter with the "wheels" and the "living creatures" was a UFO SIGHTING. While the extraterrestrial beings who pilot UFOs are indeed mentioned in the Bible, Ezekiel and the prophets did not confuse these"aliens"-- the rebel angels -- with God's own angelic messengers.

Seraphim,Cherubim & Ezekiel's Wheels
Aliens,Nephilim & the Days of Noah

Do not rejoice O Philistia, all of you, for the rod of your striking is broken, because a viper (Antichrist) comes forth from the root of the snake (Satan) and his fruit is the fiery flying seraph.Isaiah 14:29

What is a "seraph"? The root form of "seraphim" in Hebrew connotes the members of the angelic host whose distinguishing characteristic is brilliance,or fire. According to Isaiah, these brilliant angels are the tools of Satan himself, the angelic host following him in his rebellion, and the forces behind Satan's End Times Deception... Ufo phenomena.

For specifics on how the Antichrist will use the fiery flying seraphim, checkout UFOs and Antichrist: Cydonia Mars and End Time Deception

The book of Revelation gives a description of demonic miracles manifested by the false prophet on behalf of the Antichrist for the world to see. The most prominent of these is the calling down of fire from heaven, as the prophets of Baal were unable to do in Elijah's day. God ALLOWS the Antichrist to counterfeit miracles on an unprecedented level during the Tribulation. Consequently, Israel and the world will believe the Antichrist, (ministered to by the rebel angels disguised as "aliens" bearing ET technology and wisdom) is the true god.
2 Thess.2:1-12

Great job ! faith2011 , they may not believe us now, but hopefully when the time comes , our efforts in getting this truth out will not be in vain.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Why are you so close minded in your "enlightenment"?????

ALL CREATURES ADAPT to their environment. Meaning Earth is a carbon/ nitrogen / oxygen based planet. Scientist for 100's of years believed LIGHT was also needed to support life. YET Just last year eco scientists found LIFE in the darkest/hottest (highly sulfuric)and coldest places(depest parts of the oceans) on this Earth. Looks like that LIGHT theory was completely shot out of the window.!!!!

So what am I trying to get at???? The universe is about LIFE, so LIFE will manifest and succeed in WHATEVER environment and elements it has to work with. Humanoid life can only exsist on an Earth-like planet. BUt an "Alien" life form will be created in the environment it has been given.

"ENLIGHTENMENT" is NOT about being a blind fool. To truely be enlightened you have to be able to accept and see all the universe has to offer.

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