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The Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Smack
Evidence or it doesn't exist. At least the OP could try to tell a good story. He just states hist theory as a matter of fact and then derides anyone that contradicts him. Typical troll behavior really. I don't know why people bother feeding the egos of such posters.

Its good to feed their troll like ego.
And when you knock them down to size it feels really really good.
He presented a crap arguement that he couldnt back up with facts.
It doesnt really make him a troll, it just makes him seem unprofessional

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Hitoshura
Wow, someone needs to seriously tell the person who made that page about the existence of something that would make it a lot easier to read : paragraphs!

Depending on who you believe, paragraphs were invented by EBE's, NASA scientists working on the Apollo program, or Hollywood producers helping NASA fake the Apollo program. In either of those events, they apparently have no religious basis in fact, and consequently were intentionally suppressed.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Mentalistbee

Your post reminded me of a story I've read about black eyed people/kids. Here is the link: Freaky Black-Eyed Man

I don't like to have too many opinions because I've found that they get me in trouble as I gain more information. That said, I do try to place puzzle pieces to try to remember all the info. On ATS, as well as other sites, this phenomena has been spoken of quite a bit, so much so that I think it deserves attention.

Hypothetically speaking:

Maybe this man tried to do as this person suggested, look like a human, only, now he has his black eyes showing, also his unusual legs.

There are more BEK stories that relate to the OP's original link; I can post them if they're needed.

Side note: I believe that no animals legs actually bend backward though, it is only the ankle being placed further up the leg than human ankles.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by turk182

Ahh you do know that Mohammed totally ripped off the bible right? He bought hebrew texts, (Surah 3:45-57 is all about Jesus btw) and switched em around a bit to create his own religion, as he was a bit of an outcast among his own people and considered completely insane! Matter of fact they booted him out........he plotted his revenge by declaring himself a prophet and like others before him, aka bible writers, twisted earlier works such as sumerian and egyptian and ta da a religion was born. Is the Quran fiction or non fiction? Oh I can't prove it but I can say one thing any religion and I mean any that has Surah's or scriptures stating all non believers should die and to smite them down (Surah 47:4) much more demon like or jinn like do you want? What makes that belief system anything better than what you are proclaiming Et's really are?

The greatest hoax is that so many on this planet let someone else's words become their facts, instead of looking within for answers.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:31 PM
Let me see.

Option 1 Obey a book that caused millions of deaths and countless wars *coughs crusade* or

Option 2. Believe in God in my own way and try to expand my consciousness and understand the universe and myself better while delivering a message of peace an love, without any imprisonment to free will.

I like Option 2 better.

Who is to say that the beings we know as "Angels" aren't fifth dimensional beings from another planet or galaxy?
the movie knowing opened my mind to this.

WARNING! the Video below is the ending scene from the movie KNOWING. If you haven't watched this movie yet and don't want to be spoiled do not watch

Why would I follow this logic?

Think about it. If we humans, ever enter the space age regarding traveling to other earth like planets, and we land on a planet filled with primitive beings. Our superior technology nukes, probably lazer rifles (if we get that far but the miliary already uses lazers, you can see that on youtube yourself or in google). Those primitive beings would think we are God's aswell.

Think about it. We descended from the heavens, the ship we would be in would probably cause a lot of wind. The primitive beings would not know what they are seeing, their mental level is not capable of truly understanding what we really are. What is to say the same thing did not occur thousands of years ago?

One thing about human nature is that we are gullible. We are curious but we also let fear consume us, fear is a key way to having control of someone. The bible promotes fear, fear leads into anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to destruction.

edit on 4-4-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:31 PM
You know I been reading this forum forever now. And I really wanted to just come out and tell everyone that what they been seeing, aliens, ufos, ghosts, big foot, skin walkers etc are really just one thing called Jinn. Thats why they will never find phycial evidence of any of these things ever, but will continue seeing them. Sorry bub I don't think aliens will fly light years over here and park their ufo outside your apartment to come prob you. Big headed big eyed grey things reptillians, really? If we ever see a real alien they will not look like these things, these are imaginary things we made up.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by turk182
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I agree with you on both, UFO's being military, and on the entities being demons, or fallen angels.
Just a theory. No personal proof.
I do have experience with "Sleep Paralysis", and I believe it is not dreams, but actual present dark spirits.
Calling out the name of Jesus always has put an end to my bad experiences.

So a being enters your room while your in deep sleep, you wake up and blurt out "Jesus" and he's meant to do what? stick around for the religious mad man to regain control?
I think not...anyway if their so evil and you were so defensless why aren't you in a box or in bits on a UFO biological lab?
gah you people just make me so annoyed and yet in the same instance pity. Nothing but sheep.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Slardizzledar

You claim that aliens and such are silly yet you believe in beings called "Jinn" that we will never find evidence of?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

This is a little far fetched for my liking but you never know. The idea of Jinns has been around for quite some time. I wonder how different they are from run of the mill spooks and ghosts? Do you have any more information other than the one link?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by sweetstuff
reply to post by turk182

Personally, I'm cool with all that plagiarism amongst religions. As far as I am concerned, all religious texts are "Open Source". Each one, build's upon the ones that came before, much in the same way that computer software, API's and protocols do. Of course, you do then have the problem that if the lower-level protocol can be exploited, that exploit then exposes much of what is built upon it to exploitation also. Wow, I just realized how really good that analogy is on many levels

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by RisenAngel77
The bible promotes fear, fear leads into anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to destruction.

Or, paraphrased in a different manner:

"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
- Yoda

It takes a little-green-man from outer-space to give the idea it's proper feel.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:51 PM
The professional claims he is "on another level" intellectually. You think you're so logical because you believe in the words of a hermit who sanctioned pedophilia? I take it you also know for sure who or what brought us into existence; after all a cave-dwelling pedophile must be the messenger of God's not any more logical to think that maybe he was just crazy and pulled a good Aprils fools on you gullible epic fail.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:51 PM
why would a god put us here with your 'jinns'? why would he make rules that they must follow? what would the consequences be if they disregarded his rules? wouldn't they be predisposed to ignoring that god's rules? would an evil that lies in wait that has the power to wage war with god settle for this? alien sightings? perhaps it's off topic, perhaps not, but the movie Zeitgeist addresses alot of problems with religions that if studied, debunk this entirely. Not simply the movie, but the actual history it addresses. Sorry don't know how to post link but i'm sure it's on it's a 3 part movie, the first part which deals with religion, and btw is a really interesting movie in its entirety.... actually it seems keeps deleting the movie but one can easily find it, or the part on religion as ever-vigilante truth-seekers keep reposting

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:56 PM
here I go! the author of the koran said it is fact so it MUST be a fact yes?
Ok then! What about all those that say greys etc are NOT demons and they say that is fact? Yet noone can disprove them and WHY? Noone has seen them. Maybe you have? you have no solid proof to say it is fact other than the authors words.

I'll write a book saying that a giant monkey is making its way from the far reaches of the universe to destroy earth and say it is a FACT so it must be a fact.
Good one.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by skyjohn
All religious books belong with the fiction.

Some of them are event copyrighted!
Scientology's Copyright & Trademark Lawsuits[...]

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:05 PM
I believe there is a possibilty that some powerful elite on earth have built special flying machines to scare us all. I also believe in bad angels and demon spirits. But a part of me also believes that these bad angels could be behind these ufos...........only God knows the entire truth........lets respect what we each believe to have peace on earth and love each other

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:07 PM
i must agree with alot of other people here in that religion itself is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated. and as deep and interesting as all the other conversation in this thread may be, my humble opinion of the actual idea of this thread is that even if one would accept that the jinn are impersonating aliens as evidenced by the quran whose author states it is so and therefore must be, this still would not be the greatest hoax ever. a greater hoax happened to me personally when i went to a local restaurant and ordered some crab-meat item from the menu and imitation crabmeat was sold to me. the menu said crab, not imitation crab. demons as aliens? considering the sheer volume of proven alien activity, this hoax is on quite a smaller scale than the hoax all the nearby chinese restaurants are perpetrating on me, with all their imitation crab meat not labelled as such. but i'm not mad. i just don't order it now. i'm not mad at the demons or djinn either, because they've been kind enough not to try to trick me with their alien costumes.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

Who is to say that the beings we know as "Angels" aren't fifth dimensional beings from another planet or galaxy? the movie knowing opened my mind to this.

Thats exactly what they wanted you to think. They're using Hollywood to condition you to accept ideas that will be used in their grand deception

Sorry, I couldn't resist

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:09 PM
You say no jinns exist well what was that picture on the 911 building just before it crashed with a demonic face on it can some one post it here wasnt that a jinn face..I saw it was that faked ?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I used to believe crop circles were created somehow by demons. That is until I met some of the people who make crop circles and discovered some key pieces of information the crop circle fanatics know, but never tell you.

The thing that led me to believe that in the first place though was the amount of occult paraphernalia that seemed to be associated with crop circle investigations, and also some of the experiences some crop circle devotees seemed to describe. It all sounded pretty demonic to me at the time.

But the people who make the things just do it for the kicks. Didn't see any evidence of demonic involvement there.

Well, I have never heard of Jinn, but I've seen exorcisms, so I've certainly heard of demons.

As to their involvement in the alien/ufo phenomenon: undecided.

Your evidence? Or is this just a hypothesis?

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