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The Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by meathed
RELIGION is the BIGGEST hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.


Soooo true

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by meathed

Nothing in the Koran has been disproven in its context. That is why it is fact. Provide your evidence that it is fiction.

Disprove line by line the entire Koran. The author of the Koran has stated that this is the truth, please go discredit him.

The author of the koran has stated that this is fact, now it is up to you to disprove him.
edit on 4-4-2011 by THE_PROFESSIONAL because: (no reason given)

I have a few problems with this, and other similar comments made...

First, if something is not 100% true, then it can be declared wholly false (or in the least, inaccurate). So the entirety of the Koran does not need to be discredited, only any part of it.

Second, "ask the author of the Koran" --it is my understanding that the author of the Koran, The Prophet Mohammed, was illiterate. Unable to read or write. So, barring the fact that it was deemed a miracle that he wrote the Koran, asking him to read it back might pose a problem.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:07 PM
Read post and link story... total lack of facts.. heresay and supposition only..

Pls improve ... Recommend Hoax.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

However, there is enormous evidence to support the assumption that deceptive entities have masqueraded as extraterrestrials. And although deception appears to be a frequent trait of these "visitors", it is also true that we humans have encouraged the charade.


Folks we are being duped by the movies, the brainwashing and being led by the devils themselves to believe that aliens/greys are real when in fact they are demons/jinns. They are doing this so that when the jinn manifest themselves they want you to obey their every command for fear that they will use great technology and power against you. These demons/jinn are in communication with the highest power structure of the elite and it is all part of the master plan to put you into obedient little sheep.

The second i read this post i thought of Achons..
i subscribe to a magazine called Uncensored where i had read an article about Archons, and this thread sounds eerily similar

heres a link for more info:

My 1st post
edit on 4-4-2011 by dAce24 because: i forgot to right anything lol

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Skate

Originally posted by meathed
RELIGION is the BIGGEST hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.


Soooo true

Peace mate

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Daniyal
"The Professional", I am a devout muslim but some of your claims, no most of them are just rediculous. Yes, I personally believe 100% in the Quran, but the only time I will post something in relation to it is when I have evidence, the evidence where there is a trusted external source outlining clearly or it can even be a bit vague, but backing up my point. Hell, I have had strange and extremely paranormal spirtual experiences, but I don't have the evidence. I suggest you take a look at your arguement and actually see how logical it is, because well, from many of the members perspective, including mine, it's not(Not trying to be mean, just a tip).

I am a devout Christian, as it is said the Qu'ran is not fiction, so is the Bible not fiction. In the account of Genesis chapter six, it speaks of the watchers, how they saw the the daughters of men were beautiful, and these watchers took the daughters of men and bore children with them. These children grew up to be giants and were called the Nephilim, men of old renowned. In the book of Enoch which was omitted from being in the Bible speaks of the watchers the fallen ones(angels) and makes reference to the same thing of how these fallen ones took the daughters of men and went into them, and the daughters of men had children by these fallen ones, and were called the Nephilim.
The Book of Enoch goes on to explain how the fallen ones taught men alchemy, sorcery, about herbs from different plants, many different types of knowledge. There are many interesting writings in this Book of Enoch that can explain why we are where we are today. All this is readily available to anyone that wants to search out all of this either on the net or a local library or book store. The information is there all you need to do is look and study.
Some of the UFO's are man made, and some are not, some are actual manifestations of entities that are not what most would like to believe. Cattle mutilations are again not what most want to believe. Abductions another misconception, they are not aliens. What are taught to be aliens are entities that have came through portals, how they came through is the big question. And I have my sources on that topic. It takes a lot of study to find out these things, and to be closed minded on such topics does not help you to find out what is really going on on our planet.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by R_Clark
Read post and link story... total lack of facts.. heresay and supposition only..

Pls improve ... Recommend Hoax.

Yes it was heresay and supposition on the OP's behalf, but it WAS fun to debate him.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Have a lot of nightmares as a child?
Any being that does not conform to our norm can be of any nature. It doesn't matter.
UFOs are consistently reported as technological. Yet you wander into the mystical to explain their nature. Why would they want us to be confused? We already don't know what is going on.
I prefer the simpler explanation. They are aliens not spirits.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:21 PM
Professional--- Since the Gray's and the Reptillian's are linked to other worldly craft, like flying saucers: Tell me, where does the Holy Qur'an mention ET Starships with your evil jinns?

And don't claim that the writers of the Holy Qur'an rubbed some magical lamp to make a jinn genie appear, only to be whisked away on some flying carpet somewhere.

Give me a break. My jurisprudence cannot disprove your interpretation of the Qur'an at this time. But I know that you cannot prove, in any modern incident, that these grey's or reptillian's are inherently evil in nature.

P.S.-- It was the Vikings that fabricated the unicorn fairy tale, buy sawing off the Narwhal tooth; and selling them in Christian markets, for a hefty price; claiming them too be off a Unicorn.

Foofighter's forever,


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:27 PM
I read the opening post so this is for the_professional:

You have no clue what you are talking about so I would suggest you.......................................and you can take that anyway you want!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by meathed

I suppose you're right that it's satisfying to argue with someone who obviously has no idea how to validate their claims, but I honestly find it tiring due to an epidemic of of these kinds of posts on here these days. I've been lurking on this site for years and lately I don't even bother with some of these people because they resist reason. They embrace their ignorance, because without all the facts there is room for fantastical ideas and suppositions. I suspect a lot of people on these boards are addicted to the "what-ifs" so much that they are content without the truth, because the supposition is more fun

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Mentalistbee

Wow I never watched the E.T. music video...that is really weird! Makes you wonder if they are trying to rub it right in our faces.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:37 PM
Dear ATS,
It truly saddens me when I read the incredibly rude comments that all of you so called debunkers write on this forum. Is there a debunker out there who is not a completely self-righteous a-hole? Man there is more rudeness on this forum then actual discussion.

OP, this is a very interesting theory, it fits right along in with the ancient alien theory show that the History channel puts on. They very frequently reference the book of Enoch and the fallen angels.

I have been reading through your website and I am finding many interesting parallels with things I have recently become interested in. I would like you to take a look at these two very interesting links (which have been discovered here on ATS) and tell me what you think.
(could the Jinn maybe be inside our government?)

and this was also here on ATS, not sure if you've seen it yet but given the interest in alchemy I thought you'd be interested.

Please let me know what you think I'd like to hear your opinion.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by infojunkie2

Does anybody ever question why these supposed aliens are not walking around on earth?

And what makes you think, even for a second, that they aren't waking among us?
How would you tell, after all, if a person happened to be a hybrid alien/human, trained to look and act, and speak and work, just like a human does? I would say, and not in an offhand manner, that there are some 20,000 alien hybrids living right here on Earth right now. Deal with it.

......they would not need an invitation, they would just do as they please.

Yes, and that is exactly what they do, just as they please. Earth weapons are no match for what the ET have.

Like the op stated we are being introduced to the notion of aliens by every means possible.

This is simply the powers that be way of telling us things they wish to tell us, but do not really know who to tell us. The American government, and most likely several other governments, including Russia are in collusion with aliens. I believe it began with Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials, and the program still goes on to this day.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

However, there is enormous evidence to support the assumption that deceptive entities have masqueraded as extraterrestrials. And although deception appears to be a frequent trait of these "visitors", it is also true that we humans have encouraged the charade.


Folks we are being duped by the movies, the brainwashing and being led by the devils themselves to believe that aliens/greys are real when in fact they are demons/jinns. They are doing this so that when the jinn manifest themselves they want you to obey their every command for fear that they will use great technology and power against you. These demons/jinn are in communication with the highest power structure of the elite and it is all part of the master plan to put you into obedient little sheep.

All I can say is you are absolutely correct as I was visited by three UFOs as a child who claimed to be angels as they spoke telepathically. They wanted me to submit as a child to some grand plan of global takeover. I refused and was told I will be in the fire. Then I asked for Jesus help and was visited by three UFOs again and one claimed to be Raphael telepathically spoken through me. Then I was told my new name was Rock. I remember I lost 2 hours of time during that event and ever since I've felt like I'm stuck living in a matrix.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by rareredhead

I hope I'm not implicated in your post redhead. Granted, there are some people who nay-say from the gut and derail threads based on arbitrary reasons, but many of the "debunkers" on this thread have a sound argument. To take the OP seriously, he must provide a much better argument to base his theory on, otherwise it is just conjecture unfortunately.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:51 PM
Not reading the whole thread, sorry, just 2 cents to the first post. It only took the first post to realise it'd be a pretty bull# debate (for me).

What I don't understand is why you believe everyone will just submit if aliens/demons/whatever show up.

I certainly won't. I'll be as cautious with them as I am with any other living being. So what if they show so much power or whatever, I'm not just going to instantly "submit". I won't discount brainwashing but are you maybe just scared of our own natural evolution? What if all these co-incidences AREN'T hard-wired? Seems like you may fall apart.

If the master plan is to make us sheep or what not - a bit like the 'why don't they destroy us' thing, do you not think MAYBE they would have done a bit of a better job of it, and a lot sooner? I mean, with primordial man they could well have easily made them submit, but they've given it oh so many thousand years and now we're actually intelligent. If anything we're more ready to say "eff off" than ever before.

So your idea is pretty stupid IMO. Of course the weak of society may have problems but unlike 2000BC we are in an age where free will and structuring your own destiny are stronger than ever.

I thought you were going to say the whole alien/ufo thing was the greatest hoax, but claiming aliens are not such but are demons? That's a #ty excuse of a thread better left for the Gray area.

Go outside look for UFOs and post some videos of them. It's far more interesting than perpetrating my entire existence is such because it's pre-destined into alien/demon slavery.

I get a bit worried when folks support this "master plan" theory - I think it's about time you explain why this could ever be a problem in our short, pitiful lifetimes - because I don't see it as one. If anything I'm sure they're looking out for us and leaving us be.

If making humans submit or using TPTB to harness a master plan - all I can say is aliens are sad mother******s! Get a life aliens/demons. Can't you use your time constructively to build like an inter-galactic theme park or something.
edit on 4-4-2011 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Originally posted by skyjohn

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Originally posted by skyjohn
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

The article you linked to is talking about UFOs, and connecting them to aliens/demons/jinns.

And there is no evidence for either demons or "alien greys" existence.
edit on 4-4-2011 by skyjohn because: (no reason given)

There have been numerous accounts in islamic literature of jinns.

There are numerous books on the life of Harry Potter.
This doesn't make him real.

You talk about being enlightened but you're not even thinking logically about things.

Harry potter is filed in the fiction section

The koran is not. What evidence do you have that the koran is fiction?

Einstein wrote the the theory of relativity, does that make it fiction as well?
edit on 4-4-2011 by THE_PROFESSIONAL because: (no reason given)

I take your point and there are two ways to see it.

From a Biblical point of view the Bible warns of false gospels and Angels giving another version of Christ Jesus and false prophets, in terms of the Koran it can be considered false.

It does not mean it does not contain some truth, I am sure even demons can tell some truths but does not mean we should follow their example.

So as the Bible warns the Devil will want to counterfeit all God's work, he will do it till the end of days.

For me the Bible is true making everything else seem obsolete in comparison.
No one used the Koran to cast out demons only the Bible does that because of its power, and you have to ask why such a book puts so much effort denying Christ and forming an army against its people and Israel so that in Bible prophecy all will come true while having over a Billion followers who would do anything in cluding killing Jews and Christians for the sake of their religion like no other religion or system on earth throughout the years in history and when things into the apocalypse level they will have a big enough army. That army is Armageddon starting from Babylon Iraq with 200 million, but are they demons that could also be the case also or hybrids.

So how can we say what evidence is the Bible fiction? Because both can not be spiritually right here like the UFO agenda.

There are dark forces out there and they could work too, does not make them pure either but anti-god so which side do people want to take in all this when things get spectacular?

I agree in terms UFOs and aliens being all a deception it is obvious and could be a device for the end of days deception this is nothing new to be honest, Christians have being saying this for years.

We know that war will one day brew between the Arab nations and Israel, but again that has been predicted as part of the Biblical endays.

edit on 4-4-2011 by The time lord because: added notes

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:58 PM
Not read all the thread but wanted to aproach this post specifically...

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by Davian

It is not a fail because the chance of life outside earth is very small due to compounding probabilities. Their are levels of enlightenment you haven't reached yet.

Levels of enlightenment
1 - Earth is only thing that supports life
2 - Universe is so big that there must be life
3 - Chance of right conditions and probabilities for life to arise are compounded so much so that the size of the universe is minuscule compared to the probability of life. Therefore earth is the only place.

When you get to my level of enlightenment call me. So you fail.

Enlightenment isn't the word to use in this context. Enlightenment is about Spiritual Awakening and specifically about opening up to The Light at will. It comes with many symptoms, none of which are listed in the quoted post.

It's not like a trophy you will always have after "attaining it".. it is something you have to work with in every single moment of every single day to survive the constant testing that is a part of it.

Unbalanced Ego says.. "I am more enlightened than you". And thus shows one is not.

On topic: Life exists in various forms throughout the universe in ways we can't even begin to imagine as yet.. because we cannot observe it at the moment. Look at the diversity of life just on this little Blue Dot in space and then extrapolate the chances accordingly.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by infojunkie2

Does anybody ever question why these supposed aliens are not walking around on earth?

And what makes you think, even for a second, that they aren't waking among us?
How would you tell, after all, if a person happened to be a hybrid alien/human, trained to look and act, and speak and work, just like a human does? I would say, and not in an offhand manner, that there are some 20,000 alien hybrids living right here on Earth right now. Deal with it.

......they would not need an invitation, they would just do as they please.

Yes, and that is exactly what they do, just as they please. Earth weapons are no match for what the ET have.

Like the op stated we are being introduced to the notion of aliens by every means possible.

This is simply the powers that be way of telling us things they wish to tell us, but do not really know who to tell us. The American government, and most likely several other governments, including Russia are in collusion with aliens. I believe it began with Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials, and the program still goes on to this day.

You bring up a good point, and something new to introduce, however in my first post I was not referring to hybrids, but now I will. It is my belief ,based upon what happened in the past, before the flood, that what you call an alien is in fact the same watcher/angels that rebelled and left their own estate and copulated with human women at that time, which produced the giants, who were half demon spirit ,half human flesh , another words hybrids.also know as nephilim, before the flood,and you will see below the names of some that came after the flood.

The giants/nephilim were drowned in the flood, in fact Enoch tells us, that it is because of the giants that violence increased upon the earth, due to the things that they taught mankind, then Moses tells us that the flood came because of the increase of violence and wickedness.The giants drowned in the flood ,but since their spirits were not human, but the spirits of the watchers/fallen angels they were punished, according to Enoch their punishment was

8 They shall be called upon earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation. 9The spirits of the giants shall be like clouds,which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, content, and bruise upon earth. 10They shall cause lamentation and No food shall they eat; and they shall be thirsty; they shall be concealed.

The punishment of the watchers/fallen angels;which are also called demons, although they have future punishment coming, their punishment at this time, is that ,they are now no longer allowed to be on the earth in bodily form.

Are the hybrids of the watchers/humans still being created?
I believe so, in Gen 6:4 we see Moses telling of the flood and he said" There were giants in the earth in those days and after that. In.deut.2:10-11 we see Moses talking after the flood about the new version of giants called the Rephaim.Then in numbers13 we hear of the sons of Anak, who were the Anakim.It appears that the different names given to the various hybrids was based upon the original watcher/fallen angel ancester.

regarding your statement about weapons,the scripture below from the book of Enoch gives credence to that claim.

In chapter 4 we could read about Genun and how he was instructed by Satan and his companions to make weapons. In the book of Enoch the "Nephilim" brought forth hidden knowledge of which God’ had forbidden to make known to Mankind,for he knew of the destruction that it would bring.

Regarding your last statement about the powers that be.I don't doubt that for a moment,in fact Daniel has something to say about this.

In Daniel 2 :40-43 we see Daniel talking about the forth and last kingdom on earth,being represented symbolically as ten toes on a great image.and in verse 43 we see these words.....they mingle themselves with the seed of man.who is the they, evidently not human .
Therefore , it could also be said that many of the powers that be , are in fact hybrids themselves who are part human and part fallen angel, which you call an alien.

Last kingdom ,last days.Matthew 24:6-8 As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man.

To futher expound on my first post that deals with the lie of the anti-christ, first we must look at the reason
that the watchers rebeled and had sex with human women in the first place, satan was told in Genesis that the seed of a woman would be his ultimate destruction, therefore he wanted to contaminate God's bloodline to stop this from happening.

However ,he was not successful ,in tampering with the bloodline of Abraham,which is the bloodline of Jesus.
But notice the irony here,the anti-christ who is Satan in the flesh of a man,comes with lying signs and wonders in the sky ,claiming the he himself is the Christ. could he be considerd a hybrid too?

edit on 4-4-2011 by infojunkie2 because: (no reason given)

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