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The Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:10 PM
You,re very brave Pro, but people aren't as ready to face the truth as we like to think they are - they see a wall of text that can enlighten them but because in an age where everything is fast they want the proof immediately and they want the research and evidence provided by trusted sources now without having to read about those trusted sources or how they came to be trusted.

In this fast paced world (imposed on us) we have created a speed that doesn't have time to search out the truth for ourselves and when we do find the truth we are conditioned to ridicule it. It's the 'Blind Leading the Blind' and it is this very thing that is about to see us walk in a straight line toward our own destruction.

Most evidence is a mixture of fact and probability - even in a court of law this is the case but when it comes to the biggest secrets ever kept from Mankind by forces that have been kept so Secret that Many have Died trying to reveal - the majority find too unbelievable - this is the sad case of reality and it is what has been used by these forces, to enable the most horrendous acts ever against mankind and our beloved planet Earth.

The 'real' Powers That Be have mistakenly sold us out to an Alien Force and have spent the last 60 years trying to get us out of it without success - Of course this is the Biggest Ever Deceit and Joe Public carries on as always!

Perhaps - that is better because if the PTB can't solve it - we certainly can't - we are all in this together. .

For Those Who Dare: (and those who have the time) You can't scan read this one.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by muza1875
reply to post by mjleonid12

Your another idiot who needs to think before posting,i was laughing at the op's post,he was the one that said earth is the only place to have life on it.

Listen, guy, only because your off your meds, that don't mean your gonna call everyone an idiot, just because you didn't see my point; I was laughing with you, about what that other dude said, I wasn't laughing at you. I was saying how I agree with you, and how it IS funny that he thinks Earth is the only planet that can support life. So, read more carefully. Thnx.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:15 PM
lol this has got to be one of the most lamest threads ive ever seen on ATS. OP trying to make everyone believe this BS and ur source looks like it was created by a 3rd grader. Hell, if its really that easy for you to believe that kinda crap, im gonna make my own website and claim that wookies live on mars.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by tpak89

Didnt you read what Professional said...? There cant be wookies because theres no life other than earth! LMFAO!!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Correction. They are not Demons...They are the fallen ones. They are certain beings that decided to takes its chances and splice into mans DNA and introduce there own DNA in the mix as well. While I share the belief with you that they are for the most part self serving or "evil". If you want to know what the Demons are they are the spirits that came out of the Giants or what the bible called "men of renown" or fame... They were in fact half alien/angel/Jinn and half human. So when most of creation was killed off from the deluge they were cursed to roam the earth as spirits unlike pure humans who could enter into the next world we call the spirit world and beyond.

It's very common due to poor research or no research to mistake the Aliens for demons but, they are not demons. Also we have accounts of regular grays placing a entity inside a human. And that would make sense because these demons or the spirits from the giants of the days of old would be the "children" of the aliens. They would to experience something and they do it through us by the means of possession. Of course you have to keep giving your will over to them to be totally over taken by them. But it does happen. So ... Demons.. no but close.. They are the parents of the demons.

So no Aliens are not demons they are fallen Angels actually they are related to the group that rebelled against the rules of our creator and started tampering with the consciousness of prehistoric man..etc.. ok rambling sorry bout that.. thats all for now... carry on...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:22 PM
Wow this guys so crazy he doesn't even know he's crazy...

I don't even find that you believe that aliens are demons the most absurd thing in here. The most absurd thing is that you claim to be enlightened LOL

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by skyjohn

All religious books belong with the fiction.

So you are saying the Koran is fiction? You must provide evidence that it is a work of fiction. Otherwise it is a fact.

*sigh* This is as far as I managed to stomach of this thread.
< insert flying spaghetti monster argument >
The burden of truth is on the believer, etc.
edit on 4-4-2011 by keepithush because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by firegoggles
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Correction. They are not Demons...They are the fallen ones. They are certain beings that decided to takes its chances and splice into mans DNA and introduce there own DNA in the mix as well. While I share the belief with you that they are for the most part self serving or "evil". If you want to know what the Demons are they are the spirits that came out of the Giants or what the bible called "men of renown" or fame... They were in fact half alien/angel/Jinn and half human. So when most of creation was killed off from the deluge they were cursed to roam the earth as spirits unlike pure humans who could enter into the next world we call the spirit world and beyond.

It's very common due to poor research or no research to mistake the Aliens for demons but, they are not demons. Also we have accounts of regular grays placing a entity inside a human. And that would make sense because these demons or the spirits from the giants of the days of old would be the "children" of the aliens. They would to experience something and they do it through us by the means of possession. Of course you have to keep giving your will over to them to be totally over taken by them. But it does happen. So ... Demons.. no but close.. They are the parents of the demons.

So no Aliens are not demons they are fallen Angels actually they are related to the group that rebelled against the rules of our creator and started tampering with the consciousness of prehistoric man..etc.. ok rambling sorry bout that.. thats all for now... carry on...

You can't counter crazy with even more crazy.

I'd ask you for some evidence of your absurd claims as well, but that kind of request doesn't seem to be getting us very far in the thread.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL
The universe is so vast and so old that it Is impossible for us humans to be the only intellegent life. It's actually mathematically impossible. Demons and Jinn are just primative explainations of alien lifeforms. Magic and sorcery don't exsist in the real world. Sorry, but Religion is the real hoax here.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

well, lots of things have been called demons before when they were anything but.
However, lets give the smallest amount of credence to your story, which is more than it deserves. Demons are not of this earth right? so, they are alien to it... wow... demons are aliens... proved with deductive reasoning.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:35 PM
I believe the government and nasa are working side by side to engeeneer a holographic judgement day. In order to control the world.The most simple way to start a one world government is through an alien invasion, which with todays' technology, could be faked. The morality of the people would be weak and the governenment has created artificial intelligence "aliens" which have in them all of the universal knowledge and these will be the ruling counsil of the NWO. There are also real "aliens", some who crash here and are captured, some who come on their free will, those who hide, those who live underground, those who live in water, those who are not bound by dimensions, but most importantly those who intently crash saucers on earth knowing that our curious "government" will cross engeeneer their technology and in simple ways introduce it to the people, making our lifes more physical and less spiritual.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:36 PM
Typically I don't reply to threads, but the abundance of stupidity the OP is putting forward has compelled me to write something. I only read through the first 4 pages before I gave up trying to read anymore so if you posted something remotely useful I apologize and will edit this post.

First of all your claims are ridiculous. Why would you only need one source (yours being the Koren) to back something up? Have you ever written a research paper? Do you know what a bibliography is? You NEED multiple sources to back up your claims; you can't just say "I got all my information from this place" and expect people to believe you.

Within the first 4 pages you told people to disprove something to prove it wasn't real which is a ridiculous statement and then you say it is real because the author says so?! Please link me to somewhere the author says this and tell me how I can do it so when I write a book about my interpretation of everything I can call it true and expect millions of people to believe it word for word. The author claiming it to be true is the most absurd and asinine reason for supporting its validity. If that is the only proof you can find then your s*** of luck. By your statements I can claim that I discovered a new type of worm in front of my house, tell somebody and say its true because I say so without any form of proof. Do you not realize how ridiculous this sounds?

On top of this you say that it is up to us to believe it? Have you read any other topics on this website? It is not up to us to prove/believe something, it is up to you to prove to us that your theory is true so that we can believe it!

You also seem to believe that it is impossible for life to exist on other planets, but your book describes a flying carpet as being real. I've never seen a carpet that can fly, I've never seen any form of scientific evidence that it is possible, yet there are countless amounts of other planets in the universe (which as far as we know is INFINITE) and planets within our own galaxy that have more evidence to believe life exists. In case your still confused how multiple references work I will show you:

Do any of those links completely, solidly prove that life exists on other planets? Perhaps not, but they provide more reason to believe they do then anything else you have posted in this topic.

Please provide us with some more evidence then that which you have put fourth so far in order to reestablish any form of validity you may have once had.
edit on 4-4-2011 by StruggleTogether because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:45 PM
I believe that the OP is actually a Djinn in disguise trying to trick us.

I am the author of this post and I say this is a fact. Therefore it is a fact. ^__^

I'm sorry, I had a moment of weakness and I couldn't help myself. On topic though, what you are saying is what's known in debating circles as "circular logic". It's a rookie mistake.
edit on 4-4-2011 by thepixelgarden because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:51 PM
"The Professional", I am a devout muslim but some of your claims, no most of them are just rediculous. Yes, I personally believe 100% in the Quran, but the only time I will post something in relation to it is when I have evidence, the evidence where there is a trusted external source outlining clearly or it can even be a bit vague, but backing up my point. Hell, I have had strange and extremely paranormal spirtual experiences, but I don't have the evidence. I suggest you take a look at your arguement and actually see how logical it is, because well, from many of the members perspective, including mine, it's not(Not trying to be mean, just a tip).

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:53 PM
Well, there you have it folks. The OP has taught us all that any author of any book who says something is a fact, is indesputable evidence that it's a fact. Awesome!!! Now when people question my support of Richard C Hoagland, I can just link them to this thread, and they can no longer argue the fact that everything stated in Hoagland's book Dark Mission is absolutely 100% true. Fantastic!!!! Thanks OP !!!!

(worst thread ever !!!!)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:54 PM
So, after reading the first 2 and a half pages I just feel the need to say this thread is ridiculous, or to be fair, the OP is ridiculous (or a troll). "Prove to me that it's not true" is a fallacious re-herring argument. You have the burden of proof, so when someone questions the basis of your argument, you don't reply with "prove that I'm wrong" lol. Also the basis of this post is a fallacy of false attribution. A religious text is not a source to make an argument off of, especially when that's your only reference.

Bring more to the table next time before you start a thread. This site is starting to deteriorate because of hastily made threads like this that just spout conjecture and instigate useless debates because the basis of the original argument is just totally flawed.

Don't tell me to prove the invalidity of the Koran if I want to argue with you. You have to prove that the Koran is a valid source of information (with other sources) if you base your argument on it. Just like if I say "America is the best country in the world." It's not your responsibility to refute my claim, but my responsibility to provide proof that my claim is valid.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by AuWolf

This may be an issue some what off kilter, but I'say that visual Avatar, remind's me of something that happened to me a few years ago. MY e-mails went from standard to "bizarre and non-sencical" Some of my usual friends got totally freaked. Either I had lost my mind, or have been co-opted by a hostile force. One broke it to my home (he had permission and the required document's) to placate the local police "just in case". Found me in bed watching TV, and he and his "Very good looking" associates all with automatic weapons, asked "where" I said "no one" Allow me to fill in the blanks. Back then I was experimenting with some early methods of converting "basic thought impulses into an understandable language". Then I was hindered by the limitations of digital computers. I must in all honesty add friends all standing in classic defense positions around me, with weapons drawn I said; "what the hell are you doing here and why Jim have you broken into my home"? He looked wounded, I swear to God. And he said, in a whisper; You sent us some kind of signal, we could not decipher its meaning, so I assumed the worse. I told him truthfully "I sent no signal of any kind" and he said "OK, then who COULD HAVE"?

The only living SOL is in this house for the last several weeks, other then myself is my cat. Thats when I realized my cat would walk over my computer keyboard at night, and if my computer was still "primed"? He sent conflicting signals to my friends, aways a bad thing, they assumed the worse and since I did not answer my friend used a shaped charge (seriously, no one could just "push" there way into my house, best if they have at minimum a tank charge) The only reason I brought this place for my Mom in the first place was my house was designed by a former SAC General in 1951. A Citadel, oh yeah... Plus the house was available and Mom got it for a good price. Needless to say I "put away" the keyboards when I go to bed. It would be embarrassing as hell if while I was dreaming, my cat started WW-3. That won't happen on my watch.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:58 PM
I'm at a loss about disproving the theory of relativity being on the same page as disproving the Koran. They key word there is THEORY. It fits our description and views at the moment, but something may very well come up that trumps it as man and science further themselves and this -relatively- new theory will be but a memory.

The Koran being said to be true doesn't make it true. All of those authors who publish BS manuscripts and celebrity gossip they pass off in memoirs claim their works to be true as well. then when you start digging in you find inconsistencies and problems. Just because you believe it to be legit for whatever reason does -not- make it so.

I enjoy the bible, but I am also able to realize not everything in there is absolute fact just as I admire Greek Myths and Legends but realize they were just very well told explanations for everyday occurrences. Further, nothing you ever read will be 100% true; there always exists a slant, specific angle, or even just an entire interpretation that could be removed from an earlier or primary source.

These kinds of issues should be open to debate and interpretation, but instead I see what you believe being pushed as the absolute fact of the matter.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:01 PM
op.... seriously?.... wow. you have successfully become (in my books) the most discredited individual on this website. Ive never read so much nonsense in my life.

this quote is for you.

"talk sense to a fool and they'll call you foolish"

ps. religion is just a garbage tool used to control weaklings.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by mjleonid12

Originally posted by meathed
RELIGION is the BIGGEST hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.

I am pretty inclined to agree with you. I don't know if that's bad, or not, but I think that religion is more of a hoax, rather than aliens being a hoax, but I can't be sure.

What ever you believe is your thoughts friend. And i will not judge you on them.
I made my comment about religion as i felt it, as i feel about it.
If you have a belief in something that can give you strength in a time when you need it the most, then believe in IT.
Trust your heart and your head as your eyes can be deceived.


edit on 4-4-2011 by meathed because: (no reason given)

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