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The Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
What is your question my young apprentice. I am the Professional, I have just owned everyone on here. I eagerly await your quest for enlightenment.

Have got to add a star to that seeing as it cracked me up! Read the page you linked and it's good to see that the writer is reading some Keel and Vallee, might not be far from the truth actually.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:09 PM


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by autowrench

This post and OP sound awfully familiar...don't you think autowrench? I seem to recall getting into several arguments with a poster by the name of 'truthfromgod' - who clearly states aliens are actually Jinn. And, our friend truthfromgod is always quick to respond to criticism or logical questions with insulting and angry answers.

I agree with most comments on here - the real hoax is all religion and nothing more. I can't believe I was actually asked to consider shape shifting demons with goat feet and something to do with Katy Perry and completely dismiss the fact there is other life out there. I mean, honestly - Just say it out loud : Shape shifting demons with goat feet OR Alien life beyond our solar system possibly in the vast universe....

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:11 PM


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
I already refuted it based on the fact that your creatures are not documented by credible verifiable scholar backed people

You might want to look up a 4th century B.C Greek doctor, named Ctesias. He documented about unicorns in Persia.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I have heard this before. Very recently, I read about a "UFO" author, damn, I can't recall his name but I know how to back-track it. And I'll get the name for you, who covered this aspect of the whole "ET" perspective from your point of view. I should be clear first on my perspective of the situation. My personal view is what we have traditionally called angels, demons, spirits, ghosts,etc; are a life form existing on an alternate dimensional plane. No, I don't know what that really means but if we consider just in our universe we have many forms of energy like x-rays and radio waves our own senses alone do not detect, then it's not beyond reason to believe that there is "an existence" out side of our normal senses. Frankly there is a lot of chatter about UFO"s (not the unconventional aircraft we have) being both "from other planets and dimensions.

I guess the point I want to make is most of us view all "out-worlder's" usually in one of two categories. They are benevolent because they are more advanced then we are, a point on its face I consider unbelievably ni'eve. Or that they are "face hugger aliens who want your daughter" Oh please. Both are as off track as it would be to try to categorize the entire human race by a small sample. What if they grab "Mother Terriesa"? Or Heinrich Himmler? I am not either one at all, though I hope I lean more towered what we consider good then the other. Frankly I think we are being visited not by one "alien race or agenda," but by what is just a different version of each of us; individuals. Just because they are ugly does not mean they are not wise or kind, any more then some who to us, personify humanoid beauty, care or even understand the first law of the Universe, do no harm. There is some interesting but deeply buried information about something along the lines of "animal mutilations". But I do not have direct access to what were police reports. This is all second hand stuff.

If there will be what we call "disclosure" I assure you it will never be a blanket statement by the President of the United States that says oh, yeah we lied and the reason, for 60 years a lot of us have been hiding under our beds. It will come from the bottom up and be anything but sudden or shocking. One morning each of us on a different morning will wake up, and some just go "whatever". But I being the proto-capitalist may ask; You know they have shown an interest in our art, and seem to lack machined products from our common heavy metals like copper. What the hell? Maybe we can make a deal? Our trinket's and beads for just a taste of that marvelous technology. No doubt someone's rent-a-cop will make me stand in line behind Donald Trump. No, I really don't think they have a "prime directive" if anything the opposite. And "they" have been here as said in the X-files movie, "they have been here for a very long time", in fact long before our kind walked upright.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:16 PM
Just to make my own point clear, as I'm not siding with THE_PROFESSIONAL or getting involved with all the arguments in here. I think this bit could have some truth to it from the link in the first post :

"Native Americans are very aware of the beings that are "visiting". I have been told that they do not believe that these beings are extraterrestrial. In the old days the Star People visited and interacted with the people. Today the Wakan Sica (in Lakota), or the darker side, has come and impersonated the Star People. This way they (the dark beings) could move into our culture, through the public fascination with UFO's."

Obviously we'd need to find out if there's any truth to that, but it's interesting. They believe there's Aliens out there and that they've been visited in the past, but in present times interdimensional beings who have a dodgy agenda are around a lot more instead. I'm not getting into all this religious stuff though, nor do I believe that there's only The Jinn that are around and no others.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by meathed

I did own everyone. No one has provided credible historical or scholarly evidence to disprove muhammeds claims. I say he say something, or recieved information.

Yes I am your yoda, its normal for students to lash out in anger. I forgive your anger. Ask young apprentice

Correct NO ONE including YOU provided any credible evidence.
You will never be powerful enough to be my YODA, you see the force is strong in me.
I have no anger, only pity for you.
Take care weak one.
This Yoda gives you his blessing

See through you can I

edit on 4-4-2011 by meathed because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:22 PM
no matter what anyone brings to the plate, professional will just dismiss it... even if a ufo landed, got out, lubed up his little grey hand and bitch slapped him then showed him the universe he'd still dismiss it. religion has got all bases covered.


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
Jesus was well documented historically as well, so why can't greys be angels?
2nd line

Last time I checked the Grey's had no wings, don't come close to looking human and have no sex organs at all.

Don't drink the cool aid, if the so called aliens were visiting don't you think they would have made their presence known to the whole dam world by now. They are hiding because they know dam good and well the time is not yet right for their breakout performance to fool all you for the last time.

They're going to be two types of Greys that look the same. One will be a dumb bio-bot not able to think for itself and one directly possessed by a Demon or EVEN worse a evil Watcher AKA Satan and his best buds. If one of the Greys tries to read your mind and you know he is in your head, RUN FOR YOU LIFE!!!!

If you think you have a dumb one then shoot it and watch its dumb robot self fly to pieces.

They're 200 Watchers so they cant be everywhere at once. Try your best to lay low and strike while you know they are not being possessed by one of the bad daddies. If you shoot the wrong one, well your dead. Watchers are about 8-9 feet tall and will rip any human in half with ease.

I would highly recommend this book by the foremost expert in the field. This guy wrote this book below. Its a good read and explains whats happening.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Just to add a final point, and I often say this with Reptilians : just because some of them, or a big number of them are supposed to be evil it doesn't mean they all are, if they exist. From wiki :

Religious sources say barely anything about them; however, the Qur’an mentions that jinn are made of smokeless flame or "the fire of a scorching wind". Like human beings, the jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent
edit on 4-4-2011 by Hitoshura because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Forget the likely chance of life existing beyond our planet, guys. They're just demons that fit ones spiritual ideologies.

Super Serial

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:27 PM
I hope you're not seriously implying there's even a REMOTE chance of us being alone in the universe, given all the evidence that has been uncovered and shared here already. Obviously, TPTB are aware of the same information we are, plus who knows how much more. With that in mind, it makes a lot more sense for there to be a lot of dis-info about ETs, and since the topic is still under such a heavy stigma, they know there will be alternative groups, especially now that the internet is such a huge part of society. But to say that the topics of the Greys/ETs are false simply because they can perpetrate the hoax to cause confusion? ridiculous. Even if the whole roswell incident was faked, even if there never was anything in area 51 but experimental AIRCRAFT (as in planes, not UFO's), and ETC., There still remains the question of why certain ancient civilizations were so highly advanced, given their technology .

No, at this point in this monumental year (well not yet, but sh*ts about to get nuts) there must be no question that Aliens will play a part, but there also must be much speculation as to just what is real, should Blue Beam prove to be a reality. Think about it, if some alien intervention was in store, is it really logical to believe they wouldn't have technology capable of knocking out anything and everything we have? It's logic and reasoning that will guide us through this. All options must be considered. Nothing can be Disproved for sure, especially considering this alien circumstance we find ourselves in.

All this being said, i've had thoughts about the whole ET thing being a hoax. But now, after first hand experience, i am inclined to disagree. Call me a sheep, tricked by TPTB, but i say to anyone who thinks we as humans are alone in this struggle: please, listen to your heart on this one. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true.

We're all in this together.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by Davian

It is not a fail because the chance of life outside earth is very small due to compounding probabilities. Their are levels of enlightenment you haven't reached yet.

Levels of enlightenment
1 - Earth is only thing that supports life
2 - Universe is so big that there must be life
3 - Chance of right conditions and probabilities for life to arise are compounded so much so that the size of the universe is minuscule compared to the probability of life. Therefore earth is the only place.

When you get to my level of enlightenment call me. So you fail.

"Levels of enlightenment
1 - Earth is only thing that supports life
2 - Universe is so big that there must be life
3 - Chance of right conditions and probabilities for life to arise are compounded so much so that the size of the universe is minuscule compared to the probability of life. Therefore earth is the only place."

1- Life for us and the other organisms that live with us in their own habitat.
2- Of course there must be life.
3- Chance for right conditions [for Humans] in the [probable infinite] universe being too small? What? Even if that WERE the case, does that mean chances for other forms of life to grow, prosper and sustain their lifestyles are small as well?

Excuse me, please, but: "lol".

Tell me, can you live in water? Breath, house yourself, swim about to catch your food,etc.?
I think not.

So, that in mind: can you honestly expect every single [possible] species out in our [gargantuan] universe lives EXACTLY as we humans do? Meet our specific needs to live? Cannot support other means for living? We are positioned from our Sun different from Mars, from Jupiter, Neptune, etc. -- just because we cannot inhabit them does not mean other forms of life cannot. Maybe they live underground? Maybe they're invisible and communicate by means of telepathy, etc.

When you get to OUR level of common sense, call US. So, YOU fail.


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Watchers are about 8-9 feet tall and will rip any human in half with ease.

Not buying that either. A powerful enough Shaman, Witch, Sorcerer, Awakened person, etc, etc, would probably give one of them a good fight, maybe even beat one of them if they actually exist. They'd probably get jumped by other Watchers if that happened, but no way will I ever believe there's all powerful beings out there that developed enough Humans don't stand a chance against.
edit on 4-4-2011 by Hitoshura because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Maaaaan... You know what man.. A billion billion stars in our galaxy alone and you still think we are the only living things around...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

You Sir, are NUTS!!!
2nd line.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Troll thread is fail. Seems all this guy does is post trolling threads.


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Hitoshura

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Watchers are about 8-9 feet tall and will rip any human in half with ease.

Not buying that either. A powerful enough Shaman, Witch, Sorcerer, Awakened person, etc, etc, would probably give one of them a good fight, maybe even beat one of them if they actually exist. They'd probably get jumped by other Watchers if that happened, but no way will I ever believe there's all powerful beings out there that developed enough Humans don't stand a chance against.
edit on 4-4-2011 by Hitoshura because: (no reason given)

people of hull are 5-6 feet tall and will rip any watcher in half with ease.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Oh, the irony of your screen name...

I can't help but ask - what exactly is it that you're a professional at?

Anyways, on topic - you ask for people to disprove the quran and that's where you've got things the wrong way around - when a claim hits the shore, usually the one who claims is obliged to back up his posture with proof. Anyone can say "It has been written so it's a proven fact", sigh, the world just doesn't work that way and being on a site like this usually means you would be aware of that... Talk about enlightenment of the blind...

However, I'm talking with the walls again... So goodbye to you and this amusing thread of yours.
edit on 4-4-2011 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)

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