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Violence Breaks Out On Student Protest March

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posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
When they say go up 3x the amount do you know what that amount is... 5 grand to 15 grand... 15 grand for college! The kids in america would lick your boots to get that, quit whining.
edit on 10-11-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

Different country, different economy, different system, different costs, different values, different government, different policies, different attitudes, different family lifestyles, different histories.

Need i continue?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by SparkyP
reply to post by tribaltrip

These people should be commended not punished for standing up for what they believe and in this case whats right. "Yobbish" and "Loutish" behavior have to be used to get the point across because the game is rigged. How many peaceful protests really make a difference? People talk of revolution but are afraid to break a few windows! I've personally been on a peaceful strike and the only thing that happened was I lost wages lol.

at last! someone talking sense on this thread instead of the guttless comments iv read. were are your bollocks people for christ sake!. get used to it cause this is just the begining. if you dont like what you see then run off and hide now. prosecute them indeed!

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by kolcath

I have to admit, that it at least did bring some media coverage. During the primaries there were quite a few protests, that maybe a few local outlets picked up on. On the larger ones, everyone was rounded up, including innocent bystanders and card carrying press, and arrested. I hope this get you guys better results than my protesting did guys.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
All over a rise in tuition fees??? Amazing when you consider the rate of increases at Universities all over the US. Hell, 3 to 6% a year which is disproportionate to the standard rate of inflation for everyday living. No one storming the capitals here. Yet!!!
yeah but you could take every last cent of your dollars and you would still sit on your arse and do nothing about it! this is the uk they do things different.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Dantas
If it's a university i still say if everyone sat out a semester the loss in revenue would make the officals take note and make a change to suit you. Some income is much better than no income.

Yeah, that thinking may work in the U.S where the majority of the Universities are private institution depending on revenue.

But many of our Public Universities here in Europe are actually funded by the state through the high taxes that people pay - so they won't lose much revenue.

Even the well famous Sorbonne University in Paris is a Public University.

We have of course also private Universities, but the kids who attend those Elite institutions usually have rich parents who can pay anyway.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:29 PM
The thing is the youth protest is useless breaking things acting like children that don't get their way doesn't solve anything. They will stomp you out doing it that way. I can see your frustration but you guys should of realize along time ago NOT to put all your eggs in one basket. Really depending on the government for your health care, your schooling, your social welfare, for social security here in america is dumb, by the time im 65 and can get social security here in the states THEY wont have it. We know this, so saving money now in prospect of the future is the least I can do. I know as an american the government is only here to protect us in case of an attack, anything else and be happy with what you get. Alot of people arn't as lucky as you and your going to whine because the government hoodwinked you?? Not today... Trust me I get where your coming from you were promised it from your government, you deserve it to have it you have paid for it, just next time around don't do it again and expect the government to be good on its word....
edit on 10-11-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:47 PM
I thought of this get your people together and get out the vote, vote for people who will cut the social programs, cut your taxes, get this done and over with so YOUR kids won't get f'd by the government again. You guys will not win a one day protest, ora few days of protest or being violent. You have to reform from the bottom up. If you take it the right way and get your voice heard and really CHANGE the system then you can one day show people, look what we did to make england great. Look how we changed through politcal action these blokes can't spend and spend and spend on social programs for ever the money runs out and cuts will happen. Pretty soon it's going to take a wheelbarrel full of money to get a loaf of bread in the states because we are starting to model the way england is. I don't want to be like you guys and you guys are finally learning SOCIALISM doesn't work never has NEVER will.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by jazz10
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

probably the same muppets that were taking part in the G20

Thats it! thats why the police are doing sweet FA, maybe they are the ones in balaclavas

at least these muppets as you call them are getting up off there butts and doing something about it.
yknow this is the only thing about ats i dislike, the same people who are moaning and crying about what tptb are doing to our country cry off with there heads! when people rise up and say enough is enough. hypocrites

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by CX

Originally posted by Soshh

Best placard: CLEGG U MUG

Thats funny

Reports now that the crowd are getting angry with the students in the roof, many floors up who are throwing missiles, chunks of concrete to be more exact down from the roof.

What is the point of throwing concrete into groups of your own protesters? One hit and it will kill someone from that height.


I don't believe the ones doing this are actually real protestors, and many of the youth are indirectly or directly working for the elites, some through widespread occult beliefs and M'Kultra type programs.

If violence occurs, I'm sure the occasional person may join in, but I think these guys have been set up, and paid off.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 08:27 PM
I agree totally. These students and parents are outraged on this jump in fees. I was watching the news, and quite possibly our world is coming to an end. These jump in fees have occured in the past but what i think that the economic system is collapsing as we speak. Why would they raise the fees of everything? The students need to protest more, because the only way change is gonna happen. When the people of a nation disagree, they protest. Now how about our country?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by rikgrimsby
i would of just tear gased the lot and got my asp out..... why are we (uk police) so soft ? we should be more like the european police and not f##k about and just give as good back. bring back the SPG !!!!!!

If that's what you would do to innocent protesters, you would deserve everything you got back in return. The violence that was perpetrated by agents who infiltrated the peaceful protesters in Canada is a model that is being rolled out in many countries now. It could have been the case here.

Can't you see what these mafia parasitic politicians are doing to the country?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 10:11 PM
Power to the students! This is our generation, not the era of old men and their war games!

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 10:20 PM
is it possible that the people who are smashing things and causing some of the violence are agent provocateurs? Is it possible that for any protest that involves lots of people has these provocateurs assigned to wait within the crowd for an opportunity to spur other people into violence? It's happened before...maybe it happens at almost every protest to make it seem like the citizenry are nothing but criminals meant to be dealt with? I wouldn't exactly put it past the police to be honest...I almost expect all of these protests to turn out like this, provocateurs or not, because people are losing patience with the whole system.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Namaste1001
reply to post by CX

They have a right to be angry as higher education is now only for those who can afford it. The libs have gone back on their promise so I say tear the place up. When the people who are supposed to be representing us will not listen what other choice do we have?

Higher education is what? A set of rules to make sure you abide by the system you unwillingly are forced to be a part of. Nothing more.

What does it do? It gives you the rules by which you have to abide by to be; doctors, lawyers, business people... when is it ever that higher education sets you above your peers for doing something unique? I mean really unique. Not just published in a magazine by people who couldn't care less?

Most of the people who have made world changing progress have done so after years of struggling AGAINST the system, and after years of using their own beliefs as the rules - not the ones enshrined in the game.

All higher education does is allow a false sense of importance. Sure that has a nice pay packet to go with it, but sometimes intelligence is not discovered in the writing of a book, but complemented by it.

Struggling and fighting and violence to protest against snobs and the elite getting higher education.. bit like playing sim city and setting up the populace to fail because they all want the fancy art museum, then destroying it.
edit on 10/11/2010 by badw0lf because: my picasso fell off the wall

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:02 PM
After reading the article these guys are, in summary, protesting because the Government is turning off their FREE RIDE? I'm sorry but I have to side against these fools. I and millions of others, had to pay their own way in school and in life.

This whole cradle to the grave mentality is just stunning...


posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by jazz10

Originally posted by NoHierarchy
Originally posted by jazz10
reply to post by CX

You're ridiculous. People like you try to justify your mindless respect for authority and wealth by tiptoeing around what you really mean. Blah blah taxpayers, blah blah buncha hoodlums, blah blah prosecute those anti-social criminals, blah blah terrorists, blah blah they're orchestrated by Al Gore and George Soros.

Seriously, get a grip on reality, bud. You sound like a closet Fascist.
edit on 10-11-2010 by NoHierarchy because: (no reason given)

This has to be the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard? So you condone the actions today?
This is the UK my friend. We dont take kindly to people putting other peoples lives at risk, eg the fire extinguisher thrown off the building? Have you any idea what that would have done to someone if it had hit someone below? It would have either killed them outright or severely injured them, so before you go giving me crap open your eyes. It could have easily ended up in death or a bedside vigil for some family. Dont you DARE get on your high horse with me you tool.
Setting fires and throwing fireworks in? Yeah you condone that too. I speak the truth, i seek the truth but im not prepared to stoop to such lows to get what i want.
I want a lot of things but do i go out smashing my city up? Do you?
Bricks thrown through the buildings windows?..............people were still inside working!

So before you or anyone else starts looking down their noses at my views well you can kiss my arse.
I will never jump on the band wagon and follow the rest.

I agree and back the protests and their reasons, good for them, but hey i cant back mindless behaviour where everything could have went way way tooo far!

Im thankful no-one was killed.
Would you encourage your children to go on like that?
Didnt think so.

Also as for those currently running the government (for now) i cant stand what they are doing on all fronts.
Violence aint the answer theres more than one way.

You are FAR too paranoid about public "safety". Granted some stupid actions probably occurred, but you're being sensationalist past the point of reason. Lucky nobody got killed? C'mon.. you sound like a grandmother. These people may be behaving aggressively and violently against property but they are NOT targeting humans, and I'm sure if you were there you'd see they consciously AVOIDED human injuries. You're making a mountain out of a molehill, chances were, nobody innocent was getting hurt. In most protests, even violent ones, the pigs injure more innocent people than protesters.
edit on 10-11-2010 by NoHierarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by CX

They thought the protests would never reach Britain, here it comes

Good luck guys.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by jazz10
reply to post by CX

More idiots causing chaos leaving tax payers footing the bill for repairs. Bunch of assholes.
Well done

All of those caught on camera i would prosecute for criminal damage and jail them, the ones that have been caught doing the damage.
Next it'll become terrorist headlines.

Also i would like to point out the ring leaders? Same as the G20 protesters perhaps? Carefully orchestrated.
Is London really part of the UK anymore? Really?

Didn't your government F up your tax money and give it to banks and corporations to bail them out of a trouble they got themselves in, in the first place? When are you gonna prosecute them and send them to prison.

Always praying on the weak
Maybe for once in your life stand up against the strong.

Unless your whole post was sarcasm

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals

Originally posted by jazz10
reply to post by CX

Is London really part of the UK anymore? Really?

London has been a separate entity for a long time (at least the financial district), rather like the Vatican in Rome only no-one really talks about it.

Agreed with the rioters that are damaging things. Jail the hooligans. What gets me is how you can have 40,000 peaceful protesters and 20 violent ones will ruin it for everyone. They're the only ones the media ever seems to show. If it's like the G20 in Toronto then the supposed "Anarchists" are in all probability undercover cops.

Well yes, that's because the media has a Zionist agenda - to elicit the kind of disapproval some have expressed on this thread. Discredit 52'000 peaceful protesters and the real issue by focusing on a few 'hooligans'.....which were possibly plants to boot. And as you can see - it works, on some at least.

edit on 11-11-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:35 AM
The Brits take a long time to turn, but when they do, they mean it.

My sense is we aint seen nuthin yet.

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