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Violence Breaks Out On Student Protest March

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posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by CX

To raise university fees 3 times the going rate where only the rich can access will cause a major backlash somewhere down the road for the British Govt. This is the start of dumbing the population down to where it once was in the 1940's-1970s; perfect pickings for war when conscript in to the military becomes compulsary.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by airliebird58
reply to post by Dagar

I agree with your post totally. We have a Government front bench, made up of multi millionaires, telling us 'We're all in this together' But of course that's a load of bollocks.

I literally choked with laughter, a few weeks ago, when I read in one of our national papers that Cameron (and his ilk) wanted 'everyone to share the pain we have to go through'.


Like you said... a bunch of millionaires, half of them on one of or more director's board of some big company telling US we have to share the pain.

If a multi-millionaire loses 50% of their wages/assets they are still wealthy beyond the average person's wildest dreams... they suffer NOTHING, NADA, ZIP!!

If the average person loses 50% of their wages/pension/benefit/assets they go down the financial toilet!

Bet tuition fees going up, or services being cut not will affect them in the slightest.

These peckerheads have expense accounts (funded by the taxpayer) that make a normal person's wages look like peanuts.

They live in ivory towers, spouting their bull# pronouncements that impact seriously on real people. None of these austerity measures will impact in any serious 'painful' manner on them or their 'big business bosses'

Share the pain?... My sainted pimpled backside!!

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by mr-lizard

Also - I'm LOOKING for work. Handed in dozens of CV's, walked up and down streets asking in every garage, shop and take away i can find. So it's not like i'm sponging or asking for the government for anything...

Except a job.

Way to go, if you are seriously looking and can find nothing then there is a problem with the government and taxes. If a business can expand and afford to hire more people it only makes sense to do just that. Thats where the governments can step in an offer tax credits or reductions to give those businesses money to expand and hire more who will buy more and cause other business to expand and hire more. I'm sorry if it appears I am unsympathetic to the cause but I am not, i simply do not agree that violence will solve anything in this case. Sometimes it does but not on this scale. A strike of students would send a much more powerful message and hit them where it hurts, in their wallets.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Dantas
reply to post by Yissachar1

Education is important but higher education, ie. college is not a right. You the right to attend college if you can pay for it. I never said I agreed with the cost rising and in fact it sounds like they are giving you guys the shaft which would anger me too but i certainly don't agree with the violence and destruction of property. Why not protest together by sitting out the next semester. The schools would have zero income and therefore would be forced to lower prices. It's like a baby throwing a tantrum with this violence. It's just gonna piss people off that could help you.

But... Okay... We protest peacefully we get ignored, beaten and kettled and ridiculed. If we don't protests we don't get heard.

At least attacking the offices of the people who cause this mess - our cause gets heard, for right or wrong....

Also don't forget only a minority of the 50,000 people did any damage....

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Dantas

It's all just a money grab and unfortunately it means a decemt education that can be accessed to all is no longer important among British politicians so long as their own ilk can afford it for their children.

Who do you have to thank for that? The voters!!! You deserve what you vote for and the Brits only have themselves to blame for that one!

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by Dantas

In uk, college or 6th form, is until 18 and you do not have to pay for it. Its university that you pay for in grants and loans or what ever.

So they want you to pay to goto grade school? 12th grade? age 18? I'm sorry we call college the same as university here but usually a university is a larger, same education though. post grade school, over 18, higher learning ect.

Having you pay for a yong kid to goto public school is unacceptable. Thats what taxes are for. I'm sure the parents pay taxes and even when they are too poor to pay taxes a child does have the right to a regular public school education. Still violence I do not see as the solution. Protests and shutting down the economy by everyone going on strike i can see.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Dantas
reply to post by Yissachar1

Education is important but higher education, ie. college is not a right. You the right to attend college if you can pay for it. I never said I agreed with the cost rising and in fact it sounds like they are giving you guys the shaft which would anger me too but i certainly don't agree with the violence and destruction of property. Why not protest together by sitting out the next semester. The schools would have zero income and therefore would be forced to lower prices. It's like a baby throwing a tantrum with this violence. It's just gonna piss people off that could help you.

And then those universities will end up being closed down but the elite uni's will prosper.. Think about it..

Its not just the uni's mate its everything.

They have flooded the country with cheap labour, put many on the dole, put many on the street, destroyed families, villified those they put on the dole, made sure that the indigenous population cant get jobs, cant now better themselves with higher education and have put our kids in massive debt that they did not make that they will not be able to pay back, putting our brightest on the scrapheap..

They have effectively ruined the country.. And our childrens future.. Its time to ruin theirs!
edit on 10-11-2010 by Yissachar1 because: bloody typo!

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Dantas
reply to post by Yissachar1

Education is important but higher education, ie. college is not a right. You the right to attend college if you can pay for it. I never said I agreed with the cost rising and in fact it sounds like they are giving you guys the shaft which would anger me too but i certainly don't agree with the violence and destruction of property. Why not protest together by sitting out the next semester. The schools would have zero income and therefore would be forced to lower prices. It's like a baby throwing a tantrum with this violence. It's just gonna piss people off that could help you.

Education breaks barriers. The rich in this country are vastly over represented in professions such as lawyers, politicians, judges to name but a few.

This magnifies the, ‘them and us’ barriers, builds the very ivory towers our great and the good run the country form. This is not in anyone interests including the rich that keep us down. Victoria died many years ago.

They gave up our manufacturing industries in favour of high tech industries. They belittle the trades and replace them with foreign EU workers who are supposedly better and harder working but are always on half the pay which the resident workers cannot live on.

So they force our youth to chase jobs in these industries and then take college fees out of the reach of a huge percentage of the population.

You appear to be trying to base things in a black and white context when the real issues are much more complicated. Stereotyping people does not help.

I will ask you again. A debt based economy has put us in this position. Do you really believe that putting our young that are the countries future in debt before they even start work is the way out of this mire?
Please try to avoid the McDonalds rubbish as our local one had a job open and over a hundred applicants.

edit on 10-11-2010 by colin42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Dantas

Originally posted by Dantas
College education is no more a right than a drivers license. It is something that should be available and made so people who wish to attand can attend but at no cost is asking too much. Why stop there, why not free food, free gas, free tickets to the show? We "Need" food to function so why isn't it free? We need transportation to get to work so why isn't it free? I can go on. Bottom line is college is not a need, it is a desire. A desire which is attainable by everyone through student loans or hard work and savings.

The cost of our local university just went up too but you don't see students tearing up property. There are much more effective ways in a situation like this to get your point across. Peacefull demonstration is one way. Destruction of property is bully tactics and the offenders should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To my understanding, a well-educated population provides both strong employees to support business and a strong entrepreneurial cadre to create and develop new technologies. It's short-sighted to make education difficult to afford unless you have ulterior motives.

The uneducated are usually excellent cannon fodder but once they've signed up to military service, suddenly free but extremely focussed education is provided in bucket loads as well as highly-subsidized higher education opportunities.

Educated people desire and insist on democratic institutions, fair pay, social services and open government. Uneducated people tend to do what they're told and are unlikely to organise effectively for change.

It is easy to confer from the governments stance on tuition that they're not committed to democracy or strong business.

Today's protest showed the usual Black Bloc protestor ruse in work. Hooded people damaging property while the police watch and then it's used as an excuse for hauling off hundreds of peaceful protestors and even innocent bystanders later. The same ruse was seen in G20/G8 protests in London, Toronto and Philadelphia of recent.

On a similar note, if you research the Poll Tax Riots(?), you'll see that those were peaceful protests until the police decided to brutally clear out the crowd. They've obviously learned their lessons from those earlier mistakes and have raised their game significantly. We know that any violence from protestors will be met next time by stronger policing. They know that too and have been caught creating the violence through agent provocateurs on many occasions.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:00 PM
England is wealthy nation at the moment because of sucking the wealths of all those colonies in Afrika and Asia in the past .This state have so much blood on their hands it seems funny i hear some posters here worrying about some broken windows and tables of some dirty Bank .I support the students but this is not enough .They should kick the Queen from that Buckingham Palace and show to the world what is FREEDOM

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Dantas

Man! you can't compare two very different society models directly with each other.

You see, here in Europe we have had a society model based on very high taxes which we and our parents before us PAID FOR WITH TAXES TO COVER HEALTH AND EDUCATION!

It's not at all about getting anything for free as some of you might think, since our society model was constructed differently than yours.

Traditionally we have paid much higher taxes than you guys in America, where you traditionally paid less tax and then bought most of your education and health coverage from private corporations yourselves from that alternative which was best for you and your family.

Whereas In Europe you paid very high taxes into a collective pool and funds which took care of most of our need for education and health - even for affordable higher education, because that was our society model - then suddenly the taxpayers had to bailout all the vicious & vile Banksters and their losses from a fraud and greedy out of control speculation with money from OUR PUBLIC FUNDS!
which is now breaking our society model.

The fraudulent Banks/financial institutions on Wall Street started all this mess with their multiple repackaged & fraudulently stamped AAA derivatives & fraudulent Credit Default Swaps and other toxic financial instruments, which then were sold further overseas to European financial institutions, Banks and even to many of our Public Pension Funds.

That's what started this current economical crises 2008.

They and their corrupted political henchmen are the guilty ones for all this crap that is happening! NOT THE PEOPLE!

It's the same all over Europe - that's the main reason why people are angry and now are protesting!

These kids who are protesting today have parents who already paid these high taxes into the system to cover part of their children's education.

The U.S and Europe can't be compared with each other DIRECTLY since our collective systems and society model were based on paying higher taxes than you in general - taxes that would cover part of our education and health.

Apparently, some of you are sadly delusional enough to believe (and say) that we just want stuff for free!!

That's not cool at all! - just unbelievable ignorance! :shk
edit on 10-11-2010 by Chevalerous because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:17 PM
This is a HUGE fail on the part of the students.

If they had done the most basic desk research, they would have found out that 25 1/2 of the 27 floors of that building are empty.

With the right approach, they could have legally occupied that space with thousands of students sitting on the very heads of the Conservative Party HQ for the next month.

Check the Availability page here

That's a HUGE fail.

Unreported - the real story from the ground as some of the protesters start throwing stuff from the top of the building onto random people below, endangering lives...

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

We are headed that way ourselves over here if things don't change. Sounds like they rich are trying to put you guys back to the middle ages where kings ruled and peasants were, well peasants, and slaves to the royalty from what you have said. Immigrant workers have taken much of our more labor intensive jobs as well and work for much less.

Gonna take some change in government sounds like. We just had a big change here in the States. I am not there so do not fully understand the predicament these cost hikes put people in. It's nice to be able to hear from others whats really going on. Media here makes it out to be some hooligans busting up a building because the prices went up on university tuition. If it's a university i still say if everyone sat out a semester the loss in revenue would make the officals take note and make a change to suit you. Some income is much better than no income. It would have to be an organized group effort for it to work though. The ones who could afford it are intelligent and schooled and would realise the country cannot run efficiently with only a few elites. It takes everyone from the prince to the pauper to make a country run.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Dantas

You may get a chuckle from this.

I just watched a politician from a generation that did get his university education for free talk about his fears that the demonstration may put off foreign students from choosing English university education while not giving a fig about our kids that will not be able to afford the same.

Highlights just how disconnected our leaders are.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:58 PM
So a few thousand students smashing windows to get their point across is bad?

You wait until the 3 million unemployed, reject and protest the "work for your dole money" slave labor idea.

It will go off big time, back to the 80's style!


posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Sunlionspirit

Now now, play nice. Yes, some of the G20 protestors used fake blood to pretend to have been injured by the police and get their faces in the paper. Having a personal go at me for pointing that out is not in the spirit of this site and I would suggest you either reply in a more civilised tone or use another forum.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by 3finjo

Obnoxious post. Did you not read my posts or are you so high up on your high horse you can't see the words?

You are disgusting and so out of touch with the reality this country is in. Yet you dare to insult those who cannot find jobs.

Shame on you, i bet you've never seen real poverty have you?

Disgusting, obnoxious snob.

You have no idea of poverty. I have seen it in the flesh in places where people can't even get food let alone an education. Why should your education be free? Mine wasn't, and guess what I am still paying it off years later. Do I bitch about it and make personal attacks on people for posting an opinion? No. I get on, pay the loan off as much as I can afford and crack on with life. Suggest you do the same. Oh, and I suggest a few meditative mantras to help you calm down - goosufabrahhh

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:26 PM
When they say go up 3x the amount do you know what that amount is... 5 grand to 15 grand... 15 grand for college! The kids in america would lick your boots to get that, quit whining.
edit on 10-11-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Anyway, the way it works in the UK is that you only pay off your loan if you earn over a certain threshold. If you earn under that then your payments get deferred until you are earning enough. I am sure many on here who were educated in other countries wished they had that system. Stop whining, get an education then when you can afford it pay off your loan. Simples.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
When they say go up 3x the amount do you know what that amount is... 5 grand to 15 grand... 15 grand for college! The kids in america would lick your boots to get that, quit whining.
edit on 10-11-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

Yeah but you can't compare the two systems directly since your parents didn't have to pay the much higher taxes which was constructed this way to give us affordable education, health etc by paying taxes to a collective pool and funds - your parents had much more money left each month in their pockets - which they then set aside each month for their children's higher education, health coverage etc.

Wheras here in Europe the parents traditionally paid much higher taxes than yours to even include affordable higher education for their children through the higher taxes.

Why is this so damn hard for some of you to understand?

edit on 10-11-2010 by Chevalerous because: (no reason given)

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