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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:27 AM
Can't believe some here still believe that could be a plane or jet contrail...


posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:27 AM
Sorry if this has already been added to the thread but i have not had time to go through the many posts as of yet.
I remember reading this just a day or two before the missle event took place.

Maybe the two are not linked or maybe they are?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:27 AM
So what will happen? As much as I'd like to think this won't happen I believe there's a high probability that this will go down like this:

The agencies in charge (aforementioned FAA, Pentagon etc...) will release a statement saying that indeed, it was only a contrail from a plane. They have already hinted at this. Even if it is not true, that will be IMHO the conclusive explanation offered to the general public and the world.

There will be much gloating on ATS, and many, many 'I told you so's' will be thrown about. Sadly, we may never know the exact truth behind this event (if the real truth does come out I might have a heart attack on the spot). I think many supporters of the 'plane' theory are afraid of the alternatives.

Heck, so am I, I mean, if it's not a plane then somebody fired a serious Triton class missile 35 miles off the coast of the good ol' U.S.A., and our military has already admitted it wasn't them. This scenario is quite sobering. It would mean that we are not as safe from such attacks on our soil as we once thought. And our military would have to admit that a foreign power snuck one in on us for whatever reason. is highly unlikely that any other explanation other than "It was just a plane, don't worry about it, we have everything under control, go back to your daily slaving, your McDonalds eating, and your tax-paying, nothing to see here." will be given.

...think about it.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:28 AM
I saw this the minute it popped up. I knew it would draw a crowd but WOW lol.
Can someone explain to me what 90 pages of posts has concluded?
Or are we debating aliens or new animal spices that breed with rockets? ;o
edit on 10-11-2010 by Anttyk47 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:29 AM
It's quite 'odd' that major news media outlets are presenting information and (experts) to dispell the idea that this could (or was) a missle launch. Fox News explains it away as 'con trails' from a plane combined with light refraction creating the illusion that it's going iup..instead of across the sky.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:30 AM
IMHO i think what makes the most common sense is that the US was playing with a new toy, it produced a far more visible contrail than expected and they are weighing their response.

response one
"it was an airplane"
rest of world
"that is clearly not a plane, horeshhhhhpoop they have something new we have to get it, match it, defend against/destroy it."

response two
"we have no idea."
rest of world
"haaa it was a plane dummies."

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

Please Read this first: This post contains sarcasm, it's late at night, but I still shouldn't have been so sarcastic, it just sort of annoyed me that people were claiming all kinds of things about this video... however - I feel now that I was a bit too thick on the sarcasm, but I hope you realize that I definitely am not targeting anyone or calling anyone names... I will continue to try to improve... but I DO want you to look at the link below please!

Hi Phage and Tarifa... well... back on page 8 or 9 I posted my response, and sort of guessed that this would happen... the typical knee jerk reaction and relentlessly long thread, all kinds of claims about this and that.
And yet we are left with one good quality video of a contrail, and nothing more.

Nuclear War was almost being proclaimed by some, "buy your canned goods now..." good grief, I think I'll start selling canned food online and put some banner ads on ATS with special discounts.

But seriously, I have looked at the past ten pages (I couldn't bear to go back any further, having already read through the first ten or so pages initially), and I don't see anything other than surmise, vague references to friends of friends, anonymous sources, people desperate to insert their own conclusions/agenda at any cost.

I still say that this is another instance of perspective fooling people, a beautiful clear (cold) sky and perspective. I bet you that if I was in the situation of recording this - I'd most likely see this as a rocket launch too...

I know that you're about to go ... no way... this is definitely NOT a contrail from a plane, those Flickr Pictures posted by Phage look NOTHING like that video... agreed...

So I used Google and my first search for the following term: New Year's Eve contrail not a missile
And I found this site... be prepared... it might actually convince you about what I am saying... but then again, who on here every changes their opinion (and that includes me of course!)
Link: Contrail Science Website with some GREAT examples

But at the end of the day, people need to realize that perspective completely fools us... a distant object traveling across the sky, towards us or away from us can very easily be perceived as an object rising into the sky.

In other threads - people who have graphic skills (I'm not one of them!) have taken the time to literally draw examples of objects moving across the sky... and then shown this from different angles to prove beyond doubt that perspective can truly fool the human eye...

Good Grief - if this was a missile launch I think we'd have seen some verification of this by now, and I'm 100% certain that if this was a missile launch by some other power - then we'd see the whole Pacific Ocean crawling with ships, planes, you know... some sort of military reaction!

People need to get some perspective and start to UNDERSTAND perspective...

TTFN and thank you again Phage for posting these Flickr Images... people... take a look...I'm seriously not bashing the thread, I'm just trying to not have some kind of knee jerk reaction...

askbaby OUT - I'll try to not say anything else unless I can add more to this thread... it's big enough as it is!
edit on 10-11-2010 by askbaby because: added a link to show examples of contrails... really good ones this time!

edit on 10-11-2010 by askbaby because: Edited (again!) to add a comment because my post is somewhat sarcastic... sorry people =(

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:33 AM
If you believe the cameraman who filmed this then it was NOT a plane.
No way, no how!!
Personally, given what has been said here and in the media, I think I'll believe him.
2nd vid down..Link courtesy of an earlier poster.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

i had table earlier that the government was being held to the flames by a computer hacker and he/she was showing how much control they had attained and were demanding X amount of dollars.

from the responses i received it seems it would have to be an inside job as they do not operate on the "regular" internet its their own network therefore not subtable to a similar hacking method.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by tommyjo

Originally posted by Prove_It_NOW
Here is the flight tracker info on US808 (the plane most likely to be the culprit)

It is supposed to be a Boeing 757 Twinjet. A Twinjet 757 making a contrail like that during mid flight? And with a spiral "staged" breaking of the trail, similar to almost EVERY missile launch ever seen from these parts?

I'm concerned because this crap happened right off the coast from where I'm sitting as I type this. I literally could have filmed this from my balcony. I want to know why Norad, FAA, Pentagon, and all players involved, can't I.D. this.

If a twin like a Boeing 737 (image links) can produce a thick contrail, then the 757 is quite capable of producing them. Different atmospheric conditions effect those contrails.

P1130318b by dmorgan910, on Flickr


Notice the Contrails that YOU posted...look nothing like the contrail of this event we speak of.

Twin JET...there's a reason I set TWIN JET....and you pointed it out for me.

One thing also, is that under right humidity and weather conditions, a thick Contrail can happen.

But this is different. It's structure, it's spiraling, it's appearance of 'staging', how it appears from ONE jet source, it's IMMEDIATE thickening, how it appears jagged.

Most contrails from jets are uniform...regardless of what angle it is at. A Jet Contrail ends up 'jagged' or spiraling after hanging around for a while. That isn't the case in the video as the OBJECT is immediately in the shot (i.e. it just made the trail)

And most Jets make those trails at cruising altitude. Judging that the shot was taken from a Helicopter, that didn't seem to be at cruising altitude, but we don't know for sure.

And the trail, if from a TWIN JET engine aircraft, would show a splitting at some point (TWIN JETS) This isn't, it's immediately think, jagged, staged....I'm going with missile.

And I want to know why NOBODY can claim this thing if it is so readily explained as a JET.

If it's a jet, then give us the Tail Number, Time, Heading, Departure Time, Arrival, Path...let's have the FAA clear this up.
edit on 10-11-2010 by Prove_It_NOW because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
They probably don't want to jump the gun like a lot of ATSers and come to an incorrect conclusion.

I don't understand the comments saying the FAA wasn't tracking this if it was a plane, they probably were but they just may not know how to match up this footage with the many flights that come in over the Pacific each day, to tell us exactly which flight it was.

You seem to be guilty of that which you are accusing "a lot of ATSers" of doing.

Your guess is no better than any other member at this point friend (well, for the most part).

One would be interested with the exact number of flights that came over the Pacific during this event, the other flights during this day mean zero.

Not to make your theory any less sound (you could correct) but just how many flights could there be at that time and in that area? 1 possibly 2? But let us say you are correct and that there are multiple flights around that time and area, let's say 5 or even 20; where are they?

If there was so many flights that the FAA need a lot of extra time to find the exact mystery jet, the odds would be that at least one of these so called "many" flights would have also been witnessed leaving contrails, at least some place or some point, during the video but the sky was clear.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by askbaby

come on more condescending,

little taste of your medicine

you say if this was a missile/rocket launch "clearly" someone would come forward by now to claim this.

in your head this seems more likely than

it was plane xyz from abc landing at cde.

but tell us again how were idiots?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by TroyB
It's quite 'odd' that major news media outlets are presenting information and (experts) to dispell the idea that this could (or was) a missle launch. Fox News explains it away as 'con trails' from a plane combined with light refraction creating the illusion that it's going iup..instead of across the sky.

Fox news said this? Funny, I can tell you I’m more an expert than they are. I launched some of them. This is a missile test strapped for track and targeting. The Navy must have some new equipment there testing . It’s not the missile their testing though. Because it looks like it’s strapped for a track. Which leads me to believe some other new equipment there testing, they just need the missile for the test for whatever else there testing.

edit on 10-11-2010 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by TroyB
It's quite 'odd' that major news media outlets are presenting information and (experts) to dispell the idea that this could (or was) a missle launch. Fox News explains it away as 'con trails' from a plane combined with light refraction creating the illusion that it's going iup..instead of across the sky.

People are hired to make things like these up. :3

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by askbaby

Good Grief - if this was a missile launch I think we'd have seen some verification of this by now, and I'm 100% certain that if this was a missile launch by some other power - then we'd see the whole Pacific Ocean crawling with ships, planes, you know... some sort of military reaction!

It was a missile lunched to show Americas military power to India and Asian countries of course they wont say it, its not a threat because they lunched it.

If it was a plane why don't the passengers or the pilots go on the air and admit it was them? isn't that simple?

I think we'd have seen some verification

The military wont say it but they know, you can see that by the medias reaction the media had come up with there own explanation because usually the pentagon does the thinking for the media.

And also its quite rude to say that we all here are idiots

edit on 10-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Anttyk47
Can someone explain to me what 90 pages of posts has concluded?
Some people say it's an optical illusion caused by a plane. Other people claim they can't be fooled by optical illusions like this and neither can the eyewitness who filmed it, so they remain convinced it's a missile launch. That's my summary of 90 pages.

News flash: optical illusions work on almost all of us, even experienced pilots. Wikipedia has a whole article full of them:

I thought it was flying away from the camera at first too, but I can see now it could just as easily be flying toward the camera. Our perceptive abilities aren't that great and we can all be fooled, myself included.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:41 AM
And in the end the question will remain....a question. No matter the outcome there will always be those that will diagree one way or the other. So, with that said,back to our regularly scheduled programs.
But beware as the gov will probably try to play off of public opinion, if it suits their needs. Maybe they are just waiting for the poll stats to come in.......

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Phage

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, said that FAA records showed commercial airliners were flying in the area at the time, and that most government experts were coming to the conclusion that the condensation trail was caused by an aircraft. "The best we can tell, it was probably caused by an aircraft," the official said.

Now I wonder. Phage was more than aware of the full quote from the cameraman.
Maybe he did choose to use the edited version later..

I'd forgotten, he was the one that I got the link off,lol..

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

do you watch golf on television?

notice how when the ball goes straight in real life on the screen it flies off to the right?

im not supporting your plane theory im on the otherside

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by askbaby
reply to post by tarifa37

Hi Phage and Tarifa... well... back on page 8 or 9 I posted my response, and sort of guessed that this would happen... the typical knee jerk reaction and relentlessly long thread, all kinds of claims about this and that.
And yet we are left with one good quality video of a contrail, and nothing more.

Nuclear War was almost being proclaimed by some, "buy your canned goods now..." good grief, I think I'll start selling canned food online and put some banner ads on ATS with special discounts.

But seriously, I have looked at the past ten pages (I couldn't bear to go back any further, having already read through the first ten or so pages initially), and I don't see anything other than surmise, vague references to friends of friends, anonymous sources, people desperate to insert their own conclusions/agenda at any cost.

I still say that this is another instance of perspective fooling people, a beautiful clear (cold) sky and perspective. I bet you that if I was in the situation of recording this - I'd most likely see this as a rocket launch too...

I know that you're about to go ... no way... this is definitely NOT a contrail from a plane, those Flickr Pictures posted by Phage look NOTHING like that video... agreed...

So I used Google and my first search for the following term: New Year's Eve contrail not a missile
And I found this site... be prepared... it might actually convince you about what I am saying... but then again, who on here every changes their opinion (and that includes me of course!)
Link: Contrail Science Website with some GREAT examples

But at the end of the day, people need to realize that perspective completely fools us... a distant object traveling across the sky, towards us or away from us can very easily be perceived as an object rising into the sky.

In other threads - people who have graphic skills (I'm not one of them!) have taken the time to literally draw examples of objects moving across the sky... and then shown this from different angles to prove beyond doubt that perspective can truly fool the human eye...

Good Grief - if this was a missile launch I think we'd have seen some verification of this by now, and I'm 100% certain that if this was a missile launch by some other power - then we'd see the whole Pacific Ocean crawling with ships, planes, you know... some sort of military reaction!

People need to get some perspective and start to UNDERSTAND perspective...

TTFN and thank you again Phage for posting these Flickr Images... people... take a look...I'm seriously not bashing the thread, I'm just trying to not have some kind of knee jerk reaction...

askbaby OUT - I'll try to not say anything else unless I can add more to this thread... it's big enough as it is!
edit on 10-11-2010 by askbaby because: added a link to show examples of contrails... really good ones this time!

Perspective works both ways. Also, if it was a plane there would have been verification by now. Hard verification, not some people saying it might be a plane.

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