reply to post by inforeal
Never be too tired to give sources and be prepared to refute the attacks against the arguments. Once again there are problems in the arguments that
were presented and now is a new day.
Lets start with the basics, how many people from another country, that has this kind of socialized medicine have you talked to, or do you go off of
the reports? Funny thing about the reports and statistics and things that we read about, there are both good and bad sides of that report. Oh sure
it may seem a good idea, but do tell, are you willing to pay 8 dollars a gallon for gas? No really, are you prepared to pay for that, or are you
prepared to pay a higher tax rate on everything you purchase? Income tax on the middle class is 20%, those making a higher rate pay 40%. Oh and
combine that with a VAT of about 20% and guess what, those people pay for that health care system and all of the other entitlements from the
government. Think about it, not only are they having a higher amount of taxes being taken from their paycheck, but they have to pay a higher amount
of money for each and every item that they purchase, to include food. So while you are eating breakfast, here is the breakdown. In the United
States, the average tax rate on the middle class is about 19% for the Federal level, 6.7% at the state level, and an average sales tax of about 4.5%,
for a grand total, of about 30.2, with some items, such as food, not being taxed. So there you have it, the countries you are talking about, tax
everything and the average person pays 60%. System we have, with all of the taxes and it is about 30.2%.
Last time I walked into any hospital, in different states, from what I understand of the law, and having read several of the different laws, a person
walking into an ER can not be turned away, to do such is a criminal offense, and could result in fines and criminal prosecution. Now if it happens
that a doctor chooses not to accept Medicare or medicade, as is the case starting to come out these days, then there is absolutely nothing that the
Government can do or should do. Reality is that every time the federal government goes to deal with medicare, they cut the funding, that means the
doctors, with huge costs and overhead, are paid less and less, till it is a matter of business that they can not accept patients that are on medicare
and medicade.
You state that the rich are not paying their fair share, really? According to the IRS, this is how the numbers break down, mind you that this is
from the Federal Government, the agency who takes in the money from everyone: The bottom 50% pay 4% of taxes. The Top 25% pay 83%, the top 1 percent
pay 35%, and the top 400 richest Americans paid 1.58%. So that means of all of the money that is brought in the rich are paying the most out of
everyone. In 2005 1,043,908,000,000.00
Was collected. That means the super rich paid: 878,970,536,000. The rich paid: 134,173,495,240. The middle class paid: 28,210,559,352.92 And
the Poor paid: 2,440,267,169.67
So the question is if the rich are paying billions in taxes, how much more do you think is fair that they give and would you be willing to pay the
same tax rate that they do? Oh it may appear that the rich does not pay their fair share, but consider this, most people who are rich, are spending a
good 10% their income on charities and endowments. That’s right, a majority of the charitable organizations, and grants for things like schooling,
come from the rich. The hospitals and schools, often have large grants given to them by the rich. So if the rich are paying the lions share of the
taxes, investing in businesses, being charitable and giving grants, then why ask them to pay more?
Your source on the health care proves my point: If you are going to trust what any politician says or reports on as fact, I have a bridge in Arizona
I could sell you, prime real estate, a real historic piece of work. The report goes into what Harry Reid states. Big red flag to me, as it comes
from the mouth of a man whose only interest is remaining in the chair he has been sitting in for a long time. Fact, the government LIES when it comes
to reporting what is actually on reports, they tend not to go through and read the entire report, only going off of hearsay and second hand. If
something is unpopular, they will use grant money to get the report that justifies their point of view, and tend to with hold funding if it is not
what they want to hear. And since we are on taxes, why is it that an estimated 90% of the people who work in the federal government, and especially
those in congress are the biggest tax cheats around? And those Democrats, why did they approve a measure to increase their pay and salary while every
one else was out of work, and killed a bill that would cut their person income while the country is in a recession? Seems like they get paid, no
matter the economy. And why is it, that if the health care bill goes through, they are exempt from it? Oh yes, the very democrats that you are
protecting, guess what they are exempt from that health care bill, have a health insurance that is far greater than the CEO’s of a major company,
and get paid for the rest of their life, even if they only work 4 years. And the Democrats are the biggest supports of not changing that. You not
have a job after 4 years and you get nothing, be in congress one term and you get a nice package for the rest of your life. How is that fair? How is
it fair that the average salary for someone in the federal government is 2 to 10 times that of their average counterpart out doing the same thing?
Global warming, wow, gee, I guess the thousands of people who made light bulbs really did not need their job. Oh and do be careful with the new
greener ones, you know the light bulb that costs about 2 dollars to buy and 25000 to clean up with a good chance that you will lose your house as it
would be contaminated. Yes that is true, woman went out bought the new light bulb, being very earth minded, and broke one. Noting that there was
mercury in it, called to ask how to clean it up, well 25000 later, she can move into her house. The science of global warming and change is
questionable at best. The figures and numbers do not add up, and why is it that every one of those scientists who questioned the data were attacked
verbally, along with now it is coming out that they misrepresented the numbers that got everyone in an uproar? Sides, only just 30 years ago, the
biggest fear was the earth was cooling, we were heading towards another ice age, and gee was that also not under a federal government that was
controlled by: The democrats, people who can’t seem to decide if we are warm or cold, but hey lets scare everyone anyways.
Well now you brought up the war. Really, according to my information and the law of the country and the Constitution, last time I checked, we are not
at war, never have been at war, nor does it seem that there will be a war. Sorry to disappoint you, however, last time I checked, and I do check on a
regular basis, at the start of this whole thing, Congress did not declare war, no declaration, no say hey we are at war, nada, zip, zilch. And funny
how for the past 2 years, with the democrats being in control and have a hold of the purse strings, they did not end the war what so ever. You see,
the President can say go kill to the shoulders, as that is his job, but the congress has to approve and open up the proverbial purse to pay for it.
And with the majority in the congress to actually do something they could have easily passed a bill to end both the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan,
easily. But no, instead they have to play armchair general and pretty much put people in danger, rather than let the military do its job, win this
thing, and come home.
What is more immoral, we are really not falling for the lies and falsehoods coming out of congress and DC, or when people are in debt, out of work,
hungry and their government promises to give another country 100 million dollars in aid? What is more immoral, people out of work looking and begging
for work, or the government spending 800 thousand dollars, to teach people in another country how to properly clean themselves after sex? What is
more immoral, you not paying taxes or under reporting your taxes and spending a few years in prison and a heavy fine, or the Senator who misreported
his taxes, and ended up with just a slap on the wrist and a rules change? The immoral, ignorance, selfish and stupid people are not the people of
this country, it is the leaders who are suppose to be acting for WE THE PEOPLE, but are instead acting for themselves.
The bailouts, well now, how about them bailouts, what about the 4 that the democrats passed that have done nothing for the country and people there