posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:28 PM
Interesting post, and full of rhetoric, however, please bear with me and I will attempt to give a few arguments that are not mentioned.
The American Political system is not a perfect system and the problems that we face today are not just the products of just one of the parties
involved, but of both of the parties combined. It is the problem of the citizens of the United States of America, who keep electing the same
officials into office over and over, yet those same officials get to be arrogant in being in that position for so long. This was best demonstrated
during the town hall meetings, when the citizens came to confront their duly elected representatives, and were insulted or ignored, or down right
slandered in the process. For far too long, too many of the same party has been in control of the congress. This has led to where ideas that could
come out, are often ignored, and far too many of the people who are suppose to be representing the people of this country have gone far too corrupt
and lost touch with the very thing that matters, governing the country wisely. No one in DC is innocent and all of them have skeletons in their
closets. The representatives with the good ideas and are not so corrupt can’t get their bills on the floor for even the courtesy of an open debate.
You mentioned about the south, that they turned Republican after President Johnson signed the executive order to enforce civil rights. Well there
are 2 sides to that story, and after all, it was the Democrats during that time frame that were enforcing the segregation between the African
Americans and the rest of the population, so would not a people who were treated badly be entitled to change sides, especially after the other side
abused and treated them badly? Now please forgive this next part, but after reading the rest of that statement it sounds suspiciously like that if
the democrats are not re-elected to office, that there is not going to be reparations towards the African American community. Well that is how I
perceive it, and please forgive if I have offended. You state that the Republican party is against the middle and lower class, all cause they support
those who are rich, yet fail to mention that those who are rich, who have money are not sitting around with it under the beds, they are investing it
into the stock markets, and into businesses that provide the jobs and incomes for the middle and lower class citizens. Any one with a large company,
has to consider the cost of doing business, and if you will please bear with me I will get to that point. Put yourself in the shoes of a business
owner, now you have a product that will see, however you have to consider the cost of the raw materials, the costs of the facilities and the cost of
labor. It is the latter, the cost of labor that will often drive the final cost of the product, as all of that has to be accounted for. So here is
the problem as it stands with doing business. You can pay a person 8 dollars an hour to produce a product, or you can pay a person 2 dollars an hour
to make the same product, mind you that in addition to making money as is the goal, you probably have investors and the banks that are wanting
repayment on the money they lent to you to do business, so which do you choose? Well as a business person you are going to try to save money in the
production which means you go with the cost of 2 dollars an hour production than the 8, thus lowering the final price of the product and actually
making a profit and paying back your lenders.
The Health Care Bill, that you mentioned. Ever read it, ever try to read it? It was a noble effort, yet as much good as it would do, don’t you
find that the solution that was offered to lower the cost of health care was ignored by the politicians, by the very people who are driving the
economy? And tell me if you have a budget of say 2000 dollars a month, would you spend 200,000? No. And do you think it is right that if you can
not afford health insurance, that you can be fined and possibly end up with a felony record? After all what is the health care bill, a mandate that
is clearly unconstitutional or a tax. Care to guess who gets to determine if what you have in the way of health insurance is adequate or not? The
IRS, with the full mandate to take out money from your tax return and fine you if you do not hold the necessary coverage. So the American public was
told it was not a tax, those who voted on it, could not tell you what was in it, and there are parts that are so questionable, we all see where this
is going, government sponsored abortions. Yes that old topic is once again backed and now funded by the Tax payers, even if they do not support this
medical procedure. And guess what, after all of that, in a court of law, while this was being challenged, and the good Democrats were being
embarrassed by the largest companies out there, something about having to lay off thousands of employees to cover the costs and take close to a
several billion dollar loss for the year to cover the costs, and all being told to appear before the Senate and give testimony on such, it came out
that this new bill is: A Tax. That’s right in court it was proclaimed a tax, all from an administration that stated it would not raise taxes on
anyone making less than 200 K a year.
Now that is just the starters, how about the excuse that is so commonly used: The other guy did it. Well it seems that both parties are guilty of
The Supreme Court ruling, did you read the decision or the case, did you read and understand why the Justices ruled the way that they did, or are you
seeing what the President wants you to see? They did not make that ruling idly nor without good reason. Of all of the branches of the US federal
government, the Judicial branch is the only one, by law, who has to justify each and every ruling in writing to explain why the decided and ruled the
way they did. No other branch has to do that, not the executive and not the legislative branch.
When bills are so large that they can not be understood, when promises are made and not kept, when the same solutions that have failed, are kept going
and or renewed, and the issues that are affecting this nation are ignored, all with the Democrats blessing and votes, and the common people are still
hurting, what do you expect them to do? Take up arms against the federal government or to be civil and go to the polls and exercise the one means
that they have to ensure their voice is heard and vote? I would say the latter.
As I stated before, the problems of today are not just the fault of either party, but of both and that we the people are also part of that problem by
not voting, or caring. What the politicians are to blame, if anything is for taking a bad situation and exploiting it for their own ends and means.
And the solution to this will lie with WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.