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American Doom!

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
The American electorate will tonight likely vote against their own interest and elect the anti-human Republican conservative Tea Party candidates—who ONLY care about rich people—to at least rule over the House and likely the Senate also [ God forbid].

This will likely be the end of any kind of progress for the American civilization that will be buried in right-wing dogma of the likes of the absolute knave and ignoramus Sarah Palin and the party of conservatives WHO WILL WITHOUT A DOUBT BRING THE COUNTRY TO RUIN!

This is inevitable because these bigoted people of the Republican conservative tea party have absolutely no ideas on how to run a modern civilized diverse society of 300 million people.

All they do is react to the government giving directly and indirectly money to colored non-whites usually poor people. THEY DON’T LIKE THAT!


It isn’t a coincidence that their base is in the SOUTH where many are still fighting the loss cause of the civil war.

Some of you people who are too young don’t know that the South use to be democratic. . . . Until Lyndon Johnson passed civil right acts in the 60’s.
You know things like letting black people have equal access to housing, education, water fountains, and things like that. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?

The democratic South turned Republican in droves [ and has remained Republican ever since] just because they were giving the descendents of slaves equal rights. Primarily this is the case because they DON’T WANT TO GIVE ANY MONEY TO NON WHITE PEOPLE!
It’s got nothing to do with fiscal responsible government. THEY WERE NOT SAYING ANYTHING

Now today the sons and daughters of those southern bigots who hate anything non white still today are the backbone of the reactionary Republican party.

This Republican party has ALWAYS been against anything for the middle and lower classes in the modern era, the twentieth century . . . . They just recently have led the opposition to laws against outsourcing American jobs overseas.

The Republicans always HATE anything that helps human beings, and love anything that smacks of jingoistic militarism, and welfare for corporations.

But when things like health care were to go to all Americans INCLUDING blacks . . . Lo and Behold came the Tea Party . . . financed by right wing groups primarily from the South and Western US.


Understand that Republican conservatism HAS GIVEN NOTHING TO THIS COUNTRY.


They have since Truman, Eisenhower even Richard Nixon [ Two Republicans with a little sense] denied what Europeans have had for decades given to its population,

I know many here who hate Obama [ I don’t like him either] and don’t know the history of this country will be happy for the Republican gains.

But I warn you people.


When the Republicans allow unlimited outsourcing, like Calry Fiorini did at HP,

When they cut unemployment benefits in this recession

When they allow corporation to pollute the air and water at will

What about the Republicans on the Supreme court who recently ruled that CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE TOO!

That ruling will allow corporations to dump unlimited funds into the coffers of political candidates and overtly buy the legislative process, using the government as a tool to enrich corporate bosses.”



WHEN YOU personally understand that we live in a modern society of inter-dependence, and we have to assist and help all people in this modern era then you will reject the false premises of the anti-human conservative republican tea party rhetoric.

The myth of the independent person going around doing what they want to do, like polluting the air we and our children breath, or selling us poisonous medicine and food and allowing rich people and corporations to do what they want, such as bribe the politicians will be increased under the Republicans that will win tonight.

And in the end that will affect your life and the lives of your children and families.

I fear for this country

edit on 2-11-2010 by inforeal because: typos

edit on 2-11-2010 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

Are you kidding me? That is the most uneducated diatribe I have read since my college English professor espoused the great socialist movement and warned of imminent human destruction within a few years if we didn't vote in the Liberals....that was 15 years ago.

I guess the electoral losers want a pity party now.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:59 AM
As long as the human race continues to hold Material/wealth/resources above our most precious resource, life, we will continue on the path of self-destruction. Screw the hungry, screw homeless children in American cities, screw the sick - They don't deserve to live, but I deserve that 57'' hd 3d 1080p TV. They don't deserve to own their own home, they aren't up to corporate standards, even though they may work 80 hours + a week just to supply rent, and feed their family. The white collar guy, the banker, they wall street guy, apparently they do something in our society that is valued more then our teachers, builders, inventors, farmers, caregivers, health care workers, etc. Our values are completely out of wack (imo). Those who, in the end really don't produce anything, are our highest paid.

In America, the krueger dunning effect is dominating. Everyone is a unique little snow flake that can do ANYTHING. Our students think they're the smartest, and most capable, but the truth doesn't show that. In our schools, we teach memorization rather then intuitive, or logical thinking. Asking "why" in your average classroom will get a dirty look from the teacher. There are many great teachers out there, but between the bureaucracy, and the self-entitlement of some students, it's hard to do the right thing. I had an AP C++ teacher that used to mark my programs "wrong", even though the program preformed perfectly in the compiler, just because I had a better understanding of the programing language, she barely understood the basics, she was actually a PASCAL teacher, a dead programing language, and really had no training in C++.

And don't even get me started on the whole high school culture, that is bred and encouraged by the faculty, where intelligence is a BAD thing. I was always told "I was too smart for my own good", I was a "smart ass". I got a F in philosophy because I used to automatically oppose whatever the teacher said, in order to get the point across that there is no right answer in Philosophy. I got an F, not because I didn't know the material, but rather because I was insubordinate. We never learned about philosophy, we were just told to memorize a few names, and parrot a few sayings attributed to a "philosopher".

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by inforeal

Exactly STAR and FLAG for you.

The TPM Republicans are going to turn this country into a fascist police state and the TPM supporters are going to clap for it and jump for joy.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by inforeal

just a few questions. do you feel that any other presidential candidate than bush, wouldn't have done the same? what do you think al gore would have done?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by inforeal

These types of posts are really silly. To go on a rant about one side of government and blame them for past and future mistakes is crazy. Do you not realize that it doesn't matter if the left or the right is in office. The government is totally corrupt and regardless who is leading our country is going to shambles. Both parties have destroyed this country and have equally brought shame to our country. Your rant is valid; however, you really should give credit to both parties for failling their country.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by inforeal

The American electorate will tonight likely vote against their own interest and elect the anti-human Republican conservative Tea Party candidates—who ONLY care about rich people—to at least rule over the House and likely the Senate also [ God forbid].

GTF out of here with this drivel. You know nothing about the Tea Party or why it was founded. It was founded to stop the fraud and Wall Street criminals and return the country to Constitutional rule. Nothing of what you claim is true AT ALL. Both R and D are bought and paid for by the banks and other misc. corporate interests and fools like you do their bidding.

Admins bilge this ridiculous thread please.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by whatukno

obama wouldn't have done the same? do you think that X-ray vans and body scanners do not feel like implications of a police state? what about forcing businesses (that are owned by human beings) to offer health care and if they do not comply they are subject to a fine and or jail time, being implications of a police state? how about trying to place laws on the use of internet or the amount of sugar and salt in our food? what about the want to force human beings whom happen to have more money than most, to redistribute said money against their will? these are just questions i was just wondering about.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by inforeal

Well I skimmed through the pages you submitted as evidence that the tea party is all racist and have a racist agenda

You have turned me! Where do I pick up my welfare check? Are you going to automatically subtract my poor people tax or do I have to pay cash?

Seriously though...You DO realize that your evidence is pundit talk and and biased lefty "news" sites right?

That video was pretty good too...can you say PLANT

When was the last time a rational person at a rally said anything like that? Sorry, I call shenanigans on the people going to tea party rallies and screaming "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE/KILL OBAMA". They are paid agents of one of those shadowy leftist action committees (ie Rand Paul stomped lady)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by inforeal

A question I always wondered about...

Why are all the very rich people spending all that money on campaigning for DEMOCRATS?


edit on 3-11-2010 by BingeBob because: added warning

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:56 AM
Doom is what America has been experiencing for the last two years! But you know what they say, you have to hit rock bottom before you pick yourself up and straighten things out. Part of me is glad the people got to see what it was like to have Dems in complete control. Passing bills without even knowing what was in them or the American people knowing what was in them (Obamacare), not passing a budget for the first time ever, handing out bonuses to mega corps and banks (I thought Dems were against that? oh my), unemployment rising to near 10%, home ownership at its lowest level in decades, foreclosures continuing to rise, wars continue overseas with no leadership or plan or goals... Seriously you could go on forever.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by inforeal

How many Tea Party members do you know personally? Zero? How many of them make racist or bigoted remarks? Zero. While I've known a few bigoted black people and an even fewer bigoted white people, I've never met or known a racist Tea Party Member. People's ability to make up baseless nonsense never ceases to amaze me. As does your obvious lack of basic math skills in thinking the United States federal government isn't going to HAVE TO (by the laws of basic math) shrink dramatically over the next decade.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:11 AM
The American people just put people back in power who got us into this economic mess in the first place. The American people are blinded by politics and this country will get exactly what it deserves.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Your right whatukno, if someone is complaining about the lack of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms they must be a fascist who wants a police state. If someone is clamoring for a smaller government they must therefore want government bigger and more intrusive. If some one is complaining about decaying rights human rights they must be a bigot. And if they are complaining about the US going bankrupt to to excessive spending they must be an anarchist because it couldn't just be basic mathematics that the US will have to reduce spending. That all makes perfect sense. On opposite day.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Greensboro1978
The American people just put people back in power who got us into this economic mess in the first place. The American people are blinded by politics and this country will get exactly what it deserves.

Woah there brother...pump the brakes...

First of all, the american people voted for change in the biggest upset in a long while.

Second of all, the economic collapse is largely due to the fallout of the 9/11 attacks, the wars and DEMOCRATIC POLICIES that mandated banks to give loans to undesireable people.

Democrats held a clear majority in both the House and Senate during Bush Sr's presidency. Bush Jr had a slim Republican majority in the house until 2007 when the Democrats gain a 233-198 majority. The Senate was split 50-50 at the beginning of his first term and 49-49-2 at the end of his second term.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by civilchallenger

Yea, let's look at your "freedom loving" tea party movement...

1st Amendment? Well, not if you speak another language other than English, or if you want to build a Mosque, no the first Amendment only is for White Christians.

What? Have an accent? Better have your citizenship papers on you at all times because of course, you having an accent that's different than a TPM means that you don't get your 4th Amendment rights to be secure in your personal papers and effects from an illegal search and seizure.

Want an Abortion? Whoa there now, we don't want government intruding into OUR TPM's lives, we never said that we didn't want government to tell YOU what to do.

Gay and want to get married? Well that's just crazy talk, better make sure that the government comes down hard on YOU because well while we don't want government in OUR lives, the TPM has no problem having the government tell gay people who want to get married what to do.

And we need TAX cuts because of course greedy businesses that have been getting the bush tax cuts this entire time and haven't created squat for jobs because of it will all of a sudden create more jobs because the right wingers are in charge. Because the only kind of economics that work is "Zombie Reagonomics", where you have a trickle down economy except that the trickling down kinda stops on it's way down to everyone else.

Oh and of course, let's cut spending, like Public Schools and things like that, because if your poor, you don't deserve a chance anyway, because the TPM motto, "helping those that already have the means to help themselves."

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by inforeal

The concept that giving away OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY makes you generous is off the wall ridiculous. Awww, you took MY money and gave it to a homeless person. Aren't you sweet? Ummm're a dirty extortionist and you belong in jail with the rest of them.

Do you have any clue at all how many people are voting for socialists like Obama just so they get fatter welfare checks and no other reason? Clearly, you don't. Its hardly a coincidence the people getting fat government checks vote for socialist scumbags. In fact, its not a coincidence at all. Screw socialists and their desire to take other people's property without permission!

I am poor due to the recession but I'm more of a capitalist than I ever was after seeing what the decline of capitalism in the US has done to the country.

I don't believe theft of property can be the basis for a civilized society. We do not have a civilized society at the moment but we can have one at some point if people like Ron Paul can manage to disassemble the violence of the state.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by civilchallenger

The concept that giving away OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY makes you generous is off the wall ridiculous.

and the right wing solution to that is to privatize social security and give my money to people like Bernie Madoff

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
keep the tax cuts for the billionaires and millionaires.

You do realize that the top 10% wage earners pay almost all the taxes, right?
You do realize you have NO RIGHT to steal their money simply because they make more, right?

Then there will be gridlock

GOOD! No more pushing bills through that no one has even read (obamacare)

Nothing will be done with Global warming,

GOOD! You are referring to Cap and Trade. It's a money making scheme based on flawed science and cons. 'Hide the decline'. Google it.

the economy,

GOOD! Obama's over tax and spend that which you dont't have ... as well as the bail outs .. are BAD for America.

republicans ... cut the budget.

GOOD! This isn't a nanny state. Gov't isn't supposed to be all things to all people.

There will be no activity on our failing national infrastructure

Both republican and democrat have failed in this area.

investment in Green energy and educational reform

This is a free market. Invest in green energy if you wish. The gov't has no business pushing any business over others. Educational reform? Like what? Every president and bunch in power in DC that has come along has 'reformed'. Guess what .. reform starts at the bottom and works it's way up. Good luck getting people who think they are entitled to everything to actually reform anything on their own.

wonderful corrupt Republicans being deluged with money from corporate interest

Guess you've forgotten about Barney Frank .. Chris Dodd ... Obama himself ... etc etc.
Corporate interest is NOT a republican thing. It's a politician thing ... both dems and republicans.


Remember who escalated the wars ... OBAMA.
Remember who voted to go to war ... DEMS and republicans alike.

All those corrupt Republican politicians, in financial and sex scandals and taking bribes

Ditto democrats. No difference.

the stupid ignorant American people don’t have the patience to wait for the economy to recover from the disaster of Bush

Obama and his minions are making it worse, not better. Open your eyes.

the Democrats at least had the decency to try to get health care for all.

85% of this country had health care that was fine and working for them.
They DESTROYED the health care system in order to ILLEGALLY force people to buy it.
They caused health care costs to skyrocket and business to have to lay off workers due to the cost.
They've made the existing health care worse .. rationing HAS to take place now.
And they still haven't gotten the last 15% good health care.

This country is an immoral swamp of ignorance, selfishness, and stupidity.

It's IMMORAL to steal from those who work just to hand it to those who don't. That's slavery to the state.
It's IMMORAL to make a person buy a product (health care) when they don't want to spend the $$.
It's SELFISHNESS to steal from the productive to hand to the unproductive.
It's STUPID to insist that the dems are innocent angels and the republicans are demons when in fact both sides of the political coin have corruption and theft and sex scandals and dark agendas.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by whatukno

None of the things you listed are positions taken by a majority of Tea Party members. None of them. Lets look at one of the lists from one of the tea party movements I copied from Wikipedia:

The Contract lists 10 agenda items that it encourages congressional candidates to follow:[88][89]

1. Identify constitutionality of every new law: Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the U.S. Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)
2. Reject emissions trading: Stop the "cap and trade" administrative approach used to control carbon dioxide emissions by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of carbon dioxide. (72.20%)
3. Demand a balanced federal budget: Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax modification. (69.69%)
4. Simplify the tax system: Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the Internal Revenue Code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words – the length of the original Constitution. (64.9%)
5. Audit federal government agencies for constitutionality: Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in an audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities. (63.37%)
6. Limit annual growth in federal spending: Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)
7. Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010: Work towards the repudiating the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (56.39%)
8. Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy: Authorize the exploration of additional energy reserves to reduce American dependence on foreign energy sources and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation. (55.5%)
9. Reduce Earmarks: Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)
10. Reduce Taxes: Permanently repeal all recent tax increases, and extend current temporary reductions in income tax, capital gains tax and estate taxes, currently scheduled to end in 2011. (53.38%)

The one and only thing that TPM wants as a whole is less Big Government. Thats it. You do not understand the tea party movement. What you seem to be describing are southern style neocons, not tea party members. Contrary to popular belief, people like Paul and Palin are simply bandwagon hoppers, not the movement leaders.
edit on 3-11-2010 by civilchallenger because: Put Wikipedia in quotes

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by civilchallenger

What you seem to be describing are southern style neocons, not tea party members.

Get real, it's the same freaking thing.

If you haven't figured that out by now let me ask you, How many Libertarians were elected? How many Minorities were elected? How many that weren't straight up Republicans were elected and backed by the TEA Party?

You all got fooled bad, and America is going to pay the price for that ignorance.

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