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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by awake_and_aware

sigh.......i give up....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:24 AM
awwww man i dont visit ATS for 1 day out of 3 weeks and then this. Booom best thread of the year. if nothing else for about 2 minutes your mind was blown. then logic had to rear its ugly head. gotta say this no matter what it is its got us all thinking again.My friend actually clued me on to this topic and to be honest the first thing i thought of was it makes no sense to be making a mobile call to anybody because nobody else had mobiles to call. then i realized well that would be an assumption. playing devils advocate what if there were other time travelers of they have the ability to travel through time maybe they perfected quantum entangled communication. cant get any more instant than that.

but something is not right with the video cant put my finger on it but its there.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:28 AM
My apologies if this has been mentioned already because I haven't read the whole thread ...

One thing that strikes me as odd is that the man/woman in question seems to be dressed awfully 'wintery' for October in Los Angeles ... from what I gather the average temp there at this time of year is mid 70s.

Don't know if this is something or nothing but I thought it was worth noting.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:30 AM
It is indeed a strange looking piece of footage. To me it looks like the person is holding something that would equate in size to a cell phone.

I skipped a fair few pages so this may have been discussed, but if indeed it was a time traveller, then who sent them? How did they send them? And when did they send them?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog
Back in that day, people dressed more warmly if they had a cold or 'the grippe' (the flu). Over the counter meds were not what they are today either. Could be that the person had a toothache, earache or headache.

How about this...

Downtown LA today, you see an old lady that looks like a dude, dressed too heavily for the outdoor temps, holding her hand to her head.... mumbling to herself.

Today you call them BAG-LADIES.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Dane69
Mabye there was a satallite in orbit, There is talk about a black satalitte in space, that has been in orbit for 1000 of years. The say it was up there when they lunched sputnik.

Sorry about my english


A star for you my friend!

Amidst all the posts saying there were no cell towers back then, this is the first time I heard mention of a satellite phone!

Now that (or something very similar) would make a lot of sense to those thinking this is some type of alien/ET.

If an alien species were to send a few of their beings down to earth disguised as people with large ugly shoes and hands (
) and moving around among the populace, having the mothership parked in orbit somewhere above the earth and acting as a satellite relay (or leaving an actual comm satellite behind if it was a long-term visit) would allow those beings on earth to talk to each other, as well as communicate back to the mothership.


Not sure if I believe that one...but it's plausible within the framework of common ET belief and understanding.

BTW - Based on your post, I'm sure your english is far better than my (whatever language is your mother tongue).


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by andy1972
22 pages of threads and nobody to debunk it......justa bout says it all.
If this is, and its a big "if", maybe this guy was leaving his mark, some form of proof that he was there in that time and place.
Its photographic evidence for his superiors that their machine works.

Maybe the Trojan Horse project has credibility after all.

Another vote for this theory.

In the "it might be a time-traveler of sorts" category, that's my favorite explanation too.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:40 AM
There is, of course, one huge glaring problem with "time travel", and that is that "Time" isn't a physical "thing", its more of an idea.. An idea to help explain how entropy effects the universe around us. Time isn't a linear road, but rather a notion floating around in the human brain. We, as humans, love to invent systems and attach meaning to them, when in "reality", they don't exist outside of our minds. How can you "manipulate" time, when it isn't "real" in the first place.

It's like filling up a jar with "love". You can't physically place "love" into a jar, because "love" is an idea to explain certain feelings that we experience. Just like you cannot travel to a "place" that doesn't exist. You can't go to 1928, because there is no 1928.. It's not a physical place, but the communication of an idea. 1928 only exists in our minds, not in reality. We can recreate the events, but in my opinion, that's as close to time travel that we can get.. We can't go back to that exact "state of reality", simply because that state has already happened, decayed, and it is not there anymore. Our former states are only recalled because of our brain's memory, those "states" do not go anywhere else.. they simply change. Just like you can't travel to Moogastanplace.. I just made it up in my mind.. It has no physical reality, so it'd be kind of hard to get to.

Once you get over that "logical" hurdle, it becomes much easier to understand. Actually.. the more I think about it, the more confused I get.. wait a second.. what was I talking about?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Syyth007
Another thing about time travel that causes me to doubt it, if you go back in time, starting at a specific place, where do you end up? The earth spins on its axis and is in orbit around the sun. the solar system is moving, relative to it's position amongst the other stars in the galaxy.

It takes a big leap for me to believe time travel is even possible for this reason alone.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by netron

Originally posted by WeSbO
And also if I'am correct this is footage from the premier of Circus, it's not a film it's documentry isn't it ? So they are ot actors just regular joes walking by.

yes you are correct. its just footage from outside the cinema where the premier of the film was held.

now unless it was all staged, it is supposed to be just average joes walking by.

its extra footage on the dvd , as explained at the end of the video.

The only problem with this is that Chaplin was a known perfectionist of sorts and spent countless hours editing his movies, in addition to writing, acting and directing. If he had any involvement in the filming or release of this additional footage, it's highly possible the whole thing was staged. At a minimum, he absolutely would have been aware of the odd things going on in this clip.

The fact that the people fade in/out, as well as the eerie similarities in the gaits of both the man and the woman would strongly suggest that everything in the film was done on purpose.

I have no idea why. If it isn't a joke of sorts, or just done that way to add an element of weirdness to things surrounding this film (it is called The Circus, after all), the only thing you're left with is:

Chaplin himself was the time traveler and this was his way of dropping clues and hints about that fact.

He was known for being both brilliant and very, very odd in many ways by his peers.

Who knows? (cue x-files theme music now)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by WeSbO
Anyways we will never know
But if it was a Time traveler, there is more chance he is holding a walkie talkie picked up on a previous time travel trip (people seem to block out the notion that it may not have been the first time travel trip the person has made, god you don't build a time machine to use it once lol...).
For a time traveler a walkie talkie would be a nifty toy if you are not alone on your trips and you have to seperate to explore the area.

EDIT : Can the poster please add in the OP to stop talking about bleeding cell phone towers ?????

edit on 22-10-2010 by WeSbO because: (no reason given)

That EDIT is worthy of a hundred stars!

Serious note to the Mods - can someone please insert something to that effect in the OP??


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:56 AM
I hate to be a party pooper, but the guy in the video, showing us this "proof", is the same guy who claimed to have met his "future self" and took a picture withhis cell phone of him and what was obviously his dad or brother with the exact same tatoo as him..... he didn't take any pictures of newspapers or screen shots or anything..... kinda lame.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:56 AM
Im sure this will get buried in the annales in this site, however, this is not the kind of stuff that is sci-fi. If anyone is interested, please follow the link. great video if you want to let the ol mind wander or wonder for that mattter. Thanks for the post.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Of course, there's another logical reasoning that negates the need for a Time Traveller.

The oddity of a person, seemingly in disguise, flagrantly using what appears to be a mobile communication device in full view, but caught on camera is rather confusing. However, jumping immediately to time traveller means that you've skipped over something. You're doing that because you've ruled out mobile communications being available before they were publically available.

In many different conspiracy theories, and just in plain common sense, there is the notion that we, the general public, do not have access to the highest levels of technical advancement that have been created by man. In many cases, technologies are best kept secret, because if your own public know that you have radar and understand how it operates, then so do your enemies, and there goes the element of surprise. I remember reading once that the old wive's tale that carrots improve your vision was a piece of propaganda released in an attempt to hide the existence of radar, suggesting that the army boys were all eating away at carrots so they could see the planes coming from farther away.

So, rather than a time traveller, are we instead seeing evidence of this? Someone, presumably a very well connected someone, was at the movie lot, in disguise, for whatever reason, talking away on a communication device unknown to the general public, knowing full well that anyone who saw him would assume he was a crazy old woman or someone dressed up for a movie shoot, rehearsing lines as they walked.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:00 AM
Ya know, ATS always runs the ridiculous into the ground.

Don't you think it might be time to pull up the covers and put this one to bedy bye?
If there was time travel, I'd go back and prevent this thread from being posted in the first place!

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by elitelogic
One this is for sure, if I ever get a chance to go back in time, I am going back to this movie premiere, and I am going to walk behind the lady with a blue tooth headset and an ATS t shirt.


If I ever get the chance to go back in time, I'm going to go back to about 5 minutes before this OP was posted and sit at my computer logged into ATS waiting for the OP to hit so that I can immediately u2u the OP and ask him to add an EDIT telling everyone that yes, he knows there were no cell towers in 1928!

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:02 AM
Man that's NUTS!

Absolutely looks like someone talking on a cell!

Thanks for the link OP


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:03 AM
Time for an update. I tried to add links to posts of who started the theory (if you had input on a theory and I missed you...sorry). Let me know if you think anything else should be added.

This is a list of POSSIBILITES that have been brought up in this thread. I have listed them in order of what I think is their PLAUSABILITY.

New Addtions:
3. She isn't holding any object at is an illusion or a shadow. Why is she talking to herself??? She may be trying to remember something. People sometimes talk out their thoughts when trying to remember something...and often times we touch our heads when trying to remember something. Also it seems like towards the end of the clip she has an "ah ha" moment like she remembered.

3. Lady is holding a "hand warmer" and holding it up to her ears to keep them warm. Apparently these things did exist during this time period and are around the correct size. Some have stated that she looks like she is dressed to warm for L.A. However someone else pointed out that this premier was in January, and while it doesn't get extremely an old lady it may seem very cold.

3. Lady has a ear injury and is holding her ear because of the pain. Maybe mumbling about the pain in her ear.

6. Lady is listening to a sea shell.

9. Some members have been kicking the idea around that this time traveler is one of the Rockefellers. Pure speculation it seems...but still a theory that is out there

1. Lady is using the cupping technique while singing. It is really the only one that explains both the hand position and the movement of the mouth. (Yes boon...I put your (and others) idea first)

1. Lady is listening to a music box and singing... Bumped up this up to a 1 because it does appear these were small enough to hold in a hand and were around in the 1920's.

2. Lady is using some sort of hearing aid. Early electronic or small ear horn. Why is she talking??? I don't know. This got bumped up to take over the second spot by itself due to interest by other members.

3. Lady is fixing her hair. explaination for the talking.

3. Lady is blocking the sun from her eyes/face. No reason to talk while doing this unless she is saying "ARG...stupid sun"

3. New theory by wuk. Video is edited by the youtube poster...since he is in the film business I am putting this high on the list. He could of shot himself or someone else dressed like a women...used the man in front's walk as a guide and edited this lady in. If someone goes and buys the DVD to confirm this is on the original footage...this plummets to the bottom...or off the list. Sorry wuk.

3. She isn't holding any object at is an illusion or a shadow. Why is she talking to herself??? She may be trying to remember something. People sometimes talk out their thoughts when trying to remember something...and often times we touch our heads when trying to remember something. Also it seems like towards the end of the clip she has an "ah ha" moment like she remembered.

3. Lady is holding a "hand warmer" and holding it up to her ears to keep them warm. Apparently these things did exist during this time period and are around the correct size. Some have stated that she looks like she is dressed to warm for L.A. However someone else pointed out that this premier was in January, and while it doesn't get extremely an old lady it may seem very cold.

3. Lady has a ear injury and is holding her ear because of the pain. Maybe mumbling about the pain in her ear.

4. Lady knows they are filming and doesn't want to be on film, so is hiding her face while ranting about the movie cameras.

4. Lady has a toothache and is holding an icepack to her jaw.

4. Lady was hit by rocks from kids and is holding her jaw while cussing out the kids.

5. Lady is an "extra" and taking direction from the director...this is low on the list because this wasn't an actual movie shoot, but was of the premeir. Still doesn't mean that they didn't stage some people to walk by.

6. Lady is just a crazy lady pretending to talk on a phone. They did have phones back not out of the question she is crazy and pretending to talk on a phone.

6. Charlie himself dressed in drag as a "prank" for the documentary of the premier. His hand could be up by his face to try to disguis himself.

6. Same idea as the above, except it is a random person pulling the prank. They had to have pranks back then...right?

6. Lady is listening to a sea shell.

7. This lady is using some type of early experimental walkie talkie/shortwave radio...maybe she was friends with Tesla.

8. This is a time traveler who is not talking on a cell phone...but is pretending to talk on a cell phone knowing he is being filmed to drop an "easter egg" for future generations to argue about on a conspiracy website.

8. Lady (or man in drag) is an actual time traveller talking on a futuristic communication device that does not need cell towers or satellites. If they have time travel's possible they have advanced communication technology. Some have even suggested they may be able to communicate across time using the same time travel technology used to transport a person through time. Low on the plausability list...just because this is pure speculation with no evidence.

9. This lady went through a "time slip" from another time period or dimension. When she pauses at the end of the is because she just figured out she no longer has a signal on her cell phone (WTH...I'm switching to Verizon).

9. This lady is a time traveler. And she is using some type of handheld communication device that is larger than modern day cell phones.
Multiple sources...kind of the basic idea from the Video. We will call this the default "theory".

9. This lady is actualy a male time traveler in drag using some type of handheld communication device that is larger than a moder day cell phone.

9. This lady is a time traveler holding a time traveling device, communication device, lazer gun combo

9. Lady is a contortionist...from the circus...possibly with a fake rubber hand...because of the unnatural "V" the fngers are making Not sure how this explains what is in her hand or why she is talking to it. But it is needed for the next entry.

9. New theory by wuk *sigh* here it goes. She is a Vulcan...which is why she can make the unnatural "V" symbol. All hail the vulcans...and trekies are nerds...Star Wars rules

9. Some members have been kicking the idea around that this time traveler is one of the Rockefellers. Pure speculation it seems...but still a theory that is out there

10. Lady is from Inner Earth discoverd by Admiral Byrd. They came out of inner earth with their ultra sophisticated cell phones on a scouting mission

10. "Lady" is actually a reptillian alien on a scouting mission

10. "Lady" is actually the servant of the reptillian "Man" in front of her...she is there just to take the attention off of him. Maybe even a drone dressed like a women since their steps are in synch. Still out on a scouting mission.

11. Time Traveler is actually OutKast Searcher. Which is why Outkast Searcher had to be in this earlier time traveler THREAD to help insert skepticism. OutKast Searcher needs to hide his secret of being a time traveler. OutKast Searcher may or may not also be another ATS member in a different time period who thinks he is the one that is the time traveler

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:08 AM
Has anyone not noted one of the first comments posted about THE LACK OF CELL PHONE TOWERS IN 1928?!??
I apologize if this has already been discussed in the previouse thirty eight pages of deliberation on this topic.
Who would this person be speaking to?
I can't believe I'm even asking this ridiculous, albeit rhetorical, question.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

its not a cell phone, its an ear scratching device!

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