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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
Here is something else to think about. What if there were more time travelers that have watched the movie in the future and thought it would be funny to go back to 1928 and get into the film. Now if there were more time travelers that made the trip that person in the film could. we be seeing said person in contact with the others that came with this person in the video.

Could happen you never know.
I think it could be possible that the video was put on the internet for the purpose of seeing how people would react to a time traveler?I don't know,it a theory........

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Bartibog
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Ok...I just watched it over and over...You know what? She has her index finger and middle finger up in her hat scratching her head...She has an itchy scalp...Move on now!

Yep. Same here. Just watched the clip slow, close up and looped and she definitely has her first two fingers up, inside her hat and appears to be scratching her head or adjusting her hair.
That just leaves us with a strange looking person talking to herself, possibly with hair lice.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:47 AM
I've just cracked the case !!!

She is activating Reston5 !

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:51 AM
I think its funny to see people saying its a ear tumphet, when he CLEARLY says in the video that it isent.

Ofcourse it could still be a ear trumphet, but It really looks like that many of you even havent seen the video full out. Jeesh... And even the poster havent watched it all the way through

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by yzzyUK

Okay, I can almost agree with you. But I'm merely asking WHAT IF it's not Miss Marple at all, but Ms. Glickvenatu from Planet Urp?

And just WHAT IF she's not a time traveler, but a visitor from another world???

I again, appeal to everyone to take a VERY close look at the gentleman/creature that preceeded her/him. That was in my humble opinion, NOT a human being. And neither was she.

And if they were E.T.'s, who could possibly disguise their true visage from the people around them, via mental telepathy, but not when actually being recorded on a camera, then their true image and faces would have been revealed, as I believe is quite "possibly" the case here.

I also believe that the dark wrap-around VERY modern looking sunglasses they were both wearing were not invented at this time.

OF COURSE it is all speculation, but they simply do NOT look human to me.
edit on 22-10-2010 by maceov because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-10-2010 by maceov because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by maceov
I'm almost perplexed as to the vast amount of negative comments that I find here on this subject, or most subjects here on ATS. If the majority here are nay-sayers "poo-pooing" virtually any and all comments that seem to be thoughtful or logical and that require an open mind, WHY ARE YOU HERE???

Let's PLEASE put away our narrow-mindedness and paranoia here and at the very least be more respectful of other's opinions and postings.

Thank you!
edit on 22-10-2010 by maceov because: (no reason given)
I agree I think with most of us it's not necessarily so much believing it is as trying to figure out what the heck he/she is doing and the more that comment we may be able to come to a conclusion.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22

Bless you, Twilite22!

Another open mind found!!! What exceedingly great joy is mine!!!

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:55 AM
I really hope the alleged time-traveler wears earphone/headset to avoid radiation from the cell phone. Why would one risk being noticed by talking with a 'noticeable' device when there is a headset available?

may be he/she didnt carry them along?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Atlantican

Or here he is the TT himself!

The Life of Nelson A. Rockefeller: Worlds to Conquer, 1908-1958: Worlds to Conquer


Remember they were worth close to a trillion dollars 'back then'.

Maybe they already had the technology back then... Just kept it for the elites!
In the novel Three Days to Never by Tim Powers, the footprint slab made by Charlie Chaplin in 1928 forms part of a time machine built by Albert Einstein and his daughter.'s_Chinese_Theatre#1920s
edit on 22-10-2010 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:59 AM
Whew, so hard to catch up to the end of this thread! I'm still working on it but after seeing the Overlord's post with the normal image, I have to say it does look more typically proportional.

After viewing the corrected image, IMO, it seems like she is holding something in her hand (purse, ear horn or any other typical item) while also trying to hold on to her hat.

The talking part is still curious though, as it seems that she is not with anyone - unless - that's her husband in front of her who she feels is walking too fast and she is complaining about it. If she was trying to hustle and catch up with the him, she just might grab her hat as she did so to keep it from flying off behind her.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:01 AM
I dont know how this even could get so many posts.. And I dont even know why I'm in this thread.

Do you really think, that someone would timetravel, to his film, in such a bad outfit, WITH A MOBILE PHONE THAT WOULDENT WORK... Guys, who the F*** should she talk with? There is no satellites, nothing.

Its not a mobile phone, its just something simple. we got to much spare time on our hands... Like her in the video.
edit on 17031992 by ypperst because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Arg...I might have to jump onto the "hearing aid" band wagon. Although I don't think it is a hearing the 1920s those were outdated...but the electric hearing aid was staring to be developed.

This one is from the still not in the 1920s...but in the articles I have seen it doesn't sound like the design would of been much different. Now tell me...does this not look like a modern cell phone? And it would have to be held up to the ear...there was no ear piece for this.

And here is an assortment of pictures and articles.

More Cell Phone Like Hearing Aids that are held up to the ear:


One with an ear piece...but still cell phone shaped:

Timeline of hearing aids:

Concealed hearing aids and pics of ones from the 1930s (easy gentlemen...bras are shown in this link).

I don't know if that is exactly what it is...but I am more willing to think it is one of these than a hearing horn.
edit on 21-10-2010 by OutKast Searcher because: (no reason given)

Sir, I think you may have nailed it!
I think this is the best explanation.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:06 AM
Seriously, watch her fingers move during the clip. Especially the last few frames, it's obvious that she was scratching her head.
Solved beyond doubt for me.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:06 AM


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:08 AM
Way back in this thread somebody made a post about it being Jack the Ripper. The funny thing about that is their was a serial killer in the area in 1928. I'm not a believer in time travel, but I figured if somebody was a TT, then why choose a destination unless they took part in the era, or unless something happened that they really wanted to see, so they traveled to it. The only news stories I could find in the general time period was a dam bursting and a serial killer. The thing is though, their is a really strange unsolved mystery about the killings. (spooky) _javascript:icon('
') One of the victims was never found. Even weirder, some kid from across the country claimed to be the victim found alive, not only did the cops take his word for it but they put the mother in a psychiatric ward when she told them it wasn't her son. Why would they put her in a psychiatric ward? Wouldn't a mother know if it was her kid? Ten days later the kid admitted he wasn't the real victim and she got out. But why the rush from the cops to say she was crazy? The real boy was never found...was he taken by the time traveler? If so the LA cops are in on it. Dun Dun Dun. _javascript:icon('

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:14 AM
OK but the guy she is following is a grey......

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:14 AM
I did find it interesting that the person presenting the DVD footage stated "...God, I hope to God that it is on your own because if it's only on mine then what the Hell have I got?"

Any here have any thoughts on the statement?

Seems to me that maybe someone else who has this DVD should check the footage to make sure we at not being taken in by some clever Marketing Campaign.

Note that in the beginning he points out his movies and in the end he ask for us to "BUY" his movies and gives the website. With 37,502 YouTube hits when I watched the video and typed this post and now 42,261 hits just about 12 minutes later he is getting a lot of marketing value.

F & S

Great Thread,


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I'm surprised that none of the replies to this original post mention DARPA's Project Pegasus or Andrew Basiago's tale of participating in the U.S. goverment's secret time-space explorations. In one such mission, which took place in the spring of 1972, Mr. Basiago actually admits to having been sent back to Gettysburg PA., November 19, 1863 via "plasma confinement" where he appeared in a photograph which was uncovered in 1951 and published in LIFE magazine. Mr. Basiago did not become personally aware of the old photograph until he found it in a news magazine until 1972.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by hdutton
I have not had time to read all the replies so far, but will as I have time.
Having said that this is my take on the clip:

This is a woman, possibly from eastern Germanic or Slavic decent.

A wild, unnecessary guess.

Originally posted by hdutton
The reason I say "woman" is because the stride is that of a female.

A woman leads her steps with the toes of the foot, as opposed to
men, who lead with the knee. This is also what gives the rolling
motion to a woman's hips which we men like so much.

But a woman has smaller strides. This person had a man's stride. Besides, "her" feet and hands are as large as a man's, "her" nose is large like a man's and "her" face is masculine. Nothing at all womanish about this figure.

Originally posted by hdutton
Because of her apparent built, which I know could be padding under
the coat, and the little bit which can be seen of her face, she would
fit in rather easily with the "then" current immigrant population of this
era. She could be of a second generation, but still seems to fit into this
general appearance.

You beg the question that "she" was a woman. Adding assumption to assumption does not make a good explanation. Looks to me more like a man in drag.

Originally posted by hdutton
As to the object which she is holding. There is definately something
there. It is dark, thin, and square along the bottom edge. As to it's exact
function I could not speculate, but she does move her lips twice. This
would seem to indicate speech. But to whom? Not to the man ahead of her.
She would have to shout at him, which would require her to open her
mouth wider.
How about an old person saying something to her/himself?

Originally posted by hdutton
In the last frames which show her, she turns toward the camera. I don't
think she was an extra used for the filming. I think it would be better to
assume she was just in the right place at the right time. She would not
seem to be aware of the camera until she turns and even then, because
it was obviously at some distance, she may not have ever known she
was filmed. During this time many street scenes were simply shot at
a point of times and convience with no need for paying people to be extras.

That's all arbitrary interpretation. One could as well argue that she/he had spotted the cameras and crew on the other side of the boulevard and had stopped momentarily because she/he was hesitant to be filmed. That's why she/he covered the left side of her/his face with her/his hand. Only she/he did not want to make it obvious that she/he was doing this so she/he curled her/his fingers as if touching her/his hair. In my opinion, it is purely coincidental that her/his fingers assumed the position that we are familiar with when someone holds a cellphone. Those who point out that the person appears to be talking at the same time seem to have forgotten the well-known fact that some elderly people do talk to themselves sometimes, particularly when irritated.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by The_Phantom

Isn't that what the movie Changling is about?

I still think this whole thing is weird. That 'hearing aid' thing was only invented in the 1940s, this was in the 20s, so it can't be that. I found it suspicious that her fingers wrap around the 'phone' at the top (who does that?), also. Sure she could be scratching her head but it doesn't explain the takling part. And she doesn't look like she's holding on to her hat and talking to the person in front of her trying to catch up because she fully stops in the video and looks at the camera, all the while talking and remaining in the same position which the 'device.'

The best bet is that she was talking to someone on set, shyly shielding her face from the camera. The movies were silent and so she'd be able to get away just blabbing on to anyone on set.

P.S: Those are huge feet.

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