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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

Yes why not. According to Einsteins theory of time dilation we should probably be able to capture his or hers signal any time now

A mobile signal travels close to the speed of light. So if the signal is reflected by some other space ship way out there. Years should have pass by on earth before she can receive the call.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Buren

Regarding the question of 'check the DVD to make sure it's not a hoax on the part of the guy on youtube', well, I can confirm that the short 'premiere' segment is on my DVD of The Circus, and mine is one of the earliest ones available (as they had more 'deluxe' packaging when they first came out back in 2003'ish, which is the one I have), and yes, the 'cell phone time travel woman' is there on mine aswell so it's not a hoax on the part of the guy on youtube.

Buren - welcome to ATS and thanks for the post!

I've been waiting for someone to confirm that this footage was indeed included as shown with all of the DVD's, as it was definitely plausible that the clip was doctored by the the guy in the YT video since he is a filmmaker.

Definitely worthy of a star.

That should put one of the theories to rest. Only 30 or 40 more to eliminate...

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Syyth007
There is, of course, one huge glaring problem with "time travel", and that is that "Time" isn't a physical "thing", its more of an idea.. An idea to help explain how entropy effects the universe around us. Time isn't a linear road, but rather a notion floating around in the human brain. We, as humans, love to invent systems and attach meaning to them, when in "reality", they don't exist outside of our minds. How can you "manipulate" time, when it isn't "real" in the first place.

Well, that's the thing. *Everything* falls into that category, now that you mention it. It really opens up a can of worms. In this way: *everything* is really a lot of *nothing* which is vibrating at different levels, a lot of nothing and a lot of *energy.* The solidness of the keys you're pressing as you type is due to the interaction of particles which are made up of mostly empty space and some vibrational energy. So, in this respect, "Time" is just as valid as "Steel." --and vice versa. Our brain perceives taste, touch, sound, light and smell ---reality is made up of so much more, and simultaneously so much less. Everything about our existence is due to our brain interpreting our surroundings.

Originally posted by Syyth007It's like filling up a jar with "love". You can't physically place "love" into a jar, because "love" is an idea to explain certain feelings that we experience. Just like you cannot travel to a "place" that doesn't exist. You can't go to 1928, because there is no 1928.. It's not a physical place, but the communication of an idea. 1928 only exists in our minds, not in reality. We can recreate the events, but in my opinion, that's as close to time travel that we can get.. We can't go back to that exact "state of reality", simply because that state has already happened, decayed, and it is not there anymore. Our former states are only recalled because of our brain's memory, those "states" do not go anywhere else.. they simply change. Just like you can't travel to Moogastanplace.. I just made it up in my mind.. It has no physical reality, so it'd be kind of hard to get to. Once you get over that "logical" hurdle, it becomes much easier to understand. Actually.. the more I think about it, the more confused I get.. wait a second.. what was I talking about?

Again, *everything* is an idea, interpreted by our brains as sensation/information. As far as times and places not existing, well, --if the Universe is truly infinite, then anything anyone ever dreampt of or imagined is REAL *somewhere.* In fact, there are certain theories that state that merely by thinking of something adds a level of reality to it.

The truly high tech inventions of the future may not be as "nuts and bolts" as you're seeing the world. These advances in technology will probably involve the idea that TIME and SPACE and THOUGHT are not separate things. Quantum physics has already led us down this path, and the path is still unfolding before us. Remember that "physical" reality is really NOT VERY PHYSICAL at all. We perceive the world through an intersection of thought, interpretation and vibrating energy. We're just now learning that WATER has MEMORY, and is receptive to positive and negative energies. Time travel will probably involve "thought mechanics" as applied in a "quantum entanglement." But, that's just my quick take on the matter; I'm sure PhDs out there are trying to crack it as we speak ---if not having already secretly accomplished it. Tesla's work is still classified to this day. While it's not proof that the US has gadgets that would rival anything we can imagine in our wildest dreams, it does speak to the fact that our government (and many private corporations who got said "privatized" tech from our government in a loop-hole dash to keep it secret and unaccountable) has technology of which we are completely unaware.

Thus, when strange ANOMALIES such as the Norway Spiral happen, we are left wondering whether or not it was a time travel portal opening up to allow clandestine air/space craft entry/egress into/out-of our world, our dimension, our time. Did Tesla have a hand in this? Did secret technology play a role? We *know* something is going on. We just have no idea what. And then an anomaly like this 1928 cell phone makes an appearance...

There are plenty of puzzle pieces. And they are nothing like what we're accustomed to thinking about. Therefore, in order to solve this problem or even expand upon it in a thoughtful manner, we must first realize that the world is far stranger than we ever were told. Also, we must recognize that *everything* we experience is nothing more than energy at different levels, and a lot of space **empty** space in between. Therefore, while your assertion that "1928" does not exist might be valid --on the surface--, going a little deeper we realize that it does very well exist. From your perspective, no. From a deeper persepective, it certainly exists.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:07 PM
I've found another time travel video.

This prooves that Eminem is actually a time traveller

( sorry folks... its Friday.. a bit of light relief. enjoy the music!)

edit on 22-10-2010 by netron because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by MadBrad

I haven't read through all of the pages, but I think that no one has realized this fact: The footage we are viewing is NOT part of the movie. It is old newsreel footage of the premiere of the film in Los Angeles. It is on the "extras" DVD. Not the film. This changes everything. This is why the "woman" talking into "her" future cellphone is completely surprised by the camera. Pay attention boys & girls!

LOL, that's what I was thinking, too. These presumably aren't paid extras in the movie, these are everyday people that just happened by during this filming.

Also, as someone else mentioned earlier, the dude walking in front of the alleged "time traveler" is just as bizarre looking. It doesn't look like he's got any ears and his skin is weird. Maybe burn scars or something, but very strange-looking fellow.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:15 PM
Pay close attention to her facial expressions on the up close shot at the end, just as it's about to end. She looks as if she sees/finds who/what she was looking for; and judging by the angle of where the light is coming from, she appears to be either blocking the sun, but feebly touching the brim of her hat, or perhaps even shielding her face from the camera.

Deducing this beyond what is seen, one must remember the size of the cell phone she would be can almost date when in the 'future' she would have come from...and it appears about the size of larger, older phone, compared to what we use that doesn't make sense, since 5 years ago, time travel was not it is yet, still not available to people who would be talking on cell phones during travel (recreational use). Cell phone radio waves don't travel through time, so she couldn't be using it to communicate with her time.

I think this clip is a classic example of seeing something thats not there, just because you are looking for it.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:18 PM

edit on 22-10-2010 by pmckart because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by old_god
Is the woman Nikola Tesla dressed up, his way of saying "look, I invented all this back then"

It is actually J Edgar Hoover using a very early short range 2 way radio, designed by Tesla.He's talking to Tesla on it telling him how great Hollywood is and Tesla tells him to be careful as "they have goddam cameras everywhere".Just then Hoover sees one and scurries off.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Xterrain
Pay close attention to her facial expressions on the up close shot at the end, just as it's about to end. She looks as if she sees/finds who/what she was looking for; and judging by the angle of where the light is coming from, she appears to be either blocking the sun, but feebly touching the brim of her hat, or perhaps even shielding her face from the camera.

Deducing this beyond what is seen, one must remember the size of the cell phone she would be can almost date when in the 'future' she would have come from...and it appears about the size of larger, older phone, compared to what we use that doesn't make sense, since 5 years ago, time travel was not it is yet, still not available to people who would be talking on cell phones during travel (recreational use). Cell phone radio waves don't travel through time, so she couldn't be using it to communicate with her time.

I think this clip is a classic example of seeing something thats not there, just because you are looking for it.

Maybe she has a teammate in the general area that she's talking to on some kind of com device other then a cell phone?
edit on 22-10-2010 by boomadatigger because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by blah yada

Originally posted by old_god
Is the woman Nikola Tesla dressed up, his way of saying "look, I invented all this back then"

It is actually J Edgar Hoover using a very early short range 2 way radio, designed by Tesla.He's talking to Tesla on it telling him how great Hollywood is and Tesla tells him to be careful as "they have goddam cameras everywhere".Just then Hoover sees one and scurries off.
That's one of the more believable explanations that I have seen so far.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by NewWorldWriter
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Walky Talky is the only other explanation. however the Idea of time travel has been around for a while. so it could be a cell phone. either way thats some cool findings and and ugly time traveling tranny

Walkie talkies of that size did no exist in 1928. Unless it some secret government one that was developed that no one knew about. Here is a walkie talkie that the army used in WW2, 14 years after this video:

As you can see it is huge. I really doubt they would have a similar device that is way smaller 14 years prior.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Amusing, first of all, it's a man (you can tell from body and facial structure) While it does appear to be a cellphone in hand, i find the idea of someone going back in time to be in a Charlie Chaplin movie, skecptical at best.

Could be a walkie talkie (If they had them) a seashell, or even just a nut pretending to be talking into a "wireless phone"

But time to debunk, first of all out of all of space and time, why would you go to the 1920's to be in a movie talking a a cell phone that wouldnt work, seeing as there were no satellites in orbit, so the man was talking to nobody other then himself (or the possible voices in his head)

It quickly changes to the next scene when he looks at the camra and smiles, i find that highly unusual, so the director or camra man, knew when to cease filming that area, meaning it was staged.

Perhaps someone had an idea, to mess with somebody (it was a far out idea but "wireless phones" was the talk of many people in the what if for future technological advancements, perhaps this is a long standing joke on Charlies part, seeing if he could fool people even after his death, you have only proved him correct.

So next time you see something "out of era" think logically for a moment instead of jumping to conclusions, because in order to travel through time, you need the machine to be working (and already made) in the 1920's.

Example: 6 months ago you make a time machine, you cannot travel anywhere BEFORE the time machine was created because it didnt exist then, thus this has been debunked and no longer a question of debate.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Erasurehead

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
A 185 Flags for a 1928 video of somebody adjusting their glasses?!?!?

Wow... ATS has reached a new low.

Why don't you show all of us silly ATSers how it could possibly someone adjusting their glasses? Get a screenshot and show me glasses anywhere.

You can see when she turns to the camera at the end that she is not wearing glasses.
Show some proof of your claim before insulting the ATS community.

Weird things happen in movies from time to time... Just because we see a short scene of a person that appears to be talking on the phone in 1928 does not mean we should make this the top story on ATS.

Here is an example: BACK TO THE FUTURE PART 3

Tell Me... what can we conclude from watching this video?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:36 PM
Please God, make it that ATS has more intriguing, exciting, refreshing, fascinating, puzzling, strange, beautiful threads like this

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:37 PM
My previous reply was bit of a joke but I have a theory (just a theory, not stating facts).

Here is a scenario I have in my mind:

1. Watch the video, draw an imaginary line horizontally across the screen that intersects the carriage

2. Imagine the far side being another dimension, and the near side (to you) being our dimension

3. In both worlds, everything is the same except for two things:

3.a. The woman talking on the mobile phone is not actually present in our dimension

3.b. The camera is not present in the woman's dimension

4. The woman is caught in on the camera and/or some kind of momentary dimensional crossover happens resulting in the woman being captured on the camera

5. The woman is startled when she equally, notices the camera from 'our' dimension and probably thinks "wth, we don't use those anymore"

The old Parallel Paradox:

One or more dimensions exist, much the same as ours however there is a mathematical difference in all instances, a variance that occurs whereby one or more objects/entities/features are present in all but one, or in one but not in the others.

--- Hope that makes sense ;-)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:39 PM
Didn't tesla and other government scientists discover mobile phones by then?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:41 PM
Most likely the character is complaining about he poor connection since it will be more than fifty years until there are cell towers and the related equipment to support a mobile phone.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:47 PM
All I can say is WOW!!!!
At first I was like "ok another bogus camera trick"
After watching this over & over I am stunned

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by old_god

I agree along those lines she maybe stops wondering why she's been cut off or lost signal and suddenly realises "I'm not in Kansas anymore" !

Have we got this far into the thread where people are still stating something along the lines of "Where are the towers / infrastructure to support a Cellphone / Mobile". If this person has travelled through time I'm pretty sure the logistics of sending a communications signal through time is far less harder than sending a person.

Why not class it as a "communications device" because as soon as you label it a cellphone / mobile phone our brains in the current time line identify it as such and therefore append all the currently required technology and ancillaries required to operate it i.e masts, towers, cells, networks etc.

This may well be a mute point as no doubt someone will mention it again and again. However this thread and the subject of the video appears to be spreading across the web and as now got its own thread over at Digital Spy in the UK where the same statements are being made without checking out some of the facts for example the picture looks stretched distorting some of the images i.e the sign in the background, the woman's shoes because it appears in the widescreen aspect ration on YT and not in its original 4:3 format (as an earlier poster pointed out) but none the less its still a great little mystery - for now until proven otherwise.
edit on 22-10-2010 by excelents because: Update

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Here is an example: BACK TO THE FUTURE PART 3

Tell Me... what can we conclude from watching this video?

The kid has to go pee.

Now if someone came on here and said...HE'S AN ALIEN...then that would be a comment out of place. But people saying "Wow...looks like she is talking into some device" isn't out of place for the charlie chaplin clip.

Just because we see a short scene of a person that appears to be talking on the phone in 1928 does not mean we should make this the top story on ATS.

Well Mr ATS quality control...can we at least discuss it? Please?

Does it offend you so much that a group of people are interested in this even though you may not be? Apparently it bothers you enough to come and attempt to insult everyone that is participating...that's too bad's a good fun thread.

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