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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Light soul

" If it was a time traveler from the future talking on a cell phone, it still wouldn't make sense. You know why?
Because1928 didn't have cell phone towers, a network or anything to carry the signal so that person on the phone wouldn't be able to get any reception to talk to anyone anyway.

Maybe its just a time traveler from the future pretending to talk on their cell phone. lol
edit on 22-10-2010 by Light soul because: Correct date "

BINGO ! We have a Winner ! ..........No Cell Phone Satellite Networks in 1923 A.D. . CASE CLOSED......

edit on 22-10-2010 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

No problem Zazzy

This is a list of POSSIBILITES that have been brought up in this thread. I have listed them in order of what I think is their PLAUSABILITY.

New Addtion:
8. Lady (or man in drag) is an actual time traveller talking on a futuristic communication device that does not need cell towers or satellites. If they have time travel's possible they have advanced communication technology. Some have even suggested they may be able to communicate across time using the same time travel technology used to transport a person through time. Low on the plausability list...just because this is pure speculation with no evidence.

1. Lady is using the cupping technique while singing. It is really the only one that explains both the hand position and the movement of the mouth. (Yes boon...I put your (and others) idea first)

1. Lady is listening to a music box and singing... Bumped up this up to a 1 because it does appear this were small enough to hold in a hand and were around in the 1920's

2. Lady is using some sort of hearing aid. Early electronic or small ear horn. Why is she talking??? I don't know. This got bumped up to take over the second spot by itself due to interest by other members.

3. Lady is fixing her hair. explaination for the talking. Tied for second.

3. Lady is blocking the sun from her eyes/face. No reason to talk while doing this unless she is saying "ARG...stupid sun"

3. New theory by wuk. Video is edited by the youtube poster...since he is in the film business I am putting this high on the list. He could of shot himself or someone else dressed like a women...used the man in front's walk as a guide and edited this lady in. If someone goes and buys the DVD to confirm this is on the original footage...this plummets to the bottom...or off the list. Sorry wuk.

4. Lady knows they are filming and doesn't want to be on film, so is hiding her face while ranting about the movie cameras.

4. Lady has a toothache and is holding an icepack to her jaw.

4. Lady was hit by rocks from kids and is holding her jaw while cussing out the kids.

5. Lady is an "extra" and taking direction from the director...this is low on the list because this wasn't an actual movie shoot, but was of the premeir. Still doesn't mean that they didn't stage some people to walk by.

6. Lady is just a crazy lady pretending to talk on a phone. They did have phones back not out of the question she is crazy and pretending to talk on a phone.

6. Charlie himself dressed in drag as a "prank" for the documentary of the premier. His hand could be up by his face to try to disguis himself.

6. Same idea as the above, except it is a random person pulling the prank. They had to have pranks back then...right?

7. This lady is using some type of early experimental walkie talkie/shortwave radio...maybe she was friends with Tesla.

8. This is a time traveler who is not talking on a cell phone...but is pretending to talk on a cell phone knowing he is being filmed to drop an "easter egg" for future generations to argue about on a conspiracy website.

8. Lady (or man in drag) is an actual time traveller talking on a futuristic communication device that does not need cell towers or satellites. If they have time travel's possible they have advanced communication technology. Some have even suggested they may be able to communicate across time using the same time travel technology used to transport a person through time. Low on the plausability list...just because this is pure speculation with no evidence.

9. This lady went through a "time slip" from another time period or dimension. When she pauses at the end of the is because she just figured out she no longer has a signal on her cell phone (WTH...I'm switching to Verizon).

9. This lady is a time traveler. And she is using some type of handheld communication device that is larger than modern day cell phones

9. This lady is actualy a male time traveler in drag using some type of handheld communication device that is larger than a moder day cell phone.

9. This lady is a time traveler holding a time traveling device, communication device, lazer gun combo

9. Lady is a contortionist...from the circus...possibly with a fake rubber hand...because of the unnatural "V" the fngers are making Not sure how this explains what is in her hand or why she is talking to it. But it is needed for the next entry.

9. New theory by wuk *sigh* here it goes. She is a Vulcan...which is why she can make the unnatural "V" symbol. All hail the vulcans...and trekies are nerds...Star Wars rules

10. Lady is from Inner Earth discoverd by Admiral Byrd. They came out of inner earth with their ultra sophisticated cell phones on a scouting mission

10. "Lady" is actually a reptillian alien on a scouting mission

10. "Lady" is actually the servant of the reptillian "Man" in front of her...she is there just to take the attention off of him. Maybe even a drone dressed like a women since their steps are in synch. Still out on a scouting mission.

11. Time Traveler is actually OutKast Searcher. Which is why Outkast Searcher had to be in this earlier time traveler THREAD to help insert skepticism. OutKast Searcher needs to hide his secret of being a time traveler. OutKast Searcher may or may not also be another ATS member in a different time period who thinks he is the one that is the time traveler

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:03 AM

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:12 AM
Hey all, great find and great footage.

I have a theory. I dont think this person is a time traveller, I think its a Alien.

Firstly the odd shape of the person, seems more like a man in drag, perhaps its a Alien dressed up as a human.

And here is the biggy, try holiding a mobile phone in the same manner, I tried and their is just no way I can wrap 3 fingers around something and have two fingers pointing up. Its impossible.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:13 AM
Dateline: California, 1928!

Witch like woman discovered at the famous Mann's Chinese Theater conversing with persons unknown on what appears to be a wireless talkie!

Overheard saying, "Can you hear me, now? ..Hello? ...Hello?"

Stay tuned for further developments!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:15 AM
I really love seing people jump to conclusions.
Why can't it just be a pretty nice after effects job?

Why an timetraveller or alien?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:17 AM
Thanks for a great thread, op

I want to be a time traveler! Where do I sign up?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Please could you add my explanation to the list of theories?


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:20 AM
cool stuff..shes also clearly talking...

thats indeed weird :O...

if you see the footage you realize how normal it is to see someone with the hand on the ear walking around nowadays..hehe but not for that time...

she also use it like it was normal there to walk around with a cell phone and talk..but the imagine the
people around..they would burn her for beeing crazy i bet...i think normally she would hide that from public ..

anyway..very interesting find man!

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by KingKickass123

Alienz invented After Effects to hide their true plans from us.

I read it somewhere.

Yeah, in this post actually as I was proofing it.


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:22 AM

Very interesting.

I have a theory.

I think it might indeed be someone from the future. Not necessarily a time traveller though. I think we are seeing a temporary rift in parrallell dimensions. We are able to see the person, which is from our time, due to a rift in the dimensions, allow us to see the person for a brief period of time.

She was not really there, just a glimpse of the future.


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:32 AM
Kidding aside, just a few more quick thoughts...

Speaking for myself only, I was never hung-up on the use of the "time-traveler" literal description used at the start of this thread. I just assumed / intuited that it was a place-holder to describe or label the entire "WTF?!" experience of seeing what appears to be an old woman talking on a cell phone from a movie clip shot in 1928.

On the rational explanation side, from the first time I viewed it there was something naggingly familiar about the lady's behaviour (if you dismiss the cell phone theory as impossible), but I couldn't put my finger on it right away, but it just came to me.

When I first graduated from college in the mid 80's, I went to work in NYC. This was during the time that Times Square was still the sleaze/porn capital of the world, crime was still a pretty big problem and you had all kinds of different people on the streets of Manhattan. In other words, pre Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Among this milieu at the time were a large number of mostly homeless, mentally ill people wandering around the streets of Manhattan as a result of the closure of many state mental institutions in the late 70's.

One of the things I would often see would be one of these people walking along, dressed oddly - often wearing coats, hats and scarves even in warm weather, shoes that were often too big and almost always - talking to themselves continuously.

The kicker is, one other mannerism many of these people shared was that they would hold one of their hands up to their heads sort of cupping one of their ears while they were doing this. I have no idea why, only that it was very common behavior. The only reason I don't think this is a slam-dunk explanation, is that most, if not all of the people that did the walking, talking, ear cupping thing, also would rock their heads and upper bodies back and forth while they were walking/talking/cupping. Even if the rocking was very slight, it was very noticeable because it looks so odd when someone is also walking. Something about the combination of motions I guess...

The lady/guy in drag in this clip did not exhibit that rocking behavior at all.

But probably most importantly, what she really looks like she's doing is talking on a cell phone. Period. Her entire body language from start to finish is totally consistent with exactly that. We've all seen it a thousand times, and we recognize it immediately.

If we didn't know this movie clip was from 1928, I bet not one of us would give that fact a second thought.

And that is what makes this clip so compelling.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Very interesting.

I have a theory.

I think it might indeed be someone from the future. Not necessarily a time traveller though. I think we are seeing a temporary rift in parrallell dimensions. We are able to see the person, which is from our time, due to a rift in the dimensions, allow us to see the person for a brief period of time.

She was not really there, just a glimpse of the future.


Good theory. I had a similar thought about that.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:38 AM
I would be interested in seeing the rest of the film to get a feel of the context. Maybe Charlie Chaplin forsaw that one day we would have mobile phones and was just trying to portray a glimpse of an unusal(then) future.

The film is called the circus after all, where strange things tend to happen.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:39 AM
I don't think i can take any-more "we didn't have cell phones back then" honestly we know that. I am sticking with the film man trying to fool us all and get great advertising. We really do need to get the original to find out if its really in the original otherwise were guessing and to some jokeing.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Very interesting.

I have a theory.

I think it might indeed be someone from the future. Not necessarily a time traveller though. I think we are seeing a temporary rift in parrallell dimensions. We are able to see the person, which is from our time, due to a rift in the dimensions, allow us to see the person for a brief period of time.

She was not really there, just a glimpse of the future.


Its a good theory except for that fact the person appears to be wearing clothing from the period of the film... not ripped jeans and a t-shirt

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:43 AM
Just had a thought, the person in the footage had to be holding something because there is no way in hell you could have your fingers pointing in those ways without having a grip of something.

And its not a fake hand because the finger moves towards the end of the shot.
edit on 22-10-2010 by bluloa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Project-Sign

Holy cow, traffic was a cluster# back then :-o I saw at least 4 people that was running for their lives. I didn't see a single time traveler though.

I guess this was before any kind of traffic rules and u could pretty much drive and walk where ever u wanted to. I think the only thing preventing serious injuries in that clip, was the slow pace of the traffic..

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by ajax_andy

Yes andy.

It is true. Tell me this though, does everybody you see outside at the moment wear jeans and a t shirt?
There is still some people that dress like that. So no, not completely inplausable.


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by Light soul

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Very interesting.

I have a theory.

I think it might indeed be someone from the future. Not necessarily a time traveller though. I think we are seeing a temporary rift in parrallell dimensions. We are able to see the person, which is from our time, due to a rift in the dimensions, allow us to see the person for a brief period of time.

She was not really there, just a glimpse of the future.


Good theory. I had a similar thought about that.

I was thinking the same too, a time slip.

And for the record, on the contrary to what outkast said, those small electric cell phone like hearing aids arrived in the late 1930's... There is no record for the same type before the 30's, in the 20's they where all wired to a box that you wear.

Also something else to note (that is far fetched aswell...) at the begining of the thread someone mentioned that motorola started in 1928, what I find more surprising is their first marketed product. A converter to be able to stick a battery powered device on to the mains, which maybe wouldbe the eaisiest concept to salvage out of a cellphone
but I have no idea if they invented this concept or not...
edit on 22-10-2010 by WeSbO because: (no reason given)

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