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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Object: Human
Gender: Male
Foot Size: 12 "
Diet: Ageless McDonald hamburgers (which explains the physic)
Occupation: Time traveler

Equipment: The standard issue phone and of course the rocket boots, (hence the big shoes), he also has a propeller in his hat in case the boots fail.

But seriously, what if it isn't a time traveler at all, we only see movies and hear stories all the time of people having technology beyond their means, like look at the recent Sherlock Holmes movie, the device had radio wireless tech, which was stolen by some professor way before the technology became public. Just a story though, but what about teslas experiments?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:14 AM
New list.

Again...this is a list of POSSIBILITIES that have been brought up in this thread. I am listing them in order of what I think their PLAUSABILIITY is. Same number means a tie. it ones are in bold...I will say in advanced I've been force through blackmail to add some of these.

I'll put the new ones here and inside the list:

9. Lady is a contortionist (stay with me)...from the circus...possibly with a fake rubber hand...because of the unnatural "V" the fngers are making Not sure how this explains what is in her hand or why she is talking to it. But it is needed for the next new theory by wuk.

9. New theory by wuk *sigh* here it goes. She is a Vulcan...which is why she can make the unnatural "V" symbol with her hand.. All hail the vulcans...and trekies are nerds...Star Wars rules

10. Lady is from Inner Earth discoverd by Admiral Byrd. They came out of inner earth with their ultra sophisticated cell phones on a scouting mission

1. Lady is using the cupping technique while singing. It is really the only one that explains both the hand position and the movement of the mouth. (Yes boon...I put your (and others) idea first)

1. Lady is listening to a music box and singing... Bumped up this up to a 1 because it does appear this were small enough to hold in a hand and were around in the 1920's

2. Lady is using some sort of hearing aid. Early electronic or small ear horn. Why is she talking??? I don't know. This got bumped up to take over the second spot by itself due to interest by other members.

3. Lady is fixing her hair. explaination for the talking. Tied for second.

3. Lady is blocking the sun from her eyes/face. No reason to talk while doing this unless she is saying "ARG...stupid sun"

3. New theory by wuk. Video is edited by the youtube poster...since he is in the film business I am putting this high on the list. He could of shot himself or someone else dressed like a women...used the man in front's walk as a guide and edited this lady in. If someone goes and buys the DVD to confirm this is on the original footage...this plummets to the bottom...or off the list. Sorry wuk.

4. Lady knows they are filming and doesn't want to be on film, so is hiding her face while ranting about the movie cameras.

4. Lady has a toothache and is holding an icepack to her jaw.

4. Lady was hit by rocks from kids and is holding her jaw while cussing out the kids.

5. Lady is an "extra" and taking direction from the director...this is low on the list because this wasn't an actual movie shoot, but was of the premeir. Still doesn't mean that they didn't stage some people to walk by.

6. Lady is just a crazy lady pretending to talk on a phone. They did have phones back not out of the question she is crazy and pretending to talk on a phone.

6. Charlie himself dressed in drag as a "prank" for the documentary of the premier. His hand could be up by his face to try to disguis himself.

6. Same idea as the above, except it is a random person pulling the prank. They had to have pranks back then...right?

7. This lady is using some type of early experimental walkie talkie/shortwave radio...maybe she was friends with Tesla.

8. This is a time traveler who is not talking on a cell phone...but is pretending to talk on a cell phone knowing he is being filmed to drop an "easter egg" for future generations to argue about on a conspiracy website.

9. This lady went through a "time slip" from another time period or dimension. When she pauses at the end of the is because she just figured out she no longer has a signal on her cell phone (WTH...I'm switching to Verizon).

9. This lady is a time traveler. And she is using some type of handheld communication device that is larger than modern day cell phones

9. This lady is actualy a male time traveler in drag using some type of handheld communication device that is larger than a moder day cell phone.

9. This lady is a time traveler holding a time traveling device, communication device, lazer gun combo

9. Lady is a contortionist...from the circus...possibly with a fake rubber hand...because of the unnatural "V" the fngers are making Not sure how this explains what is in her hand or why she is talking to it. But it is needed for the next entry.

9. New theory by wuk *sigh* here it goes. She is a Vulcan...which is why she can make the unnatural "V" symbol. All hail the vulcans...and trekies are nerds...Star Wars rules

10. Lady is from Inner Earth discoverd by Admiral Byrd. They came out of inner earth with their ultra sophisticated cell phones on a scouting mission

10. "Lady" is actually a reptillian alien on a scouting mission

10. "Lady" is actually the servant of the reptillian "Man" in front of her...she is there just to take the attention off of him. Maybe even a drone dressed like a women since their steps are in synch. Still out on a scouting mission.

11. Time Traveler is actually OutKast Searcher. Which is why Outkast Searcher had to be in this earlier time traveler THREAD to help insert skepticism. OutKast Searcher needs to hide his secret of being a time traveler. OutKast Searcher may or may not also be another ATS member in a different time period who thinks he is the one that is the time traveler

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:16 AM
So I have had another very long look at the OP's video. I have had answers to my question about why she was faded out but still cant quite accept that they 'did that' in the 20's. Or even why they even thought of that then! Like..'Lets freak everyone out and put in someone as a man/woman type with a loooong nose, huge feet and talking to themselves ( animatedly) thru' an ear horn'. Just for fun. And then ' lets make her disappear'....
Nope. Methinks the scenario is too far from the mentality and reality of the 20's.
So for me, its either a doctored piece OR a Time Traveller. Or Im still going mad. One of the 3!

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:18 AM
To add more to my conjecture...

She looks lost. If you watch, she walks kind of undecidedly... She has her hand to her head in a sign of anxiety... There is a guy in the movie "It" who does the exact same thing.

At the end, when she looks towards the camera and is talking, it is because she is talking to herself going something like "Where am i?" or "what am I going to do?"

Damn this vid is awesome.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:18 AM
I wonder what kind of bars you get in 1928???

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:19 AM
if time travel is posible and common in our future it could be a yet to be filmed verizon commercial.. "can you hear me now" lol.

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by strafgod
if time travel is posible and common in our future it could be a yet to be filmed verizon commercial.. "can you hear me now" lol.

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:20 AM
I know. It's a fish person like in Dagon. It's just trying to hide it's gills.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
Ok here's a theory, maybe the person who uploaded this to youtube is a film major and he actually went out and got period equipment and shot a scene for his film class, the props, the people, the costumes, everything is a reproduction, and the lady actually does have a cell phone in her hand, the only thing is, it was a modern production so everything else is staged.

Just a theory.

I actually like this a lot except that the real "additional" footage included with the DVD should be VERY easy to come by, so it would be debunked almost instantly if he did indeed do this.

In the YouTube clip he mentions that one his films has won an award and he mentions a few others films he's made too. If true, doing something like that would either seriously trash his reputation or vault him right to the top (depending on what kind of filmmaker he is).

It would be great if someone could get their hands on another version of this footage from the DVD quickly...

edit on 10/22/2010 by Riffrafter because: delete double's 3:30am for god's sake....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:21 AM
I applied a filter or 2 and this came up in the photo:


Seems there is more to this than meets the eye!


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:21 AM
If it was a time traveler from the future talking on a cell phone, it still wouldn't make sense. You know why?
Because1928 didn't have cell phone towers, a network or anything to carry the signal so that person on the phone wouldn't be able to get any reception to talk to anyone anyway.

Maybe its just a time traveler from the future pretending to talk on their cell phone. lol
edit on 22-10-2010 by Light soul because: Correct date

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:22 AM
Since OS is doing an admirable job of listing the theories, I thought I would jump in and list a few facts to work with as well...

1) This entire video is being presented to us, narrated, and contextualized by a filmmaker - a filmmaker who admits that he's in been in possession of this footage for an extended time.

2) Over the course of today the Youtube hits on this footage have jumped by the tens of thousands.

3) Although many are saying that this is raw footage of the movies premiere - the evidence within the video discounts this. This is produced footage - possibly of a random passersby, but also possibly of actors.

4) Unless somebody can access the Chaplin box set - or another source, to verify that this is legitimately what the poster claims it is, we cannot even be sure of its authenticity.

5) Stripping away all of the presumptions we are left with a piece of film that shows what looks like a person speaking on a cell phone. All context, thus far, is implied.


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:27 AM
If they can edit Tom Hanks into the 60's and 70's shacking hands with Kennedy en crap, this shouldn't be such a stretch.
I'm going with a pretty nice aftereffects job.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:29 AM
So I don't know if anyone mentioned this, I have been watching the video a bunch of times, and noticed something else, anyone pay attention what his right hand is doing at this time? Well its really weird and hard to tell, it looks like his right hand is holding up his cape and holding something like an antenna ( thats what i thought at first but then I realized that his right hand is just hanging down in his attires I think (at 2:55 in the faint image u see part of his hand pop up bottom left corner. But anyways he does have something on his right side of the hat like an antenna or feather or something thin and black.
edit on 22-10-2010 by lastdragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:37 AM
I'm beginning to get very suspicious of this clip and that what it is just a clip uploaded by the film guy. Why does the man/lady stop suddenly in shot not behind the zebra but in shot the guy in front carries on walking - Ummm very suspicious indeed.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

This is one of the most intriguing threads I have read on this site. Whilst I would love it to be a time traveller I would have to say that this is very clever CGI. Most probably put in to the video in order to fool masses of people. No doubt we shall soon be told. Very clever and very intriguing well done for finding it OP.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:39 AM
The real question is:
WHO is she talking to?
Her friend?
Her boss?
Her lover?
To MI6?
To Obama?
To Albert Pike, who is time traveling as well?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Riffrafter

Not saying it's the correct theory, just pointing out an alternative theory. After all, a lot of suggestions were made by the person who posted this video on YouTube and without verification it makes it difficult to come to a real conclusion. Maybe it's something else and that footage is in the box set as the poster of this video claims.

Or maybe he did it himself knowing that most people wouldn't bother to go out and get the box set to verify his claims.

What I am suggesting is that it's a piece of cutting room floor footage that was cut from whatever piece of work he was really doing and instead of just throwing it out, decided to play a little joke on YouTube.
edit on 10/22/2010 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Thanks OS for painstakingly keeping this thread updated with theories, much appreciated! Im sure other members and staff appreciate it also.
That said, you left out the Star Trek Defense posted earlier that they don't need mobile towers for their comms, so it must be ok for a time traveller


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by DrumsRfun
I will just say what the possible explanations could be.

1.An ear injury.
Holding something to the ear to stop the bleeding.

2.Some people like to listen to seashells,could it be as simple as that??
Crazy I know but it is a Chaplin movie and he was a tad quirky.

3.Putting a cupped hand to the ear with nothing in it.

I really am not sure.

Or maybe the guy likes to talk with his hand ?

Seriously, good job OP. I believe there is a good chance this could be a time traveler. Also, who knows what else was inside that long heavy coat?

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