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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by netron
reply to post by lifeform11

go to 4:11 frame by frame. notice the separation of fingers. now try that yourself while holding either an iphone or small notebook at an angle. i think that somewhat proves that there is something being held.

You've nailed it!!!

It's Steve Jobs!

Case closed.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:14 AM
As I posted before around page 21. Many hearing aids were in production from the 1920s that looked square and small enough to fit in your hand.

Some of them can be seen here >>>>> HEARING AID MUSEUM

About 30% of those were pre 1930 productions. I think she was testing the sound, realized she was on camera, and said something to herself or felt embarrassed and froze then walked slow.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

this is very interesting. it does look as though the person in the video was talking on a cell phone.

time travel may be possible. you just never know i guess.

good post.


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by thomas_

Yep agreed, but is it just me or does the gentleman walking by first looks like Comrade Lennin and to all you lip synchers out there I am pretty sure when the lady stops and turns towards the camera she says "!@#^ you, Chaplin" lol (hopefully that wasn't violating any T/C I was just jokin )

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

That could be unless he wasn't actually trying to get the cell phone in the shot and it's an honest mistake by the extra.

Wouldn't you think he would of corrected a 'mistake' in post edit? After going through all the trouble of making a mock Charlie Chaplin "time travel cell phone" piece?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz

Well if I look that old at 30, i may get Mr zazz to take me out to the paddock and shoot me.

You don't look a day over thirty in your picture.

Lock the paddock, and hide the guns to avoid any temptation, and stay away from walmart.

edit on 22-10-2010 by Fractured.Facade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by pscysm

Still no word from the guy that posted it on youtube?
I'm sticking with the modern production theory. But...
If it is a time traveller/alien/star trek, they don't need towers for their mobile, if they have a ship in orbit, they can use the equivilent to a sat phone.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:17 AM
heres a little fun exercise to try out....try putting your hand up to your head like shes doing in the frames....shes using her left hand, which i might point out is kinda rare cuz most people use their right hands to hold their phones but thats purely circumstantial, anyways, put your hand up to your head just like shes doing, and think for a bit what you could possibly have your hand up there for....after I did that i realized, shes probably just holding onto a scarf or a hair wrap underneath her hat...think about it, shes holding onto it cuz its cold, and maybe she doesn't want it to mess up her hair or something like that, I'll admit I was definitely of the persuasion that this had to be a cell phone, but after I put my hand up and thought about it for a second, its something under her hat thats she holding, it makes much more sense...and if its not a hair wrap or hair net of some sort, its something that has to do with her hair, or her hat...I have switched my opinion, its really not a cell phone, but that still doesn't explain why shes talking....i guess shes just talking to herself...

ALSO: alot of people are talking about how this was all choreographed by the director and is some sort of easter egg...the guy that found the footage clearly says; this is footage shot for the premier of the film on its opening day...not footage shot to be part of the actual film...that means thats not an extra, its really some stranger walking down the street in front of the stores, its not a scene from the movie, its like when we have a red carpet opening nowadays, this was that type of thing, and this is some footage from that event.
edit on 10/22/2010 by smokecrops because: forgot to touch on that fact that this is extra footage

edit on 10/22/2010 by smokecrops because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:21 AM
This is the thread that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, this is the thread that never ends. I cant believe i read through the entire thread. Can i get a prize for that or something? Couple things i must mention. And i found this annoying as hell. Practically EVERYTIME someone would point out that you dont have a need for a cell tower in relation to what is PRESUMABLY cell phone but could be some other form of communication, someone would come right back and just obliviously say something that it is a cell phone and something about a tower. READ THE THREAD. Its been mentioned ad nauseum that if it WAS a time traveler, they obviously have tech that is totally unknown to us, and more than likely they would have some way of communicating though time ok? I mean really, who in their right mind would send someone back in time with no oversight? Is there a single person anyone trusts on this planet we feel we could let go back in time un supervised? Dont you think that might have been part of the planning? You dont throw someone back in time and just say "eh, do what you want, we'll hear from you when you get back" NO, there would be constant communication, updates, SitReps, mission briefings, co-ordinate and temporal sync's etc! Hence, there would be communication. Whether this video is real or not, that is something you got to keep in mind on the "cell phone tower" crap.

That being said, still looks weird as hell.
edit on 22-10-2010 by itbenickp because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:21 AM
What happened in the year 1928 (a lot) but I will present two things~! Most of us are confused by the person that appears to be holding and talking on a small device, dubbing that person a time traveler.

Most of you should have heard of a guy named “Richard Byrd” (Admiral Richard Byrd).
He claimed to reach the north pole in 1926

His most telling story happens in the arctic (North Pole) in the year 1947 where he heads into an unknown land “dubbed” Hollow earth. Where he see’s planes with swastikas on them and white men and blonde hair, they speak in English, with a slight Nordic or Germanic accent.

Read that story here if you haven’t

No lets back, back to 1928 to this where this time traveler shows up, well in 1928-30 the Admiral Does his first Antarctic expedition…..stories are all over about Nazis having bases down there, but in the same year this: The first patent for the transistor principle is registered in “Germany” to Julius Edgar Lilienfeld.

If we are gonna entertain the idea of time traveler, then I why not from the inner earth to pass on information or scouting!
From Admiral Byrd log, they had some pretty sophisticated tech in the inner earth, invisible force fields, saucer shaped craft, and that was in ummm 1947 a small hand held might be par for course, and we didn’t have such tech, but now do, so I just would assume(assuming this theory) the inner earth folks would have some new gadgets, far past ours.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:24 AM


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

Wouldn't you think he would of corrected a 'mistake' in post edit? After going through all the trouble of making a mock Charlie Chaplin "time travel cell phone" piece?

Don't know, maybe he used footage from the cutting room floor for it. Maybe the original isn't a Charlie Chaplin movie piece at all.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:26 AM
From memory when Mr zazz and I looked at this you tube this morning there was about 330 views?
Up to 25 000 now, ATS spreads da word....wander if it hits msn....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:30 AM
The guy who uploaded this to YouTube said it was a "lady in drag" and she was "using a cell phone".

What a great experiment about the power of suggestion because in this thread those two things have been memed.

Why would someone first assume a cell phone? If we had just seen the video without any theory about it, we would have thought at most that she was holding something next to her face. But the mind wants to think 'cell phone' because it's what we relate to.

And how do we even know she is 'talking'. There's no sound, she could be chewing gum or a weird action with her mouth that appears as 'talking'.

And why does the video maker say she looks like she is in 'drag'? She looks like an older lady from that time period. Nobody would have thought 'drag' unless he said it and put the suggestion in people's heads. People in 'drag' look nowhere near that in today's standards or that times.

So now thousands will follow the theory that it's someone using a 'cell phone' with little reason or logic being discussed.

It's very sad to see because I think people have a huge need for 'fantastic ' ideas because the world is 'boring' or not exciting enough or depressing.

It's just sad to see so much of it around.

edit on 22-10-2010 by Prove_It_NOW because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

I have had some other people watch the video, just the black and white part, not the guy talking...they both said "Looks like she is on a cell phone".

One said..."she has HUGE feet...kinda looks manly".

I know some others have said they had other people watch it and they also said "cell phone".

I'm not saying this proves anything...but I do think most people in todays society would see that clip and think "cell phone"...because we see it everyday. Doesn't mean that it is a cell phone...just LOOKS like it is someone on a cell phone.

This is a fun should enjoy it more.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:37 AM
just watched myself and wow thats one large earring. jokin. its a head scratcher for sure.

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by -W1LL

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
Are we not missing the most obvious way to debunk this? Maybe it has already been mentioned but cell phones need towers or satellites to transmit. So if this person is talking on a cell phone did they bring satellites with them too and this means there are at least two time travelers. I am willing to entertain the notion but explain how cell phones could be used without a network infrastructure. Also based on the size of the cell phone the time traveler must have been from around our present time, as before 2000 cell phones were bulky.

and on and on and


We should make it a game or contest to see who catches the most of these first. I nominate your line above:

and on and on and
:lol ... the official "dart" that must be used first after each of these posts in order to have it tagged and counted for you.

Although I really think this clip is one of the best "WTF is that?!" type things that I've seen in a very long time, I'm having a lot of fun with this thread too.

This thing has meme written all over it...and just think, we were all here to witness it's birth.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:39 AM
Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

This is a fun should enjoy it more.

I disagree. I think logic should be encouraged. "Fun" is not what I'm seeking at ATS. If I was, I'd be posting on 4chan.

But thanks for your concern about my happy funtime levels.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:42 AM
Can I ask a silly question - does this clip have a sound track. If no then he/she could be just talking to the cameraman as a stunt.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

Put this thread to bed by getting a "Lip Reader" to tell us what, or as nearly what she/he is saying!

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