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Twitter ablaze with UFO sighting reports in NYC. Anyone confirm?

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by seanizle
reply to post by lee anoma

I was thinking that too, it threw off people like myself who don't completely read articles

Pretty slick huh?

On one hand having a title claiming New Yorkers mistake balloons for UFOs but ending with a question mark, then claiming the police simply "believe" it to be the case, and later referencing an older UFO hoax as if to prove this is one too.

Surprisingly many people have been posting up this article as proof that this was all just balloons.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Alaskan Man
this raises an eyebrow

The Federal Aviation Administration said it received several calls to its operations center but after reviewing radar data, the agency could not find anything out of the ordinary. "We re-ran radar to see if there was anything there that we can't account for but there is nothing in the area," said spokesman Jim Peters. "There was some helicopter traffic over the river at that time and we checked with LaGuardia Tower. And they said they had nothing going low at that time." Read more:


wouldn't balloons turn up on radar?

edit on 10/13/2010 by Alaskan Man because: (no reason given)

Interesting. Maybe in a day or so, some air traffic controller will speak out.
Whatever happened today, PR stunt or real it still JUST happened. I know we are so used to getting information at a click of a button but things like this take time. Not everyone has come forward yet, I'm sure.
I think we're all agreeing SOMETHING happened today so let's just wait until others chime in. It's also interesting, with the exception of that one video, I don't hear too many witnesses (not MEDIA) saying these were 'definitely' balloons. Grant it, it's hard to tell what something is at a great distance but you also have to think, how far away could a balloon be and still be visible?
Also, what goes up (if balloons) must come down. Any word on their landing? Yeah. Didn't think so.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by NeverApologize

your atitude of trust me is intreging
trust who you?
why i dont know you sir how would i trust you?

please bring facts pics or websites
as trust is for fools
no offence is intended


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by NeverApologize

Actually everyone is ignorant to what actually was in the sky today skeptics and believers alike. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge. Since none of us know 100% what it is everyone is ignorant its pure speculation.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Giovannetti44
." This website claims all the hooplah is in reference to a retired NORAD general predicting a UFO visit on October 13, 2010. " Retired Air Force Officer Stanley A. Fulham released the third edition of his 352-page book, Challenges of Change, which suggests that on October 13 there will be "a massive UFO display over the world's principal cities."

Theres videos and pictures here

Interesting that also might sum up that video in china ufo event,people vanishing etc.

More so you cant really trust the news networks on this matter of ufos, same goes with the global markets, if you ask me they are the ones denying ignorance.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
we have members that say they saw something
we have pics that are clear
we have twits going mad
we have lots of heli copters
lots of witnesses
question should be

if this was a mass sighting these are the ways people would react
and the ballons thing is like the led rc plane
if you cant explain it
swamp gas
ballons or
rc plane

how many people could be fooled at one time

i trust the ats members who acually saw this with their own eyes

note some of the big players here have not even commented
this speaks volumes to me

debunkers show no proof neither do beleivers
so lets list facts and pics


we alos have a member who says she was very close to objects in top story of building on balcaony and it was ballons and she could clearly see the strings attached. We have seen people talking bunches of objects and people talking one object.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by dreams n chains
So then....... If there are UFOs that announce that they are going to show themselves...... the best thing a disinfo agent can do is to release some balloons to easily convince many or most that no one saw a UFO also.

Is it really that easy?

Apparently so! Seems to have confused all of Manhattan today

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

if it was night time someone wearing a black suit would be "arrested" for flying an led plane
because its day time the release of ballons is used
i dont know either way if they are ballons ufos or ours but
it seams ballons are the new swamp gas for day light
wounder how much chopper fuel was wasted chasing ballons

remember deception could be at play from either side as this one heats up


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by RICH-ENGLAND
reply to post by Sunsetspawn

ok, ive had enough, im gonna say exactly what i think has happened, 4chan tried to organise i mass worldwide ufo hoax a while back but somebody posted it on here before they had chance, anyone can look the thread up its now on B.T.S.

there are many 4chan members that are also members of A.T.S and know all about the norad predictions and knew full well that many people from here would be watching for something happening in the last week or so and especially today.

i think they reorganised the mass hoax to coincide with todays prediction, i think they were responsible for the california ufo hoax that turned out to be an rc plane and i also think they've been renaming and reposting stacks of old you tube videos to make them look new like the moscow video, again to coincide with this weeks happenings.

another member has been on 4chan and pretty much confirmed what im saying,

i think they organised todays hoax and all our new members that signed up today just for this are 4chan members just trying to corroborate this hoax, i also think that photo is a total fake made by a 4chan member again to make this all seem like more than it is.

i didn't want to post all this outright because 4chan are well known for hacking people and crashing websites but ive had enough of people calling me for trying to stop our beloved A.T.S from looking stupid.



If that's all true then I thank you for the info, as most ATS members will. But you've also behaved like a complete *snip* in this thread. Just saying.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

Please. Use common sense here. This was not an Alien invasion! This was not ET cruising over NYC.
Not to be a prick but are you familier with weather patterns and trade winds and jet streams? They estimate that the craft was around 5000-6000ft above the city right?

Google how high weather balloons and other test craft ascend over a period of time. A balloon does not immediately hit 80,000ft in a straight direction. It travels along whichever way the wind blows. The wind IS/WAS blowing up the coast tonight.

Check the location of PAX and then get back to me. Estimate time, speed, altitude at which a balloon would be when it was over NYC or Newark..... See?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:34 PM
Found a picture

more info here

edit on 13-10-2010 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by RICH-ENGLAND

I'm going to assume that a lot of the people saying this is more than a hoax ARE 4chan members.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:35 PM

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by axiomuser
Yea Maybe but...
Balloon Hoax fools NYC

However, as CBS 2 cameras showed, the objects appeared to be yellow balloons, although there has been no official confirmation from the NYPD. On the streets below there was a lot of intrigue about the mystery going on up above.

That's not the title of the article, man.
It doesn't say this was a balloon hoax.
Your title is misleading.

It also looks like they changed the article itself.
This statement and the video are new.

The part that I quoted...

However, police said they suspect the objects were yellow balloons, but no one’s quite gotten to the bottom of mystery up above. gone now.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:36 PM
Almost 30 pages of pure nonsensical garbage! A video of balloons. A photo with dirt on the lens and someone who can't decide if they mean "their," there," or "they're."

THIRTY pages!

This thread clearly shows how many are just DYING for ANYTHING to come along --good, bad, joyous, evil, rock, country, Jupiter or satellites. I mean, it no longer matters if people get hurt or if aliens turn out to be demons, as long as some of your lives change and another level of entertainment is reached.

Ya know, some of you need to stop looking for things in the heavens that aren't there to make your lives more fulfilling and start looking for things on earth to do that. Open a book. Start a project like gathering all family photos together on 1 or 2 DVDs and give them out as Christmas gifts to all family members. Go make love to your Love. Hell, even grasping at straws will be more fruitful than putting Hope in a pack of balloons.

Surely our combined efforts can produce more than THIS! We can surely do better than THIS...right? Because if we can't, TPTB our laughing THEIR sick heads off at us as we wallow in wasted time and energy that at the end of the day produced no more answers than when we started.

TPTB? Please save me from drowning --I put ALL of my trust in you! I'm willing to give up some more of my freedoms for your protection!

Where do I sign up to become an Illuminist?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by axiomuser

That story is VERY misleading. It talks about the events today yet, at the end, tosses this in:

Weird sightings in the sky are not new to our area. Back in January of 2009, strange, red, blinking lights could be seen across Morris County, N.J., and officials thought they had figured out what caused them.

In the end, though, it wasn’t exactly a close encounter.

It turns out the lights were part of a hoax. Prosecutors said two men with too much time on their hands pulled off the trick with five flares, fishing line and helium balloons.

Clever journalism? Oh yeah.................

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I've been saying this for three pages.
It's very suspicious.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by NeverApologize

dont get me wrong your idea has merit
i am suggesting you provide the data ill take a look
there is always a mundane explination to everything
i think you may be correct but

is it logical to dismiss this as ballons when they were visable for 20 mins with choppers buzzing around?


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:38 PM
WHOOOOHOOOO!!! I READ THE ENTIRE THREAD! Holy read a pagge and two more pop up before you click the next button...but I did it! I am here! Sweet..


Originally posted by NeverApologize
This is very disturbing. For a site that claims denying ignorance I am seeing a lot of you jumping the gun! This is NOT the first Alien Contact Event! Please, take a breath,

OK. Do i have your attention now? It was a test. I promise you.

Oh stop are being vague and mysterious for no reason at all. I stopped reading what you have to say in thread the second post you made when you belittled people for asking you to be more clear, and then you retorted with a big middle finger and some nonsense about hooking up ATS members with a private tour of some "big secret" you have personally worked "near or on".

Stop trying to act like you dropped some conclusive evidence or answered anything.

Most people do not listen to "online people playing coy with the answers" as if they are secret agents.

back on topic-

NOBODY has show conclusive evidence of anything here. These objects are STILL unidentified and that is the bottom line.

Go me dumb, call me a fool...heck call me and hang up- cus I'm not listening to anyone until I see "proof" of something one way or another.

That goes for you UFOers and all you Nay-saying skeptics...

Real logic demands a proven answer...until that is supplied all you bickering types are just slowing down the investigation and airing ATS' nasty side to the world.

I personally doubt these are alien craft...but I am not stupid enough to bet my life on it. Anyone here saying they have the answers better start providing some concrete evidence.

And NO- being a new member saying "I have the answer but can't tell you the details" isn't gunna cut it.

Nor is- "Aliens told me in my OOB that this is true.

Bring me facts or just sit back and research this...

FACT is...nobody has answered the question yet- "what were these objects", so STOP presenting a closed case in the face of an unanswered question.


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by zosrokah

All I see is a black shot on the screen. Nothing at all.
Is the cam you linked the right one?

eta: reloaded page a few times a got shot of skyline....
edit on 10/13/2010 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

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