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Twitter ablaze with UFO sighting reports in NYC. Anyone confirm?

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
This picture looks like it shows texture on these spheres...

Been posted. Cool photo though. Whatever it is.

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Yes, that's how (where) the whole 'balloon' bonanza began.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by porschedrifter

Originally posted by lee anoma
reply to post by leeko

I was pointing out that the article does not say it was balloons and the mystery is still open.
I placed in bold he part where this was mentioned, so the article does not say it was balloons and then tried to connect it to an older hoax which is a bit suspicious.

It's not suspicious, this is the hoax they were refering to, which is nothing close to what happened today.

Which is why I said it was suspicious.
Why reference an unrelated hoax?

- Lee

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

hi mabey
i woundered when you would turn up the logic volume on this thread
lots of excitement today huh
what do you make of all this?

(expert opinion)


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

I was thinking that too, it threw off people like myself who don't completely read articles

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

If you don't have time to read the thread, then don't post. It's that simple. Chances are (as is the case here) that if you found it so quickly on the internet, then it probably already exists in a 30 page thread here on ATS.

Don't take it personally either, my shout was for everyone, not just you.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:22 PM

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by ShanePerkins

The object displayed in the video is without doubt NOT the balloons i saw from my times square office. so I'll take a bow to mystery on this one folks, and stand corrected despite my previous certainty that the sightings were entirely explainable. As some reports have suggested, there was a large amount of balloons let loose on the west side, and that would account for what i saw, but this is quite different.

and on a separate note i despise the reporters disposition, while freely admitting the objects HE witnessed were unexplainable he simultaneously maintains a very sarcastic, dismissive tone that is the standard-issue skew the media puts on these and other types of stories. How can a journalist conclude the sightings (and accompanying mass-intrique) were unimportant when they are yet to be explained or analyzed?

this video is a perfect example of the soft-censorship that pervades our media and in part due to the latter, overall public discourse. unlike china or soviet russia, where "undesirable ideas" are openly suppressed, in the US, we are conditioned to laugh at them or the person delivering them and to dismiss such ideas as absurd without any cause to do so. We are subjected to and surrounded by so much media noise and thus have no choice but to to filter out what we believe is relevant, useful to us and in some cases what is "true" or not (the old phrase "paper of record"). unfortunately, as this video shows, we cannot rely on the old lighthouses previous generations have in how to see the world. perhaps that trust was misplaced from its beginning.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:23 PM
I know it dot matter to you ppl that need proof pic's, better info buta i need to tell sum 1
but anyways i was out having a cig and as i was smoking, i was thinking about all this and i was about to give up on this thred and as i put my smoke out, i noticed a shinny like really shinny, object going west ward and my first thought was a plane but it was low and it dint make any noise, i was so i was trying to figure it out then it was gone wich was weird since it was very shinny metalic...
it was going twards the sun, alittle more north from the sun were i can see it alittle tho, thats why i thought it was weird i lost visual on this shinny metalic object...????

p.s i was freaked the f***ed out

but thanx for reading

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by vincenz32

Your post is a little suspicious, as it is in complete contrast to the videos of people lining the streets and news crews filming.

"Trash" blown by the wind? Seriously?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
reply to post by mr-lizard

If you don't have time to read the thread, then don't post. It's that simple. Chances are (as is the case here) that if you found it so quickly on the internet, then it probably already exists in a 30 page thread here on ATS.

Don't take it personally either, my shout was for everyone, not just you.

Mate seriously don't tell me what i can and cannot post on here. I've been here long enough to know how things work.

If YOU have already seen the video then IGNORE it. It's that simple - no need to resort to rudeness and shouting at people.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by seanizle

Still might be more too it, but I think most of us can agree that a mojority of the people saw balloons

They're implying it is a hoax, but say there is no proof yet that it was balloons.
As I pointed out earlier in this thread. Reread the article carefully.

It doesn't claim these are balloons (which is why they ended the title with a question mark) but says police believe they may be, and simply references an unrelated hoax at the end of the article.

It gives most people the impression that it was proven the hoax, but the actual article doesn't say that at all.

- Lee
edit on 13-10-2010 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:24 PM
Yea Maybe but...
Balloon Hoax fools NYC

However, as CBS 2 cameras showed, the objects appeared to be yellow balloons, although there has been no official confirmation from the NYPD. On the streets below there was a lot of intrigue about the mystery going on up above.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:25 PM
." This website claims all the hooplah is in reference to a retired NORAD general predicting a UFO visit on October 13, 2010. " Retired Air Force Officer Stanley A. Fulham released the third edition of his 352-page book, Challenges of Change, which suggests that on October 13 there will be "a massive UFO display over the world's principal cities."

Theres videos and pictures here

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:25 PM
This is very disturbing. For a site that claims denying ignorance I am seeing a lot of you jumping the gun! This is NOT the first Alien Contact Event! Please, take a breath,

OK. Do i have your attention now? It was a test. I promise you.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:26 PM
I came across this when searching for something about it. In the first video it looks like some White Orbs!! Those are not balloons. I am only going off of what I have seen with my own eyes in the skys above my house. Those are the exact UFOs I have seen do some very interesting stuff.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:26 PM
Is it possible that there were 2 separate events that occurred over NYC today?

  • Balloons released
  • UFO activity

The balloons work as a distraction to witnesses and also as a misdirection to confuse testimony of UFO activity.

Maybe that's the case here and that would explain why some are swearing they some something very strange while others are laughing at the obvious balloons.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:27 PM
So then....... If there are UFOs that announce that they are going to show themselves...... the best thing a disinfo agent can do is to release some balloons to easily convince many or most that no one saw a UFO also.

Is it really that easy?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
reply to post by NatalinaEx
My exwife knew there were unicorns also,.. she just knew it..
Yep,.. they must have missed the boat.
I think the point that is missed on Here is there ARE those of us that require more that just a wild story..
With todays technological advancements in video, one would think catching something like a object in the sky that isnt moving would be easy. not to mention the availability to ZOOM in and see what it really is..
I suppose some of us should be a bit more supportive of those that still believe in Santa, the easter bunny and many other mystical stories..

You missed my point entirely and yet proved it at the same time.

Never did I say in my original post that people should blindly believe these kinds of things... nor did I say that I was convinced that the events today in NYC were anything other than a hoax. All I said was that I supported those who wanted to explore all possibilities. I think it is incredibly arrogant to presume that the "debunking" theory is always the most credible. Actually, specifically what I said was:

I've continued to keep this updated in the following post and will continue to do so:

October 13 UFO Predictions: Sightings, Speculation, and the Buzz so Far

I do this because I told my readers that I would. The thing is this. I find it upsetting how many times I see people jump in and tell people they are being silly for being interested in what is happening... whether it is in NYC or elsewhere. I think we should be able to agree that investigating anomalous sightings is a worthy pursuit and to see the kind of ridicule that comes from some members of ATS is really disheartening. And I am not referring to questioning.. I am not referring to healthy debate... I am talking about some of the real meanness that I see. This is not directed at everyone. Most people seem open minded and open hearted and that is why I continue to come to ATS. But I get so discouraged when I see a few people trying to just shut down conversation about the sorts of things that many people come to ATS precisely to discuss! UFOs, Balloons, Swamp Gas... whatever it is in NYC today.. and whatever it EVER is... I find it to be a topic of endless fascination and I applaud those who are willing to keep their minds open enough to consider ALL possibilities, and more than anything.. just have an enjoyable time doing so.

You'll notice that my main contention is NOT that people shouldn't engage in debate. I think they should.. they MUST! But an intelligent and productive debate isn't Person A. saying.. "Here is my theory" and Person B. saying. "I disagree, hence you are a stupid moron." Generally speaking it is the person who denigrates the intelligence of his counterparts who ends up looking the least intelligent. At least that's how I see it.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by NeverApologize
Has anyone thought to contact PAX or any other Naval / Army / Air Force station. I am told they are very friendly and direct in their answers...

47123 Buse Road, Building 2272
Patuxent River, Md 20670
Tel: 301-995-7909

From experience, I can tell you that they will give you the run around because if it is not happening over their heads, they don't have to acknowledge anything.
Need to know only is policy.
Oh and the main operators, just to cut to the chase are in DC with a VA number.
Don't you just love them?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Sunsetspawn

ok, ive had enough, im gonna say exactly what i think has happened, 4chan tried to organise i mass worldwide ufo hoax a while back but somebody posted it on here before they had chance, anyone can look the thread up its now on B.T.S.

there are many 4chan members that are also members of A.T.S and know all about the norad predictions and knew full well that many people from here would be watching for something happening in the last week or so and especially today.

i think they reorganised the mass hoax to coincide with todays prediction, i think they were responsible for the california ufo hoax that turned out to be an rc plane and i also think they've been renaming and reposting stacks of old you tube videos to make them look new like the moscow video, again to coincide with this weeks happenings.

another member has been on 4chan and pretty much confirmed what im saying,

i think they organised todays hoax and all our new members that signed up today just for this are 4chan members just trying to corroborate this hoax, i also think that photo is a total fake made by a 4chan member again to make this all seem like more than it is.

i didn't want to post all this outright because 4chan are well known for hacking people and crashing websites but ive had enough of people calling me for trying to stop our beloved A.T.S from looking stupid.




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