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Twitter ablaze with UFO sighting reports in NYC. Anyone confirm?

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:35 PM
I've read comments that these "UFOs" might be a part of some viral ad campaign for the movie 'Skyline'. Have any of you even seen the theatrical trailer for that movie. Its about massive cybernetic beasts that vacuum people up by somehow holding their victims' gazes by turning their eyes black. Nothing at all about small orbs. I would think that a blimp rigged with a blue spotlight would be more along the lines of a 'Skyline' ad.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER


this is not a ballon!!!!!!

looks quite a bit like this:


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by RICH-ENGLAND

I don't know how dozens - if not hundreds - of people can stand and watch for an hour and not realize they are looking at balloons.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by leeko

I was pointing out that the article does not say it was balloons and the mystery is still open.
I placed in bold he part where this was mentioned, so the article does not say it was balloons and then tried to connect it to an older hoax which is a bit suspicious.

Throughout this enitre thread I have also been defending those that believe they saw something extraordinary even if it wasn't.

I'm not denying that possibility at all.

- Lee

edit on 13-10-2010 by lee anoma because: mispelling

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:36 PM
Omg Omg Omgg!!!!!!!...I frean saw 2ufos ...I was bridge near harrison and newark, It was just starting to rain before it turned into hail.
I was looking towards east which was towards nyc. At first it was quite clear how two objects strted moving in circles at incredible speeds. once or twice collapsing into single object and bursting into two again....damn was so exciting...tried to take pics but the lights were quite dim to be captured by my iphone...they were there from 730pm est and happened till 8pm or so...the clouds were getting thicker and thicker and it was very difficult to locate them....but damn they WERE there!!...

I can honetly confirm guys...I SAW it ...two objects ....moving at incredible speeds...and i tried to locate any flash lights just to be sure but there were none...!!
this was my first ever!!

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by RICH-ENGLAND

You're right, we can't be completely sure, but there are many people on Twitter corroborating the evidence by saying that they saw this UFO. A lot of eyewitnesses to seeing it. You're right that this picture may have nothing to do with it, but I am not so much concerned about that as about the massive amount of people saying "I saw that today! It was so weird!"

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:37 PM
I saw many of these white objects together with ohter passer bys at 17th Street & Park Avenue at the NE corner of Union Square. I am a teacher at at nearby high school and not a UFO freak, and never expected to see what I saw today. It was part fascinating, worrysome and scary.
I ran into the school after a while and took pictures with my Canon EOS. I caught 2 of the objects. But here is the strange thing. I saw at sparkly white with my eyes, but on the photos they all appear dark.

I went into max resolution in my iPhoto and something amazing happens. in the same frame in which my eyes from the ground were only able to see two of the objects my camera caught about 10 more in the same frame that were not visible with my eyes. If this is representative of what really happened today, there were not 50 over the sky of manhattan but 500 or even more.

How can I post my pictures. I just signed up with this site to add my sightings of today.

[email protected] to contact me.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:37 PM
A stills video of the object I filmed two years ago in Kent UK. Just saying I had a similar sighting of something two years ago .

edit on 13-10-2010 by tarifa37 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by RICH-ENGLAND

ask him directly
via Twitter from @jasondiamond

twitter this guy and ask for data and location direction ect


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:38 PM
I say it's a hoax!
I've been up on my roof for acouple of hours with views to brooklyn,jersey,downtown manhattan and midtown manhattan and i haven't seen thing out of the ordinary.

Really disappointed since i have my new dslr camera and video cam ready.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:38 PM
It was the new Alien Ambassador from the U.N. and the king of all humans (NOT) Mr. Rockefeller being dropped off in style from their return from the Nazi moon base where they got a little tipsy from Romulan liquor and forgot to turn on the cloaking signal for the ship, nothing to see here folks.

Sorry, couldn't help myself...

But REALLY, if a benevolent species were to decide they do or do not want to be seen, that is exactly what would happen... For those who think they don't want to be seen but would make the mistake of being caught hanging over NYC for hours, you're wrong, and for those who think they do want to be seen and that they would introduce themselves by hanging over NYC for a couple of hours, you're wrong too. They would either want everyone to know and would present themselves in a world-changing 'Independence Day' way, or they would never be seen and would always stay completely out of sight to every human on the planet... there is no grey area here (no pun intended).

Now, I honestly believe in the possibility that we HAVE and ARE being visited, but today is not one of those days IMHO and I think the more hard-core of the believers are reaching on this one. The Norad guy (Stanley Fulham) has been around for years and you have to pay attention to details because in the blog where he is talked about it say:

The aliens may decide to postpone their intervention -- but the Transcendors confirm it will nonetheless occur in 2010.

Bold added for emphasis. While today was supposed to have some significance, I think the above has more and shows that this is nothing more than a claim like most others and has an extremely low probability of being true.


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by kbriggss

I love this forum for the open minded. This is exciting, better than anything else on at the moment so keep digging.

I am new on ATS, and already I am amazed that there is such a division between believers and non believers. If you don't believe, why are you here badgering those who do? You demand PROOF, yet your word alone should be proof enough to debunk. I love what I have found here at ATS, and feel as kbirggss does, this is exciting. As for things like this ruining ATS's reputation, it's more like people are afraid to say anything for fear of the almighty, always there INTELLIGENT beings who smack down what you say. If you really have to prove yourself so intelligent, why not solve the economic crisis, or stay here and at least be civil. I am really getting turned off, after only 6 days.

There is more to this story, one way or the other. I feel we should find out. Off to dig some more.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:40 PM
Yeah guys I know this topic has been beat to death already but I am also a New Yorker and got to get some first hand to this so called UFO today. I think a lot of the previous posters hit it head on, unfortunately my cell phone camera could not even snap any speck of it at all so I got no shots. But I so the thing myself on 31st between 6th and 7th. It actually looked like a piece of tin foil or garbage/trash. The only weird thing about the whole showing was that it wasnt falling or blowing around in the sense that you would think manmade debri or garbage would, and also it was very high up. Probably in my eyes, sllightly higher than the height of the empire state building.

But... It definately looked more like a piece of garbage than some kind of powered flying object. The only thing interesting was the way it seemed to float still for a very long time and change course slightly.

Hope this helps.


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by lee anoma
reply to post by leeko

I was pointing out that the article does not say it was balloons and the mystery is still open.
I placed in bold he part where this was mentioned, so the article does not say it was balloons and then tried to connect it to an older hoax which is a bit suspicious.

Throughout this enitre thread I have also been defending those that believe they saw something extraordinary even if it wasn't.

I'm not denying that possibility at all.

- Lee

edit on 13-10-2010 by lee anoma because: mispelling
It's not suspicious, this is the hoax they were refering to, which is nothing close to what happened today.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:42 PM
I have a serious question. Going by the 6-degrees of separation theory (where everyone is at most six people away from any other person) does anyone here at ATS know of anybody whose releasing these metallic balloons over these major cities?

I've asked the same question abou the (alleged) crop circle hoaxers. Does anyone know of these people?
Someone ought to judging by the thousands of posters here at ATS.

Because in my 50 years here on planet Earth, I've never met one person who knows one person (times 4 more people) who took any responsibility or credit to these (alleged) staged hoaxes.

Now, is our government behind this? I simply don't know. I am the epitome of Switzerland. I remain neutral at all times until I have concrete proof. And so far.....none of these UFO-related events have any kind of proof behind them.
So you people who "know" these are balloons are really an amazing species. I wish I had your insight!

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Mike Stivic
I dont do twitter or facebook.

But I did just look outside my window here in connecticut and all i see is my neighbor blowing his grass clippings off of his driveway

and clear skies...

Ill keep checking though...


Didn't he say New York, and check again, your neighbor just got abducted by a UFO.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
It is so painfully obvious what is going on here I am, frankly, embarrassed that more on here haven't caught on yet. I had the feeling that there would be some sort of overwhelmingly ignorant thing happen today on ATS due to the stupid prediction of UFOS going to appear today.

Really, UFO's over NYC? Those of you who have not engaged your brain enough to understand how your being played a fool need to step back and think for a few moments, your embarrassing yourselves and making the rest of us look like idiots.

And I thought I was jaded.

The Federal Aviation Administration said it received several calls to its operations center but after reviewing radar data, the agency could not find anything out of the ordinary.

"We re-ran radar to see if there was anything there that we can't account for but there is nothing in the area," said spokesman Jim Peters. "There was some helicopter traffic over the river at that time and we checked with LaGuardia Tower. And they said they had nothing going low at that time."

Read more:

This is the same FAA that couldn't find several civilian airliners that later crashed in to two major US landmarks, right?
Somehow this isn't very persuasive.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:42 PM

edit on 13-10-2010 by m1star76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:43 PM
I think New Yorkers know what balloons look like. Believe me a crowd would not gather to look at balloons floating around in the sky. It really takes a lot to get people in NYC to look up at anything.

The Channel 7 report did not really show good video of the object at all. I am sure there will be some good shots of this coming in the next few hours when people get home from work and upload photos and video.

I am not ready to simply dismiss this sighting as just balloons.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by AutOmatIc

newick air port pics



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