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Undebunkable 9\11 video.

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posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Califemme I will not listen to it from an illegitimate maniac in Iran who wants to "wipe Israel off the map" but you go right ahead. Good luck with that.
edit on 12-10-2010 by Califemme because: Had to add links!

And of course you are entitled to your opinion just as my own statements are my opinion but where on earth did you pull "wipe Israel off the map"? I never said anything remotely related to Israel and you think I live in Iran? Whoa man maybe you should take a step back from your "reality".

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by TheKnave

Ummm, the guy in the video posted at the beginning of this thread... yeah, that maniac

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Califemme
reply to post by TheKnave

Ummm, the guy in the video posted at the beginning of this thread... yeah, that maniac

Oh lol sorry. I actually was reading the debunking 9/11 site you linked. It is a very thorough site and brings up some interesting possibilities for some of the anomalies that happen but they are just as believable as the conspiracy theories they are trying to debunk. They are just conjecture with no solid evidence. Very interesting site though.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:21 PM
we know the governments spooks pulled off 911 to throw us into decline and destroy the american way of life. its a fact they really did this and started this agenda ever since waco and oklahoma city.

the funny part i get a kick out of is the government spooks attempting their cover tactics inside ATS. its hilarious when they try working all their angles to sway peoples intelligence like they are star wars never happened, everyone is lying, but us.....HAHAHAHAHA

unfortunately "we seen it" and it "really happened". now we just have to figure out the clearest way of gutting the corruption without bringing the country the rest of the way down and giving the NWO the fuel to finish us off.


posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:22 PM
Let's make this real simple. The truth movement, at least in my view, has nothing to do with knowing what happened on 911...not on a base level. On a base level, what matters is that we know what DIDN'T happen. What DIDN'T happen, is essentially everything claimed to have happened, short of planes hitting a building. The no plane theory is ridiculous, so no need to discuss it.

Let us just remember the the WTC towers were DESIGNED to withstand planes crashing into them. And while I've heard plenty of nonsense speculated about why building 7 fell, it remains the smoking gun simply because the explanations are so ridiculous.

I'm not going to waste a post trying to detail all of the things that don't add up on 911 and since then. The bottom line is this: Anyone who has actually looked into it and STILL believes the official story is doing so in SPITE of the evidence, not because of it. There is a level of denial involved with the government koolaid drinkers that transcends even the story itself. I think it is far more interesting to try and understand how so many reasonably intelligent people are willing to believe something that is so clearly manufactured; has been changed constantly since its release; and continues to be decried by experts; not to mention those involved in the investigation....yes, we are talking about the official story. The idea that so many people are willing to believe what they are told is the most troubling part of it all. I no longer think of the events on september 11 as the real tragedy. The real tragedy, the real crying fking shame, is that we, as a people, are too dim, dense, or far into denial to realize how badly we are being raped.

For those that continue to seek truth, regardless of what they're TOLD to believe, I applaud you. For those who believe a story that couldn't possibly have gone down the way it was said to, shame on you. You set us back as a species. Thank you. Cheers.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by TheKnave

Thank you. I appreciate your kindness, and will pay it forward, since I've not done so tonight.

I enjoy a good debate, I really do, but this conspiracy impugns Americans. Granted, they're government Americans, but still, Americans nonetheless. Perhaps one day I will be proven wrong. I hope not, since there's no other country in the world I'd rather live

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Califemme

There's nothing reasonable about your saying the American government purposefully killed 4 plane loads of people by crashing them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in PA without a shred of proof.

Take a step back for a second and look at the entire picture. Skeptics of the OS ("truthers," i suppose) come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with their own take on what they believe happened on 9/11. Sure, a great deal of it is pretty far-fetched and often times implausible (right down to the laser death beams and the like), but there's still one thing that all OS skeptics have in common: all of them believe that at least one aspect of what the government told us is a distortion.

When you look at it this way--in its most basic form--I think you'll find that the people who question the OS are far more numerous than it seems.

If, however, you whole-heartedly believe every single aspect of the government's explanation for 9/11, then there's really nothing else I can say. That being said, welcome to ATS. Hopefully you find what you're looking for.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:40 PM
I can only add to this that I was not there nor did I do any planning so it is really hard for me to say what happened. So here is what I do know... Deep in my heart there are things that do not add up. We shouldnt trust the govt. I am angry inside still and I think we deserve answers. Above all I do not want to discredit the horrendous loss that we suffered that day, we

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Good stuff hit the nail on the head....

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 11:12 PM
Great video! S&F.

I am still on the fence about the whole thing but I believe an independent source should re-investigate 9/11. An interrogation of the 9/11 commission is needed and all past evidence re-examined. If this is indeed a cover-up than how far does the rabbit hole go?

If this was a cover-up than some politicians and investigators are in on this. Others may be aware but the "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" sayings applies to Washington. Each politician disagrees with one another but they have to be on the same boat to get the votes for their own agenda.

As much as I hate Ahmadinejad, he may be right on this one. How can a terrorist organization, that should have been under a tight watch, slip through the world's best intelligence agency? I would say one plane yes, two planes is a slim chance, but four? I think that is practically improbable. The worse part is that 3/4 landed exactly where they wanted to go.

I think a new investigation is needed with new and unbiased commission.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 12:05 AM
There's been a new revived push to "debunk" the 9/11 Truth Movement, especially on Youtube.

One user in particular by the name of "RKOwens4" has posted a slew of new vids with the motto: "Debunking every single conspiracy theory, one at a time".

Many of the videos come to conclusions based on inaccurate or incomplete information.

My personal opinion is that the establishment is becoming more and more concerned by the number of people who no longer believe their story, especially since the establishment of Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth. While they tried to simply ignore the Truth movement, they are now being forced to address the concerns being raised by the Truthers.

However, they are not doing it directly. To do so would imply plausibility in the Movement which would give it more exposure and credibility. Instead, the establishment is doing it through their proxies on the web and media.

edit on 13-10-2010 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Califemme

"It makes me sick to think you idiots are buying into this "cover up". Another poster even mentioned the most important point... Where are all the LAWSUITS?!? Many people died that day, and you disrespect their memory and the greatness of America implying that our own government would do something so stupid. Or genius. Which is it again?!? "

I'd beg to differ,considering theres plenty of family members of those victims that want a new investigation.
What you call disrespecting,we call honoring them,by getting justice for those who are no longer here.

9/11 Victims' Family Members Demand News Coverage Part 1/4

9/11 Victims' Family Members Demand News Coverage Part 2/4

9/11 Victims' Family Members Demand News Coverage Part 3/4

9/11 Victims' Family Members Demand News Coverage Part 4/4

Released September 8th; a video from the families who fought to create The 9/11 Comission -- and succeeded Headline: LA Weekly reported Mahmmud Ahmed (Top ISI Official) ordered the transfer of funds from Pakistani banks to Florida, where it was picked up and distributed by Mohammed Atta to the 9/11 hijackers via money orders throughout the United States to sponsor the attacks. This documentary presents the many-faceted events that led up to, and then scrutinizes, the 9/11 Comission hearings.

911 Press 4 Truth (Part 1 of 9)

2-9 can also be found on youtube.

I consider silence disrespectful,asking questions and getting the full truth is honoring those who died.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Black_Fox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Equinox99

As much as I hate Ahmadinejad, he may be right on this one. How can a terrorist organization, that should have been under a tight watch, slip through the world's best intelligence agency?

Not sure why you "hate" Ahmadinejad, but you're not the only one who is and was skeptical about Osama's role in the attack. Bill Cooper made the following prediction on 6/28/01 and was then killed at his home on 11/15/01

edit on 13-10-2010 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 12:37 AM
Some of these debunkers come on here with accounts that are only days or hours old and desperately want to convince everyone that our government is straight and true and would never lie or hide the truth. The TRUTH is that high level US officials planned and executed 9-11, are now realizing the people of this nation are sick of being lied to and those same officials are now running scared and trying anything to keep an independent investigation from ever happening. They just don't seem to realize one simple fact. We know they are lying, and obviously so does the rest of the world. Defending the sub-humans that caused all the suffering in the name of profit puts them in the same class.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:11 AM
Honestly I am not even concerned with weather or not the official story holds up or the conspiracy is true. The real devastation is with the Iraq "war", we have injured MILLIONS and killed hundreds of thousands over this. Now I feel for those 3000 people who died on 9/11 but I weep for the millions in Iraq. Nothing and I repeat nothing warrants the hatred our country had ENGINEERED for those people over there.

I always think when people bring up 9/11. How can I cry for those people lost when a hundred more atrocities happen on a weekly basis across the world? Is 3000 American lives more important then a million Africans who died in a genocidal campaign?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:12 AM
You truthers make me laugh. You are sooo desperate to find a conspiracy that you become totally blind to logic and reason. You make your mind up on what happened and then try and find facts to support it, carefully picking out ones that do and leaving out ones that dont. Its pathetic. You should approacht the situation with an open mind, a clean slate and look at ALL the evidence. Stop living in conspiracy fantasy land. What happened, happened. No spooks, no conspiracies, just a lot of dead innocent people whose memory is being disrespected by people who wont simply accept what happened to them.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Pryde87
You truthers make me laugh. You are sooo desperate to find a conspiracy that you become totally blind to logic and reason. You make your mind up on what happened and then try and find facts to support it, carefully picking out ones that do and leaving out ones that dont. Its pathetic. You should approacht the situation with an open mind, a clean slate and look at ALL the evidence. Stop living in conspiracy fantasy land. What happened, happened. No spooks, no conspiracies, just a lot of dead innocent people whose memory is being disrespected by people who wont simply accept what happened to them.

Yay great another one...

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by thektotheg
I no longer think of the events on september 11 as the real tragedy. The real tragedy, the real crying fking shame, is that we, as a people, are too dim, dense, or far into denial to realize how badly we are being raped.

For those that continue to seek truth, regardless of what they're TOLD to believe, I applaud you. For those who believe a story that couldn't possibly have gone down the way it was said to, shame on you. You set us back as a species. Thank you. Cheers.

Great way to put it really - that truly is the real tragedy.

Makes me think Humanity is doomed, and probably deserves it.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by vipertech0596

So many people want to blame the US Government for the attacks of 9/11 and blame it on people that want to lower the population. Killing 3000 people does nothing to accomplish this, it is not even a drop in the bucket.

This argument does not hold water. Even if this event caused the US to go to war in Iraq and Afganistan it still does not even come close to lowering the worlds population. This argument is flimsy at best and wrong on many levels!

Assume for a second that the US destroyed the levies in NO, assume for a minute they actually were repsonsible for 9/ what end........what was accomplished!

If lowering the population is what those in control want then they are really not that bright and we are in trouble if they are in control!

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:25 AM
What I don't fully understand is why conspiracy theorists categorize those that aren't convinced by their suppositions as blind or sad. I mean, I practically see a mob mentality form every time someone talks about how anyone who believes any part of the OS even exists. Then, a point is reached that many conspiracy theorists are so confused by the lack of faith in their ideas, that they think the government must be paying off people to debunk truthers. Keep in mind that there isn't even the slightest hint of a shred of evidence. There is just the assumption based off of an idea of what could be a motive.

It never seems to occur to some people that some people want to find the truth and expose it... oh wait, that's what truthers are trying to do every day. That's what many of the OS believers here are trying to do as well.

Besides, as it stands, I'm categorized as a truther because I don't know for sure if the whole event was as is officially said. I just think that the towers were not brought down by explosives or any extra help.

Now, if people stopped placing blame and re-focused on the issues at hand (proving that they are right or wrong about their ideas) then we might get somewhere. It's ridiculously tiring to read through an entire page of posts and find that no one has argued successfully for or against anything. An OS supporter will post many things, and a truther will call him names and blame him of things. A truther will post nothing and get starred, applauded, and roused to practically lynch anyone who doesn't support him, just because his post reflected the popular view here.

Surely we're more intelligent than a mob? We can behave in a civil manner and argue like adults.

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