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Undebunkable 9\11 video.

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posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by jordin36

Undebunkable was just my opinion as stated in my first post. Go ahead and debunk it if you think you can.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:53 PM
I'm highly skeptical about these "debunkers" who've logged in in 2010.. anyway:

Originally posted by GhostLancer
There are powers in this world (TPTB)... The Powers That Be. No kidding. You don't see them. You don't really hear much about them. They live in lavish luxury away from what we would call the "real world." What do you do when your net worth is in the hundreds of billions? You get together with the other wealthy elite.

You make sure that world events don't spiral out of control (as they nearly did TWICE last century during WWI and WWII).

If you really look into it, you could even speculate that the both world wars were orchestrated by these same people, simply for profits. But yeah, I'd like to see someone explaining how WTC7 collapsed. The whole OS stinks to high heaven.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by jordin36

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
Typical 9/11 "truth" video. Long on accusation, supposition and lies...short on facts. One of the most glaring (and offensive) lies.....Barbara Olson's phone calls to her husband. He makes the point that the FBI says she did not call him, however, he leaves off the rest of the story. True, her calls from her cellphone did not go through. But what the gentleman in the video fails to tell you is that on Flight 77, someone (Barbra Olson) used the seat back phones to call the Solicitor General's office (which the phone records prove). Mrs Olson, did not just talk to her husband, she also talked to the secretary who answered the call. The secretary, by the way, has stated that it was definitely Mrs Olson on the phone.

Uh oh, debunked with a single paragraph. Hats off to you, master debunker. Case closed!

That was sarcasm, by the way.

Blame OP for coming up with the title "Undebunkable". I love truthers and their use of absolutes. Vipertech did a fine job pointing out a very blatant misrepresentation in the video and now you don't like it. One paragraph does not make one a master debunker, but it does show that the rest of this video is probably made from the same s h i t stained piece of asswipe that is typical of truther videos.
edit on 12-10-2010 by jordin36 because: Forgot to add text.

Again, that was sarcasm. SARCASM.

I would hope that you would agree that the 9/11 commission report stinks to high heaven, and that something very suspect is going on with the whole thing. If you (and those like you) don't, then you have your head up your ass. Sorry for being blunt, but that's about it in a nutshell.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:28 PM
ahh paranoia is there anything you cant do?????

die you stupid conspiracy die die die

this is so old if there was a conspiracy FOR REAL where is the litigation where is the criminal charges if there is evidence why is it subjective thats not evidence and certainly not a fact?

speculation should replace conspiracy and the word fact should be removed from any 9/11 NWO or whatever theory there simply is no proof no matter how you slice it

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by GhostLancer
Our country is very similar to ancient Rome. We have come to rely on WAR for advancement. We have been sold on the "fact" that the world is caught in a zero-sum game. That is, for one country to advance, another country must lose something.

Rome was destroyed because it though it didn't need to protect its borders. Talk about an irony between the first and second republic civilizations. Same mistakes. Same outcomes.
edit on 12-10-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:07 PM
Seeing you brought up Long Kiss Goodnight from 1996
,it brought to mind another thing........

NORAD practice for 9/11 style attacks 2 years prior

Nobody could have forseen those events....reallly???

This (pilot) episode aired March 4th, 2001
~9/11 Predicted on The Lone Gunman ~

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:23 PM
Ah. Yet another video that shows WTC 7 10 seconds after the collapse started in order to say that it was a complete multi-column-at-the-same-time collapse down. It gets really ridiculous seeing them. I mean, both the videos he used, I have seen the real beginning of. Unfortunately for HIS rhetoric, if he showed the whole collapse, it wouldn't seem like such a perfect demolition.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by vipertech0596

.....however, I read an in depth analysis of the Barbara Olsen story and it was determined that the airplane she was (supposedly) flying in did NOT have back seat phones.....

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by Black_Fox

Still working on the exact figure, but the FBI alone spent 3.9 million man hours on the investigation. Even at minimum wage that works out to over 20 million dollars...and im pretty sure the average FBI wage is well above minimum.

And they still cant link Bin laden to the attacks.

it takes 3.9 seconds watching building 7 collapse to work out who did this.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Independent probes of Clinton Administration cost nearly 80 million

9/11 Commission’s total budget to $15 million.

Yes, and do you know why the Lewenski scandal even came along. Chinagate broke right before it, a much larger scandal involving taking campaign contributions from the Chinese in exchange for military secrets and god knows what else. Corruption at its best, or is it worst? The Lewenski case was used to sweep it under the rug, which it did.

There will never be another investigation, I would love to see it, but it will not happen. This government(as with most others) is entirely too corrupt and self-serving. Wish in one hand, and # in the other, see which one fills up first as they say.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
Typical 9/11 "truth" video. Long on accusation, supposition and lies...short on facts. One of the most glaring (and offensive) lies.....Barbara Olson's phone calls to her husband. He makes the point that the FBI says she did not call him, however, he leaves off the rest of the story. True, her calls from her cellphone did not go through. But what the gentleman in the video fails to tell you is that on Flight 77, someone (Barbra Olson) used the seat back phones to call the Solicitor General's office (which the phone records prove). Mrs Olson, did not just talk to her husband, she also talked to the secretary who answered the call. The secretary, by the way, has stated that it was definitely Mrs Olson on the phone.

Flight 77 did not have seat back phones. This was exposed a long time ago. That's why they changed the story to a cell phone. Then with the FBI revelation that one call lasting ZERO seconds took place from her cell there is no place left for the liars to go. Also the NTSB has stated that the cabin doors were never opened in flight on Flight 77---which must mean of course that the terrorists were 'beamed' directly into the pilots cabin from the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:56 PM
Hi, truth fans.

See another point of view, there:

Short way to show the 9/11 logic.

Blue skies.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Varemia

speaking of showing the "entire" collapse,it would have been nice if NIST would have.
But instead they put out an edited version of it,notice the dissapearing penthouse?

(PrisonPlanet)-After filing a lawsuit that prompted NIST to release more than 3 terabytes of photographs and videos from their investigation into the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7 on 9/11, the International Center for 9/11 Studies has obtained evidence that suggests NIST edited several videos of the collapse of Building 7 in order to hide evidence of a controlled implosion........

The Center filed a FOIA Request with NIST on January 26, 2009, seeking production of “all of the photographs and videos collected, reviewed, cited or in any other way used by NIST during its investigation of the World Trade Center building collapses.” Following several unsuccessful attempts to get NIST to even acknowledge receipt of the Request, the Center was forced to file a lawsuit on May 28, 2009. Shortly after the lawsuit was filed, the Request was assigned a reference number, and NIST began periodically releasing batches of responsive records.

The Center has now begun posting some of those images and videos online, the first batch of which is from an external hard disk drive “NIST WTC Investigation Cumulus Video Clips.”

In one of the clips, the video of which has been in the public domain for years, a loud, low-frequency boom can be heard just before the east penthouse of WTC 7 falls. Once the support columns that held up the penthouse are taken out, the rest of the building falls almost within its own footprint.

WTC 7 Explosion

(PrisonPLanet)-However, in subsequent clips released by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), where the camera is located nearer to the building, the collapse of the penthouse is clearly edited out of the footage.

WTC 7 - Collapse of East Penthouse Missing

WTC 7 - Penthouse Collapse Missing

(PrisonPlanet)-In another clip, the entire collapse of the building is edited out, the audio is removed and only restored after the building has fully collapsed.

WTC 7 Collapse

(PrisonPlanet)-The Center also obtained videos of the collapse of the twin towers that had obviously been edited, with sections deliberately removed. “There are many video clips in the Cumulus database that do not show collapse initiation – the only event even purportedly explained in the final report from NIST on the Twin Towers,” states the Center.

NIST Report on WTC7 debunked and exposed!

edit on 12-10-2010 by Black_Fox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:20 PM
I don't claim to know exactly what is behind the 9/11 conspiracy, although I think I have a fairly good idea, but this video should be all the evidence any one needs to know something fishy was happening back then. This apparently is the video that got the whole ball rolling and is considered undeniable proof that Osama Bin Ladin was behind the attacks on 9/11 and the entire reason we invaded Iraq. If this video was not pushed through as 'concrete' evidence we would not have had the authority (we actually still don't) to hunt for Osama Bin Ladin and the war would have never had happened. I saw this video way before I got involved into conspiracy theories and even then I knew something was up.

What I really don't understand is how can we as a whole nation be so dumb to accept this and roll over. I really want people who believe the official story to watch this and then tell me yes this is Osama Bin Ladin. This is what the government based the entire "war on terror" from.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:27 PM
A note to the real conspirators and those that monitor it all.

Dont feel bad...The official 911 story has more holes in it than a sponge. Whomever within the Deep Black community and the very private think tanks that came up with the plan didn't think it through thoroughly enough. It happens to the best of us. Fortunately for the true conspirators, most Americans have an IQ of around 89, drink alot of EVIAN water (NAIVE), drink lots of sugary stuff like Kool Aid and have an attention span of around 3 mins at best. They aren't at fault considering how they have been programmed and chemically drugged for so long.

Next time when you want to run a false flag operation consult with me first. I charge only $250,000 US tax free for consultation up front before we begin . No messy relations with foreign intelligence agencies. If the plan goes forward with little detection of foul play or conspiracy from the masses, a $10 million tax free payout will be the close out fee for my services and the end to the business relation.

*Exemption from being killed, suicided, unfortunate accidents, incarcerations etc whether things go right or wrong guranteed will be granted to me and family.

Just think, you wont have to run so much PSYOPS and disinfo within the media. No lengthy and complicated compartmentalizing, destruction of evidence, and classifying things off the charts. No more debates within the community if it was a conspiracy or wasnt a conspiracy etc.

But like I said before..Fortunately for the true conspirators, a majority of Americans are docile, apathetic, live in denial, tend to misplace their frustrations towards anything but the root cause of the frustration, tend to be very obedient to rules and regulations of law for fear of penalty and punishment
So I am sure you will not need my services at this point.

I have always wanted to say that...and so I did. Whats that saying??? Tuck and

edit on 12-10-2010 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by SusanForKucinich
reply to post by vipertech0596
....however, I read an in depth analysis of the Barbara Olsen story and it was determined that the airplane she was (supposedly) flying in did NOT have back seat phones...

What the?!?!?! What the heck do back seat phones in an airplane have to do with 9/11?

What the?!?!?!

edit on 12-10-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Section31

You should read the posts on page 1 of this thread, this post was a response to one of those posts, regarding phones in airliners.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Anthony's video is excellent. I do object to his closing remarks that the no plane theory is nonsense. September clues is an excellent video that makes the case for the no plane theory. The video of the plane melting into the building is clearly a video editing job. I suggest disbelievers watch it. Intuitively an aluminum airliner designed with a neglibible safety factor not splattering itself on the face of the building is beyond credibility. At a minimum the wings would shear off and fall to the street below along with the engines.
It is clear from the hole alone that it was not a 757 that penetrated the pentagon much less the claimed aerodynamic flying by a failed cessna pilot. There a newsman claimed that the wings folded back on the plane as it entered. This begs the question that the same should happen at the WTC. Witnesses smelled cordite suggesting a cruise missile or golden hawk. If the perpetrators would use a missile on the pentagon it would seem reasonable that the same scenario would be used on the WTC.
In the case of the Pentagon it is highly suspicious that of all the confiscated from surveillance cameras at the Citgo gas station, the Sheraton hotel and the perimeter cameras on the pentagon that only six blurred pictures incorrectly dated would emerge from this. A government that has nothing to hide would produce the evidence to exonerate itself. Kind of makes you think of the birth certificate issue also doesn't it.
Then again maybe I am wrong. How could they carry the pristine Saudi passports found on the street near the towers on a cruise missile.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

Thanks for Posting

Nobody could have forseen those events....reallly??? Hmmmmmm This (pilot) episode aired March 4th, 2001 ~9/11 Predicted on The Lone Gunman ~

ya as some Members here don't believe in half truths that is brought out in Movies
just as they don't believe The Controlled Government of The Powers that Be is Putting Those Subliminal like Future Event hints in Entertainment Company's that They(TPTB) Control just as There's NO Illuminati & Freemason Symbols in Movies Either

One Example
The Matrix & Other 9/11 Hollywood Symbolism

Another Scary Conspiratorial Event from a book 14year's before it Happened

Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan was an 1898 novella written by Morgan Robertson. The story features the ocean liner Titan, which sinks in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg. The Titan and its sinking have been noted to be very similar to the real-life passenger ship RMS Titanic, which sank fourteen years later.

Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 07:39 PM
This is such crap. Was Bush an idiot, or was Bush an evil Genius? I'm sorry, people, but you can't have it both ways. And, if there were no planes, then where are all the people?!? There are 4 planes full of people missing! What do you think, Bush has them locked up in some underground Siberian bunker because their DNA is 1% different?

It makes me sick to think you idiots are buying into this "cover up". Another poster even mentioned the most important point... Where are all the LAWSUITS?!? Many people died that day, and you disrespect their memory and the greatness of America implying that our own government would do something so stupid. Or genius. Which is it again?!?

Where is the evidence? 9 years later, and not one single person has come forward with "the truth" of 9/11, with evidence? Do you HONESTLY think the government would crash a seperate plane (ok missile, you freaks) into their OWN building?!? Where Rumsfeld was sitting in his office that day? Are you out of your minds?

Not to mention Obama! Here is where your theories are debunked by me. Obama would lock Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld in a dungeon if he could, as he tried to do by releasing the CIA interrogation papers. He was going for blood. Remember Van Jones? He was on Obama's staff fer chrissakes, and he's a big ole' Truther. He gave money to the cause, what have any of you done? Don't you think SOMETHING would have come out by now, simply so Obama could put Bush away? Give it up, you're looking for a boogeyman that doesn't exist.

If you want a real conspiracy, ask the President for his birth certificate. Now THERE"S a mystery!

(P.S. I think instead of watching these 9/11 conspiracy videos, you should watch the videos of the people jumping out of those 70 story buildings. You should listen to their 911 calls from above and below where the planes hit. You should listen to the recordings of Flight 93, where the terrorist yells alluha akbar before the plane crashes. You dishonor each and every single person who died that day with these ridiculous ideas. You want truth, truthers? That's truth)

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