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Undebunkable 9\11 video.

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posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Califemme

You should listen to their 911 calls from above and below where the planes hit. You should listen to the recordings of Flight 93, where the terrorist yells alluha akbar before the plane crashes.

How will listening to calls from people in the building prove anything?
Also can you please show me where I can listen to the terrorist yell "alluha akbar" before the plane crashes, not that it would be definite proof.

edit on 12-10-2010 by FoxMulder91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by SusanForKucinich

Subsequent talks with American Airlines (with the MAINTENANCE people...instead of the PR people) brought this statement

Engineers at our primary Maintenance & Engineering base in Tulsa tell me that they cannot find any record that the 757 aircraft flown into the Pentagon on 9/11 had had its seatback phones deactivated by that date. An Engineering Change Order to deactivate the seatback phone system on the 757 fleet had been issued by that time... It is our contention that the seatback phones on Flight 77 were working because there is no entry in that aircraft’s records to indicate when the phones were disconnected.

In other words, the maintenance records for that particular airframe, show that the phones were still active.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Califemme
This is such crap. Was Bush an idiot, or was Bush an evil Genius? I'm sorry, people, but you can't have it both ways. And, if there were no planes, then where are all the people?!? There are 4 planes full of people missing! What do you think, Bush has them locked up in some underground Siberian bunker because their DNA is 1% different?

It makes me sick to think you idiots are buying into this "cover up". Another poster even mentioned the most important point... Where are all the LAWSUITS?!? Many people died that day, and you disrespect their memory and the greatness of America implying that our own government would do something so stupid. Or genius. Which is it again?!?

Where is the evidence? 9 years later, and not one single person has come forward with "the truth" of 9/11, with evidence? Do you HONESTLY think the government would crash a seperate plane (ok missile, you freaks) into their OWN building?!? Where Rumsfeld was sitting in his office that day? Are you out of your minds?

Not to mention Obama! Here is where your theories are debunked by me. Obama would lock Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld in a dungeon if he could, as he tried to do by releasing the CIA interrogation papers. He was going for blood. Remember Van Jones? He was on Obama's staff fer chrissakes, and he's a big ole' Truther. He gave money to the cause, what have any of you done? Don't you think SOMETHING would have come out by now, simply so Obama could put Bush away? Give it up, you're looking for a boogeyman that doesn't exist.

If you want a real conspiracy, ask the President for his birth certificate. Now THERE"S a mystery!

(P.S. I think instead of watching these 9/11 conspiracy videos, you should watch the videos of the people jumping out of those 70 story buildings. You should listen to their 911 calls from above and below where the planes hit. You should listen to the recordings of Flight 93, where the terrorist yells alluha akbar before the plane crashes. You dishonor each and every single person who died that day with these ridiculous ideas. You want truth, truthers? That's truth)

The evidence is all around, its just people like you wont even consider it because you have your mind made up already. Its nice to know you made a new account just to bash conspiracy theorists on this site.

I don't like Christianity but I don't go on christian forums and bash their beliefs. I suppose that's the difference between some people, some are ass hats who get a kick out of shoving their close minded rhetoric down peoples throats and some people present evidence and information that should be considered. The only reason people like me get so offended by these pompous posts is that the information is already clear and available, you just choose to ignore it. There is enough evidence to easily support that official story is anything but the official story.

I suppose you think there has never been a conspiracy before? That governments have never lied or hurt their own people to hide an agenda? That's modern age critical thinking for you. Never question, always trust the government. Never connect agenda's.

Oh and your last comment is kind of offensive. To use the memory of the people who died that day as a tool to get people to consider your point of view. Now that is dishonoring.
edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by FoxMulder91

My bad, they didn't yell allahu akbar, they were reciting takbir." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Gotta love Wiki

"After 9/11, the FBI released a handwritten hijackers' letter found in three separate copies—at Dulles, at the Pennsylvania crash site, and in Mohamed Atta's suitcase. It included a checklist of final reminders for the 9/11 hijackers. An excerpt reads: "When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers." Also, in the cockpit voice recorders found at the crash site of Flight 93, the hijackers are heard to be reciting the Takbir as the plane plummeted toward the ground.[3][4][5][6]"

Hope that answers your question... I apologize if I sounded mean, but I highly doubt Bush was "Genius" and I AM one of the 29% that still supported him in 2008. I think it's mean-er what these Truthers spew out without proof, hurting the memories of those who lost loved ones.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Califemme
reply to post by FoxMulder91

My bad, they didn't yell allahu akbar, they were reciting takbir." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Gotta love Wiki

"After 9/11, the FBI released a handwritten hijackers' letter found in three separate copies—at Dulles, at the Pennsylvania crash site, and in Mohamed Atta's suitcase. It included a checklist of final reminders for the 9/11 hijackers. An excerpt reads: "When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers." Also, in the cockpit voice recorders found at the crash site of Flight 93, the hijackers are heard to be reciting the Takbir as the plane plummeted toward the ground.[3][4][5][6]"

Hope that answers your question... I apologize if I sounded mean, but I highly doubt Bush was "Genius" and I AM one of the 29% that still supported him in 2008. I think it's mean-er what these Truthers spew out without proof, hurting the memories of those who lost loved ones.

Now that's a bit more civil. Its not good to just join a forum and start ranting and calling every one crazy without seeing what evidence is presented first. The hijackers could have easily been middle eastern and I do believe the planes were hijacked but I do not think they were part of a 'terrorist' organization. If you review this thread (as I do not have the time to comb through everything and present it to you) you will realize we are not pulling these theories out of our butts. If you have questions or doubts simply ask them
edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:05 PM

The evidence is all around, its just people like you wont even consider it because you have your mind made up already. Its nice to know you made a new account just to bash conspiracy theorists on this site.

I don't like Christianity but I don't go on christian forums and bash their beliefs. I suppose that's the difference between some people, some are ass hats who get a kick out of shoving their close minded rhetoric down peoples throats and some people present evidence and information that should be considered. The only reason people like me get so offended by these pompous posts is that the information is already clear and available, you just choose to ignore it. There is enough evidence to easily support that official story is anything but the official story.

I suppose you think there has never been a conspiracy before? That governments have never lied or hurt their own people to hide an agenda? That's modern age critical thinking for you. Never question, always trust the government. Never connect agenda's.

Oh and your last comment is kind of offensive. To use the memory of the people who died that day as a tool to get people to consider your point of view. Now that is dishonoring.edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave

I won't even consider it? *looks around, yep, I'm still here at ATS*

1. I did not make an account just to bash conspiracy theorists. I am quite the theorist myself. But to honestly believe that the government can pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude, involving thousands of people with nary an eyewitness or even credible proof is preposterous. Bush wasn't that smart, as I was reminded daily during 2001-2008. So give it a rest, I enjoy conspiracies, but this is just insulting to those who have lost loved ones, as well as those who lost their lives that day.

2. I don't care if you like Christianity. What does that have to do with 9/11? I'm not trying to save souls, I'm just trying to put in a good word in case I'm wrong.

3. Yes, there have been conspiracies before, from JFK to Obama's birthplace.

4. Perhaps my last comment was offensive, assuming you are head over heels in love with this idea that "Genius Bush" pulled off the greatest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people. And then got away with it! And you still didn't answer to my other charges, did you? Why would Rummy have sat at his desk knowing that a missile was headed straight at the Pentagon? What, did you think it was pulled off without the Pentagon and Military aware? And the media that basically hounded Bush let this one go, with all your "evidence"? Puh-lease.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:08 PM
I would have thought that the only true way to honour the deceased murdered that day would be to have an honest, open public inquiry.

To argue that it is dishonorable or insulting to want to find the truth is showing a total lack of compassion, as well as a complete ignorance to the wishes of the 911 families who had to fight for over a year before the Bush Govt. relented and agreed to an investigation....

Surely the fact that nobody in government wanted an investigation into something so World Changing should set off alarm bells ringing.....and then Bush and Cheney refused to be questioned publicly, would only be questioned together,would not testify under oath, would only testify in front of two of the ten -man panel and would only testify for one hour,which the commission rejected. A week later, on March 10, 2004, White House spokesman Scott McClellan backtracked on the demand, saying, "The president's going to answer all of the questions they want to raise. Nobody's watching the clock."

Does this sound like a honourable government, dedicated to getting to finding the truth, or a government stonewalling...???

Noone here defending the Official Fairytale has a right to talk about honour....they have none.
edit on 12-10-2010 by benoni because: (no reason given)

Your insulted??? shame....
edit on 12-10-2010 by benoni because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Califemme

1. I did not make an account just to bash conspiracy theorists. I am quite the theorist myself. But to honestly believe that the government can pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude, involving thousands of people with nary an eyewitness or even credible proof is preposterous. Bush wasn't that smart, as I was reminded daily during 2001-2008. So give it a rest, I enjoy conspiracies, but this is just insulting to those who have lost loved ones, as well as those who lost their lives that day.

I just figured since you only have 6 posts

2. I don't care if you like Christianity. What does that have to do with 9/11? I'm not trying to save souls, I'm just trying to put in a good word in case I'm wrong.

Its very obvious you just skimmed my post and then tried to answer me without reading.

3. Yes, there have been conspiracies before, from JFK to Obama's birthplace.

If you know there are powers within the government that have their own agendas why is it so hard to stomach that possibly 9/11 might not have been carried out by al qaeda?

4. Perhaps my last comment was offensive, assuming you are head over heels in love with this idea that "Genius Bush" pulled off the greatest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people. And then got away with it! And you still didn't answer to my other charges, did you? Why would Rummy have sat at his desk knowing that a missile was headed straight at the Pentagon? What, did you think it was pulled off without the Pentagon and Military aware? And the media that basically hounded Bush let this one go, with all your "evidence"? Puh-lease.

I never said bush did it and honestly I doubt there are many here who actually think he masterminded anything. I believe he knew about it but evil genius? Hardly. Those are your own words put into all our mouths. If you really are into conspiracies why cant you accept the possibility of rouge agents in our government.

You really need to be less hostile and take a step back to consider some things.
edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by benoni

I can just imagine if he did. The "stupid Bush" would have let the cat out of the bag, would he? Hilarious. I've seen the evidence. I've seen broadcasts from outside of the country of the planes crashing into the towers that day. What I find ironic, is that there are videos showing a UFO flying around right after the towers fell, but no one here seems to give that much credence!

9 years later and all you have is supposition, and lest we forget the "Fire can't melt steel" remarks. No credible person is willing to give this conspiracy any credence, but I should just throw logic out the window. I'm sorry, I just can't do it.

But, since you can... where are all the people from the planes?

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:29 PM
I've shown to a great number of people, the WTC 7 video. You know what they ask me right away?
"When did it happen?"

The event itself is not present in the collective memory of 9/11, although is the most important fact AFTER you see it.

The american press, and political parties are of no help. And Im sorry to say that knowing that a couple of journalists DO read topics where on ATS.

The matter is: Truth shall set you free.

The truth about 9/11 resides on the actions of the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Its YOUR gov! Not the other way around.
If they can (apparently) successfully pulling off a big LIE as the "Osama did it" history, please take note.
They will pull a bunch more now, KNOWING that the American people is gullible enough to "buy that" without question.

Grim times ahead, no doubt. Even worse will those be if the Americans choose to "shut up" and go along with this history.
edit on 12-10-2010 by lifeinthematrix because: To remote a "t" on can.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Califemme
reply to post by benoni

I can just imagine if he did. The "stupid Bush" would have let the cat out of the bag, would he? Hilarious. I've seen the evidence. I've seen broadcasts from outside of the country of the planes crashing into the towers that day. What I find ironic, is that there are videos showing a UFO flying around right after the towers fell, but no one here seems to give that much credence!

9 years later and all you have is supposition, and lest we forget the "Fire can't melt steel" remarks. No credible person is willing to give this conspiracy any credence, but I should just throw logic out the window. I'm sorry, I just can't do it.

But, since you can... where are all the people from the planes?

Once again you already have your mind made up about this and about my own views on this subject. Don't play all knowing it only makes you look silly. Bush has slipped up on several occasions and almost "let the cat out of the bag"

And to say no credible person is willing to give this conspiracy any credence?

I suppose Firefighters, Engineers and Pilots around the world are a bunch of nobodies. Please do research before you claim your self an expert and have seen everything that is worth while.

My biggest concern isn't even 9/11. Its that 9/11 was USED to carry out one of the most expensive and longest wars the United States has ever fought. On top of that we went to "War" without any authority to do so, this entire "War" is illegal. But lets not get caught up on that when we must continually debate this.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by TheKnave
You really need to be less hostile and take a step back to consider some things.
edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave

It's been 9 years!! How long must I wait? And why isn't ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, or at least MSNBC on this?? If you have all this evidence, maybe you should call em up!

Also, the reason I don't go post-happy, is because I read, a lot. I only comment on matters I find compelling enough to post about, and only if I can add something to the conversation. But this particular topic really gets me worked up. I come from a long line of military families, which is part of the government, doncha know. Basically you're indicting the top brass of the Armed Forces, the top levels of government, and all those who "believe the official fairytale" without a shred of evidence. But yes, perhaps I should take a step back. From reality, right?

Links!! You want links?!?

You are welcome to believe that our own government caused, created or assisted in killing innocent Americans if you like, but I'll not have it. I don't dislike Alex Jones, I'm not against prisonplanet, I have no personal stake in this dogfight. But I will not listen to it from an illegitimate maniac in Iran who wants to "wipe Israel off the map" but you go right ahead. Good luck with that.
edit on 12-10-2010 by Califemme because: Had to add links!
extra DIV

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:35 PM
You dont seem to have read my post either.....

Are you here to contribute....sincerely...or here to disrupt??

Why do you have a problem with people questioning the Official Story, yet see nothing untoward(and thats being kind..) about how the Govt. refused to investigate the deaths of over 3,000 people??

Are you cherrypicking that which suits your point of view??

Why did the Government initially refuse an investigation???

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Namaste1001

I still cant get over the first thought i had on 9/11 when the first two buildings collapsed i was like THAT SHI** LOOKS STRAIGHT UP LIKE A DEMOLITION!! and the disgust i felt soon after when i told myself THEY COULDNT OF DONE IT.. NOT TO OUR PEOPLE..COULD THEY?? but yeah IT DOESN'T TAKE A DEMOLITION EXPERT TO DIAGNOSE WHAT WENT DOWN THAT DAY!. EMOTIONS SET ASIDE of course.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:39 PM
9 years have already gone past? wow, it doesn't feel that long

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Califemme

Originally posted by TheKnave
You really need to be less hostile and take a step back to consider some things.
edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave

It's been 9 years!! How long must I wait? And why isn't ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, or at least MSNBC on this?? If you have all this evidence, maybe you should call em up!

Also, the reason I don't go post-happy, is because I read, a lot. I only comment on matters I find compelling enough to post about, and only if I can add something to the conversation. But this particular topic really gets me worked up. I come from a long line of military families, which is part of the government, doncha know. Basically you're indicting the top brass of the Armed Forces, the top levels of government, and all those who "believe the official fairytale" without a shred of evidence. But yes, perhaps I should take a step back. From reality, right?

I also come from a long line of military men so don't go throwing that around to boast your side. What I REALLY don't understand with these arguments is how are we dishonoring the memory of those who died by trying to explain obvious holes in the official story? Shouldn't we try to find the truth if there is a reasonable doubt?

Also isnt it obvious why major news sites wouldn't want to run this story? And you call your self a conspiracy theorist...
edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Majestic Lumen
reply to post by lee anoma

I believe it's the same administration, just different puppets.

I agree.

If you want to get to the truth though, focus on the puppets in office that let or caused it happen.
Not the guy that comes later and says he swallows the official story.

The records and comments from the Bush administration are far more valid, so why even bother to focus on Obama condemning a speech given by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

It's like the police letting a group of strangers they find around a dead body walk away, only to grab and question the next guy to come along and look at it.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Thunder heart woman

Originally posted by lee anoma

Why should I care what Obama has to say about 9/11?

- Lee

Because he has a chance to do the right thing, and he won't.

So moving along, lets get back to the culprits then, as opposed to sitting and waiting for him to do something when he clearly wont.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by TheKnave

Originally posted by Califemme

Originally posted by TheKnave
You really need to be less hostile and take a step back to consider some things.
edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave

It's been 9 years!! How long must I wait? And why isn't ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, or at least MSNBC on this?? If you have all this evidence, maybe you should call em up!

Also, the reason I don't go post-happy, is because I read, a lot. I only comment on matters I find compelling enough to post about, and only if I can add something to the conversation. But this particular topic really gets me worked up. I come from a long line of military families, which is part of the government, doncha know. Basically you're indicting the top brass of the Armed Forces, the top levels of government, and all those who "believe the official fairytale" without a shred of evidence. But yes, perhaps I should take a step back. From reality, right?

I also come from a long line of military men so don't go throwing that around to boast your side. What I REALLY don't understand with these arguments is how are we dishonoring the memory of those who died by trying to explain obvious holes in the official story? Shouldn't we try to find the truth if there is a reasonable doubt?

Also isnt it obvious why major news sites wouldn't want to run this story? And you call your self a conspiracy theorist...
edit on 12-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)

There's nothing reasonable about your saying the American government purposefully killed 4 plane loads of people by crashing them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in PA without a shred of proof. extra DIV


posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Califemme

It's people like you who make these false flag operations so successful. Congrats!

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