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Undebunkable 9\11 video.

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Califemme

Will that do? No, it won't. So I ask you, where are all the lawsuits?? Why are there no lawsuits on file for 9/11? There are active cases regarding Obama's birth certificate, but NONE for 9/11?? You have no proof, evidence, eyewitnesses, NOTHING. But I should throw logic and just believe the American (not the Iranian, Iraqi, Saudi, but AMERICAN) government purposefully killed 3,000 people, hijacked 4 airplanes, demolished Tower 7, and brought down the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon... for what? What is the motive?!? Because as you so breathlessly informed me, court cases have all these "requirements" and so I ask you, what is the motive?

sigh.. the 9/11 Commission is NOT evidence or a collection of raw data made of individual eyewitness reports, it's an edited version put together by amateur sleuths who held meetings.

Do local homicide detectives solve murders by a "Commission" of political insiders?.. lol.. of course not. they would spend millions & take years to solve nothing & catch nobody.

As far as 'motive", watch these flicks:
End of America on netflix and JFK II dealing with the bush family (last 1/2).. then tell me there's no reason to disbelieve these criminal fascists.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by jambatrumpet
reply to post by Califemme

Watch any video of WTC 7 falling...If that is not enough to make you question the official story, then your eyes will always be closed...Quoting the Govt. sanctioned 911 report is your proof? come on....

I really get tired of hearing this. "Watch any video of WTC 7 falling."

Yeah, when I saw WTC 7 fall for the first time, all I could think was that it had to be controlled demolition. Then, a couple years later, I saw the whole video. The part about the video not coming down all at once. I examined the video closely, and I almost couldn't believe my eyes how obvious it was becoming that a person demolishing a building in that manner would have had to be crazy. They couldn't have factored in the damage from the falling North Tower. They couldn't have factored in the fires that raged for hours in the unique building. To assume that the fires and damage meant NOTHING and to stick to a theory based on one factor rather than all the factors... well, it's ignorant.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Varemia

Oh my god... not this again..why don't you re-post your video explaining why WTC 7 fell?...just a reminder, your personal opinions do not qualify as fact. WTC 7 speaks for itself. No matter how much fictional distortion you attempt to throw into the mix. Better yet, simply go back to your argument of 'there has never been a situation like 911 before' to justify the 'one time in history' anomaly of WTC 7 collapsing...

edit on 13-10-2010 by jambatrumpet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by jambatrumpet
reply to post by Varemia

Oh my god... not this again..why don't you re-post your video explaining why WTC 7 fell?...just a reminder, your personal opinions do not qualify as fact. WTC 7 speaks for itself. No matter how much fictional distortion you attempt to throw into the mix.

I see. Show me where WTC 7 has a speech bubble and says "oh noes, I was demolished!" I haven't thrown any fictional distortion into the mix at all. I threw in exactly what I saw. And the fact that you are willing to literally ignore everything except the fall of the building is crazy.

Also, I'm going to say the word "hypocrite." I'm saying this because of what you said. "Your personal opinions do not qualify as fact." Now who's opinion was it that it was obvious that the WTC 7 was more than a collapse?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Varemia
"oh noes, I was demolished!"


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Varemia

There are plenty of professionals in the 'industry' who state WTC 7 was a controlled demolition. But, please continue to throw up your fictional fodder, backed up by zero fact.

I know that, in your mind, you are much more qualified than these guys...

edit on 13-10-2010 by jambatrumpet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Califemme
NOW we're getting somewhere!!!! So, I would love it if you can point me to where they found four (well, at least four, since there were four planes missing) government employees willing to commit suicide by flying airplanes full of American civilians into the twin towers! I can't get the workers at the DMV or post office to even smile when I greet them!!

Where oh where do they find these dedicated, covert, suicidal government agents who speak arabic and can recite the Takbir, as was recorded on flight 93 black box recorder!!

The world is full of people who will do crazy things. It could be the government employees had a terminal illness and by doing this their families would be cared for or it could have been remotely piloted, however this is of course speculation. I do not claim to know everything that happened.

Did you watch this?

When I first saw this video way before I was into conspiracies, I knew something was fishy. That is not Osama Bin Ladin. Why did the government fake a video of Osama Bin Ladin? And why did the focus immediately shift from Osama Bin Ladin to Sadam Huessien at the start of the war? And why does the FBI not hold Osama Bin Ladin accountable for 9/11? These are the real questions I asked my self that made me believe the whole event was orchestrated without nit picking to death.

I can accept that its possible that our government had no involvement in the destruction of the world trade centers, although I still believe they had something to do with it.

What I cannot accept is the way our government USED 9/11 as a tool for an illegal war and pulled strings to further their own agenda's in the middle east and to pass laws like the Patriot Act. The term "terrorist" is being used in the exact same propaganda as the term communist was used back in the day. All these wonderful things would not have been possible without 9/11 and that fake Bin Ladin video.

That is why I do not trust our government word.

edit on 13-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by jambatrumpet
reply to post by Varemia

There are plenty of professionals in the 'industry' who state WTC 7 was a controlled demolition. But, please continue to throw up your fictional fodder, backed up by zero fact.

I know that, in your mind, you are much more qualified than these guys...

edit on 13-10-2010 by jambatrumpet because: (no reason given)

There are plenty of professionals in the 'industry' who state WTC 7 wasn't a controlled demolition. But, please continue to throw up your fictional fodder, backed up by zero fact.

I know that, in your mind, you are much more qualified than these guys... (oh look, this one is written by real engineers. Could I bet that you will ignore their views on the matter?)

Look, I read through the site you posted. So many of their ideas were based on misconceptions and ideas that even I could prove wrong. For example, one is that the top of the towers disintegrated. I found a video in which you could very clearly see the top of the tower with the giant lightning rod on it falling through the air after it had initially collapsed onto the building below it and tilted away in its rotation.

Already, the credibility of those engineers is now in question.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Varemia

I don't see the list of Engineers or Architects endorsing either of these sites. Please point them out for me.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by jambatrumpet
reply to post by Varemia

I don't see the list of Engineers or Architects endorsing either of these sites. Please point them out for me.

You know, sometimes having a list of engineers isn't as good as having the support of tens of thousands. Look at these links:

But if you HAVE to have a list of engineers who are very reputable and supported by tens of thousands of others, here's a page that lists many of them, as well as their positions in whatever organization they are in, including universities and architectural firms:

Do I need to have more?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Varemia

Nowhere do these sites claim all AIA members support the official story. I found less than 50 names listed on these sites.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by jambatrumpet
reply to post by Varemia

Nowhere do these sites claim all AIA members support the official story. I found less than 50 names listed on these sites.

And? There are many hundreds of thousands of engineers aren't there? The fact that you want a list of all of them and would rather have numbers that sound big than information that is true, well, it's quite telling. The reason that they don't need to boast numbers is because they're not trying to give themselves credence with false reason. Instead, they add to their ethos by providing verified information from well-respected experts and actually checking the sources of the opposition. One big thing about their papers is that they are peer reviewed. Now, this is a very important key. It means that a number of experts in the field read the papers on 9/11, commented on them and scrutinized them for minute details, and then said it was fine to publish.

This is something I constantly see lacking from truther arguments. They post unsourced documents that are built from fault information or hoax videos. For example, the ae911truth info site has a specific post dedicated to explaining why the popular video of an explosion heard at the ground level near WTC 7 was a fake.

Since the site has been severely discredited in their ideas and what they're willing to accept as evidence, how can you possibly see it as a valid source of information?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by govtfluDo local homicide detectives solve murders by a "Commission" of political insiders?.. lol.. of course not. they would spend millions & take years to solve nothing & catch nobody.

I am under the distinct impression that murders are solved with evidence, eyewitness testimony and/or motive that is provable in court.

You have provided none of these. So in a court of law, you lose.

Of all the "truthers" out there, not a one can name one person, provide one eyewitness or a even logical reason for someone to even be involved in this grand conspiracy. This is a FAIL of epic proportions. People who believe 9/11 was inside job after all this time are not considered conspiracy theorists, they are just conspiracy nuts who have closed their mind to the fact that 19 Saudis with box cutters hijacked 4 planes and crashed 3 of them into buildings, and a 4th one into the ground.

My suggestion is if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by Namaste1001

Actually, I picked those two points. If you would like, I can start tearing apart the rest of his video.

I got a little test for you Mr. debunker.

Why will they not release the civilian security video tapes that would show what really
happened at the pentagon and from the OKC bombing ?

After all these years what is in those security video tapes from non-government buildings
that the American ppl cannot be allowed to see ?

Want to enlighten us with your infinite wisdom mighty debunker ?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by VaremiaSince the site has been severely discredited in their ideas and what they're willing to accept as evidence, how can you possibly see it as a valid source of information?

Because they're "nuts"?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

Well, considering they are "civilian" recordings, wouldn't that suggest that said civilians have access or control to release them? Also, anything that was included in the 9/11 report is available with a simple FOIA request. If that still doesn't solve it for you, then that leads me to ask you how know that these tapes exist in the first place? Have you personally seen them?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Just a few of the MANY examples of New York Firefighters official statements concerning explosions...Are they all lying?

Edward Cachia FDNY WTC2 explosions before collapse
As my officer and I were looking at the south tower, it just gave. It actually gave at a lower floor, not the floor where the plane hit, because we originally had thought there was like an internal detonation explosives because it went in succession, boom, boom, boom, boom, and then the tower came down.

We were there I don't know, maybe 10, 15 minutes and then I just remember there was just an explosion. It seemed like on television they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a belt, all these explosions. Everybody just said run and we all turned around and we ran into the parking garage because that's basically where we were. Running forward would be running towards it. Not thinking that this building is coming down. We just thought there was going to be a big explosion and stuff was going to come down.

Fireman Louie Cacchioli - FDNY
”I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building.”

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by jambatrumpet
Just a few of the MANY examples of New York Firefighters official statements concerning explosions...Are they all lying?

I posted a list earlier comprised of hundreds of agencies, both private and public sector, who have investigated 9/11. Are they all lying?

I'm not going to post the list again, but it's on page 8 or 9, I believe. But I will give you the link HERE

And from the top of that link of yours

NY Times & Victims Family FOIA Request making Suppressed Firemen Statements public: A rich vein of city records from Sept. 11, including more than 12,000 pages of oral histories rendered in the voices of 503 firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians, was made public 8/12/05.

Its' been over 5 years, and there's nothing that came of it? It's quite a stretch. If you have anything that's a bit newer that even remotely resembles evidence, please share it. Otherwise it's just rehashed tripe that wouldn't even make it in a court of law.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Califemme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Califemme

What does that list have to do with NY Firefighters witnessing explosions?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by jambatrumpet

This is hopeless!! Provide eyewitnesses to someone setting the explosives. Provide a name! PTSD comes to my mind, for these firemen. I would probably have it too, if I saw what they did that day. You know what the large popping sounds were that day?!? People jumping to their deaths from 70+ stories up. You greatly dishonor them, and every American with these baseless accusations.

Bah! I will leave you to your crazy now. I refuse to play in your circle jerk any longer.

Peace out.

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