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Undebunkable 9\11 video.

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by Califemme

Originally posted by Varemia
"oh noes, I was demolished!"



edit on 13-10-2010 by thepixelpusher because: fixed wording

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Califemme
reply to post by jambatrumpet

This is hopeless!! Provide eyewitnesses to someone setting the explosives. Provide a name! PTSD comes to my mind, for these firemen. I would probably have it too, if I saw what they did that day. You know what the large popping sounds were that day?!? People jumping to their deaths from 70+ stories up. You greatly dishonor them, and every American with these baseless accusations.

Bah! I will leave you to your crazy now. I refuse to play in your circle jerk any longer.

Peace out.

Talk about sounding desperate...You really think a trained NY Firefighter would mistake explosions for the sound of bodies falling? And you call official statements from FDNY baseless accusations and rehashed tripe, and you talk about dishonor...oky doky...

peace out....
edit on 14-10-2010 by jambatrumpet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:40 AM

Its' been over 5 years, and there's nothing that came of it? It's quite a stretch. If you have anything that's a bit newer that even remotely resembles evidence, please share it. Otherwise it's just rehashed tripe that wouldn't even make it in a court of law.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Califemme because: (no reason given)

Ya right....Official statements of FDNY firefighters taken recently after 911 would not be admissible in court, and doesn't remotely resemble are really grasping at straws....another oky doky for you...

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by jambatrumpet

Its' been over 5 years, and there's nothing that came of it? It's quite a stretch. If you have anything that's a bit newer that even remotely resembles evidence, please share it. Otherwise it's just rehashed tripe that wouldn't even make it in a court of law.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Califemme because: (no reason given)

Ya right....Official statements of FDNY firefighters taken recently after 911 would not be admissible in court, and doesn't remotely resemble are really grasping at straws....another oky doky for you...

Even so, for the reason that the towers began collapsing from the top-down, explosions at the base could potentially mean nothing. Now, there were a lot of things in the towers. Was there perhaps a generator room of some kind on or near the area where the firefighters were looking? It is a confirmed FACT that jet fuel and fire burst its way down the elevators and blew out windows. It could be reasonable to assume that it might, just might have started a fire or two on a lower floor. Then, if a room had a few combustibles in it, then "pop goes the testimony."

Once again, "hearing explosives is not evidence of explosives, especially if scientific analysis of the sound waves does not produce the necessary explosive evidence." Also, since no one is absolutely certain of the mechanics of exactly how the towers fell all the way to the ground (not what initiated the collapse, but literally the physical motions and destructions on the way down), no one can say for certain what was busting in the floors, whether they went down a few before blasting concrete on the way down in a louder boom, whether ANYTHING.

All the truther arguments are so full of holes that I couldn't hit them with a rock from five feet away.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:10 AM
This Topic IS FULL OF #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/11 was a BIG LIE> . alot of People Die that DAY! , FOR A BIG Cast, That We don't even KNOW! OF!!!

on Top of That, What ever you SAW! that day.

WAS NOT A ( REAL ) Plane Hiting The WTC. Or Any Buildings THAT DAY!!!, Becuse THE WTC was not the only Buildings being attack...

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Varemia
Once again, I bring forth the FACT that just because something is theoretically possible, doesn't make it the truth. Just because it's theoretically possible that (warning, incoming metaphor) John knocked over the apple, it doesn't mean that the 50 mph winds had nothing to with it.

These are credible witnesses stating facts about explosions.
Strong language warning-

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:21 AM
you may think i'm crazy, but i love this man.

“World population needs to be decreased by 50-70%” -Dr. Henry Kissinger
“The elderly are useless eaters” -Dr. Henry Kissinger

these are naked, desperate realities. huge percentage of the human population lacks the ability to act on their own. or even worse. lacks the ability to judge on their own. every single one has the prime dogma to have more, and no intentions to use to the max the things that they have. none of them are able to control (on the most deepest level) their feelings and actively transform them into joys and happiness.

there are 2 options.
1- teach them
a clear fail. thousands of years they have learned nothing, and now they even claim to be atheists.
2- eradicate them all
this is the final, an the most likely taken option

i know i will die as one of them.

but the worst of worst kind -from my opinion- are military. they willingly train to be the most efficient killers, they willingly train to not use any critical thinking, they willingly train to have no feelings at all. they do this for the illusion of land and country or god and family.

so? still searching for the truth, why 4k had to die? try searching for millions. try searching for the starvation of thousands of children. try searching for genocide. try searching for the truth of lack of wisdom. or that just not matters because it's not land and country.

love - empathy, forgiveness. forgiveness? hell no, want to see them all dead. from Bush and Obama to the last warrior whether his executing or ordering.

so what do you thing it will change if the wars and injustice of our time is satisfied by more blood?

because people search for what has happened and why did it happen, not for how can not happen again.
how can not happen again?

one remaining option:
“World population needs to be decreased by 50-70%”

have fun! because they wont stop until 30% of us is left and if is their right to do so.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by encoder
you may think i'm crazy, but i love this man.

“World population needs to be decreased by 50-70%” -Dr. Henry Kissinger
“The elderly are useless eaters” -Dr. Henry Kissinger

these are naked, desperate realities. huge percentage of the human population lacks the ability to act on their own. or even worse. lacks the ability to judge on their own. every single one has the prime dogma to have more, and no intentions to use to the max the things that they have. none of them are able to control (on the most deepest level) their feelings and actively transform them into joys and happiness.

there are 2 options.
1- teach them
a clear fail. thousands of years they have learned nothing, and now they even claim to be atheists.
2- eradicate them all
this is the final, an the most likely taken option

i know i will die as one of them.

but the worst of worst kind -from my opinion- are military. they willingly train to be the most efficient killers, they willingly train to not use any critical thinking, they willingly train to have no feelings at all. they do this for the illusion of land and country or god and family.

so? still searching for the truth, why 4k had to die? try searching for millions. try searching for the starvation of thousands of children. try searching for genocide. try searching for the truth of lack of wisdom. or that just not matters because it's not land and country.

love - empathy, forgiveness. forgiveness? hell no, want to see them all dead. from Bush and Obama to the last warrior whether his executing or ordering.

so what do you thing it will change if the wars and injustice of our time is satisfied by more blood?

because people search for what has happened and why did it happen, not for how can not happen again.
how can not happen again?

one remaining option:
“World population needs to be decreased by 50-70%”

have fun! because they wont stop until 30% of us is left and if is their right to do so.

Is more to this but u on point

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by encoder

So if the NWo or whoever are bent on wiping everybody out - which they're doing a TERRIBLE job of - then they should be applauded because they're basically right?

I've never seen the the two conspiracy memes "people are sheeple" and "NWO wiping us out" blended so effectively. Bravo.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by DAVID64

why is it that in order to be right you must say i or we are in full cahutes with this so called oficial story whatever the hell that means
there is no official story thats just grandstanding to fog the reality that is the truth.

yes obviously the government dropped the ball on many issues but this psycho babble of this os and that conspiracy sounds to any real problem solver to be well INSANE!

if you have real proof state it and make something happen prove beyond a doubt that there is some huge conspiracy involving half to 75% of the civil servant workers in the state of new york DC and PA its disrespectful to say you are some great crusader and NO the crappy evidence is nothting more then misconstrued BLAH

to what end are you great truther or whatever you all are going with this yeah its your right and gee i might bee blind but this conspiracy is just plain stupid and watch the answers i can copy and paste the same lame ol defense dont you see it and there was thermite and BLAH BLAH BLAH its just not not not not

your lost and yeah im a disinfo agent out to take your minds into quiet bliss holy moly this is just stupid and nothting short of dangerous ignorance to glorify otherwise un eventfull boring lives witht no great purpose but once you are a 9/11 truther
your like the next big news

rant rant i know know but your truthers
need to go go go

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by cybertroy
I have kind of a revelation about 9/11. I'm not sure if anyone has really looked at it in this way? But, looking at the evidence of a controlled demolition. What obviously must be true?

Well, whoever planned it was obviously targeting only the 3 world trade center buildings. We know that, but. If it were a blood thirsty terrorist attack, wouldn't you think that they wouldn't give a crap about the surrounding buildings? Why go through the trouble of a controlled demolition? Why not just bomb the buildings? If I'm some blood thirsty terrorist, do you think I'm going to care if the building falls straight down? It tells me that the people involved were very targeted in what they destroyed. What is to be gained from the destruction of these particular buildings? What I'm also saying is that lives were spared, it's not just a wild blood thirsty attack.

I'm not so sure if I'm really covering any new territory. Just some observations.

edit on 12-10-2010 by cybertroy because: add information I meant to put in

You know, I never thought about the incident this way. Very good points. Thanks for sharing

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

haha nice, i find it funny watching videos of him talking about 'the terrorists themselves', i really wonder if he believes it all, or what he's convinced himself of, or maybe even what he's taken to say these things with total conviction.

"For Nasa space is still a high priority"-George w Bush

"I believe that human beings and fish can coexist peacefully"-George w Bush

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by Namaste1001

Actually, I picked those two points. If you would like, I can start tearing apart the rest of his video.

We have all seen documentaries about demolition of buildings. They show how precise you have to be to take a building down in its own footprint, the slightest error in placement of charges and the thing goes sideways. Fire has never toppled a large building in this way. Impact from one side at the top surely could never accomplish this.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by MrJuicey
i would just like to say to those who believe the official story WAKE UP!!! For starters Wtc building 7, why did it fall? then we have, Who got blamed?, Osama bin laden, what then did the american army do, went to iraq for saddam hussien?? for me this is enough to say wtf. im not that intelligent, i thinks its obvious this doesn't add up!!!

AND Osama bin laden was publicly blamed SO FAST there was no way they could yet have been sure who did this, I was just watching thinking..wait a minuet there is no way they know yet for sure who was responsible.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Exactly. The fires weren't even out and his name was up on the wanted posters already. Seems like they had their patsy all lined up and waiting for his grand entrance, which never came. Why do you suppose that is? Was he protected? His whole family was ushered out of the country when every other plane in the country was grounded.

The coppers can find a bail jumper halfway around the globe, yet the alleged "most wanted man in the world" eludes capture for a decade now? Unlikely. I doubt they were ever looking for him because they already knew where they stashed him.

He's been dead for years, by the way. Does anyone not know this? And we're still "looking" for him, as keeping a bad guy around comes in handy when you want to keep a country in a constant state of fear. Easier to control that way.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by HYADEAN2025
CNN Hologram TV First

edit on 13-10-2010 by HYADEAN2025 because: (no reason given)

I love that source LOL. Someone who allegedly knows all these facts about what's going on in the world of black projects, and they don't know sh!t about basic web design. Looks like a hippie puked his shrooms all over the page.

Excellent, believable source. Right on!

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:37 PM
I don't suppose the fact that he'd tried to blow up the towers on a previous occasion might have had something to do with their thinking he might be implicated?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:51 PM
What is so wrong with just using your senses? When the whole day went down, the moment I saw George W in the school being informed. I thought "Oh My GOD! His face looked just like a toddler who had done a big Booboo in his pants! He didn't looked... pained, tormented, sad, crushed, he looked... GUILTY! Why??
Then the next thing I know he is announcing who did this thing, before there was any time to find out and adding Iraq into the mix instantly..then naming certain countries as "Evil" a horrible bunch of finger pointing and name calling by a world power, if any other leader had done it everyone would have screamed!
My thoughts and words to my hubby...Oh My God they have done this so they can go to war!
And why is there so much control of the public? Where were the people like me shouting No to war? They were shushed right off the bat, I was scared to express my feelings in my own neighborhood and stunned that it should be so.
This leads me to believe in mind control theory as I can't believe after all the dumb wars that we were led into with lies we would jump that fast, all of us Mothers with sons and daughters in the military too.
My thoughts and feelings and logic can't prove anything true, but I am very good with telling when I am being lied to, I don't have to pretend I believe what I don't just to feel safe and fit in.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 02:01 PM
Many of us have figured out that Israel played a significant role in the attacks on the United States on 9/11.
We even know some of the names and faces of the Mossad agents involved. Some of the agents drove vans full of explosives and were arrested and detained for an extended period of time, before being released and sent back to Israel quietly without being charged.

Many of us also understand that Israeli "art students" worked on the infamous "B-Thing" project in an art group called--wait for it--"Gelatin.". 14 ISRAELIS LIVED in WTC 1, 16-18 months before the towers were brought down using controlled demolition.

Many of these so-called students had open access to the WTC with Construction Passes. They even built "a balcony" in WTC 1 facing outside, apparently that's the B-Thing, a balcony! Wow, who knew that WTC was zoned for residential living! I guess the Port Authority didn't have a problem with it?! LOL!

Does anyone have any idea what "Gelatin" has in all these in boxes seen here at WTC 1 in the picture? Is that supposedly the big balcony they built facing outside with those boxes there? I'm sure the B-Thing must be referring to a balcony. H-mmm what other words come to mind that start with B? Let's see: what starts with B and could have a connection with September 11? Wow, that's a toughy!!! Could the B-Thing have been a bomb thing? Also what's in those boxes? Some type of GELATIN maybe. Oh no, we'll never figure out that September 11 thing. LOL! It's so difficult to figure out who was behind it. Again, fortunately we know many of the names and faces!

See picture:

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 02:56 PM
Ahmadinejad: American Hero? or.. Conspirator to Give 911 Truth a Bad Name?

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