posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:18 PM
Hey guys,
It seems everyone of us is thinking the same thing. There's something that connects us all.
To start, I'm A+ blood type, caucasian, nothing rare there... I also have a family history that leads to Ireland, one of the areas yall were talkin
about. I also have a (only what I've been told by family and read in journals, no hardcore proof) direct bloodline link to Martin Luther, you know,
that one famous guy, so that means alot of old school german.. I have also been told that I have alot of Native American in me, its been "traced" to
a great great super great grandmother that was a Lakota fortune teller, threw psychic abilities, in dreams.. < that one has always interested me. I do
know that I have family history in Ireland, but know nothing more... I have also found journals of old realtives that mention a wife being hanged in
the Salem Witch trials, no name was givin, so i thought nothing more than it was made up... < also a biggie in my book. Now, present day... My
grandmother, mom, sister and I would get into long discussions about our dreams and how events in our dreams have acutally seemed to happened, well,
its more like you see .. "hints" like certain things will stand out in the dreams and then you see that "thing" or "things" irl, and its.. way
to close to not be what I saw, you know what I mean?.. Now, my mother and Grandmother have often told me that this is real, not a joke, and our family
has a Very long history of psychic ablitis, and hardships because of, but that I am the only the second male in the entire bloodline to seem to have
these ablities. which kinda creeps me out, because the other male was Martin Luther, and we all know how that turned out.
My question 1 is, does anyone seem to match? or come close? have any input... so on...
Question 2, I know this is off topic but, does anyone know if theres any way to Verify bloodlines... you find out if my family is telling the truth,
or is it make believe...
I'm also feeling that dna and blood lines is a good way to see if we can find similarities between us, as all you already now, but since i found
this thread, i do feel it.... we are ment for something .. wierd.