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Magnitude 8.8 Offshore Maule, Chile

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:02 AM
I'm starting to get a migraine. Off to bed for me. I dread how many pages of this thread I'm gonna have to read later to keep up.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Chile's Chaiten volcano under red alert also at this time as per CNN.

Old news. It has been that way for a while. I have been following Chaiten for several weeks now. See here

The web cam is appalling - hardly works at all. Last update was 22nd Feb. This could upset it however.

Oops sorry Mike. You must have posted while I was writing.

[edit on 27/2/2010 by PuterMan]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Chile's Chaiten volcano under red alert also at this time as per CNN.

The only thing that has to happen, is for this pace to keep up and we could see world wide devaststion.. Somebody here at ATS said this would be the year of the quake. Any body?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:03 AM
What is going on?

Too many earthquakes in 10 minutes?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by cushycrux

Thank you for posting that.
Excellent info from an official source, which is certainly always worth having.

Does anyone have a link to a site that shows tide times and heights for various places? The tides obviously can drastically affect the influence of a tsunami.

Many thanks,


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by cushycrux

According to the link, the warning that you just posted has expired.

Here is one that I was just looking at though. The expected arrival time in Hawai'i is 11:19HST.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:05 AM
BBC Eyewitness page is up and running, good for information on various areas affected as well as descriptions of actual damage

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:05 AM
holy crap, I just posted this on another thread....
[url][/url ]
AUSTRALIA'S east coast has been put on tsunami watch following a major 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Chile where at least six people have been killed. The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) issued a tsunami watch at 7:45pm (AEDT) on Saturday declaring a "potential tsunami threat" to New South Wales, Queensland, Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island. "Tsunami waves have been observed on the coast of Chile that may threaten Australia," the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) said. The BoM said tsunami waves could start affecting Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands after 8:30am (AEDT) on Sunday. NSW could be hit after 8:45am (AEDT) on Sunday while Queensland could be hit after 8:15am (AEST) Duty forecaster Jake Phillips at the BoM says the NSW coast north of Broken Bay and up to Queensland's south coast as far Double Island Pt near Brisbane could experience strong waves. Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar. End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar. "But at this stage we want to stress that there is no concern about land inundation," Mr Phillips told AAP. "But there is a marine threat and that would include anyone out boating or rock fishermen."

I might head down have a look at the coastline at 9am myself in the morning.
I'll let you know how it looks from south nsw .
Hope most people everywhere can be warned along the pacific, I't s not a good time though (is it ever?) middle of the night in a lot of it.

Lived 2 miles off the coast 6 months ago between a lagoon and a river in a house only 3 metres above sea level,
Logged on to ats to check breaking news at 11pm prior to going to sleep only to see a big earthquake hit NZ, went to check BOM site only to see we were on tsunami alert here.
spent a nerve wracking 1.5 hours waiting and wondering ought I wake everyone up and run for the hills until it was canceled. when it hit it was only 13 cm I think. Needless to say I live in the hills now, a deliberate move as I've watched the frequency of earthquakes rise , and magnitude ,let alone solar and magnetic field fluctuations over the last few years.
Fingers crossed here for all the low-lying pacific islands in its path especially "

..... and came over to this thread and you guys have me wide awake now!!!
So much info only half way thru this thread already.
Keep the news coming folks, I think I've some phonecalls to make !!!!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by l neXus l
A 7.0 in Japan and an 8.5 within 12 hours of each other this is real bad. Seems like the end of the world has started

Still reading the thread. Was Chile in the P-Wave of yesterday's quake?

This is just terrible for everyone there and very concerning for the rest of us who hold our breathe to see where the next one may occur.

Something is up and I don't care what anyone says to the contrary.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:06 AM
RT @BreakingNews: Tsunami sirens will sound in Hawaii at 6:00 a.m., 'all shores at risk no matter which direction they face,'

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:07 AM
This Link has a live feed of twitter posts and news stories as they hit the net

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:07 AM
Wow this is HUGE. And what's up with all the earthquakes theses days..

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by asIam

Earlier in this thread, someone said that the tsunami warning for eastern Australia was downgraded to a marine advisory; meaning stronger than normal tides and waves. Is this a new warning?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by octotom

sorry, they update it currently all 20 minutes or so...

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:10 AM
Tsunami sirens will be sounded at 6a.m. local time. CNN

This is just a small example of how quickly things can go Biblical.

I say that as here in Apple Valley a storm front is pushing thru
with high winds at freezing temps. Colder than a witches heart.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by cushycrux

No worries. Your warning probably just says the same thing that the one that I linked to does anyway.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by asIam

I might head down have a look at the coastline at 9am myself in the morning.
I'll let you know how it looks from south nsw .
Hope most people everywhere can be warned along the pacific, I't s not a good time though (is it ever?) middle of the night in a lot of it.

Why on earth would you go down to the coast to have a look? I know the wave the reached Australia from the Solomon island quake in 08 was very small, but this may be different, why would you want to risk it? Bom is advising everyone to stay clear of the coasts and to specifically not go down and try to view it. I hate seeing the people on the news that go down to watch it, they are the idiots that have it coming if something does come along.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:12 AM
The 8.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Chile Saturday was similar in intensity to the fifth most powerful quake recorded since 1900.

That quake struck off the coast of Ecuador in 1906. It is not known how many people were killed.

The biggest quake recorded since 1900 hit the coast of southern Chile on May 22, 1960. The 9.5-magnitude quake killed more than 1,600 and left around two million people homeless.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by kosmicjack

Still reading the thread. Was Chile in the P-Wave of yesterday's quake?

Yes, it was. Travel time for the P waves was around 20 mins.

The data page for the theoretical P-Wave travel times of the mag 7.0 is here

Possible remote triggering event? Could be...


[edit on 27/2/10 by JustMike]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by asIam

It has been stood down to a Marine Warning I believe

[edit on 27/2/2010 by PuterMan]

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