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All UFO's Are Ours, Aliens Haven't Visited Ever, & Believers Are Possibly Delusional

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:42 PM
(oops, one more post for now)


The reason I linked those two stories is because those were two of the few I have personally written up and I thought it would be easier to pull my threads out of my profile than it would be to search through the archives.

You are right though, I chose those threads to write about first because they occured near my location and were untouched on these boards, near as I could tell.
At one point in time I had a rather substantial list of potentially good cases that I couldn't find on the site that I was going to write about.
Unfortunately, I am a scatter-brained researcher and I had them jotted down on a piece of paper that is since lost. I don't really feel like taking the time to find them again because I'm just not in that "mode" at the moment, ya know?

But yeah, the Aurora case is pretty cool as well.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Jay, regardless of how you feel about this thread (or me), I appreciate your contributions to it. And I apologize again for offending you. See you around the boards.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by metalholic

No. I did not contradict myself. The people are Maya. The things they did, their civilization, were Mayan, of the Maya.

Speaking of contradictions, you said:

and i'am alreafy aware that they spread out amongst there surrounding areas!

Then why did you say this?

here's a good question where did the mayans go there were so many of them! but no skeletons or graveyards can account for the disppearance of a thriving culture! so with that being said prove they wasnt taken away by there gods!

There are skeletons, there are burials.

Abandoned without a trace? What does that mean anyway? But in any case, there are plenty of traces.

But again, you want proof that something didn't happen. Once again, the last grasp. A demand for proof of a negative. I gave you one possible reason (backed by evidence, unlike the ET hypothesis) for the collapse of the civilization and it makes a lot more sense than an entire civilization being shipped off to another world. Prove a food shortage wasn't the reason. There should be some evidence for that.

[edit on 2/6/2010 by Phage]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Phage


You can't say that the ET hypothesis has no evidence.
That is intellectual dishonesty!

And you know it.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by Nichiren

well the scientific method is highly flawed! everyday they find something that goes against anything that was thought impossible!

so have fun with that while i do go along with it myself i'am still able to see all the flaws because even science cant explain everything the only thing that can come close is mathematics!

[edit on 6-2-2010 by metalholic]

I respectfully bow out of our little conversation. Good luck.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

I was speaking specifically about the ET hypothesis concerning the Maya and their "disappearance".

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Phage

Oops, my bad.
Back to my corner now.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Dave’s investigation approach to UFO and Alien Abduction Cases
This goes on for a while and I apologize if it seems like a rant, I will eventually get to the point of my title.
As I have stated in a couple of my earlier posts on similar topics, I believe intelligent extra terrestrial life has to be out there. The universe is simply too big for it not to be. I also believe a good number of eye witness testimonies to be credible and indicative of other world visitors. On the other hand I do believe a lot testimony to be false and inaccurate. UFO’s and Aliens are a booming business and in today’s world of snake oil salesman and I suppose anything is fair game. I believe the disclosure initiative to be part of that snake oil apparatus. I’m not trying to derail it as I believe it has attracted credible testimony; I just personally think its legs, concerning the idea of some secret world treaty with an alien species to be utterly ridiculous. Also ridiculous in my opinion is that people want the government to disclose its secret knowledge of these visitations, crashed craft etc. Most laughable of all is Steven Greer’s posturing that there are no bad aliens. Sure come here and anally core our cattle, abduct our citizens, spy on us, but we know you have our best interests at heart? Give me a break. According to Greer and I paraphrase, any of these negative experiences are perpetrated by each of our countries military. Again give me a break. All of it is B.S. Hey Steve, can I pay 1000 bucks to become an alien ambassador, please? I’ll take the anal coring option for an extra 200, my cattle seem love it so why not me.

I would like to stop the B.S. once and for all. It has fuelled a hyper-frenzy of an imminent event that in my opinion isn’t going to happen. Why you ask? Let’s try and use some deductive reasoning.
1.) If the government or a group of individuals let’s say in the military industrial complex had access to alien technology, why disclose it? Better to maintain your kingship and or dominance for as long as possible. People have killed for far less on this planet so just because a couple of nerds say disclose, do really think that’s going to happen?
2.) Who’s to say that our governments are not already controlled by aliens? If your long term plan was to infiltrate you would take your time and deny aliens existence for as long as possible or until your goal whatever that may be is reached.
3.) Disclosure initiatives as disinformation. Whatever really is going on, this disclosure stuff makes for some good diversion far from ongoing research projects, I bet? Think about it, what excellent propaganda for the U.S. military to have. Hey man don’t mess with us we’ve got alien tech. Can’t find Osama but we may or may not have alien tech. Also begs ridiculous obvious questions, about wagging the dog. I doubt they ever have been or ever will look too hard for Osama; he’s too good of an arch nemesis. He’s always good to pull out when your numbers are down and you need to create some Military Industrial Complex jobs.
Are you getting it now?

What do we currently know about the situation? Let’s also use deductive reasoning here.

1.) Something is going on that’s for sure. Again stated above I believe there is some great eye witness testimony out there, but for right now that’s all we got. So if there are aliens and they have been coming here and have been reported doing the following, not necessarily proven to, we can probably draw the following conclusions:
a. The hypothetical exchanging of tech with certain governments and not revealing themselves to the world at large, one can only conclude their presence to be nefarious and dangerous. Abductions would leave one to believe that, the exchange of technology ensures our governments complicity. Is it just our government, right now we don’t know?
b. Cattle mutilations? God only knows, but it’s weird and damn right frightening. Can’t be good when done in this fashion. Again is it just our government, right now we don’t know?
2.) So ultimately we are left with mysteries that we can’t solve with our present level of civilian organization. We have governments that clearly like to equivocate and engage in mass propaganda disinformation campaigns, so they clearly can’t be trusted. I wonder if they ever thought far enough ahead to realize that propaganda can actually back fire.
So where do we go from here. We need to get organized on an international level. We need more civilian investigators and an alien encounter manifesto. We need to NOT involve the military and or any other government organization in these investigations. We are never going to get the truth from them.

I like organizations like MUFON as its mission statement to investigate the phenomena from a civilian point of view falls in line with my point of view.
Here’s their report a sighting URL

I will say though that they have been around for a while and the only thing we have got from them is testimony. If you’re like me, you are sick of testimony because you feel like a lot of it pure B.S.

Here’s where I will probably lose people, so I might as well jump right to it. We need to shoot these things out of the sky, and or kill aliens who try to abduct us or our livestock. Hell, rig your cattle to explode with an altimeter; I don’t care how you do it. Ultimately if you take out a black helicopter with one of your cows, at least we can then go back to the government and tell them to anally core themselves. After disabling craft and or killing aliens and if it’s something you can’t explain don’t call the cops or the military. Call every news agency in the world and call your local university physics and zoology experts. Don’t be a jack ass either like the morons who claimed to have killed Bigfoot in Georgia. I think they called a cheese ball film maker first, with a gorilla suit in the freezer. Those guys should be anally cored.
In all seriousness though I think the threat of violence should be sufficient. If enough of us do this:
1.) It might force the government to stop this ridiculous propaganda campaign, and explain themselves further, but I wouldn’t count on it.
2.) It might force aliens to reveal themselves as they realize that spying and abducting humans and livestock, really looks bad, and can be considered hostile behavior.

Without this we will never know whom or what has been visiting us and for what purposes. Really I don’t see any other way.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Phage

well to make things clear of where i stand! i like to talk philosophy and i like to talk probabilities! with that being said i've seen enough research of the so called experts explaining how the maya did expand and journey out to other territories surrounding there area which in time expanded out largely!

and with the same breath they say and we still havent found out what was the cause of there mass disappearance!

i'm sure you watch the same history channel i do right? the same discovery? so you've seen and heard the same stuff i have!

[edit on 6-2-2010 by metalholic]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Signals

Bull#! You have not seen something that will question your thinking.

When I was very young my family saw something while traveling on a trip that (still to this day) back in the 70s, was beyond human creation. 100 ft above our car, no noise, huge and casting un-natural lights.

We saw a bright "star" get bigger and bigger come towards our car until it was right above us. My dad and uncle stopped the car thinking it was a police helicopter or something wanting us to stop. After some time, they got out to see what was going on. It was a big diamond shaped object with colored lights all over the bottom, No noise, weird light. They got freaked out, got back into the car and sped away. It kept up with the car for a while and shot off across the horizon at an incredible speed. was ours...

There is something with the UFO phenomenon. What it is, who knows, but it is a legitimate mystery. NOBODY has the correct answer. Don't even try to figure it out, because I think that once it does come to light, we will be very surprised. I have a feeling

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by metalholic

The History Channel has very little history and the Discovery Channel has very little science.

I don't depend on cable TV for my education.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Phage

so where is your reference? some web-site here on the internet i'm sure every site you reference there can be one brought up to contradict the one you referred to! and with probably the same amount of expertise and research put into it!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Phage

in the end buddy researching yourself and being self-educated is the only real way to go to see anything for what it is or to come up with theories that are not influenced by the herd!

we all know that all the scientists and experts except for a select few and other independants are bought out by the government or the church to keep the blind blind! notice how everything for the most part is to keep the bad light off christianity even things about the missing books of the bible they try to explain it in a way that doesnt make it seem like christianity hasnt been led by power hungry slave driving ignorant fools!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by metalholic

I don't give a damn about any religion and I don't base my reasoning on one or another.

[edit on 2/6/2010 by Phage]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Phage

heres an example they wont teach you inschool what really took place when christopher colombus came to the americans it wasnt a big get together and eat a feast it was alot of killing spreading disease and destroying another culture all in the name of the bible and ignorance!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by metalholic

I don't remember hearing anything about Columbus and feasts. Aren't you confusing Columbus with the pilgrims?

I really suggest you stop watching the History Channel and try a library.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Phage

in the history text book in school i remember they was tryin to sell it out as when they landed they came across the natives living there and what not shared goods with one another and then everything was hunky doory...they hide what really took place seriously the reputation the school gives people is either one you can take as neutral but mostly on the side of good!

no one hardly pays attention in history class anyway most of the kids always sleep or talk the whole class so no one ever pays attention thats why you get kids on here that aint got a clue what there talking about sometimes...i myself history is my favorite lesson! so i was awake and fully alert!

[edit on 6-2-2010 by metalholic]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by metalholic

G'day metalholic

How did you go in your english lessons?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

i knew that would be brought up! lol yeah i hated that class and i type so fast without looking on here that while i type i think as i type just like if i was talking so sometimes my mind gets ahead of my fingers and i start crossing words and what not..but english class was my history class for everyone else!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:16 PM
All I know is I want answers. I've experienced strange things periodically throughout my life that coincide with the UFO phenomenon. I'm completely sane. I have a loving wife and kids. I'm an educated professional mechanical designer. I just want to know what the answer is.

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