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All UFO's Are Ours, Aliens Haven't Visited Ever, & Believers Are Possibly Delusional

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posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

actually your wrong about this metal fan..i listen to country and some rap! not all the time most of the time its rock and metal but on occasion i listen to country or rap depends on the mood! anything from tom petty to tool to nin to lamb of god to amon amarth to bob seger to dio to ozzy to black sabbath to deep purple to five finger death punch aperfect circle metallica megadeth i got a wide range so i'm not exactly close minded and yes other metal heads make me mad to!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by metalholic

Okay, so that is settled then. You aren't a typical "metalholic".
So, the question is, what does Crowley have to do with aliens?

I mean, if we are talking inspirational themes here, and on the same them of Crowley, Page, Ozzbourne, Dio...
How is this any different than Zepp's The Battle of Evermore?

I suppose that since Page and Plant wrote about the ring wraiths who ride in black, that undead witch-kings ride dragons upon the plains of Gondor?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

i'm not into the sketch that was lam..if you have read the book then you must remember the book was written by aiwass...remember this lil code? 4 6 3 8 a l g m o r 3 y x 24 89 r p s t o v a l...and like i said to mr mask i'm not really interested in the life and times!

but what i proclaiming is if you remember in the book it talks about a house number 418 house being a planetary nebula system as our solar system would be considered a house anyway it says i'am of certain colors and what not well if you google 418 it brings up a nebula witht he colors mentioned in the book and only the hubble telescope can take pics of it or thats the only pics so therefore i find it interesting when you refer to the beginning of the book

that supposedly the true author of the book which is not crowley to show that something other then human when stuff in the book is actually researched that something with supperior intellect had to write the book..i'm only using the nebula as an example there are so many other things in there that i really dont feel like arguing as the nebula thing has brought on to much b/s!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by metalholic

i cannot deny that rose kelly at one point was his wife but do you really believe this?


Let it go.

UFOs and Aliens...remember?



The OP admits his title was wrong. So, I allow the mistake (lord knows how many I make), and support his awakening against the slumbering hoax-filled life of more "delusional/gullible" people.

It is true that MOST of the UFO followers out there are either scammers/liars or "people who are mistaken" easily.

I can not say that 100% of all UFO sightings are real or not.

And I kindly ask the OP to honestly admit that some small part of him still "considers at least one report was real" in the past, and that alien UFOs "may" possibly exist.

I admit that most reports are crap.

I admit that scam-o-lot and Greer's camp are bogus mockeries.

But, it is also possible that those people were put where they are today to discredit the subject altogether.

Sure, thats probably not the case...right?

But, no matter how you look at it, nobody can say with 100% certainty "that ALL UFOs are not alien, or that aliens have not visited earth".

You don't know. I don't know. But welcome to the "rational side of the fence"!!!

We are glad to have you on this side, thinking with "real logic" and getting away from the "hoax-void".

Welcome to the good side!

[edit on 5-2-2010 by Mr Mask]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

well dio really has nothing to do with crowley musically but he has filmed some music videos in the castle or so my dad has told me whose a huge dio fan anyway i know holy diver was filmed in the castle anyway i wasnt trying to infer anyhting between metal and crowley!

but crowley and aliens supposedly an extra dimensional being wrote the book if you read it and then look things up and not take them for face value there are some things in there that no human could possibly know in 1904

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

The "good side?"

YOUR side sucks. Just my opinion, of course.

Your side being, blind debunking, "anything but that" science.
Sure, you haven't illustrated it in this thread, but you are no better than the OP. I have seen you before, and yeah, you have calmed a bit lately, but you are no intellectual authority to consider either side valid. And upon that, we can argue, if need be.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by JayinAR]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by metalholic

Yeah, I've seen that quite a lot.
Weird, huh?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

well lets be real here buddy i been scrutinized for somethings that hes said in a book that are actually provable..and you come at me with you believe this hogwash and what not!

so now i'm coming at you belive that hogwash do you really belive he done that? it says what she said it dont say so then i layeth my shank in her 5 month old split!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

what bothers me is i'm talking about one book and what things come up when you actually research certain things in the book the beginning of it tells of a superior being to humans the only way one can prove it is beyond human is to prove it through knowledge and to predict futuristic stuff that no human in 1904 could possibly know!

so with that being said if you dont take everything for face value because you cant its written in ciphers and cryptograms to the average reader it would be non understandable so therefore the average reader shouldnt touch it especially if your just going to read it and without knowing whats going on proclaim the book means nothing and has no weight!

the book actually has alot of weight all the people talking about crowleys reputation and life and times thats the only thing they can attack with because in the book is actual stuff you can prove! now with all this being said isnt it sad that lets take everything as true that a guy who is a child molester,druggie,abusive person and all that is said of him that he actually knew and told more things that make sense then the bible who is of a god that no one can prove and most everyone tries to follow

if everything in that book became clear and evidently un debunkable wouldnt that be such a low blow to all the christians!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by metalholic

Yeah, I don't buy into channelings.

If you had read my "official" post to Signals about this topic, you will notice that I did not include any channelings in my "evidence."
This is because I do not consider them evidence of anything.
Never have.

I can't buy Crowley either. I mean, I understand that he was a philosopher.
In fact, I share a somewhat similar philosophy, but I cannot accept anything he may have said as evidence of anything.

Afterall, I myself have come to some similar conclusions, yet I cannot claim my story as evidence of anything other than my own logic.

So therefore, I do not accept anything of the sort.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Signals


This is an interesting story you might want to consider before you decide that all UFO related Information is nothing more than Fantasy .......

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by Signals

I would say that it was more than over the top and sensational.
In fact, I would say it was downright insulting.

I apologize for that. Call me naive but I didn't expect quite the negative reaction to that title. I have requested to the Mods to change the last 2 words from "Delusional Phonies" to "Possibly Delusional". That may not be enough, but as we have seen from some of the responses it can be argued.

Now, back to the topic...

I read both of your threads (the first two, as I said I found the crop circle re-visit very interesting when originally posted, subscribed to it actually). Diamond shaped HUGE craft would take our government being involved to the extreme I will admit. Of course there where eyewitnesses of "orbs" but those are tough to analyze one way or the other. And we did have hot air balloons in 1977. Goofballs in UFO-shaped hot air balloons playing pranks? I don't know...

This is one I find VERY interesting however if I may quote your thread-

March 5, 1977 - Lonnie and Debbie Stites

At about 11:30pm on the evening of March 5th Lonnie and Debbie were to deliver a load of wood to a turkey house north of McNatt, Missouri. They never made it. According to the witnesses, they were headed to the farm and noticed some peculiar red lights in the distance. Coming closer, the lights rose in the air directly in front of their truck and proceeded to shine lights on their truck. Meanwhile, a "man" dressed in green coveralls ran down the hill towards the highway waving his arm at the two...until he was eventually standing right beside the highway. Mind you this is nearly midnight and according to the witnesses this man in coveralls is waving at them in SUNGLASSES. The witnesses couldn't tell how the sunglasses adhered to his face as he appeared to have no ears! And oh yeah, he was wearing a skull-cap (pulled so tight that there wasn't a wrinkle in it.) Anyhow, they drove past where they were going in a state of shock. In all they went about 20 miles out of their way to avoid the object and refused to go back.

This is the kind of account that I, as well as many of us, WANT TO BELIEVE. I still maintain eyewitness accounts can be very inaccurate, but that is compelling!

I want to pose a question to you. Could the reason you sited these 2 threads (cases) to this thread, ie. the reason you find them as important, have anything to do with the event happening close to where you live? And, in fact, involving people you know or at the very least people that were in your community?

The reason I ask that is because I want to share with you 2 of the cases I felt in the past meant a lot to me.

The first one is brief, and I won't use names. When I was 9, my Mom got me my first pet - Ralph the dog. Ralph barked all day when we were in school and our Landlady and the neighbors complained. I was forced to give Ralph away to a teacher friend of my Mother's, but was allowed to visit him from time to time....their house was a block from ours. Anyway, the teacher's husband told me about a UFO sighting he had recently had, where several colored lights had chased his car for several miles on a dark country road (no, not the police
it was in the sky) As a young boy, I believed it and it's always stuck with me. He believed it of that I am sure.

The second one I'm sure you've heard of.

1897 Aurora Texas

There are some that believe aliens are actually buried in an old graveyard in the town! And of course there is the well, and the contents, etc. And the fact that it happened in 1897....Anyway, Aurora is very close to where I live. After I saw the tv show about it, I found the property and actually drove by it, but no one was home. And the town will not let anyone dig up the graveyard.

Those 2 cases for some reason are the most compelling to me. Could it be because I have a personal attachment to them? Is that what makes them seem more believable?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Signals

Your absolutely 100% wrong, My friend! I'm in communications with the "Andromeda Tall Greys" My Documentary will be out by "May"2010'See ya soon!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by Signals

hey if you dont mind go to my profile and go to my thread i've added some things on there that might clear some things up or interest anyone about crowley but its just a lil piece of a puzzle i'm putting together that includes alot of overlooked things that are of this subject!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by Signals

hey if you dont mind go to my profile and go to my thread i've added some things on there that might clear some things up or interest anyone about crowley but its just a lil piece of a puzzle i'm putting together that includes alot of overlooked things that are of this subject!

I appreciate your input and interest in this thread, and I'm going to check that book out.

In fact, I strongly suggest you start a thread about it. I just don't want to get caught up in the Crowley argument that has been going on.

I've started enough trouble here on my own

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 10:38 PM

watch the whole thing the key is the shard removed from the guys leg and the fact they cant identify it "there are more questions then answers"

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Romans 10:9

i too agree with you, but the fact is, it is not just all manmade, aliens do play a major role in the end times...... whether you believe in aliens or not, they exist

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by sperical123

How tall are they ...?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:38 AM
Evidence? Please.... there is sooo much evidence it's not even funny. Even governments admit some UFO's are Extraterrestrial.. In Fact, In CANADA there is a Government Website dedicated to UFO's and the Canadian Gov't has posted thousands of their UFO investigations and the Minister of Defense himself Stated that SOME of the reports concluded that the vehicles in the air are not of this Earth and deemed Extraterrestial!!!!!!!!!!!!

USA gov't still denies ET.... If you dig... You'll find Japan, most European countries, Mexico, many South American goverments, and even Russia declassified many of their reports concluding that some of hteir UFO cases are stated to be of ET origin!

Now is that a delusion???? I think NOT... I suggest you open that little Mind of yours.. I am a Christian... but I am not closed minded to the facts here and simply can't deny EMPIRICAL evidence.. You seriously are the one that has been delusional and brain washed with disinformation... What the government wanted from you was successful!

honestly.. You cant belive there is no evidence.. You can view UFO's andaudio from the Apollo missions.. Space Shuttle STS missions have captured endless video of UFO's chasing the shuttle and hear the crew talking about it ON NASA's or JPL's WEBSITE!!!! It's like they are whispering to the public stating that the Galaxy is teeming with intelligent life!! OPEN YOUR MIND!!!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by woodwytch
What i meant was that the entire first post (mainposter) was bull and a huge blow to all our faces, we who have seen and know what we have seen.
To state that all ufos are mass hysteria or illusion is just NOT what we find funny to read here, so incredible tired of those people who claim such things.

No offense to all you others.

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