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All UFO's Are Ours, Aliens Haven't Visited Ever, & Believers Are Possibly Delusional

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:09 AM
That's all very well, and may actually be a correct theory, if you think that the UFO phenomena started in the 20th century.

But it didn't.

Evidence throughout human history, going back tens of thousands of years is scattered in rock art, folklore and written texts.

UFO's are not a modern phenomena..they are an ancient one.

The trick TPTB try to pull, is to convince most people in the world that UFO's only really started to be reported during the last century, which is nonsense.

Mind you, they've done a fairly good job of convincing the OP.

So it's working.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by stargazerman
reply to post by woodwytch
What i meant was that the entire first post (mainposter) was bull and a huge blow to all our faces, we who have seen and know what we have seen.
To state that all ufos are mass hysteria or illusion is just NOT what we find funny to read here, so incredible tired of those people who claim such things.

No offense to all you others.

Thank-you that's much clearer, now I can comment and say that yes ... I agree ... for those of us who are genuine 'experiencers', it is quite an insult ... it is also frustrating, because unless someone has experienced for themselves they will (and should), remain sceptical but remember ... 'sceptical' is not the same as 'close-minded.

This is a subject so beyond the mundane for most people, that anyone who does believe blindly deserves to be lied to. But then, because of my lifestyle and work, I'm the kind of person who likes to find authentication even for my 'own' experiences. I'm well aware that the mind can play tricks and the eyes can lie.

Now, I actually found that authentication for my own experiences, that convinced me beyond any shred of doubt, of the reality ... but it is not solid, hold in the hand evidence that I could bring to the table to prove that reality to a non-experiencer. And this is where the frustrations originate ... and the OP (whilst badly worded), does say what many non-experiencers / non-believers think.

This is a dillemma !

I am equally certain that there is physical evidence that extraterrestrial beings have visited our planet but I believe this proof is kept under wraps so to speak by TPTB.

As for UFO's per-se ... again, I am sure that many strange things seen in the skies are indeed 'ours' ... but I believe this does not apply to all. The reason I believe this does not apply to all is because of the huge number of credible eye-witness accounts, from those who would know (pilots/astronauts etc)

And to take that to the next level ... when we hear about large 'crafts' being witnessed by one ... and yet not seen by others in the area ... who should also have been in a position to view ... my personal opinion is that it is down to 'relative perspective' on a deep psychological level.

Either way I think it was a little naive of the OP to make such a sweeping statement at the beginning of the thread ... but I think as the page numbers have continued to grow he has realized that. Being human we are all prone to error.

As Albert Einstein said,

'Those who have never made mistakes ... have never tried anything new' !

And I think the OP should be commended for having the b@lls to stay around ... take it on the chin ... and adapt his original opinion with reasoning.

There are people on both sides of the fence who would never consider adapting an opinion even when it is glaringly obvious they are in error.

You did something similar by coming back to explain the reasoning behind your first post and not taking offence at being asked to do so.


(if anyone's interested, the links to threads I made when I first joined ATS, about my own experience are in my signature below this post).

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Signals

I like to say you must be the smartest person i have ever met on the internet,you seem to have the need to know about all these objects hopping around in our skies.
So you must have data and blue prints of all these craft flying around.
You obviously are allowed to talk about this so there's no reason to not show us some back up of your claims.
Since you seem to be in the know,can you please show us pictures and video's of our pilots flying in these craft.
I really like to see them fly these so called "Ufo's".
No need to keep it secret anymore right because it's coming from you.
So if you would take the time to back up your claim with the aforementioned pictures,video's,blue prints,which i believe you obviously have.
Cause it's easy to see you know everything about them.
So thanks in advance for your documents or images or video's.

It was an honour replying to the first person i met on the internet with a need to know about all what happens in the sky and obviously under water.
I guess you have also knowledge about Uso's and the likes.
Would be cool to show us some of those blue prints etc...


[edit on 6-2-2010 by thethirdofthestorms]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by thethirdofthestorms

Thank You!

Please check out the pics I posted on Page 16.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:30 AM
Heres one for ya,yes they are all our craft all right because there are humans all over the GALAXY.We are only part of a much greater humanity that exists off our planet.We didnt create any craft we stole the technology like a caveman would steal a bright trinket,only to discover that the trinket was really a lighter and it made fire.The caveman was smart to start with thats why he stole found or noticed the bright trinket,he was even smarter to figure it out,the fact that he figured it out DEFINED HIM FROM THE ANIMAL THAT WOULD HAVE BASED ON ONLY INSTINCT WITHOUT SELFAWARE INTELLIGENCE JUST PUT IT IN A HOLE AND FORGOT ABOUT.
We arent animals we are humans and we arent a normal phase of evolution on earth,we werent created by a divine all seeing god we were created by other humans,possibly we were all created by god but they made us exist here on earth.We are based on primates natural to earth but we only use their bodies symbioticcly to enable and hold our selfawareness ,We will soon figure out how to do this and realise that we could just as easily be intelligent selfaware dolphins.

These craft were made by humans and we copy them ,but dont kid yourselves humans visit us all the time and they are intergalactic,I have been on their ships.There are certainly human races I saw that closed minded people might think were alien,but if you believe we are related to primates then what I saw wasnt alien it was simply a new race of human,YOU HAVE TO BE WEARING THE RELIGOUS VEIL TO SEE THEM AS ALIEN.

Remember that the same religons tell you you didnt come from monkeys when they knew dam well that we didnt come from monkeys but that WE ACTUALLY WERE ENHANCED MONKEYS.They tread the line in the middle playing both sides.Because they know that we were created by other humans.They can claim rightfully that evolution is a lie because we didnt really evolve here did we?The primates we were enhanced into evolved here.These religons knew for centuries that we were made by humans and how it was done,but they chose to hide that information.

We are close to learning the difference between a soul and being selfaware from a scientific perspective and as soon as the public learns that we have figured out how to put our ability to be selfaware and sentient into any living creature that has reached a certain evolutionary stage WE WILL UNDERSTAND HOW WE GOT HERE .

Watch the movie Avatar,I havent but I do know what it was designed to teach you subconcsiouly,just what I TAUGHT YOU A SECOND AGO.

We were inserted here into suitable host lifeforms that were far enough along the evolutionary ladder to accept our abilities of selfawareness and sentience.

Now we need to figure out what the minimum acceptable level of evolution is to be able to accept selfawareness to make sure we arent killing things because we forgot how to communicate with them when we were forced to develope languages.

Wouldnt it suck if we could have enhanced dolphins with our souls and carried on humanity from below the sea to avert a major surface event,but we didnt know that dolphins were the only or one of few species we could use to do that??

It doesnt matter where the ships were made because it was us we are life,we are selfaware and sentient and any lifeform on any planet that we will ever meet that is able to communicate with us will be our relative because they will just be existing in a different host ,but will be just like us,tiny poieces of genetic material that have found a way to survive by singing us into existance and having us do their bidding.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by one4all

Nice story, but it's just a story. As long as you don't bring one of your alien friends along it's just another man/woman talking the talk

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by one4all

That's a well thought out post. Thanks!

I have seen Avatar 3D...and it was GREAT...but it was just a movie.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Nichiren

and until its proven wrong it can be taken into an account as a possible theory!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by metalholic

I posit there is a pink pig orbiting the moon. Please show me that I'm wrong ...

Nice try, though.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Nichiren

his theory is more viable as there are many pics of the moon and have been plenty of observers from earth who would of noticed it by now!

but since there i sno proven theory with 100% fact of where human came from then otherworldy beings cannot be ruled out! i say prove the sumerians and babalonians wrong! they were the first peoples! they didnt have no government keeping them asleep! so therefore thats been the anaswer all along! prove me wrong!

but no one would ever admit it because it goes against the chritian belief on so many levels and we have to look out for the fragile minds of the bible readers!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by metalholic

Oh boy, your logic is so flawed it's funny. So, you say just because a greater number of people don't see a pink pig flying around the moon it doesn't exist.

I'd say that a greater number of people claim to not have travelled in an alien vessel.

See, that was easy :-)

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Nichiren
reply to post by metalholic

Oh boy, your logic is so flawed it's funny. So, you say just because a greater number of people don't see a pink pig flying around the moon it doesn't exist.

I'd say that a greater number of people claim to not have travelled in an alien vessel.

See, that was easy :-)

Have you travelled in a vessle? i don't need you to prove it just want to know if you've experienced it?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Nichiren

it can be proven that we came from aliens all you have to do is accept the fact that ancient civilizations had it right and whose to say they had it wrong? the same people that believe jesus was a divine entity?

here's a good question where did the mayans go there were so many of them! but no skeletons or graveyards can account for the disppearance of a thriving culture! so with that being said prove they wasnt taken away by there gods!

maybe there is a pink pig orbiting the moon in your consciousness but in my consciousness there isnt! but whats funny is that something that rediculous would be brought up i a conversation about something thats already been proven i could say its already proven that we came from another species similar to human look back through the records of bablon,sumerian,hebrew civilizations!

and what could you say hardly nothin but what the supposed experts say which is only speculation because who would actually want to believe what they say is true? especially if you were raised christian and with the bible!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

Yes, I have been on plenty of vessels in my life. Boats that is ...

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by metalholic

They are called Maya (not Mayans) and they didn't go anywhere. Their descendants are all over Central America.

There is evidence that the Mayan civilization collapsed under the weight of its own success, there were too many of them and not enough food.

Evidence. Real evidence. Bones and stuff.

[edit on 2/6/2010 by Phage]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by Nichiren

it can be proven that we came from aliens all you have to do is accept the fact that ancient civilizations had it right and whose to say they had it wrong? the same people that believe jesus was a divine entity?

Rather than believing and "accepting facts" I'm more interested in the scientific method. But hey, I'm not stopping you from believing in the tooth fairy. Have fun

here's a good question where did the mayans go there were so many of them! but no skeletons or graveyards can account for the disppearance of a thriving culture! so with that being said prove they wasnt taken away by there gods!

Many were gradually and not so gradually (killed) absorbed into the Toltec culture. Some aspects are not fully explained yet. I think you're jumping the gun by bringing in the gods.

maybe there is a pink pig orbiting the moon in your consciousness but in my consciousness there isnt! but whats funny is that something that rediculous would be brought up i a conversation about something thats already been proven i could say its already proven that we came from another species similar to human look back through the records of bablon,sumerian,hebrew civilizations!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like pink pigs. As to the rest of your sentence: don't believe everything that Zecharia writes :-)

and what could you say hardly nothin but what the supposed experts say which is only speculation because who would actually want to believe what they say is true?

So, I should rather believe anything that YOU say

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Phage

How's construction business these days LOL.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Nichiren

well the scientific method is highly flawed! everyday they find something that goes against anything that was thought impossible!

so have fun with that while i do go along with it myself i'am still able to see all the flaws because even science cant explain everything the only thing that can come close is mathematics!

[edit on 6-2-2010 by metalholic]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Phage

well you called them mayans yourself! so therefore you majorly contradicted yourself!

and i'am alreafy aware that they spread out amongst there surrounding areas!

and if what you say is true why do they claim that they dont have a clue why supposedly they disappeared or why there cities have been abadoned without a trace!

seems like you should be getting paid instead of the experts!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:37 PM
I would have thought that all the bickering that went on earlier in the thread would have taught people that you can't just make up some crap and tell others to prove you wrong.

When you make a claim, it is your job to evidence that claim.

I have evidenced my claim. It is your choice to accept it or not. And that is basically what this thread boils down to.
Either you do or you don't.

Either you can look at the evidence available and come to a *hypothetical* conclusion that we are being visited by off-worlders, or you can demand more evidence... or perhaps even cold hard proof. (of course we all want that)

I have no ill feelings towards skeptics who do not accept the evidence. Afterall, their stance on the subject is sound.
Of course it probably helps me along that I have personally witnessed several "UFOs", two of which were dramatic events, and I have a strong feeling that I have been personally visited while I lay asleep (I don't talk about that one too much because the topic is both taboo AND scary).

Anyhow, I'm done contributing in this thread. (unless something else pops up)

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