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Last man on Moon says Buzz Aldrin went to Mars

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by LunarLooney2010
" And then maybe ask yourself, of all the Hubble Deep Field pictures taken'... that being over a million and only about 10% released to the public, where is the one close up of the far side of the Moon with Earth behind it; and where are the close ups of the nine known planets in our solar system? Hubble can take a close up of galaxies millions of light years from Earth, but getting a true close up of anything in our solar system is impossible."

There are some photos taken of the far side of the moon, but they are from the Luna 3 mission. They are awful quality, and you can hardly make out any details. Maby because there is no light?

I think the reason there are no hubble pictures of the far side of the moon is because the telescope orbits the earth. If we dont see the far side of the moon from earth, neither can anything orbiting it.

However, I believe there are close up pictures of the planets in our solar system.(Except for gas planets, but they did photograph their moons) I'm too lazy to look up a link for that too but if you are interested you should check out a documentary series on the history channel called "The Universe". Its good stuff

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I think it would be possible for sure. The ocean is a big place, lots of room to do things undetected. If we can't use our drones and satellites to track Bin Laden then what makes you think we could track every single missle launch? The border of Pakistan is a lot smaller than the entire Ocean.

Then of course there is the space plane idea. A plane could take off and land like an ordinary plane and slip above the atmosphere when no one's looking. And for those that don't know, yes spce planes are very much possible and almost certainly in use. Even private companys are starting to build them.

You also have to ask yourself when this agreement between the Russians and the US was put in place? Was it before or after the Apollo missions? If after how long after? If Buzz went to Mars I would imagine it would have been in the early 70's

And lastly, maybe we launched from another country. People break treatys and other agreements all the time. If one of the two countrys could get away with something then they would. Remember the U2?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

Chill out.

Where did I say anything about being scared? I dont like to whack the internet dictionary out, but:

par·a·noi·a (pr-noi)
1. A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.
2. Extreme, irrational distrust of others.

So I think the question is, what are you talking about?

I was interested to know where these undocumented launch sites allegedly are, so linking me to a list of known/documented launch sites doesnt really clear anything up. Cheers for trying though!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:09 PM
would be pretty neat but unfortunately it does read as though buzz wants us to go back to mars meaning more missions not himself the person.
Hey i could be wrong but why would it be covered up it would set such a technological president (Spelling?) and could also be used to put america at the for front tech.
the world would undoubtly be astonished if such a feet was accomplished.

Would be cool though.....

maybe oneday hope im alive to see that day!!

Be Well

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:19 PM
You'er taking what he said out of context, he is saying go back as in sending more rovers, or other tech, maybe people, but he is NOT saying buzz went to mars, come people.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by humilisunus]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by sllapur

Originally posted by Damian-007
Yeah, You're right. There are technologies being hidden from us and I agree totally on that point.

But, if anyone is trying to say that a "Human" has ben on Mars already, well, I have to tell 'em they're nut's.

There is no way, no way at all that anyone has walked on Mars. We may have the Technology to get someone to Mars but, I doubt that a Human Being would last os survive the Distance. Why do you think they perform all these Excercises on the ISS? They're trying to work out how the Human Body can cope in space.

I am 100 Per Cent sure there are technologies that some Goverments are working on that are of a Top Secret nature, just like the First Nuclear Bomb when that was being developed. I'm sure there are experiments in progress that try to prove whether Time Travel, "Speed Of Light" travel are actually Viable and Obtainable.

I would rather believe Einstein when he says that "Time Travel" isn't possible because "Faster than the Speed Of Light" travel is not possible. I do believe that Time and Space, could one day, be bent and manipulated to cover great distances with ease but, we are a long way off that ever becomming a reality in our time.

I could go on and on but, I've had enough already. I'm tired and my Fingers hurt...

First, you say that advanced technology is being kept under-wraps or at least away from the public eye. Then, you admit your submission to the official stories and purposes of tests and of theories on travel.

If you realize the rate of technological advance that the public eye is having the chance to witness is extrapolated into the ability for private facilities to develop their own research, that would easily give these facilities at least 100 years of advantage over public-exposed technology.

In 100 years nano-tech, and smaller there-of, will be full-fledged practical and evident, time-travel, hyper-dimensional travel, all which are today's "round Earth" theories will find prominence in their own right or will be brought to justice by technology of equivalent fortitude.

As I said in my previous post; come on, man.

Peace, and love.

Why Oh Why are there "Silly People" that just hang on to Twisting someones words to suit their adgenda??

Do you actually have a grasp of the English Language or are you just trying to be antoginizing? 100 years? It's interesting to see that you use10 years as your timeframe. None of us will be around in 100 years so saying that is easy. You seem to be so sure, where are your Facts?

Although TimeTravel is not really possible, I am sure there is someone, somewhere trying to bend the rules to make it possible.

There is no proof that any other dimensions exist.. It's a theory. Are you aware of that? I am sure that there is someone, somewhere that's trying to prove it does exis with 100% proof.

Yes, I'll say it again, I am sure that there is technology, Mainly for our destrucion, that's being kept under wraps. I offer the Atom Bomb as an example. I didn't offer a "Star Trek" type of Transporter.. Maybe a truly portable Laser Rifle is being developed. That type of Technology would be hidden from the Public.

Anyhow, I just got out of bed to check my Email. I only came back to this thread to see what was happening.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I think it would be possible for sure. The ocean is a big place, lots of room to do things undetected. If we can't use our drones and satellites to track Bin Laden then what makes you think we could track every single missle launch? The border of Pakistan is a lot smaller than the entire Ocean.

Then of course there is the space plane idea. A plane could take off and land like an ordinary plane and slip above the atmosphere when no one's looking. And for those that don't know, yes spce planes are very much possible and almost certainly in use. Even private companys are starting to build them.

The space plane comment is smart. A space plane taking off wouldn't show up on launch detection equipment. But I also don't see how you'd get a space plane to Mars, if that's what you're suggesting.

The question asking why can we detect a rocket launch but not Bin Laden is not so smart. A rocket launch gives off a tremendous amount of energy and satellites circling the globe could detect such an infrared signature, even if it's on an island somewhere. Bin Laden gives off maybe only 100 watts of infrared so that's not something that sets off any alarms on an infrared detector like a rocket launch.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by yeti101

want me to show you where buzz aldrin talks about a monlith on the moon of mars? i can also show you a ronald reagan speech where he talks about an alien invasion bringin the human race together in unity which is what the book of the law is all about which is written by crowley who was NOT devil worshipper christians labeled him that because he does not believe in the god that THEY do just like they have done many other peoples of the world!

[edit on 3-2-2010 by metalholic]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:44 PM
I think everyone here is taking what he said out of context. He meant more missions (like another post here stated).

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Bluebelle
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

Chill out.

Where did I say anything about being scared? I dont like to whack the internet dictionary out, but:

par·a·noi·a (pr-noi)
1. A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.
2. Extreme, irrational distrust of others.

So I think the question is, what are you talking about?

I think the definition you provided just backs me up. It doesn't specifically use the word fear, but the meaning is clear. Whatever. You want to call me paranoid, have at it.

I was interested to know where these undocumented launch sites allegedly are, so linking me to a list of known/documented launch sites doesnt really clear anything up. Cheers for trying though!

Well if they are secret or undocumented then... Oh, never mind.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:48 PM
There are people on earth that have saucer technology and can travel to Mars, NASA is not the secret space program, its the one we hear about.
"Buzz does want to go back to Mars"-Gene Cernan
Buzz being key here.
Niel was the first and is very upset about something and is going to take secrets to the grave.
Neil is th main man talked sbout when talking about the moon, so why use buzz? and refer to mars? twice?

[edit on 3-2-2010 by GW8UK]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by yeti101

want me to show you where buzz aldrin talks about a monlith on the moon?

Yes please, since I've only heard him talk about the monolith on Phobos unless that's what you meant by "the moon", but usually people saying "the moon" are referring to Earth's moon. He also said some people are going to think somebody put it there, was he referring to you? Because Buzz is not one of the people who thinks that. But he's trying to stimulate interest in going to Phobos and he thinks we should go there before we go to Mars, it's less hazardous than Mars for one thing, since it doesn't have the martian duststorms.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Well what about the Norway Spiral? I'm not up to speed on the event, but from what I understand the Russians claimed it was one of their rockets. But this was only days after they said it wasn't. If I'm not mistaken some still say it was something other than a rocket. So why is there a debate at all? If we can easily detect any rocket and track them all then we should have known the spiral was caused by a rocket from the word go.

I'm just not convinced that it's as easy to track this stuff as some would have us belive. The world is a big place. It's hard to imagine we could keep our eyes on every inch of it at all times. I of course could be wrong, and if you have any links to more specific information on the subject I'd love to read them.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

i had to edit that last message yeah i meant the moon of mars! i'm not tally agreeing with this thread but keeping an open mind to the subject as i'm doing some big research that takes me from science to religion to ancient mythology to modern ocults and back to science...i read on a site somewhere that humans ned to get back to the old way

science,religion and some other things all tied into one because if you were on the path i'm on you will find one proves the other they go hand in hand you just got to know where to look! and what to look for...for example pick up the book the book of the law by crolwey! once you think you understand it you find that you dont! it takes many minds to figure it out!

it talks of a house which is a nebula planetary system anyway the number is 418 the supposed et authoring this book predicts future events dating from 1904 when the book was written anyways if you look up 418 you see a nebula with the colors that are in the book now how are the same colors in this book that are of the same nebula 418 they didnt have a hubble back then and you almost need one to see it thats the only pics i found

anyway in the book the et says i'am of red,blue,gold,and purple same colors in the pic! i'll get to all this in a thread i'm working on! have fun with that! dont sit there an eat chips and be skeptical of everyone on here do some digging! you'll see!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:06 PM
No "slip" here. Simply saying Buzz wants to go back to Mars, meaning another Mars mission. Not Buzz actually wants to go back to Mars himself.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
I think the definition you provided just backs me up. It doesn't specifically use the word fear, but the meaning is clear. Whatever. You want to call me paranoid, have at it.

I think its pretty obvious that in using the word paranoid I didnt mean it in the sense of being afraid... If Buzz Aldrin has taken a few sneaky trips to mars then I think the only thing to be afraid of would be that NASA are employing a man who cant even manage to get through an interview without casually revealing one of their biggest secrets.
But yea.. there's no need to be so defensive. I didnt say 'paranoid' with the intention of insulting you or anyone else.

Well if they are secret or undocumented then... Oh, never mind.

Umm, then what?
The guy said there are undocumented launch sites.. was just interested to see where these sites apparantly are, and where he obtained that info.

[edit on 3/2/10 by Bluebelle]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:17 PM
I recall a while ago on Coast to Coast, Hoagland predicted this exact same thing happen. He said something like...

"they (NASA) will show people how they're about to go to moon and need a ton of money, once the money they got publically someone from the government gonna shut down the NASA by claiming lack of funding. While all they are shutting down NASA they're taking all the funding they got for the Secret Space Program"

So Buzz did go to Mars (under the secret space program) and with all the budget deficit they're shutting this public face of space down. No need for it, since it was always there for a show and do simple mundane tasks.

I really do believe with all the technology at hand today (the military being ahead in technology then what we have access to for at least 20-40 years) already have technology to use UFO (reversed engineered of ET UFO) to travel the stars and certainly Mars.

This was deliberately said 2x specially towards the end by the astronaut that "we have gone to the moon" and obviously he's not part of the "secret space program" that Buzz belongs to.

My 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:31 PM
Here you go OP.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:32 PM
I am still wondering why we didn't build a space shuttle replacement in time to replace the current space shuttle vehicles.

As far as the whole concept of a new mission to the moon, that was just a gimmick by the GW regime to cover up the fact that they failed to make the necessary investments to keep our nations space program up and running. The failure of the GW regime to do the necessary things to keep our position in space exploration is just another of the massive failures of the GW regime.

I sure is strange that he is talking about manned space flight, and says that Buzz wants to go back to Mars, and makes a statement about going back to Mars twice.

It took the rovers seven months to get to Mars, Could they have sent a manned mission to Mars in the seventies. I think they could have, but why the secrecy. It is a very strange comment.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

Clearly you are taking the man out of context. I like many others only infer that he means back to robotic exploration of Mars. He does present a significant point about the loss of jobs by shelving “the back to the moon program”. Kinda makes one wonder that if we can afford to give banks and auto makers bailouts why not something for the space agency? It certainly would create jobs and interesting ones at that.
In regards to the myth that human beings have been to Mars, I understand why people believe we have been, but I can’t accept that on testimony alone.
Most recently and probably the most famous testimony is that of Project Camelot’s Whistle Blower Authur Neumann aka ‘Henry Deacon’, a purported Livermore scientist.

watch at about 15 mins to 18 mins, the whole interview is actually worth watching if you have the time.

Here’s Buzz’s testimony about the monolith.

The problem that I have with all of this testimony is that it is only that. Neumann is certainly interesting but again hard to tell if any of it could be substantiated. Bill and Kerry claim to have done a background investigation, but is that good enough? Buzz’s testimony could be interpreted; at least I do as natural phenomena not alien.

So before we go jumping to conclusions, let’s all just agree that there is certainly a lot of interesting discussion, but no scientific proof. Proof is necessary for all us to take this seriously.

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