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Last man on Moon says Buzz Aldrin went to Mars

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 05:42 AM
Yeah, You're right. There are technologies being hidden from us and I agree totally on that point.

But, if anyone is trying to say that a "Human" has ben on Mars already, well, I have to tell 'em they're nut's.

There is no way, no way at all that anyone has walked on Mars. We may have the Technology to get someone to Mars but, I doubt that a Human Being would last os survive the Distance. Why do you think they perform all these Excercises on the ISS? They're trying to work out how the Human Body can cope in space.

I am 100 Per Cent sure there are technologies that some Goverments are working on that are of a Top Secret nature, just like the First Nuclear Bomb when that was being developed. I'm sure there are experiments in progress that try to prove whether Time Travel, "Speed Of Light" travel are actually Viable and Obtainable.

I would rather believe Einstein when he says that "Time Travel" isn't possible because "Faster than the Speed Of Light" travel is not possible. I do believe that Time and Space, could one day, be bent and manipulated to cover great distances with ease but, we are a long way off that ever becomming a reality in our time.

I could go on and on but, I've had enough already. I'm tired and my Fingers hurt...

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Damian-007

Originally posted by Mr_skepticc
Amazing how a video of an old man making a misstake of words can cause so much Chaos. It was a simple misstake people, c'mon!

Yep, Spot on.

I would have said it eaxactly like you did but, my anger got the better of me.

Why am I so angry? It's because I think we should be a lot smarter than that and we, as a group, are looking like Total Morons.

Why, good sir, don't you know that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the Earth to be round!? Why, don't you know it is IMPOSSIBLE to fly? Why, don't you know that our current understanding on mathematics and physics is the absolute and complete truth and never shall we see the day when these archetypes or infallible logic are proven to be only applicable within certain dimensions? Why, sir, do you not see what is in front of your own eyes?

Really though, man...

Peace, and love.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Damian-007
Yeah, You're right. There are technologies being hidden from us and I agree totally on that point.

But, if anyone is trying to say that a "Human" has ben on Mars already, well, I have to tell 'em they're nut's.

There is no way, no way at all that anyone has walked on Mars. We may have the Technology to get someone to Mars but, I doubt that a Human Being would last os survive the Distance. Why do you think they perform all these Excercises on the ISS? They're trying to work out how the Human Body can cope in space.

I am 100 Per Cent sure there are technologies that some Goverments are working on that are of a Top Secret nature, just like the First Nuclear Bomb when that was being developed. I'm sure there are experiments in progress that try to prove whether Time Travel, "Speed Of Light" travel are actually Viable and Obtainable.

I would rather believe Einstein when he says that "Time Travel" isn't possible because "Faster than the Speed Of Light" travel is not possible. I do believe that Time and Space, could one day, be bent and manipulated to cover great distances with ease but, we are a long way off that ever becomming a reality in our time.

I could go on and on but, I've had enough already. I'm tired and my Fingers hurt...

First, you say that advanced technology is being kept under-wraps or at least away from the public eye. Then, you admit your submission to the official stories and purposes of tests and of theories on travel.

If you realize the rate of technological advance that the public eye is having the chance to witness is extrapolated into the ability for private facilities to develop their own research, that would easily give these facilities at least 100 years of advantage over public-exposed technology.

In 100 years nano-tech, and smaller there-of, will be full-fledged practical and evident, time-travel, hyper-dimensional travel, all which are today's "round Earth" theories will find prominence in their own right or will be brought to justice by technology of equivalent fortitude.

As I said in my previous post; come on, man.

Peace, and love.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
Oh yeah, and don't forget that some think that the final mission to the Moon (Apollo 17) was really looking for ancient ruins. And also don't forget that Apollo 17 is the mission where some think we found the head of a junked android!

First off I am always weary of anyone that endorses NASA this billion dollar company has always got an agenda.

Secondly, I am interested to hear where you heard the above quote.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

so, is he saying buzz aldrin is actually a martian?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 06:02 AM
I have to agree that Astronaut Cernan said "Buzz wants to go back to Mars". But where I differ in this folks is that were not looking at the big picture.

What is the story segment being discussed?

It's about cutting the NASA budget. Cernan is stating his displeasure with the budget cuts. We now cut to the commentator quoting Aldrin as being in agreement with the Budget cuts to going to the Moon. Cut to Cernan saying that he and Buzz have clashed before, but that even "Buzz wants to go back to Mars".

this is nothing more than Astronaut Cernan stating his disgust with not only the budget cuts but also with Aldrin as Aldrin has stated (in prior conversations with Cernan apparently) that "we" as humans should send another mission to Mars. There is no need for conspiratorial tones on this being "humans" or Aldrin himself going to Mars (although sending a manned mission to Mars is of course in the future plans and no secret).

Cernan is not making a mistake, he is not old and feeble and stumbling over words.. The only stumbling going on here is some wild conjecture of trying to convince us that Buzz Aldrin himself wants to go back to Mars, a place he has never been to.

People, it's a conspiracy site dedicated to intelligent reasoning of conspiratorial areas.. this is not even worth further discussion. It's a non issue with a sensationalized title based on supposition and conjecture of what the OP 'believes' is formulating in his head. One man stares at the clouds and sees a rabbit, another man looks at the same clouds and sees a horse, but in the end, it's still only a cloud.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 06:19 AM
What we are witnessing in this thread is similar to the way people take religious stories and mythology and occult tales literally. It is a desire to get information at the lowest level I think. If you just take it literally then you don't have to do any additional work. You just take it literally with no effort. Similar to the ''I saw it on television'' phenomenon.


[edit on 3-2-2010 by Cabaret Voltaire]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
Gene Crenan was the last human to leave footprints on the Moon. Recently Obama cancelled NASA's plans to return to the Moon, so Gene Cernan went on Fox News to voice his disaproval. The video is worth watching just for his take on the situation, but listen to what he says at the 3:00 minute mark!!!< br />
(sorry,don't know how to embed this)

"Buzz" Aldrin has released a statement saying that he thinks cancelling the Moon mission was the right descision, but Cernan says that "Buzz" wants to go back to Mars!!!

Cernan doesn't correct himself or stutter at all. He says it very clearly and confidently.

Some will say Cernan just made a mistake in saying Mars instead of the Moon, but given the fact that they are talking about how "Buzz" Does Not want to go back to the Moon that explination doesn't really add up. Maybe Cernan did make a mistake, but not by saying Mars when he ment the Moon, but instead that he just let the cat out of the bag when it comes to what we have really been up to.

Oh yeah, and don't forget that some think that the final mission to the Moon (Apollo 17) was really looking for ancient ruins. And also don't forget that Apollo 17 is the mission where some think we found the head of a junked android!

Maybe Gene Cernan knows all kinds of secrets... And maybe he just let one slip.

That is one hell of a FROIDIAN slip lol!!!!

Wonder if thats what he meant. Just imagine if they have been to Mars why is it secret?


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 06:36 AM
I think this just proves that space really messes up with the human mind

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:01 AM
You guys are really out in left field on this one - Cernan was simply stating what Aldrin has been advocating for the last few years (since Pres. Bush announced the "return to the moon" initiative) - Aldrin believes that would be a waste of time and resources, and believes we should skip the moon in favor of sending a manned moon mission (see here: - hence Cernan's comment - "Buzz doesn't want to go back to the moon, he wants to go back to MARS" - a poor choice of words, probably meant jokingly. That's all - nothing more.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

Total recall was a documentary, not a feature film. For one, there's clearly no cgi in it. And no one acts as badly as arnold does in that film in real life. That alone proves it was real, that is, a fake. A fake feature film, or rather, a real documentary camouflaging as fiction in order to not create panic. If people knew that was real, everybody and their grandmother would've gone to mars so they could have a chance of hitting up one a' them three-titted telepathic hookers. Now think what pleasures may be derived from a telepathic, three-titted hooker! I'm going.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:21 AM
reply to
post by fieryjaguarpaw


"Buzz" Aldrin has released a statement saying that he thinks cancelling the Moon mission was the right descision, but Cernan says that "Buzz" wants to go back to Mars!!!

Cernan doesn't correct himself or stutter at all. He says it very clearly and confidently.

Originally posted by hippomchippo

Originally posted by seattletruth
Wow. Are you people really not able to realize that as a country, we have "gone to Mars"?

Just because we didn't send a human there doesn't mean we haven't gone there. We took some metal out of country, formed it into a space ship, put it inside a rocket, and sent it over there.

Yes, our country has been to Mars.

Buzz aldrin isn't a country though.

Well I think it's pretty obvious when Cernan says Buzz wants to go back to mars he means to say Buzz wants to back as all americans do. It's like saying, well we sent probes to mars awhile back and buzz really wants to go back - as to say buzz really wants us to go back to mars with more probes.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:24 AM
It seems desperate and weird to want to read into the words of someone.
What he said twice was in context referring to continue to strive for mars and the support of such an endeavour.


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Its a 5 year trip to Mars

Dont you think someone wouldve noticed if Buzz Aldrin had been away for at least 10 years?

Edit- Or maybe that was one year? Cant remember

[edit on 2/2/2010 by OzWeatherman]

where did you read 5 years??? its 6 months to mars...look it up

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:38 AM
Wow. He's an old man, the first time he obviously meant to say moon, and said mars instead. Unless he was talking about rovers.

Also, he DID NOT Say it TWICE.

If you listen carefully at the end he said, "to the Moon and ON...TO MARS, like in the future sense.

Sheesh . Talk about makeing a big deal out of and old astronauts slip of the tongue.

Man has never stepped foot on Mars.

really nothing to see here except bad hearing, and/or people hearing what they want to hear.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:40 AM
omg he was talking about in general Buzz wants nasa to go back to mars not Buzz wants to go back to mars because he's been before. Some people read into things far too much, it's just the way he phrased it.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:45 AM
He's saying Buzz Aldrin wants to, as a country, go back to mars, and doesn't want to go to the moon... as a country. He's speaking about Buzz's views not his personal goals.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:49 AM
Its not surprising that so many former astronauts are cagey about what they do say, and who they say it to. I simply cannot believe that NASA have managed to keep a manned mission to Mars secret for so long, only to have it revealed by a throw away comment about the cancellation of a moon mission due to funding constraints.

What possible reason could NASA have had for keeping such a mission secret anyway?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by SkepticPerhaps
He's saying Buzz Aldrin wants to, as a country, go back to mars, and doesn't want to go to the moon... as a country. He's speaking about Buzz's views not his personal goals.


Back in 2004 when George Bush announced the Constellation Program, if a TV commentator at that time had said "George Bush plans to go back to the Moon", I would NEVER think it meant that George Bush personally, as an astronaut wants to go to the Moon. It would be obvious the TV commentator meant "the country/humans" would go back to the Moon.

...As for "back to Mars", that is an accurate statement. The U.S. had previously sent probes to Mars already, and Buzz Aldrin thinks that instead on spending money on sending people to the Moon, the U.S. should instead send people back to Mars ("back", because we previously sent rovers). It makes sense to me.

[edit on 2/3/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

That could EASILY mean Buzz does want America to go back to Mars. I.E. send more rovers, etc.

It in NO WAY absolutely means that he's claiming BA has been to Mars personally.

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