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Last man on Moon says Buzz Aldrin went to Mars

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:48 PM
This news kinda backs up some of the Project Camelot interviews. In the Project Camelot interviews they don't talk about a 5-7 day trip to Mars, they talk about walking through a portal and being there instantaneously, much like walking out of an elevator

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by grantbeed

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Its a 5 year trip to Mars

Dont you think someone wouldve noticed if Buzz Aldrin had been away for at least 10 years?

Edit- Or maybe that was one year? Cant remember

[edit on 2/2/2010 by OzWeatherman]

I reckon that time Buzz punched that guy, it was not really him, it was his clone.

While the real buzz was having a rare old laugh on Mars with the rest of the total recall crew.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by grantbeed]

Dont laugh, there might be more truth to that than you may think....

ah those pesky secret space missions...

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

I'm not saying that there have been hundreds of black ops trips to mars, but if they were going to do it with advanced technology, I don't think they would be taking off from florida ........

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:02 PM
Mmmmm very interesting,
It's if he slipped it in on perposs and thought that no one noticed. And then decided to slip the word Mars in again. You know he is actully making a point in saying Mars and not the Moon. I dont think it was a mistake.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:03 PM
I doubt we've sent a human past the Van Allen Belt.

The lack of radiation protection in the Apollo and Shuttle missions make it hard for me to believe we've done more than sent people to low Earth orbit.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Well what about the Norway Spiral? I'm not up to speed on the event, but from what I understand the Russians claimed it was one of their rockets. But this was only days after they said it wasn't. If I'm not mistaken some still say it was something other than a rocket. So why is there a debate at all? If we can easily detect any rocket and track them all then we should have known the spiral was caused by a rocket from the word go.

I'm just not convinced that it's as easy to track this stuff as some would have us believe. The world is a big place. It's hard to imagine we could keep our eyes on every inch of it at all times. I of course could be wrong, and if you have any links to more specific information on the subject I'd love to read them.

I read only about half the thread on the Norway spiral, but there should be no debate about a rocket being launched. If people want to debate about whether it was the rocket launch that really caused that phenomenon, I can see the point of having that debate, but in my opinion there is no real debate about whether a rocket was launched. We didn't even need detection technology to detect it, the Russians broadcasted an alert notifying everybody to avoid that area in advance, and a scanned image of that alert is in the thread.

I'm not sure if anyone can confirm this, but my understanding is that while it's no secret that we and the Russians have launch detection technology, the detailed specifications and capabilities of that technology may be secret. For one thing if we laid all our cards on the table regarding exactly how we detect, that would give an enemy a blueprint for how to try to design something to evade the technology.

But I can tell you this, in addition to infrared signature detection, there is an infrasound technology in place to monitor global compliance on the nuclear testing treaties and it has been shown that even the infrasound technology can detect rocket launches, even though it was actually designed to detect nuclear tests:

Infrasound Detection of North Korea's Launch

using the infrasound component of the International Monitoring System (IMS) set up to verify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)....

The IMS infrasound network has been able to routinely detect rocket launches....

Infrasound stations are capable of detecting rocket launches hundreds to thousands of kilometers away. They are also relatively inexpensive when compared to satellite monitoring systems. Chaparral Model 2.5 Microbarometers, for example, cost only around US $4,000 each, much less than satellites and radars, which have price tags measured in millions of dollars and to which only a few states have access. Furthermore, satellites employing infrared detection technology and radars are not devoid of false alarms.

So I'm no expert on the technology but I suspect the infrared satellite detection would be a primary detection method and as I said, such satellite coverage could easily be global. Infrasound, satellite radar and other secondary launch verification techniques might provide confirmations, or filters against false positives from the infrared detection system. And there may be detection technology that none of us knows about because it's highly classified, for example, and as further evidence to rocket launches not being truly secret, we know there are secret satellites launched. We don't know exactly what they can do of course because while their existence, or the rocket launch isn't secret, their capabilities are. Now if you list what capabilities would be of interest to the defense community, you'd have to put launch detection pretty high up on the list of priorities I would think. So it's not a stretch to consider that some secret satellites may have some advanced launch detection capabilities.

You can also find patents like this:

US Patent 6677571 - Rocket launch detection process

which reference even other patents like these:

The task of reducing the background clutter in the detection of missile launches by the power spectral density signatures characteristic of their rocket plumes is alleviated, to some extent, by the systems disclosed in the following U.S. Patents, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference:

U.S. Pat. No. 4,081,679 entitled Dual Channel Correlation Radiometer by Cohn;

U.S. Pat. No. 5,805,106 entitled Dual Polarization Wave Clutter Reduction by Baum;

U.S. Pat. No. 5,999,652, Dec. 7, 1999, Plume or Combustion Detection by Time Sequence Differentiation of Images over a Selected Time Interval, Bushman, Boyd B.,

U.S. Pat. No. 5,798,942, Aug. 25, 1998 N-Best Feasible Hypotheses Multitarget Tracking System for Space-based early Warning Systems, Danchick, Roy,

U.S. Pat. No. 5,793,889, Aug. 11, 1998, Plume or Combustion Detection by Time Sequence Differentiation, Bushman, Boyd B., U.S. Pat. No. 5,479,255, Dec. 26, 1995, Multispectral Signature Extraction Technique, m Denny, Joseph M.,

U.S. Pat. No. 5,464,174, Nov. 7, 1995, Air Defense System and Defense Missile for Such a System, Laures, Pierre,

U.S. Pat. No. 5,430,448, Jul. 4, 1995, Object Detection System, Bushman, Boyd B.

So that provides a small glimpse into the technologies involved, it looks pretty sophisticated.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

You're making the mistake of mixing modern technology with technology available around the 60's/70's.

We didn't have the kind of surveillance back then that we have now. Thermal cameras are pretty recent, at least to the point of being cheap and with enough visual quality, or enough resolution for the data to be analyzed.

You can argue that this "little" detail allows you to "run away" without being spotted.

BUT, its actually the opposite.

You see, now a company can buy, build and use something, without being traced, because the amount of resources are enough for you to slip under the radar.

But back then, someone buying the stuff need to build a rocket, WOULD be known.

Someone ordering tons and tons of rocket fuel, would be detected by someone, inside or outside the US.

Those projects are massive, and spend a lot of hours, work and materials.

Thats how you trace terrorists and other stuff, you don't "look" for them directly, you look for what they buy and the amounts.

That's why home-made explosives are so dangerous, because you can actually build one from domestic stuff, that is harder to trace. But if someone goes to a supermarket and orders 100Kg's of a substance that can be used for explosives, that sends an alert to the authorities.

That aspet also applies to the governament.

The project may be top secret, but the raw materials aren't. and those companies work under contracts. A huge project always leave trails that can be found.

The Moon project was gigantic... Now imagine one for going to Mars.

Then of course there is the space plane idea.

This is a nice theory. But that's all. A theory.

A space aircraft capable of reaching Moon wasn't possible in those days, and neither is a aircraft capable of doing a 1.5 year travel.

To the Moon, you have to worry about fuel, air, and gear.

To Mars, you have to consider MORE fuel, MORE air or MORE gear to recicle it. MORE gear and specially, logistic.

Don't forget that to the Moon, you take a few days. To Mars you take MORE than a year. Food, water and so on.

The amount of weight would produce a "aircraft" BIGGER than the space shuttle. Can you imagine something like that sliping under the radar?

Scrap that theory. Not possible.

And for those that don't know, yes spce planes are very much possible and almost certainly in use.

Yes, they are possible. Remember the Space Shuttle? That's an aircraft. Have you seen how they have to launch it? Not far from a normal space rocket.

The Space Shuttle is the perfect example of HOW an "aircraft" would have to be in order to make space travel.

And in use? Besides the SS, I doubt it. Unless you go down the UFO theories, but that's another completely different field.

You also have to ask yourself when this agreement between the Russians and the US was put in place? Was it before or after the Apollo missions? If after how long after? If Buzz went to Mars I would imagine it would have been in the early 70's

Cold War wasn't a joke. National pride and ego were used as flags back then.

If the Russians accepted badly the fact that the US won the space race for putting a man in the Moon, can you realize the impact it would have had if they said "hey...remember Moon? That's nothing. We went to Mars!".

They had NOTHING to loose from anouncing it, and the Russians wouldn't "help" the US in that. They were in proxy wars and in a cold war (wihtout confrontation). Aiding eachother is not very consistant what was going on back then.

And lastly, maybe we launched from another country. People break treatys and other agreements all the time. If one of the two countrys could get away with something then they would. Remember the U2?

Again, the size of the project prevents that.

The USSR tried to put nuclear silos in Cuba. And those are small, and were hidden in ships. YET the US intelligence picked them up, and targeted those cargo ships.

Can you imagine the kind of operation needed to transport around a rocket like Saturn 5? Besides, it wouldn't be analyzed with " cute, the americans are going for mars with a huge rocket"... They would think (since its a secret) that they are installing nuclear weapons. And making that launch in other parts of the world, would mean that the US was expanding their nuclear launch sites. Not very good to the USSR, as you can imagine.

In the end, it all goes down to common sense and how things work. Although there is secrecy, there are limits, and although most of the population isn't aware of this things, the governaments are, they just choose when to act, and "if you don't tell my secret, I won't tell yours".

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:14 PM
I still think there are clandestine Mars missions underway. I have no proof, just a gut feeling. I don't think Buzz went to Mars, he just didn't use the right words.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Damian-007

Your resorting to masqueraded attempts to insult pinpoint your intellectual stance on the matter.

I am sorry that you are not well-versed in the current state of technological and scientific development. The facts you propose I should be clarifying for you are the creme de la creme of today's public-known evolution of physics. I can only hope it is in your own best interest to satisfy your desire for knowledge.

You are assuming yourself that in 100 years either of us will be alive. You mask your own assumption in the assumption that I am assuming we won't. Yes, tongue-a-twister. Check out the latest news regarding the use of nano-technology and the such in the longevity of the human life-span, on this planet.

Good luck with your research.

Peace, and love.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:18 PM
People are saying all sorts of things.
One true lie detector: the bible.
No hand from these people touch it.

We need the internet equivalent.
Buzz knows the score and sends knuckle sandwiches to bible holders.
Will the last man greet some poor reported holding a bible the same way.

[edit on 2/3/2010 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by zara_bow
Mmmmm very interesting,
It's if he slipped it in on perposs and thought that no one noticed. And then decided to slip the word Mars in again. You know he is actully making a point in saying Mars and not the Moon. I dont think it was a mistake.

Perhaps he is confused.
And doesn't know where he was or where Buzz is supposed to go.
To go into space one must know the Moon from Mars.
Or at least know which one to propagandize.

[edit on 2/3/2010 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Damian-007
I would rather believe Einstein when he says that "Time Travel" isn't possible because "Faster than the Speed Of Light" travel is not possible. I do believe that Time and Space, could one day, be bent and manipulated to cover great distances with ease but, we are a long way off that ever becomming a reality in our time.

Then you should check watch Nassim Haramein his work about Unified Field theory. Verry interesting. He getting last years alot of support by other physicists.

Faster of light is possible in vacuum. Has already been proved serveral times that some energy's could go faster then light. Why does everyone stick to Einsteins theory's. In his model are made correction to fix his model. Nassim Haramein shows this also in his concept why this model isnt working at Field Equations

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Oxize]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:32 PM
This is the stupidest misconception ever. He obviously means that Buzz wants "us" aka NASA, to go back to mars....obviously fox news wouldn't leak someone going to mars since fox is controlled and censored by the government itself.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:53 PM
Mars instead of the Moon?

I guess Buzz should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:06 PM
Ha, 7 pages (sure to be many more) of folks so eager to jump on something, anything, that they let go of thier ability to understand basic humanity and assign some sort of authority to something as long as it can be misconstrued to shore up their personal delusions and/or fantasies.

Anyone can see what he said and what he meant. It's not brain surgery. To jump on this and say it confirms some of your outlandish and ignorant beliefs is the same as foolish special interest groups jumping on a politician when he/she says something that allows them to ignore the obvious meaning and twist it to fit their agenda.

No human has been to Mars, and face it, no human will go to mars in your lifetime (or probably your grandchildren's lifetime as well)

Look, I desire to belief in this stuff too, but no to the point where I disengage my brain in order to live in a fantasy world like most of you.

This subject needs more common sense, it has already destroyed itself through stupidity and ignorance(two different things altogether), must we continue?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:09 PM
The question we should be asking ourselves is. "Who gives a crap?"

I mean, I have to be real here from a galactic standpoint.
, No one ever cares about some Geek out in the Sea who discovers a new life form species. Why should anyone care about some dude walking around in a red desert?

I mean, it's not like we don't know Mars Exists , After all, we can see the darn thing with our eyes!!

On a serious note, if you take a look behind the curtain, you'll find that we have been up to all kinds of naughty little deeds...

[edit on 3-2-2010 by juzchilln]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:23 PM
I would think that he had to know people would pick up on his, go back to Mars statement, which requested to say one more thing, and then repeated the statement about going back to Mars.

This statement is very interesting, and should generate some web buzz.

If he wasn't talking about Manned flights, then why would he say go back to Mars, when we currently have two robots still functioning on Mars.

It didn't take a massive Apollo sized program to put these two robots on Mars, it could very well be that we wouldn't need such large programs to send men to Mars.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:43 PM
It is down-right laughable to me how many posters here think they know one thing or another...

  • Man has NEVER been to Mars
  • NASA is EVIL
  • Buzz Aldrin is ageless
  • Buzz Aldrin is demented
  • Time Travel/Wormholes/the Cubs winning the World Series: IMPOSSIBLE!!!

To quote Plato: "...As for me, all I know is that I know nothing..."

Some of you are SO smart. Must be exhausting.

I have only my beliefs, which are irrelevant amongst you. The speculation is always enjoyable, except when it's peppered with ignorance.

[edit on 2.3.2010 by ItsTheQuestion]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:48 PM
As much as I really hate it. I have to agree with Seattle back on page 1
America is so all over Mars. Like a bum in a cheap suit. It wasn't a slip
of the tongue. Aldrikn hasn't been to Mars. That's not at all what was said.
Sometimes I think Nasa is guilty of some big time game playing.
They certainly do genetrate a whole lot of clear a path and run to daylight, interference that way. The length of this thread is proof positive
of that.

Sorry for the football analogy, my money is on the Saints.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:01 PM
I think he just meant Buzz wants us, as in the US to send the form of rovers or the like, to send more Mars missions but I don't think he means manned flights etc.

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