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Last man on Moon says Buzz Aldrin went to Mars

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:03 AM
As I said above, I totally understand that Cernan meant "as a country" and not Buzz Aldrin personally -- AND I understand that "back to Mars" means sending humans where we have previously sent probes.

But obviously form the way his words have been twisted, he was not 100% precise with his choice of words -- although I don't expect him to be 100% precise.

Perhaps Cernan could have chosen his words more precisely, however, Cernan is NOT a professional journalist/wordsmith. Astronauts may be smart people, but that does not necessarily make them experts at choosing precise language -- like a journalist should.

Most people understood what he meant. Could his words be possible twisted to mean that Buzz Aldin went to Mars? Sure, Cernan's choice of words were not absolutely precise enough, and he left his words open to be twisted around. But like I said, he's an astronaut, not a journalist.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:15 AM
You need to realise we live in a world where our goverments withhold information to our public for a reason.

There have been hundreds for space missions not told about.

Did you know just the movie buisness alone gets computer hardware 2 yeasr before the public is able to purchase it, let alone know about it.

....comonnn just think of the interasting crazy things they had 40 years ago let alone now that you cant even imagin just because they dont tell you.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:34 AM

There have been hundreds for space missions not told about.

Everytime a rocket launches from Florida... The people know.
It's all documented where they are going and why...

Sure there is no way to prove they are up their doing what they stated they would but...

10,000 people at NASA know.

They all must be undercover agents......................

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

There have been hundreds for space missions not told about.

Everytime a rocket launches from Florida... The people know.
It's all documented where they are going and why...

Sure there is no way to prove they are up their doing what they stated they would but...

10,000 people at NASA know.

They all must be undercover agents......................

Just because Florida is the only known place doesn't mean it's the only one out there

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:39 AM
A lot of you seem to be stuck on the idea that we sent rovers in the past so sending rovers or even humans in the future is a "return". Not so.

Mars science labratory is still on schedual and will be launched in a couple of years. The director of NASA Charels Bolden has mentioned this specifically since the release of the budget. So talking about rovers or unmanned probes doesn't seem to make sense. We are sending more rovers. And the conversation was not about cancelling robotic missions it was about cancelling HUMAN missions. THAT is the context of the conversation.

Others talk about folding space, anti-gravity, and time travel. This is a lame attemt at derailing the conversation. What does time travel have to do with any of this stuff?

For the record it takes about 6 months using chemical rockets. Yes chemical rockets. The other poster who said it couldn't be done with chemical rockets is very wrong. How do you think we sent all the probes over the years?

Nuclear, plasma, and ion rockets have been in the works for decades. There sre even an articles from a respectable sources saying that they can get to Mars in a few weeks with their tech. Check into VASAMIR or some of the other projects using alternate propulsion.

You guys can argue wether or not this was a slip of the tounge or wether he ment something different all you want, but to say we can't go to Mars and that we would need warp drive or time travel is just retarded.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:54 AM
After Obama's dicision

USA choose not to go to the moon and just detain the others thing.

My question still stands :

Which country will be the first who will ever set foot on the moon.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

There have been hundreds for space missions not told about.

Everytime a rocket launches from Florida... The people know.
It's all documented where they are going and why...

Sure there is no way to prove they are up their doing what they stated they would but...

10,000 people at NASA know.

They all must be undercover agents......................

Florida isn't the only place they launch rockets. The military launches also. And in places that are n't documented.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:04 AM
HA HA! This is incredible, looking at his facial expression it almost seemed like he hessitated for just a second before he spoke too, like he was having some kind of internal struggle to reveal what he did. This is simply asstounding. Buzz went to Mars! Go Buzz!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:07 AM
News just in, apparently Aldrin said on his last trip to the moon; "Last guy on the moons surface is a gay."


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Common Good
He said it TWICE.

Screwing up once I can believe..but twice??


he didn't screw up

saying "We should go back to mars" means nasa the country, the usa, etc

when you work for a place for so long - it becomes a part of who you are

you refer to it as yours, and refer it to others as "we"

Even though it technically doesn't belong to you and isn't a part of you

this is just as laughable of a space conspiracy as i've seen to date.

he didn't say, at all, what the OP suggests.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:30 AM
I watch A LOT of college basketball. I talk about it all the time. And when I say, "I want to win a National Championship again." I'm certainly not talking about MYSELF. I'm talking about our team winning a National Championship for the University that I root for. The Championship banner belongs to the University ... not the players that won it. But, when I say 'I' or 'We' when speaking about the program I support, it encompasses the team itself, the University and the entire fan base that supports and roots for the program.

The same standards would have to apply to the statement referenced in the OP. When Gene Crenan makes any reference to going to the moon and uses the word 'we' I have to take it that he doesn't mean He, Himself ... he's speaking about America or NASA. And when stating that Buzz wants to go back to Mars - do you really think Buzz, at his age, would want to risk a trip to Mars. I doubt he could physically handle the rigors that astronauts have to go through. Sure, Buzz wants to 'go back' to Mars. But he wants AMERICA or NASA to 'go back'.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:40 AM
Wow, no wonder some of the folks on here come up with such outlandish stuff! When he says, "Buzz wants to go back to Mars," he was talking about a mission, not he himself.

I think conspiracy theories seriously lower an individuals Intelligence Quotient!

You guys running out of things to talk about or what?

I am never returning to this site, too many absolutely ridiculous ideas floating around here, it was fun once, but now you people grasp at every STRAW. I am sure you will get a conspiracy theory out of my post!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by amazing

he could be referring to ebe's taking him to mars remember in a news interview that buzz said there is a monolith on the moon of mars and there are some documents that state they are the actual communication between there mission to the moon and houston that state that there was an entity in the space ship with them at some point with there technology i have no doubt that he could have been taken to mars at some point during that mission it wouldnt have taken more then 10 mins to do so!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:55 AM
if you think any human being has been to mars i feel sorry for you. It takes ignorance of a collosal magnitude to think thats ever happened.

this OP is typical of the pedantic mindset of fantasists who will jump on any mispoken word or sentence becuase they have an infantile need to make the ordinary into the extra ordinary.

in a way it gives rational people an insight into the type of mindset such individuals have. No wonder they are so gullible and so easy to fool. As said by previous posters it shows how little they have to talk about. Sad

[edit on 3-2-2010 by yeti101]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Oh I love the excessive paranoia behind threads like this.

Originally posted by grey580

Florida isn't the only place they launch rockets. The military launches also. And in places that are n't documented.

Like where..?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:08 AM
Well... I am one of the whacko nutjobs who is convinced that we have been to Mars...and who knows where else.. and did not get there by being blasted into space on a pillar of fire with a dinky little capsule on top of it.

Far as I am concerned, anyone who thinks that after 40 years we are still using old fashioned rockets to get into space is massively deceiving themselves.

The reason Zero decided not to let NASA do the Moon project could be that he knows what the real capabilities are and saw no sense wasting the money on the "public" sham space program. If so it is the ONLY thing the idiot has done that I agree with.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:19 AM
It seems most of you are just making replys without reading the thread, so I'm not even sure why I'm posting this... again.

Cernan didn't say "we" he said "buzz", and more importantly even if he meant we as a country or as human beings then the meat of the issue still remains. You can't return to something if you havn't already been there.

In the sports comparison mentioned above, if you were to say "I hope we when the championship AGAIN this year." then that would mean that you had won it in the past.

And no he is not talking about droids! As I explained in my last post, we have not cancelled our robotic missions, we have cancelled our manned missions. If he was talking about rovers then Gene's comments wouldn't make any kind of sense at all.

Oh, and by the way, in case you didn't know, this is a conspiracy site. If you don't want to read this kind of stuff then why are you here?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by grey580
Florida isn't the only place they launch rockets. The military launches also. And in places that are n't documented.

You need to familiarize yourself with JDEC. USA and Russia notify each other about rocket launches in advance. Both countries have launch detection technology that could lead to an unfortunate misunderstanding if a rocket launch takes place that is misinterpreted as a nuke attack, so we both know of each others' launches whether the other country tries to keep it secret or not. So we agreed to notify each other in advance of launches of all space vehicles etc:

Joint Data Exchange Center (JDEC)

The Memorandum Of Agreement Between The Government Of The United States and Government Of The Russian Federation On The Establishment Of A Joint Center For The Exchange Of Data From Early Warning Systems And Notifications Of Missile Launches established a Joint Data Exchange Center (JDEC) in Moscow for the exchange of information derived from each side's missile launch warning systems on the launches of ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles. The JDEC is also intended to serve as the repository for the notifications to be provided as part of an agreed system for exchanging pre-launch notifications on the launches of ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles.

If anybody thinks we can keep the launch of a rocket powerful enough to send something into space a complete secret, they're dreaming.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
Oh, and by the way, in case you didn't know, this is a conspiracy site. If you don't want to read this kind of stuff then why are you here?

The reason I joined the site was because of an interest in finding out if any UFO sightings might be the "real thing" or alien spacecraft, there are lots of good contributors on that topic. And as a side note I found the comments by people who thought man had never landed on the moon to be somewhat humorous and entertaining, though a little bit sad at the same time in showing ignorance and gullibility.

But I have to agree that some of the gullibility has reached new heights in some of the comments in this thread (not referring to you specifically by the way) if people believe there have been manned missions to Mars and are basing that on evidence from what could be just a slip or a misinterpretation of an interview. It's almost past humorous and entertaining to the point where it's almost scary how little excuse people need to form an outrageous belief.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Bluebelle
Oh I love the excessive paranoia behind threads like this.

Paranoia? Why would I or anyone else be scared over this? What paranoia? What are you even talking about?

Originally posted by grey580

Florida isn't the only place they launch rockets. The military launches also. And in places that are n't documented.

In response to this you said:

Like where..?

Here's a list of some of the known launch sites.

Does that help clear things up a little?

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