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Iran has brought down an unidentified shining object over the Persian Gulf

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posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:55 PM
I think the fact that this was in Iran is enough to say that this wasn't a ufo but instead a satellite, drone, or some sort of spying equipment...

Its too much of a coincidence really...I mean with everything going on. Or maybe it was Iran launching its own objects and shooting them down to show the world that they have the power to counter-attack any attacks...

Interesting indeed but supernatural/extraterrestrial I highly doubt...Who knows if they are even going to find it in the ocean or leave it underwater...either way, whosever it is must be pissed that it was shot down and or discovered...

The fact that there was three though raises a few eyebrows..

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:01 PM
Many thanks to the OP for the post. S & F.

Considering -- as others have mentioned -- that there is a major meeting going on at the UN in NYC today, and also that today is a major anniversary day for Iran, I am wondering if the report is even true and whether there was any shoot-down at all. Granted, it could well be true, but there is also the possibility that it's been put out there to test media reaction. After all, the timing is awfully coincidental.

On the other hand, if it's true that an object was shot down, reporting it as "unidentified" doesn't have to mean that the Iranian authorities do not know what it was; it could also mean that they know darned well but are obliquely informing whoever sent those three flying devices that they got one of them and it wasn't simply lost due to a malfunction.

I am interested in the lack of information about what happened to the other two. The conjecture on this thread in that regard is interesting, but as usual we lack information. But again, I find the report of a military aircraft crash remarkably coincidental and strongly suggestive of a black op attack.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by hisshadow
The aliens should be ashamed at being downed by an rpg


Thats what I'm saying >.>.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by aleon1018

I've often wondered if the so called Mahdi are actually from Draco. The Iranian flag has a strong resemblance to a horned Dragon. To me anyway.

Actually, I would think a Draco or reptillian craft would look more like a Wraith craft.

What fantasy land are you living in? You talk as if Draco/reptilian/wraith or whatever is real. GET A GRIP MY MAN!!! Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

On topic, Israel is ignorant, not stupid. They won't be shooting down any planes during these events.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:09 PM
the answer to why there were 3 shiny objects:

1- if iran shoots down one with a missle battery, the other two move on to locate other missle batteries...

2- it takes a minimum of 3 to triangulate the exact location.

make sense?

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:18 PM
If those are spy anything, they have failed miserably. Let's put super shiny spy planes in broad daylight over our enemies? I'm thinking not.

There is a reason our own stealth fighters are painted black.

I doubt it's a spy anything.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:24 PM
Come on people. The entire world is trying to have just one, just a single good picture of a real UFO to prove to the rest of the world they exist.

We are unable to certify if these ships if they exist can be tracked by radar. For so many years we want to find them and we cant either shot one down or photographe one. (Dont tell me we did, dont tell me you know some one who knows, dont even talk about it if you dont have proof of what you are saying and proof is not the internet copy paste articles)

Now you want me to believe it was a UFO?

This is what I think:
- They shot down an intel drone.
- Who ever sent it know of the possibility it was going to get shot.
- They sent 3 drones? (Hey guys look a us we are right here 3 of us can you shoot ud down lol) Real covert operation here.
- They wont dare say anything until they are sure who sent it.
- if it is Alien tech. Rest assured they will not talk about it. It is way to important to reveal to the rest of the world until to can get something good for yourself first to have a tactical advantage.
- Why did they actually ackknowledge that?(They want who ever sent it to know they are on their trail)

So for now, its just a bunch of talking for nothing. We have no info, no pictures, no reliable source with hard evidence.

Worst case scenario trigger for an attack on israel. Consequence the states rallying behind israel and to finish WW3.

I am the first one to wants to find out. I was always a sketical and like in the bibble I will only believe the day I can put my fingers in the holes made in his hands ... So when Jesus appeared to him he asked him to touch and see for himself it was not a lie (I ask God every day to let me see it for my eyes). Only when someone finds undeniable proof will I totally believe. Im not doing this for any one else but for myself. I want to prove to myself and only myself that im not crazy that these things I keep dreaming/fealing about are maybe real since my childhood. I want to believe I am not alone ... or is it just in my head and im just slowlly going crazy like people around me tell me...

My gut fealing they exist. Again this is not the proof we are all looking for.

EDIT: The lights Iranians are seing near their Nuclear facilities are nothing else then drones or surveillance equipement. Dont you think the other super power want to know. Just like you did for USSR remember ...

[edit on 22-9-2009 by NIGHTRID3R]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Raider of Truth

You missed my point. I didn't say it was wrong that the UFO's *might* have retaliated. I was just disagreeing with the previous poster who said they had 'never retaliated'.

There was apparently LOTS of retaliation going on in the 50's and 60's.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by FreezeM

How do you "force" something to plummet out of the sky?

Based off the wording, i am more inclined to believe this is some kind of satellite...

missiles blow stuff up...not "force it to plummet"

just saying

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by fleabit

If those are spy anything, they have failed miserably. Let's put super shiny spy planes in broad daylight over our enemies? I'm thinking not. There is a reason our own stealth fighters are painted black. I doubt it's a spy anything.

I wouldn't call it a failure if they were deployed intentionally with the sole purpose of being shot down.

As pointed out before, it could be a logic reasonable way to detect missile battery locations.

The reason stealth fighters are painted black is probably because they're not deployed intentionally with the sole purpose of being shot down.


posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
If those are spy anything, they have failed miserably. Let's put super shiny spy planes in broad daylight over our enemies? I'm thinking not.

There is a reason our own stealth fighters are painted black.

Our stealth fighters are painted black because they fly their missions at night. They would lose their advantage if they flew their missions in broad daylight. (and I also think it has something to do with the "radar absorbing" paint also)

Here's a link to a silver u2 spy plane, ... Silver U2, and a picture of a black U2 spy plane, ... Black U2

Different colors for different operation times.

This was a daytime operation.

[edit on 9/22/2009 by Keyhole]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:40 PM
Found this article and thought it was interesting. Notice the date on the article.

Please note: I am not claiming that this is reputable site nor am I claiming that this was some sort of prophecy....


Friday, September 5, 2008
IRAN Will Shoot Down UFO's

The Iranian government has announced that it has ordered its air force to attack UFOs which are being seen near Iranian nuclear facilities in substantial numbers. Air Force Colonel Salman Mahini has said "all anti-aircraft units and jet fighters have been ordered to shoot down the flying objects over Iran's airspace."

UFO fever has swept Iran since last summer. There have been hundreds of sightings of glowing craft at low altitudes, a significant number of which have been close to nuclear facilities.

Iran is assuming that the unknown objects being observed are US aerial reconnaissance vehicles.

The Iranians had better hope they shoot down UAV's and not ET vehicles!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Hmm shot down into the sea. I wonder how deep it was and if they have accurate coords about where the thing landed. The find of the century could be lost at the bottom of the ocean :/

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Lazyninja

a couple of pages back a poster said the sea is average depths of 150-200ft, so if its at the bottom, im guessing it wont be too hard to find.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by FreezeM

If they were UFO objects downed then the media and Kentucky Fried Chicken should advertise this to the world with certain catch phrases like "NATURAL FORCES!" and "WILLY-NILLY!" from Bertrand Russell's famous quote "All governments, whatever their political complexion are at present willy-nilly in their grip of natural forces which can only be dealt with by a degree of intelligence of which mankind hitherto has shown little evidence."

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by GezinhoKiko

Well that's good. I'm hoping that the Iranians have the tech and the inclination to dig it out. Although my gut feeling is that they wouldn't bother to dig a UAV out of the ocean. Keeping my fingers crossed for a followup story to this though.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:54 PM
i bet it has a 4 / 6 stroke diesel engien and a wing span of 15ft
takes about 3-5 fellows to put it operational and towards its target
and its tax payer friendly compared to the predator and yields about the same damage.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:03 PM
Plenty of claims of UFO's as opposed to Drones here - sounds like the standard first basic Iranian news release.

More of the same article LINK

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:09 PM
not that easy to do.

mobile sams are a problem with that scenario. Depletion of ordinance against useless drones would be an effective strategy though, so maybe.

If they can build fast drones for less than a million a piece and get Iran to use up their sunfires at 3 or 4 million a piece, then that is a battle worth waging.

It's empty drones vs missiles.

hooray, no death and no weapons left at the end!

now that would be something!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:13 PM
I just hope it wasnt an ET spacecraft;
You dont want to piss off the ET's....

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