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Iran has brought down an unidentified shining object over the Persian Gulf

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posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:37 PM
I'd bet my money this was "set-up" by the U.S and/orIsreal, to start a war.

US/Isreal pushes- (by sending UAV's into Iran airspace)

Iran throws the first punch- (by just shooting something out of the sky without even knowing what it is.)

Heck if they never find it (which is reasonable to think), the US can say oh that was just an off course cessena on a leisure flight, shot down with no warnings to turn back)

Rally the troops.

A small false Flag attack, just to rally the populous.

Buuut, I don't think the American public is in ANY mood to back ANY war against ANYONE without concrete proof that we were attacked first, and not by our own.

I'd say this story has a 1 in 100,000 chance of haveing anything to do with E.T.'s, and genuine UFO's.

Then again this story may just fall right out of the media as soon as it ppped up, and we won't hear a word of it against until Iran is launchind Atomic Bombs our way in about 5-8 years. (that being the 1 in 100k odds they did down something with advanced tech to back engineer). Again unlikely, but makes for a nice story.

**Edit** You know what scratch all that, there are much easier and more believable ways to portray a false flag attack then going through the Iranian controlled media. You want controll and spin over the story. So the best way to do this would be for the US to shoot down an Irainian spyplane/ recover it, take pictures of it, ect. Much easier that way. So, after thinking of this....

I have no idea whats going on, need more info.

[edit on 22-9-2009 by Nola213]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Nola213

I agree, no way is this the false flag to start a war. If they wanted to do that, they would attack Pitts, or Denver, or NYC, or DC with this supposed terror cell, and then they would trace the explosives back to Iran!

Nope, this is just a cowboyesque shoot first, identify later event!! I am with the other posters that said it would be funny if Iran discovers their 12th Iman in the wreckage!

I do see some terrific logic in the idea that this was a probe of their radar defenses, and it could have provided vital information for an upcoming invasion of Iran! If we see the false-flag happen now, and a subsequent air attack in this same geographic area, then we will know for certain!!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:44 PM
Regardless of what it turns out to be, I don't know why people assume if we shot down an ET craft, they'd react by attacking us. I'd think they would be intelligent enough to realize that they are in our airspace, and having already witnessed our missile capabilities, they would expect to shot down, if they were thus exposed. Probably a risk they would be well aware of, and not go nuts and attack us if we did so.

But anyways, doubt it's anything ET.. aside from the fact that it probably wouldn't scratch it, that's some pathetic maneuvaring after other reported cases.

My guess? They shot down a large mylar balloon.

I wouldn't rule out chinese lanterns, however.

That song 99 red balloons has merit!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:52 PM
the reports are vague enough one would have to conclude the Iranians could not identify it, so that rule balloons of any kind I would think. Military hardware from Isreal or the US is a more reasonable assumption but why fly in threes and risk all three and aren't most of those drones flying high enough not to be shot down this easily. Not being identifiable is what gets me here, what is flying around not being identifiable by the military with all the tech they have?

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by fleabit

Regardless of what it turns out to be, I don't know why people assume if we shot down an ET craft, they'd react by attacking us. I'd think they would be intelligent enough to realize that they are in our airspace, and having already witnessed our missile capabilities, they would expect to shot down, if they were thus exposed. Probably a risk they would be well aware of, and not go nuts and attack us if we did so.

That is bad logic. You are far more advanced than fire ants or bees. Have you ever witnessed their attack capabilities? I know I have! Have you ever violated their space accidentally or on purpose? Were you attacked? Did you wander away knowing you had put yourself in danger, or did you retaliate with advanced chemical weapons that likely destroyed their whole community?!?

As humans, we often find ourselves wondering why aliens or gods don't communicate with us if they are so advanced. I am far advanced over my dog, and the ants in my yard, and the frogs in my pool! I cannot seem to communicate with them even to help them save themselves!!

I am also fully aware of the dangers of spiders and ants and bees, and I am aware of where they live, and I often find myself invading their space, and as a resolution for my invasion and their defense, they often find themselves cruelly murdered by chemicals, or my boots!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by FreezeM

I've been seeing a commercial for an upcoming show (on History I think?) saying that we send a satellite into space every week and sometime in the next hundred years space is going to send them back... Wonder if that explains some of the glowing lights people are seeing lately. I said SOME

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I agree. Reminds me of that movie "Mothman Prophecies" when the guy who wrote the book on the mothmen says when asked why they dont explain themselves, " have you ever tried explaining yourself to a cockroach?"

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:10 PM
They may have been Isreali or American drones spotting and updating moveable and not so movable targets in Iran.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty

Originally posted by hisshadow
The aliens should be ashamed at being downed by an rpg


Thats what I'm saying >.>.

C'mon ppl...
"Shiny objects" mean "shiny on the radar", they don't use RPGs or AK-47s to shoot down planes unless they are very close (or parked) to some well prepared soldier.
To shoot down a drone you'll need some state of the art radar guided missiles (that Iran has)

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:28 PM
Had a lot of fun looking into this.

Given the political and military tension between Israel and Iran, it only makes sense that they shoot anything down they see. I don't blame them. Israel's been talking about a strategic preemptive strike, Iran is suspicious of Israel. 1+1, right?

As far as a 'Made in the USA' stamp, I didn't realize we in the US still possessed that stamp. If it was from the US, it will be stamped with "Made in Korea, Taiwan, or China".

And, apparently, Iran has had quite an interesting UFO history. Until we learn more on what transpired, we're all just guessing. In the interim, take a look at some of the Iranian UFO info. Start with wiki, follow the sources, have fun!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by FreezeM

Great watch Iran of all places touch off a inter galatic war.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by FreezeM

Great watch Iran of all places touch off a inter galatic war.

Well, 1/2 the people on ATS will find a way to blame it on Israel!

An intergalactic "false-flag" perpetrated by Mossad through their interstellar counterparts to further the NWO!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
reply to post by FreezeM

I've been seeing a commercial for an upcoming show (on History I think?) saying that we send a satellite into space every week and sometime in the next hundred years space is going to send them back... Wonder if that explains some of the glowing lights people are seeing lately. I said SOME

What you're referring too is "space junk" that we have put in orbit around our planet. Eventually most of it will hit our atmosphere and burn up on its way down to earth. There are tons of space junk flying around up in space, and yes I agree that something falling from space would be lit up from burning up on its way down but we have not been sending things into space long enough for any of this stuff to actually come back down upon us.

Back on topic... How much information do we really have on Iran's military supplies? Honestly, I would love someone to link me to some info on what we believe they are capable of doing. I can't see Iran shooting down a possible US/Isreal flying object (being general here since we have no idea what it was) since Iran is no match for the capabilities the US has alone. A war with Iran would be over so fast, however I am not saying that they wouldn't do any damage to surrounding countries or even the US before going down fighting.

I think all this talk about a possible war starting sometime soon, especially over the info talked about in this thread (which none of it has been backed up for the most part) is just peoples opinions and shouldn't be taken so heavily.

I will not rule out war as a meaning of this all happening, if it indeed did happen at all, but common! If they (as in world leaders and the elite) wanted a war with Iran, they would have it with no problem. It wouldn't be easy to figure out the correct plan to use to get it going, but after the plan was made, it would be executed without any issues.

All in all, we need more information on this, and I would like to see this wreckage when/if it is found. And as I previously stated, most of the Persian Gulf is 300ft deep OR less, meaning some sonar, dive teams, and underwater cameras could find this supposed wreckage without any problem. I honestly think an amateur dive team with the right equipment could find this 'aircraft' if it does truly exist. So expect to get the full story soon, or to be lied too completely, or to just not get the full story ever...

[edit on 22-9-2009 by highlyoriginal]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:47 PM
In a perfect universe, Iran would have shot down their 13th Imammy or whatever-they-call-him and in response, the 'Mahdi' would open up a major can of whoop-azz all over the 'Islamic Republic'.

Oh well, I can dream can't I?

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by FreezeM

Great watch Iran of all places touch off a inter galatic war.

Well, 1/2 the people on ATS will find a way to blame it on Israel!

An intergalactic "false-flag" perpetrated by Mossad through their interstellar counterparts to further the NWO!

And why is that so unbelievable and hilarious to you? Certainly there is a great history of such events occuring.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:07 PM
This is very very interesting.
Keep us posted.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by silo13

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by fleabit

I suspect their sandles got tangled in the cockpit and they missed the other two as their fingers left too much food on the controls. Maybe they has braised lamb.

Allah be braised!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:19 PM
This is very very scarey,
It was either US Israeli or the little green men themselves.

Whicever one it was was shot down, which leaves open only one probable if long fused outcome an escalation of some kind.

I kind of feel it was just drones of some kind, or a Radar Test to test the defense etc before an actual raid. However I am sure the Iranians did everything and are they could to recover any debris, as it would be a propoganda and intelligence minefield.

So the lack of further information is very bizarre indeed.

The lack of coverage on MSM just shows the truth of media in the world, whatever the homeplace of the objects this is probably the most important news in the last 6 months worldwide, but not a murmur, a press lockdown is taking place it seems pan continent.

Does anyone know anyone in Iran, or the iranians who recently added to the Pictures (iran ) thread, could you guys get some more info from Iran itself, the word on the street and other media?

Kind Regards,


[edit on 22-9-2009 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

This guy is from Iran. I'll U2U him.
[pride]Thanks for remembering my thread.[/pride]
Edit: He's already posted on here somewhere.

[edit on 22-9-2009 by and14263]

[edit on 22-9-2009 by and14263]

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