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Originally posted by skeetontheconspiracy
DHS reporting in here.
Personally, I would never turn my gun on a civilian, unless there is evidence pointing out they are terrorists, armed, and my life is in danger.
The question I lose sleep over though is; when does it stop being terrorism against America and become patriotism for America?
Under today's laws, the patriots during the revolutionary war would be deemed terrorists.
I hope I never get that order.
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I dont fear the military. If, and thats a big if, a rogue element tried to take over the gov they would be our only shot. My post was not a bash on the military. Not at all, nor the soldiers, my father is a disabled vet. He is disabled directly from the Vietnam war. He went back on his own. My post was just my outlook. If it came down to it, yup some soldiers would disobey. The majority would not. People like power and you give them power over anyone they will take it.
Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by shug7272
shug, it's not our military you should fear. They have officers and NCO's in the chain of command.
I was former military, former SF, and if anyone is to be feared, it those who have no officers or NCO's to settle things down. I won't have a commander, nor a sergeant to direct my actions.
And worse than me will be the predators. Those without any history of discipline, without any sense of right and wrong, without any sense of limitations.
The military is the least of my concerns, and should be the least of concerns of any American.
Originally posted by Epsillion70
So I dare say when literally TSHF there is going to be lines drawn in the sand etc
Yeah, there could be situations where nobody outside of your humvee is a good guy.
On a thread recently where I asked military-related questions, I noticed several military people with an ' us against them ' attitude towards civilians. These posters weren't suggesting violence towards US civilians, but obviously didn't have too much respect...
That's an ominous thing, no ?
[edit on 27-7-2009 by Epsillion70]
Originally posted by Moshpet
The other thing is, riot control, anti-looting operations, peace keeping and similar actions are with in the legal realm of orders that would have to be obeyed.
If a mob attacked the soldiers under those conditions, they would be justified in defending themselves. A mob has no conscious and is more like a wild animal, there would likely be deaths and injuries as an 'organized' group defended themselves against an untrained mob.
Would the soldiers be at fault during those kind of operations? No.
The other side of the coin naturally is what becomes an illegal order?
If say in the course of breaking up a riot, a commander orders an all out assault using belt fed weapons tanks and so on. When lesser force will accomplish the same task; then it becomes an illegal order.
Now if the same mob had significant firepower and were giving the commander and troops sufficient cause to think their lives were in jeopardy, an all out attack in self defense is a legal order. However, once the threat was stopped, any further use of force would be criminal.
Now as for herding folks at gun point to line them up and shoot them, just for population control.... No, I really doubt any of our troops would willingly join in. The sane ones anyway. There are always some nut jobs who would do it if they could get away with it.
Basically as long as the mission is peace keeping and so on, and their lives are not threatened, I don't think any of our troops would need to fire their guns. But there is always the likelihood of some dolt with a gun 'starting something' on either side.
[edit on 27-7-2009 by Moshpet]
Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
There has been light discussion on many boards lately on a very disturbing subject.
I know that there are a lot of people on this site who are very anti military and anti war, and thats fine.
I have run across some disturbing posts though, from people who seem to think that I am in the minority in thinking, that if SHTF our American military brothers and sisters in arms will stand beside its people, and turn on its handlers.
There seems to be a prevailing theory that people in the military are mindless idiots, or zombied out killers , who will follow any orders given to them regardless of what it is.
I try not to get heated about this subject, because I myself am former military,and its been my experience that as a code of ethics you REFUSE any order that violates that.
I also know that an officers oath in the military is to protect and obey the CONSTITUTION over anything the POTUS might hand down.
I know I might have missed a lot here,and left some things out.
So here it is: USAF, USMC, NAVY, Coast Guard, US ARMY, all reservists , all vets and current military, WOULD YOU if ordered by the United States government, turn on your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and friends...on your COUNTRY , If the order was given to do so? Or would you fight back against TPTB, to protect our sovereignty and people from tyranny?
Would you willingly round up people say, who wouldnt take a flu vaccine, and assist local police in arresting said people?
If the people rose up against the government, would you stand beside us and help us restore our freedoms? The freedoms we were sworn to protect when we took our oath? Or would you help the government quell the uprising?
I look forward to the answers.
Also to the anti military crowed out there, were trying to get honest opinions please, try not to flame on this thread, and derail it........debate is great, wreaking havoc is not!
Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
So here it is: USAF, USMC, NAVY, Coast Guard, US ARMY, all reservists , all vets and current military, WOULD YOU if ordered by the United States government, turn on your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and friends...on your COUNTRY , If the order was given to do so? Or would you fight back against TPTB, to protect our sovereignty and people from tyranny?
Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Im really looking forward to some of the replies on this subject. Im not in the military but a few of my friends are, and I know that they wouldnt consider firing on other Australians.
People just assume the military is an organisation run by mindless zombies who cant think for themselves, when they are a group of individuals with different thoughts and beliefs
Originally posted by SOXMIS
Interesting questions OP, I've had a quick browse through the replies and I have to say that all of the replies from current/serving military are flawed in that they are speaking of personal, individual points of view. The military is not made up of individuals, it acts as a single entity. While its okay to say " I would never open fire on my own people" the truth is you would not know what you would do until you were faced with the reality of a situation.
Having served with the British military for a number of years I've seen both my own countrymen and the Americans do some pretty terrible things. 91' pretty much finished off any childhood dreams I had of serving in just and noble causes. Much soul searching and digging around history has brought me to the conclusion there is no just or noble cause. When the jackboots come to my door I'll tilt my head and let them put an end to all. I'll not get any more blood on my hands whether it be innocent or guilty. Taking life is wrong, let them be the sinners.
The last point I'd like to make is that when the situation is right and the time has come the majority of the worlds military, irrespective of their country, will do whats expected of them, that's what they are trained to do. The inner search for the rights and wrongs goes on after and when its too late to change whats done in the heat of battle.