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CALLING ALL MILITARY! Former and current!

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posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:39 PM
hey im in the united states marine corps i wont give you name for safety reason and security reason. if you dont belive i am well i can tell u some stuff to belive im 20 years old my unit is clb2 2mlg and we are deploying to afganistan very soon. Now back to the subject its hard to belive but most people dont know that there are marines and probably people in the military that do belive this stuff most people think that we will just kill if we are order to.. in a way ur right becuase there is alot of people in the marine corps that are brian washed to just think we are the best and we destroy anything in our past.. technically that is true becuase the marine corps is a military force that is the only one that can be put anywhere in the world with out congress signing any thing.. that is why we are called the presidents own. but any who they do brian wash to think that we kill anything that is an opostion to the "united States Goverment". me personaly i get out in 2013 if they tell me to kill us civilian i kno for a fact that im not and would join the oppostion. in decemeber to january we are havin a MANDATORY swine vaccine in the marine corps and i kno a me and a few of us in my unit are not taking it. the marine is #ed up mentaly even myself is brain washed becuase i hate the marine corp so much but i cant wait to deploy cuz i just want to kill i am a a motor t operator that signed up to be a machine gunner in afghanistan. PLEASE DO NOT POST THIS ANYWHERE ELSE THANK U. if u got any question let me know. p.s THERE ARE PEOPLE in the military thats eyes are open and we will be here in the fight with civilians when TSHTF. OOHH RAHH MARINE CORPS lol

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by The Soothsayer

First Revolution was not fought by USMC, USAF, USCG, USN, national Guards.
It was fought by the Militia, WE THE PEOPLE, using our guns. That is the reason for the 2nd Amendment, that we the people can rise up in armed conflict against our Government to secure and return our freedom.

If the People rise up, you are saying that you the Military will be justified in stopping us from protecting our lives and our freedoms?

And are you saying you will fight for us? Because you are more trained?

We fought once and won, we can do it again. But all of you will wait for them, when they have already demonstrated we are no longer in America.

How many will die before you do what you gave an outh to do?

My family has served in every branch of the Military, we stand only with Americans and will defend them all.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Ex military...Viet Nam era vet, serving in these four branches of service; US Air Force, 4 yrs... Air Force Reserves, 2 years... Air National Guard, 7 years... US Coast Guard Reserves, 3 years. I have Four Honorable discharges!
Final rank at discharges, E4.E5,E5, E6.

Today I consider it all a waste of time and effort. Would I stand with my neighbor? Or with the Military? Would I support the President? ( not this one I wouldn't!) I am more of self preservationist...and would act accordingly.
I do not trust any politician or party line.

I am very friendly with the local police, and am a member of a gun club. I have Conceal and Carry Permit. The police know about my weapons, and what I have. We have shot together. I'm a better shot than most of them...I am also older than most as well.

DON'T WORRY ABOUT TROOPS ROLLING INTO TOWN, AND AIMING WEAPONS AT THE POPULACE. If that day happens, all bets are off, and the nation as we know it would be history! It'll be Civil War part two!

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Never would I kill one of my countrymen Just because the government asked me too. Former USCG, I joined to save the lives of my countrymen. I would never turn my back on the promise that I made to myself and the oath that I made to the constitution.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 05:19 PM
USN, 6 years. E-5 at discharge, (Honorable).
I would do what any member of the Military would do, use my own reasoning to decide if I was just given a lawful order and if not, go-to the next level in the chain of command.
Happened once in my stint in the Nav, I was supervisor of a weekend crew assigned to do 14 day inspections, I was out sick, mono, and without me the guys refused to work, (squadron morale was low)
They were charged with mutiny, reduced charge to failing to comply with...
The ringleader went to Leavenworth, the rest to CCU for 30 days.
Point is, nobody gets away with disobeying a direct order, even if its a bad one, the lifers have all the cards and if they say to go, you better go, they have their ideas of what a lawful order is, and by God, yours had better agree with it.
Or you will go to prison, or worse.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:34 PM


posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:39 PM
It is not the Military that you have to worry about... it is the cops. More to the point it is the Fed cops that are the worst. FBI, ICE, Marshals... if it is a federal job you have the ones that will obey "orders" without much question.

I recently turned down a job with the US Marshals for that very reason. I believed that one day they would ask me to do something that was against my moral code. Which includes anything that goes against the Constitution. A vast majority of the people I was dealing with gave me the impression that they cared more about their jobs and money than they did about what is right. Most of them even put their jobs before their families, IE wife and kids. I'm not saying that they are all like this, I'm sure some are not. I was just seriously diappointed and freaked out by them.

One story they told me was about going to arrest a "tax evader". At least that is what they IRS named the guy. The Marshals were tasked by the Fed courts (we all know they do the right thing) to bring the guy in. When they got there they found guns, bobby traps, and all kinds of stuff. Including a bunkered 50 cal on the roof of the guys house. A little over the top right. Maybe not? The Marshal telling the story called the guy crazy and a wacko and blah blah and I had to think to myself... who is the crazy one? The guy trying to protect his rights and live by the Constitution or the guy that follows blindly the order of a corrupt government.

I know which one I think is the crazy one.

Watch out for the Fed cops. And this is coming from a Sheriff's Deputy.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:46 PM
Real soldiers don't take bad orders?


Then real soldiers would all say NO to Iraq's invasion right?

Did you say NO Iraq vets?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by LAUGHING-CAT
Happened once in my stint in the Nav, I was supervisor of a weekend crew assigned to do 14 day inspections, I was out sick, mono, and without me the guys refused to work, (squadron morale was low)
They were charged with mutiny, reduced charge to failing to comply with...

You must admit though that there is a fairly large difference between refusing to continue doing the inspections without you, which was a lawful order, and refusing to go out and round up civilians and/or shoot them, which is not a lawful order.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:54 PM
First I'd like to say that this thread is a long time coming !!!
I'm so tired of people berating our military personnel.
Do I think they would become traitors and round up American citizens if told to do so? NOT FOR ONE SECOND !

Their job is to protect our FREEDOMS and THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. I fully believe this is why bush/cheney left quietly. I'm sure cheney had much bigger plans that included extending his length in office but when he realized he would need the support of our military, he reasoned that his plans would not come to fruition. Our men in women in the military are much too honorable and intelligent to be cheney's puppets.

You can hate the wars and the government but ALWAYS support our soldiers. As far as I'm concerned, if you hate our soldiers, you're a traitor to our country and the Constitution.

"Our soldiers stand between the light and the darkness so we need not fear the night"
"Our soldiers stand watch without fail so we may sleep in peace"
"Our soldiers sacrifice in the hope our children need not"

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Real soldiers don't take bad orders?


Then real soldiers would all say NO to Iraq's invasion right?

Did you say NO Iraq vets?

I don't know why I'm even bothering but
We ALL were lied to about Iraq....remember ????

And keep in mind invading iraq is not the same as invading the United States by it's own military.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Real soldiers don't take bad orders?


Then real soldiers would all say NO to Iraq's invasion right?

Did you say NO Iraq vets?

How many times did Iraq violate the Desert Storm cease fire? Practically any one of the thousands of violations would have justified the invasion of Iraq and the accompanying regime change.

Operation Iraqi Freedom was only necessary because of dereliction of duty by Collin Powell and George Bush, Sr. They could have removed Saddam Hussein in 1991.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Real soldiers don't take bad orders?


Then real soldiers would all say NO to Iraq's invasion right?

Did you say NO Iraq vets?

How many times did Iraq violate the Desert Storm cease fire? Practically any one of the thousands of violations would have justified the invasion of Iraq and the accompanying regime change.

Operation Iraqi Freedom was only necessary because of dereliction of duty by Collin Powell and George Bush, Sr. They could have removed Saddam Hussein in 1991.

And if you remember, General Norman Schwarzkopf recommended that they continue their campaign into Bagdad and take out sadam or "we'll be back in 10 years to do this all again". Schwarzkopf was reprimanded for questioning bush sr.'s orders. As it turns out... HE WAS RIGHT !
A lot of people need to be charged with crimes for this whole debacle and none of them are US soldiers.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by CharlesMartel

Dont forget that Clinton could have taken care of it as well, and Osama.

But George Bush is the devil right? Look I dont agree with everything Bush did either, but i find it pretty hypocritical that people can look at Bush and say its all HIS fault and ignore the things that took place with the presidents before him, and their failure to address the problem. HOWEVER , when it comes to Obama, everything thats going on right now is BUSH's fault , the president before him. as i said on another forum STOP THE HYPOCRISY!

We did what we did, and what we thought we had to do.

Its still a different ball game when you are dealing with your own people, and your own nation, as bad as that sounds, its the truth.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 09:21 PM
It is heartening to hear all these views that you would not turn on your people. But if I could ask a question. What happens when the order to shoot comes? You have to have group consensus in order to properly resist that order and will probably be given no time to ponder it. In such an extreme scenario it's doubtful you would be jailed, much more likely you would be shot on the spot as an example which would pull all other dissenters back in line. So how would you be able to resist and refuse when your survival instincts kick in? I know that's a bit extreme, but then the whole scenario would be very extreme.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Tuntavern3
hey im in the united states marine corps i wont give you name for safety reason and security reason. if you dont belive i am well i can tell u some stuff to belive im 20 years old my unit is clb2 2mlg and we are deploying to afganistan very soon.

So, you don't post your name for "safety and security reasons" but you post your unit and that you're deploying soon.

Wind your neck in, Boot. You're skylining yourself and your unit.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:17 PM
Well I am not ex military but I will give my 2 cents on this matter. I will be blunt and use as much fact as I know. please Bear with me on this has it has everything to do with the subject at hand.

Source Wiki..........


1.[T]he people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and their own state, or the United States, for the purpose of killing game; and no law shall be passed for disarming the people or any of them, unless for crimes committed..."


2.Similarly, in a released Senate report on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Senator Orrin Hatch, chairman, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the Constitution

The "right of the people" to assemble or to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures is not contested as an individual guarantee. Still they ignore consistency and claim that the right to "bear arms" relates only to military uses."When our ancestors forged a land "conceived in liberty", they did so with musket and rifle. When they reacted to attempts to dissolve their free institutions, and established their identity as a free nation, they did so as a nation of armed freemen. When they sought to record forever a guarantee of their rights, they devoted one full amendment out of ten to nothing but the protection of their right to keep and bear arms against governmental interference.

Now.... what does this mean? It means that in case our Government of this land or any other Government of foreign land We have the right to remove them... by force if necessary. If they infringe upon the Constitution. It is not only our right but our Duty as a nation be it Civilian or Military to uphold the Constitution at any cost. This was the main purpose for the right to bear arms. The other being to hunt for food. To keep our government in check.

So to answer the OP's question..... Anyone in the military or militia has a obligation to the Constitution. Above everything and Everyone!!! else. To do so otherwise they them selves should be arrested.

To be Blunt... This is going to happen no way around it folks. As others as stated you had better worry more about local officials and Law Enforcement Officers. They are the ones that will have the most knowledge on local population habits and so forth. Everything is already unfolding as we speak.. in the current Health Care Bill If one does not carry insurance they will be fined yearly for 1000 bucks. IE If you was born in this country and have a Life you must pay someone to have a Life or live in this country. either the government or a cooperation. This alone is a direct violation of the Constitution.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by -Reason-

I believe we just got our answer on how this will go down - and who will be ordering whom to shoot. A French General was just appointed the command NATO in Norfolk, VA. Used to live there ... This is NATO's HQ. NATO has NEVER had a foreign general commander in the U.S.

Well, I guess we can stop worrying about it all...foreigners will shoot us, as in every other war, except the one between the states.

Here is the link

[edit on 29-7-2009 by skycopilot]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:20 PM
I too am not Military but here is what happened with the "Bonus Army" when confronted by some "Major Players" in history. It wasn't necessary, but it happened & certainly makes U wonder, Why???

[edit on 29-7-2009 by Moosemose]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by skycopilot

Alexander, who never lost a single battle, campaign, or war, said it best:

"I fear an army of sheep led by a lion more than an army of lions led by a sheep."

So there's a French general in charge of the local NATO force?

Then that force is NO force.

The French fighting ability is legendary. No one country has lost so many battles, campaigns, or wars as has France.

I much rather have a French general in charge of NATO (should change the name to MATO - Mostly American Treaty Organization) here on US soil than a real general who just may know how to fight.

Maybe he brought with him some French tanks - one low gear forward, and six in reverse.

This news doesn't exactly have me shaking like a dog passing a peach pit.

I am chuckling, though.

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