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POLI: Crime - What Are The Netherlands Doing Right?

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

A minority of people use drugs in the Netherlands.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by TheBandit795

Yeah just the criminals...and crime solved.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

No it's not just the criminals. It's more than that. In fact I'm inclined to believe that lots of criminals do not use drugs.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by TheBandit795

Well I would respectfully disagree and say most criminals probably use drugs.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Probably.. but not everyone who uses drugs should be treated as a criminal. That kind of thinking has gotten us into the mess we are in with drugs cartels and gang warfare.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Solidus Green eye

I bet they don't know what their kids are doing because they're overworked. Am I wrong here?

That seems to be a bit of a problem in the US, at least. Most parents don't have time to be parents. They are far too busy working 1 or more full time jobs, because in our society, keeping profits high is more important than quality of life for kids at home. And of course we can't "bail them out" with welfare cheque's, because being a mother/father doesn't count as a job

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by secretagent woooman
The Netherlands' crime rate is low because they have a passive approach to law. Too many arrests for a particular crime and they decriminalize it, not the greatest management technique.

There is so many things wrong with that statement, it's ridiculous. I live in the Netherlands and they have certainly not decriminalized rape, burglary or murder. It is ludicrous to even suggest that. Also, please note that Amsterdam is not the Netherlands. Most towns frown upon drug use and have near enough banished coffee shops.

I think for the most part prosperity is a reason why crime is not as high elsewhere (although a dutch person might disagree with your vehemently as they think crime is rife everywhere). Poverty and gross inequality is a great incentive for people to become criminals. Decriminalizing drugs and prostitution is also a reason but there are more factors involved as to why the numbers are lower.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
I think for the most part prosperity is a reason why crime is not as high elsewhere (although a dutch person might disagree with your vehemently as they think crime is rife everywhere). Poverty and gross inequality is a great incentive for people to become criminals. Decriminalizing drugs and prostitution is also a reason but there are more factors involved as to why the numbers are lower.

Maybe we need a cultural exchange, like they do in schools but with adults instead. Some Dutch people come here for a year and some English go there. Then we'll see if the Dutch people think their country has a high crime rate
I bet they'll see how bad it is here and go running back to the Netherlands pretty sharpish

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:12 PM
The only way to reform crime is to burn the criminals on stakes!
OR put them in animal like conditions with worse criminals

That will teach them a lesson

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:13 PM
Did any of the Dutch members just saw Nova? it was about police getting harrased by youth during nightlife (not the opposite) ..about 2 or 3 police officers getting beaten up by groups of drunken kids and how the police wants to collaborate with bar owners. it was in relative small cities(Tilburg) ..In Amsterdam you have mobile arrest teams during nightlife better prepared from the start..I'll say send the dogs! asap ..teach 'm some manners btw in the Nova program the host made the comparison with the US were police is more respected and feared.The host asked whether the officer was jealous .He answered "yeah well more respected but the criminals over there are more often armed with firearms"..

[edit on 25-5-2009 by Foppezao]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:58 PM
So here's another question should police carry more painfull/fearfull weapons like tasers (the Dutch police is experimenting with it not sure whether to use on largescale)..since a firearm is a last resort(or for shooting kneecaps as Weelders proposed) and a baton or pepperspray not always to hear comments from both sides of the ocean (and downunder

[edit on 25-5-2009 by Foppezao]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Lebowski achiever

Originally posted by secretagent woooman
The Netherlands' crime rate is low because they have a passive approach to law. Too many arrests for a particular crime and they decriminalize it, not the greatest management technique.

There is so many things wrong with that statement, it's ridiculous. I live in the Netherlands and they have certainly not decriminalized rape, burglary or murder. It is ludicrous to even suggest that. Also, please note that Amsterdam is not the Netherlands. Most towns frown upon drug use and have near enough banished coffee shops.

I think for the most part prosperity is a reason why crime is not as high elsewhere (although a dutch person might disagree with your vehemently as they think crime is rife everywhere). Poverty and gross inequality is a great incentive for people to become criminals. Decriminalizing drugs and prostitution is also a reason but there are more factors involved as to why the numbers are lower.

Agreed... This is the sheeple my crap don't smell mentality that is based upon speculation and old tradition schemes... My good old USA can't brag about our stats,
unless you like more inmates - higher crime

Deny Intelligence!

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:27 PM
Primeminister Balkenende is a spineless clown and NWO puppet.
Dutch law is a shame: its extremely tolerant.
Dutch police is very very lazy.

Thats why we closing prisons.

Bold statement? Live in the Netherlands all my life, believe me: Holland sucks big time. We do some things right also on the other hand:

We are a rich country (altough we stole our fortune in Africa and the East in the past)
We have some great thinkers and intellectuals (no no not me, thank you very much)
We legalized soft drugs, thats something every country should do. You are pretty stupid to use mariuana tough, you will find nothing in it. Nothing.
Fire arms are illegal.

We, the people of this crazy tiny stink hole, are capable of organizing a massive protest if the government is f***g us from behind to hard, and they know it. Our government is very afraid of angry crowds of people, stability at all cost!
Now there is a lesson to learn from the Netherlands, forget crime levels and prisons.

Never use violence.

Good luck...USA

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Kaytagg

Hmm I really don't know that, but a fact is that most 1st generation immigrants, were the hard labor workers. they were a great help to our economie in the 60st I believe? Ill have to look that up.

But I don't know if the parents are overworked or not, I think they just don't have a clue of what their kids are doing out on the street.

They come home to eat , and then go out again, returning to home to sleep, often when the rest is allready in deep sleep.

And a thing I should note, the parents often come up with very harsh punishment for what their kids did, because respect plays a big role in their family's. So I can image that they absolutely don't want their parents to find out.

Ofcourse I can only state things from what i've heard, seen, and been told by these guys themselfs. I had to work in a project once with some of these typical guys. One on One some were a good fellows, but when their friends showed up it was back to 'gangsta' mode again, if I can say it that way.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Isn't there birth rate lower too?
Could it be that lower family size = children that get the attention they need and schools that are less overwhelmed? Laws that encourage prosperity and time off, just everything equaling less stress?
I think making plants illegal is ridiculous.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by hadriana

Again the figures are per capita and so it makes little difference.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Think reasonably and logically in sense of these statistics.

More than 80% of crimes are drug related in the United States.

Think think think think

So if nobody got arrested for possesion, than the crime rate would drop by 80%?!

Lens flare....

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
Isn't there birth rate lower too?
Could it be that lower family size = children that get the attention they need and schools that are less overwhelmed? Laws that encourage prosperity and time off, just everything equaling less stress?
I think making plants illegal is ridiculous.

Don't know if the birthrate is lower my wife and I have 6 childeren. And I know lot's of people with more than 2 kids.

Much schools are overwhelmed. The primary school of our 2 daughters is closing their doors for new kids because they don't have that much space for any more kids. And we do have lot's and lot's of primary schools in our neighbourhood and every school has the same problem. The amount of kids in a classroom of our youngest daughter is at this moment 32. So 32 kids about the age of 6 years are being teached by one teacher.

Laws that encourage time off? Yes there are possibilties but they aren't encouraged. For example : when my youngest son wil become 4 years old than I as father have the right to take more time off from work. And that's okay to me BUT before I can do that I need permission from my employer, I need to fill in a whole bunch of forms and papers AND I need to inform our tax authorities about this else I have to pay for it.

So what I want to say is this, yes there are possibilities but the most of them are only available for people who work.

And I believe that the OP needs to split the amount of crimes in two different groups. A group of people who work 40 hours (or more) a week and a group of people who do not work at all.

And I think that the crime rate is much higher in the group of people who do not work because those people really do have the time to do things against the law.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

As if someone like Willem Holleeder who is one of the biggest, and the most known criminal in the Netherlands, currently on trial for racketeering and extortion uses illicit drugs. I doubt it.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Think reasonably and logically in sense of these statistics.

More than 80% of crimes are drug related in the United States.

Think think think think

So if nobody got arrested for possesion, than the crime rate would drop by 80%?!

Lens flare....

Nope sorry not seeing it. The netherlands has drugs but the crime figures i quoted were for murder, burglary and rape. So are you saying that people do all of those in the USA because of drugs but in the netherlands they don't?

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