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Us Marine Drill Sergeant Boasts Of What They Will Do To Civilians Under Martial Law In The Usa/monta

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:50 PM
Backyard gardens to the rescue? Or will they be gone, too?
The EU's final blow to traditional farming is the list of 'official' vegetable varieties. Seed that is not on the list cannot be 'sold' to the 'public' and it costs thousands of dollars a year to keep a seed variety on the list, effectively bankrupting all the small seed companies catering to organic and backyard gardeners. This allows the mega-corporations to profit from every backyard garden. Corporations even have governments the world over collecting seed so they can patent the varieties. The Global Diversity Treaty is the method used. “Voluntary Royalties” are levied on commercial products the developed but the funds will be devoted to “conservation efforts” and not payments to the original seed owners! In Mexico Monsanto, Cargill and Maseca-ADM have just signed an agreement establishing regional seed banks. Livestock patents are also planned. The Patenting Sentinel and Action Service (PSAS), a part of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) has geared-up for patenting in the animal sector. The USDA is providing the DNA for patenting by requiring 4-H kids to submit DNA samples of their prize livestock. Cloned and patented livestock is already showing up on consumer tables.

What progress have the giant corporations made?
By using factory farming methods the EU overtook the US as the leading agricultural exporter in 2003. In 2006 it became a net exporter. Brazil, the third largest exporter, with the world’s largest agricultural trade surplus, has set its sights on the US. JBS- Swift's pending buyout of National Beef Packing and Smithfield Foods beef operations will lead to Brazilian control of nearly one-third of all US cattle slaughter, and propelling it to the top as international beef exporter.

Foreign control of US food
The top four American hog packers increased their national control from 33.6% to 61.3% while the spread between farm and retail prices expanded from 50-cents per pound to more than $2 per pound. This caused the number of U.S. hog operations to decline from 667,000 to 67,000 factory farms. The proposed purchase by JBS- Swift will pare the number of major beef packing companies from five to just three. The key is the “captive” market, animals either owned or contracted to packers. Currently, packers have 60 percent of the market. By the USDA implementing WTO reg to force out family farms, majority control will shift to the big three who will set the price for cattle. The regulations will also prevent individuals from growing their own food animals. The FDA has recently indicated it will follow in the USDA's footsteps preventing the growing of “unregulated” veggies.

Fighting Back
American farmers, warned by their beleaguered counterparts in Europe and Australia, are fighting back, much to the surprise of the USDA. Despite $138 million spent on propaganda and bribes to states, tribes and breed associations, grassroots opposition has managed to get Anti-NAIS (animal ID) legislation through some state legislatures. The Farmer-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is suing the USDA to stop the first phase (NAIS) in the US. Farmers can not do it alone. If Americans want to continue to have safe, plentiful food they must support farmers right to continue growing food without the USDA and FDA interference. They must contest US involvement in the WTO. A treaty that is detrimental to the best interest of the US is Unconstitutional. Reid v. Covert, October 1956, 354 U.S.

SENDING COMMENTS TO OBAMA MAY HELP. Send the comments about NAIS, the National Animal ID System.

Stop NAIS!

The Farmer-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Agriculture and Monopoly capital:
Manufacturing Food Crisis:
List of 'official' seed varieties:
Global Diversity Treaty:
Monsanto's Seeds of Worry:
The Battle to Save the Polish Countryside:
JBS Swift’s buyout:
ISO and Similar Certification Schemes:
Probing the Limits: ISO 9001 Proves Ineffective

What is Depopulation?
Depopulation (slaughter) Procedures:
Guide to good farming practices:
Safe and Secure Food Act of 2005

Aims to ensure that governments do not use quarantine and food safety requirements as Unjustified trade barriers:
From Congressman Jim McDermott's web site: Former Presidential counsel, John Dean, spoke of America sliding into a, quote, ``constitutional dictatorship,'' close quote, and martial law

Food Supremacy:
How to manufacture a food crisis:
Empire of Burgers:
Federal Government Debt:
Cloned Animals:
“StarLink maize was found in food aid distributed by the WFP. StarLink is banned for human consumption due to possible allergic reactions. GMOs were found in more than 80 percent of samples sent to the laboratory”
USDA is moving toward supporting fewer labs nationwide

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:56 PM
JFJ, You missunderstood, I did not say invade I said invited and that makes all the difference does it not. There have been all manner of rummours flying around of foreign troops already in the US for just an occasion like Marial Law being declared. It would not be the first time that foreign troops have been used to control the masses.

And again why would American servicemen and women be any differnt than all the others who have commited crimes against the people. As I said remeber Waco, I don't recall anyone there refusing to gas and burn American citizens. If someone is brainwashed enough into thinking you are a threat they will treat you accordingly.

And another example, look at the increase in Police brutality, missuse of tasers etc. that is a classic indication of what is to come. You remeber the vid where a cop tasered a driver and then threatend to tase the drivers pregnant wife. Well those are your clues and its rather worrying that so many here believe that the Police or the army would not do such things when they are already doing them.

If ML comes its sounds like its going to be a pushover for the perps. All the sheeple believing no one will harm them because they trust the system so much. Hand over your guns, you homes, your families, your freedom and liberty, we don't want your minds we already control those.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:57 PM
this is by far their most effective weapon and it costs nothing to institute. I refered to this very thing in the other post about the u.s. voting against food as a right...

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:08 PM
I think in the right context a trained soldier in any of the US armed forces could and would fire on everyday citizens. All it would take is for the higher command to give bad intel which paints the targets as hostile(WACO). You're probably thinking "Yeah, but if I saw an unarmed kid I would know better" well what do our soldiers think when they see an eight year old Iraqi boy running towards there position given all the suicide bombings and youthful opposition they face day to day. My point is most military who have done time in Iraq are already conditioned to accept an unassuming civilian as a possible threat. If things get any worse there could easily be an uprising of sorts here and this would be perfect for those in power to label us, all of us, as possible terrorist/traitors/threats.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
JFJ, You missunderstood, I did not say invade I said invited and that makes all the difference does it not.

Foreign troops would NEVER be invited into the United States to help with any type of illegal martial law as the American citizens would not invite them.

And again why would American servicemen and women be any differnt than all the others who have commited crimes against the people.

Just like the vast majority of Americans, military personnel are good people who would not participate in illegal activities.
I would never be part of martial law, would you? Would any of you?

And another example, look at the increase in Police brutality, missuse of tasers etc. that is a classic indication of what is to come.

The problem with that is those police who have done illegal things have lost their jobs, been charged with crimes, etc..

If ML comes its sounds like its going to be a pushover for the perps. All the sheeple believing no one will harm them because they trust the system so much.

The vast majority of the American public does not trust our government. Just look at how unpopular the current administration is. So NO, we don't "trust the system".

Hand over your guns, you homes, your families, your freedom and liberty, we don't want your minds we already control those.

Actually this has gone in the opposite direction.
Gun rights advocates have won in the courts.
Several sections of the Patriot Act have been shot down in the courts.
Guatonamo is being shot down in the courts.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Buddy420
I think in the right context a trained soldier in any of the US armed forces could and would fire on everyday citizens. All it would take is for the higher command to give bad intel which paints the targets as hostile(WACO). You're probably thinking "Yeah, but if I saw an unarmed kid I would know better" well what do our soldiers think when they see an eight year old Iraqi boy running towards there position given all the suicide bombings and youthful opposition they face day to day. My point is most military who have done time in Iraq are already conditioned to accept an unassuming civilian as a possible threat. If things get any worse there could easily be an uprising of sorts here and this would be perfect for those in power to label us, all of us, as possible terrorist/traitors/threats.

An American soldier knows the difference between a human-bomb in a foreign country, and a local citizen on his skateboard. After serving in the Army for many years, I would guess there would be a few "hardcore" soldiers that might obey such orders, but the vast majority would not.

Unlike some countries where teaching your soldiers to hate a nationality or religion is SOP, that isn't the case in the U.S. Soldiers are not idiots. I can't imagine any story the government could drum up that would make them attack civilians.

The ONLY way I could possibly see this happening, is if they created a situation so dire, that desperate Americans did actions so severe, they left them no choice. And I don't see that happening.

I wouldn't take some bragging Marine's babble as gospel.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by fleabit

Very good points.

You know, it almost sounds like some people here actually want to see this happen ???

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by alienesque

its been done before in countless countries..i cant see why the US should be and different..people are people..

We have something called "Nationalism" here. If you live in New York city, in the swamp of Mississippi or on a farm in Kansas, you identify yourself as an American. You have military units made up people from all over the country. It is easier for other countries to pull this becouse for centuries they have a sense of tribalism. Ask anyone who has immigrated here what tribe or area their family is from. You will find that their family has lived in the same area since the dawn of time.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by unity1

A good reason to support the NRA and the 2nd Amendment. And just so you all know, here are the numbers.
1. U.S. Military- 1.5-2 million

2. Local, State, and Federal law Enforcement 600,000

3. Civilian gun owners 95,000,000

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:22 PM
hitler made people torture and kill their own families.... it can be done. Put fear into people and they will do almost anything.

not everyone... and I hope to god america is different. but its hard to know for sure.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by sciencenewby
hitler made people torture and kill their own families.... it can be done. Put fear into people and they will do almost anything.

not everyone... and I hope to god america is different. but its hard to know for sure.

Hitler factionalized germany into germans and jews. I don't know of any instance when actual family members tortured each other however.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by unity1

this is by far their most effective weapon and it costs nothing to institute. I referred to this very thing in the other post about the u.s. voting against food as a right...

I read it. There is no way the Powers behind the USA would allow that right. It conflicts with the removal of the right to farm.

If you add all the pieces of HARD FACT it does not look good.

The devaluation of real estate and the banking collapse has already been done to death.
This thread has touched on the use of US military within the borders


Published: Saturday, February 23, 2008 Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other's borders during an emergency, Canada-U.S. pact allows cross-border military activity Sec. 1042 of the Act, "Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies," effectively overturns what is known as posse comitatus, a law, passed in 1878, that prohibits the use of the regular military within the U.S. Borders. In 2006, the Military Commissions Act was passed which, in addition to legalizing torture, allows the president and military courts to declare anyone an enemy combatant without basic civil rights like the writ of habeas corpus. Kellogg Brown & Root—then a subsidiary of Halliburton—was handed a $385 million contract to establish "temporary detention and processing capabilities"

On April 18, 2008 Federal law enforcement agencies, sheriffs offices as well state and local police forces in three states coordinated a vast round up called “Operation Sudden Impact” that result in hundreds of citations for traffic violations.

The we have BIOTERRORISM as a weapon

The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, has been examining the concerns raised by West and others as part of its probe of the safety of U.S. labs working with potential bioterrorism agents.

The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense have stated that there will be a choice given to Americans about whether they want to be vaccinated “in the first round in which the pandemic has not gotten away from us. In the second round, when it has gotten away from us, there will be no choice and those who refuse vaccination will be quarantined indefinitely.”

The federal government and a private laboratory say they have no duty under Florida law to protect the public from anthrax or other lethal materials.

Should doctors be allowed to play God? In the case of a flu pandemic — yes, say government officials in a new report. Doctors know some patients needing lifesaving care won't get it in a flu pandemic or other disaster. The gut-wrenching dilemma will be deciding who to let die. Who will die in the event of a pandemic? The very old, seriously hurt, severely burned and those with severe dementia, according to an influential group of physicians. The group has drafted a grimly specific list of recommendations for which patients wouldn't be treated.


CWRA (H.R. 2421, S1870) would expand the scope of the law to include the following: "all interstate and intrastate waters, including all non-navigable waters…activities affecting these waters…, are subject to the legislative power of Congress under the Constitution."

I already touched on life patents and RFID chipping plants, animals and humans.

There is Kissengers Population control report

Given politicos lie and the recent lack of sunspots we can add the incentive there is the possiblity of a mini Ice Age. (NOTE: the politically correct term is now "Climate Change" and not "Global Warming"..HMMmmm makes me suspicious.)

There is the 100 year Gleissberg cycle =YES

And the Milankovitch Theory
Gov't on Milankovitch Theory
Milankovitch Theory Refuted
NASA on Milankovitch theory

Seems I am not the only one who see the writing on the wall.

the automaker Mitsubishi, which also controls the second largest bank in the world, has become one of the world's largest beef processors, demonstrating the degree to which capital has flocked to the agribusiness sector. Source: W. Heffernan, "Concentration Of Agricultural Markets," Unpublished paper, Department of Rural Sociology University of Missouri-Columbia (October, 1997).

“....big investors are "hurriedly moving their wealth out of stocks and shares and into farmland...." The Times article suggests that, "Across the world, hedge fund managers, property developers and other investors" are all ready to buy up British farmland.

Barton Briggs, one of Wall Street's most legendary investment strategists, is advising the rich and powerful to buy up farms and stock them with "seed, fertiliser, canned food. wine, medicine. clothes etc." (and the "etc" would seem to mean guns to keep away the rest of us...)

And have a Merry Christmas/ Happy New Year.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by crimvelvet]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by unity1

A good reason to support the NRA and the 2nd Amendment. And just so you all know, here are the numbers.
1. U.S. Military- 1.5-2 million

2. Local, State, and Federal law Enforcement 600,000

3. Civilian gun owners 95,000,000

I'm a friend of numbers but let's not forget the military has BOMBS!

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by evo190

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by unity1

A good reason to support the NRA and the 2nd Amendment. And just so you all know, here are the numbers.
1. U.S. Military- 1.5-2 million

2. Local, State, and Federal law Enforcement 600,000

3. Civilian gun owners 95,000,000

I'm a friend of numbers but let's not forget the military has BOMBS!

and having bombs has worked so well in Iraq and afghanistan

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:47 PM

3. Civilian gun owners 95,000,000

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:49 PM
As an ex Marine Corps Sgt. with 10 yrs of active duty I can tell you this is BS!!

The Marine Corps is designed from the ground up to be first in and first out, they are basically at the beck and call of the commander in Chief "the President of the United States". Is Barak going to put us in camps?? I don't think so and


You would have mass mutiny in every military service especially the Marine Corps if you turned on our people! Don't give the Corps a bad name.

If a drill instructor did say this to you and I doubt it hes a dumb*.* and so are you for believing it, and more so for posting it.

Thats my 2 cents.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:57 PM
Been reading and following much of what has been posted and disscused here and other sites for quite sometime time now. And I'm really of the mind that nothing will really make any difference unless the majority of our citizens wake up and began speaking out on the sad state of affairs...or is it to late for that....sometimes I wonder about that. Im not really sure what ...if anything can be done at this point to reverse or change the course of any of the plans to destroy our nation as we know it. Maybe it starts with somehow changing the Executive Orders that have been signed...if thats at all possible...does anyone know if thats possible or is it any sort of option? Id really like to know just what, if anything can be done to reverse the planning of so many years by the powers that be....I dont post to often but I do follow most of the posts in regards to this subject and really welcome hearing any solid ideas of how to put those in power on notice that the plans they have wont work and have a plan to back it up.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:58 PM
I just laugh at all the people saying no Marine would ever fire on US citizens. Anyone believing that has absolutely zero knowledge of history.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Red Cloak
I just laugh at all the people saying no Marine would ever fire on US citizens. Anyone believing that has absolutely zero knowledge of history.

Nobody here has said that.
Marines have a code of honor and most of them are very good people.
Can we say NONE would follow illegal orders? Of course not.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Red Cloak
I just laugh at all the people saying no Marine would ever fire on US citizens. Anyone believing that has absolutely zero knowledge of history.

Maybe so but; only under bizarre situations under extreme circumstances of which I can't imagine. If the Marines are lied to and they think they are protecting other citizens then I might see where they could fire on us. But you can't keep up a lie especially asking Marines to take action against their brothers.

Always understand the military people are US in uniform serving their time in dedication to our country, NEVER FORGET THAT!

There are too many people who have a screw loose and watch way too much tv. I see a lot of paranoia on these boards and it makes me mad when they begin to believe our military brothers and sisters are our enemy. Someone mentioned in their response to this bs post that the military has a numbers problem and this is true. There are way too many military trained civilians like me who have an arsenal in their homes AND CAN USE IT EFFECTIVELY. I do have an small arsenal but I know it will never be used against my countrymen.

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