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Just wondering, why do so many of you seem to hate Jesus?

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posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by dominicus

Angel Of Lightangelo just admitted it.

Please tell me you are not this dense. You do not know a joke, however unfunny it may be, when you see one?'

Either way, it is obvious what I was saying was that if anything I am growing to hate the name or this thread, but not the person you are refering to. No one hates Jesus. You have had enough time to prove it and you have not. There is no Jesus hate going on.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 09:41 AM
After reading the recent posts- Congratulate me... I am not a fallen angel, and I think Jesus stinks on ice- purely for what has been done to me, and what his people do to me (and get rewarded besides!). Unanswered prayers, my life being mocked in all I do- watching my artistic and other talents fail when others with 1/10 the talent make it HUGE..... It's like I have Rod Serling for a roommate. I have prayed nearly nonstop for my life to be somewhat normal- and I have been slammed harder and harder. Jesus saying 'ask, and it will be given' is a load of bunk. I have asked, and all i got was a kick in the balls. Then I get long lengthy lectures about how I could be cursed, and that can be screwing things up, or it's this, or it's that, or I didn't crap the right stuff this morning.... "ALL POWERFUL" shouldn't have to wrestle through problems like that. Which means a) Jesus isn't anything more than a fairy tale, and i have been screwed by listening, or b) Jesus Doesn't give a rat's rear about people like me- and thinks it's darn funny watching me thrash around alone, poor, and upset.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 09:50 AM
Dominicus is right...

Either way, it is obvious what I was saying was that if anything I am growing to hate the name or this thread, but not the person you are refering to. No one hates Jesus. You have had enough time to prove it and you have not. There is no Jesus hate going on. - angel of lightangelo -

Their is always hate going around, filthy, nasty, sexy, hate thats quite abundant, especially, now-a-days. If some of that hate happens to land on Jesus' shoulder I'm sure he wouldn't lose too much sleep after brushing them haters off.

Besides, I think I proved 'it' by saying that some, or most, if not all demons/fallen angels/satanists do hate J.C.

Anyone reading this post cannot disagree with the above statement. Unless you don't believe in that sort of "nonsense".

" If your like a pimp ***** go-on brush your shoulders off, Jesus your a pimp to go-on brush your shoulders off ".

-Jay Z- (with a lil bit a ME)

[edit on 11/22/2008 by CSK222]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by wylekat

Do not blame Jesus. That would be like blaming Cinderella because you did not enjoy space mountain. Jesus did not exsist so to hate him is silly. Even if he did, you do not know he has/had anything to do with why your life sucks. His followers suck but the next time you go see a band you like, try to make friends with everyone there. You will find there are jerks everywhere following someone. Jesus' followers have just had a lot more time to grow and practice this crap. It is not his fault.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:35 AM
How do you hate that which doesn't exist? Do you hate Zeus, Osiris, Odin, Vishnu, or any of thousands of other deities? Of course not. Why? Because you don't believe they exist. I have never once heard anybody say that they hate Jesus. The notion is ridiculous.


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 11:51 AM
Well... he comes home drunk and beats me and my mom.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by VelmaLu



Peace in Christ

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by angel of lightangelo

angel of lightangelo:

You say you don't believe in Jesus because there is no evidence to his existance but you you have an avatar of Satan and you have said you are a Satanist. Now, I ask you why do you choose to follow Satan?. What proof do you have that he existed? You really intrigue me and I would really like to know what made you decide to be a Satanist.

But, more back to the point if Satan existed than also did Christ. IMHO you can't have one without the other, so to speak.

thank you,


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Grandma
reply to post by angel of lightangelo

angel of lightangelo:

You say you don't believe in Jesus because there is no evidence to his existance but you you have an avatar of Satan and you have said you are a Satanist. Now, I ask you why do you choose to follow Satan?. What proof do you have that he existed? You really intrigue me and I would really like to know what made you decide to be a Satanist.

But, more back to the point if Satan existed than also did Christ. IMHO you can't have one without the other, so to speak.

thank you,


I said very clearly that I did not believe in Satan either. You would do well to read up on Satanism. The difference between us and Christians is that we admit those are fictional characters meant to drive ideas with allegory. We liked Satan's versions better. Make no mistake, I do not believe in any deity by that name or any other.

I hope that helps.

[edit on 22-11-2008 by angel of lightangelo]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by wylekat


I am not saying that you didn't ask in the right way, but let me try to explain what I believe and feel.

First, we must come to God (Jesus) with a humbled heart, a humbled spirit, a humbled mind, and a humbled body.

When we pray we are to come to the Father in prayer of thanksgiving and praise. He is after all our Creator and heavenly Father. He knows what is in our heart as our spirit speaks with his spirit. We come together as one. Prayer should be done in private and should not be used to puff one up among others.

I can tell you that the Father has answered all my prayers but not always the way I would have liked but His way always seemed to work out for the better. We are to pray our prayers as to your will be done on earth and in heaven....... Do we always get what we want? No! God is not a supermarket where we can go get this or go get that. I do believe as we come to the Father he does have a plan for our we can still choose not to go along with the plan. If what your spirit is telling you is from the Lord you will most likely follow his plan.

Does that mean we have a life with no suffering and things that are wrong in our life? No, not at all, even followers of Christ suffer through this life but we have hope and get strength in our suffering. Christ is all we need.

I don't want to sound like I got it all right, because after 30 some years I am still being amazed by his mercy and love and grace that he indwells upon creatures such as us.

Please don't give up. I will pray and lift your name to our Father in heaven and pray that he answers you. But remember, it will be according to his will not ours.


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by angel of lightangelo

angel of lightangelo:

My mistake, I am very sorry
Anyway, I am pleased that you do not believe in Satan.

Thank you, again I am sorry!


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Grandma
reply to post by angel of lightangelo

angel of lightangelo:

My mistake, I am very sorry
Anyway, I am pleased that you do not believe in Satan.

Thank you, again I am sorry!


Don't be sorry. Usually on ATS, especially lately, people do not miss that stuff but purposely pretend they missed to set up some crappy argument about how I am lying. I have been through it before.

Yes, I have been told here that I and my church lie about what we very publicly declare we believe. So, do not be sorry that you turned out not to be like that.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by moocowman
reply to post by Circle

You claim that there is a lot of evidenc for the resurection of jesus, could you point us in the direction of this evidence ?

A good place to start is the change in behaviour exhibited by the Apostles during and just after the Crucifixtion. They hid away from the authorities out of fear. Once they had encountered Jesus, ressurected, this completly changed and they went out emboldned and ready to spread the Good News. The process was not instant - first they scoffed at the idea of the ressurection when Mary Magdaline told them of it. Thomas disbelieved his own eyes and demanded proof, from Jesus, that he wasnt a ghost. Eventually the penny dropped! Remember, nearly all of the Apostles went on to martydom. They proclaimed what they had seen and never recanted. Sure, there have been martyrs in every religion hoping for reward after death, but these men claimed they had SEEN Jesus resurrected while they lived and breathed.

[edit on 22-11-2008 by Circle]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:28 PM

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by CSK222

A question for you Dominicus. It's almost a reverse question to yours. Anyways, Do you think all of the "Fallen-Ones" of old and new hate the ONE known as JESUS?

Wow Hhhhhhmmmmmm. Well I know there are groups of Humans that hate Jesus. A large percentage of these haters are in the Orthodox Judaism category.

But for the fallen-ones, thats a rough one. I mean they knew him prior to the fall, they used to be w/ God, they know both the grace of God, heaven, and also the flip side of being against God. I actually think within the "fallen-ones" realm its just as dynamic as it is in the human realm. Though I do biasedly think that the majority do hate, or more so fear Jesus.

Perhaps there are a large number that regret their "fall."

That's a deep question and gets me thinking empathetically from "their side."
In response to angel of lightangelo:

Please tell me you are not this dense. You do not know a joke, however unfunny it may be, when you see one?' Either way, it is obvious what I was saying was that if anything I am growing to hate the name or this thread, but not the person you are refering to. No one hates Jesus. You have had enough time to prove it and you have not. There is no Jesus hate going on.

My friend, that was sarcasm, though in its more dry format.

And to answer your question, a large concentration of Jesus Haters is in the Orthodox Judaism category. The Israeli government actually looks the other way and disregards the beating, hating, mocking, and destruction of anything Christian related especially Christians themselves

Oh and by the way, if your saying Jesus didnt exist, then you can also say neither did satan/lucifer. Is this logic correct?
Reply by wylekat:

Which means a) Jesus isn't anything more than a fairy tale, and i have been screwed by listening, or b) Jesus Doesn't give a rat's rear about people like me- and thinks it's darn funny watching me thrash around alone, poor, and upset.

Just because you pray and ask for something and dont get it, doesnt mean he didnt answer. Your either A.) Asking for the wrong things or B.) He decided not to give you what you ask for because, go back to A.)

I find that when I just let go and let God, everything seems to work itself out. I also find that the closer I get to God, the more I grow spiritually, the harder I pray and the longer periods I pray for, the quicker I get results, especially if its praying for others.

If you're talented, lets say in music, and your a starving artist then it just could be that you have delusions of granduer that you are that good.

If you really are that good, and everyone sees it, and knows it then you try and release some music for the world to hear. If your "band" keeps falling apart and doesn't come together, or everyone else sucks, then do it all yourself. Play all the parts yourself, all the instruments, all the singing. Many artists have done this.

If the music is good then the right people will hear it and you'll start getting attention. If its just average it wall fall by the wayside. If it sucks then it sucks.

You have free will man. Grab the freakin bull by the horns and put some music out there. Its not that your talent is being wasted, its that your finding excuses for it to be wasted. Even if you were playing for money in a subway, you'd be influencing people and making a difference.

Thats rather childish to say I dont believe in God because he wont answer my prayers and I have a rough life since childhood. Most people have it rough, life's tuff man. Don't succumb to the toughness of life, again grab life by the horns and do with it what you will. Pessemism wont get you anywhere. Action will. Even if you tried the rest of your life and failed each time, at least you tried.

Oh, and if you experienced God personally and directly, you wouldnt care about fame or wasted talent. You'd play just for the sake of playing and be completely happy and content and let go of making your happiness depend on "things" because of how society programs to be.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:32 PM
it would be rather silly to hate a fictional character...

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:13 PM
I don't hate Jesus. I am not Christian, I don't personally believe Jesus was real/or a big deal. However, although I am very open minded, I hate closed minded people. In the past my hatred of closed minded people, specifically Christians who tend to be the ones to criticize my personal beliefs as being "dumb", has probably been confused with hatred of Jesus. I don't hate him, I hate closed minded people. And people who are illogical. Illogical people who think Jesus walked on water that wasn't ice. But by all means if he actually did walk on water, then more power to him, but that doesn't forgive some of the encounters that I've had with Christians pushing their beliefs on me in the past.

edit: I think it's funny because I almost said something about people accusing me of being a Satanist in the past before I saw the conversation with Grandma and all that. Personally I am a holistic atheist, although in the past I have been Pagan, Wiccan, Jewish, Buddhist, a follower of Crowley, et al. Then again my dad is Orthodox Jewish and mom believes in Aliens as her religion of choice. I just have no experience/belief in Jesus. My boyfriend's mom is a pastor, and I celebrate Christmas with all them, but really, I'm not one to insult religion.

I'd be surprised to see the reaction to a thread "Why do so many people hate non-Christians?" Not that I'm pointing fingers! People on here are generally accepting. But in general, I'd be curious.

[edit on 11/22/2008 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:16 AM
Sorry, after plowing through this torturous threadbare thread, the conclusion I come to is that the person who initiated it has no real interest in getting answers as to why people hate Jesus. Has anyone anywhere ever even made a serious claim of hatred for this religious figure?

It just feels like the topic was started as a forum for our asker to his moral superiority and act self-righteous.

This is the type of self-congratulating and condescending behaviour that has made more than half of humanity not hate Christ, but hate Christians.

Now I I pray to Jesus this guy doesn't reply with some more self-serving platitudes.


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
I argue that if you genuinely and sincerely followed what he preached, then you would directly experience these enlightenments and they would be sufficient enough for you to realize all this God stuff, incl. Jesus, is real talk.

I would think that your experience would be a chemical orgassim in your right middle temporal cortex aka god spot. The bible gives you some ideas to better lead you life and the stories of jesus are interesting in that light but when you make a belief out of it you're lost in the tangle of religion which is where most people have problems with fundis.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:13 AM
Lucid Lunacy Accepts Jesus Christ's Friend Request!

[edit on 23-11-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

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