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Russia/Georgia Situation News & Updates

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posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by freemindmine
As Georgia is a break away state from Russia(or the USSR) you would think they would be more sympathetic with South Ossetia wanting to break away from them.(Not saying they are liking it.)
After all are Georgia not now democratic.
Unless Georgia's buttons are beening pushed else where(can't think were!)
This is getting worring and I hope peace brakes out before it gets any bigger.

They're probably pissed they're not a member of NATO yet, and Russia don't want them to be a member of NATO thus fuelling a part of this thing we are not calling a war.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by manson_322
reply to post by bodrul

hell no USA will not recover, this time this will not be so , the only industry that USA has left is military ,

Your completely not of this planet to think that there would be any 'winners' in a nuclear exchange. First, Georgia would not last long enough to receive help and the US would not be stupid enough to risk a war with Russia over Georgia. Now if it was Germany or France, that would be different.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by RenegadePsycho

Originally posted by freemindmine
As Georgia is a break away state from Russia(or the USSR) you would think they would be more sympathetic with South Ossetia wanting to break away from them.(Not saying they are liking it.)
After all are Georgia not now democratic.
Unless Georgia's buttons are beening pushed else where(can't think were!)
This is getting worring and I hope peace brakes out before it gets any bigger.

They're probably pissed they're not a member of NATO yet, and Russia don't want them to be a member of NATO thus fuelling a part of this thing we are not calling a war.

Yes that could be true ,on the other hand its ok for Kosovo to become a Republic and recognized ,but why not South Ossetia?
Double Standards?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:29 PM
The Russian news is saying that Georgia was building up on the border for months saying that they were conducting exercises. The news then goes on to say that they waited for an ideal time to strike and the start of the Olympics was their chance.

So according to Russia this was a well planed attack. And by the sound of the news they did exactly what they came to do.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
The Russian news is saying that Georgia was building up on the border for months saying that they were conducting exercises. The news then goes on to say that they waited for an ideal time to strike and the start of the Olympics was their chance.

So according to Russia this was a well planed attack. And by the sound of the news they did exactly what they came to do.

Yes sound about right and I bet the west knew all about it.If they did 'nt then thats a very brave more on there own.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by freemindmine

Apparently, the south Ossetians knew it too, I saw on Euronews that they have been living the capital since last weekend, expecting an attack.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:43 PM
For those in the U.K. sky channel 512 Russia Today is showing reports of the conflict.

My take on the conflict.
It would seem to me that this goes beyond the Ossetia disputes.
Georgia is a breakaway rupublic from Russia that has formerly applied to become part of NATO.
If i were a Russian leader then this would worry me slightly because it may feel like the walls were closing in, if Georgia became part of NATO and with new US installations being built in Poland etc, then i may feel as though the country were becoming surrounded and like a cornered animal lash out in this case at Georgia.

Georgia on the other hand were dealing with a breakaway republic of their own.
If i were a Georgian leader then this would worry me because this long disputed region (S.Ossetia) could potentially become a part of Russia again due to 90% of the S.Ossetians holding Russian passports and citizenship.
Although disputed S.Ossetia has acted like a buffer zone between Russia and Georgia for a while and if the Georgian leadership felt that it might lose the region to Russia through citizenship or it gaining republic status then the leadership may have ordered a take over of S.Ossetia to for want of a better phrase "get it before Russia did".

The S.Ossetia conflict to Georgia and Russia is less about any supposed ethnic cleansing, republic status, humanitarian needs etc, and more about the loss or gain of an advantage.
The Russian advantage is to stop the walls closing in and to put on a show of strength in such a way that may be saying "If we are willing to fight for a relative small piece of land, then just think what we will do if you try to take us", or something along those lines.
Basically a posturing action that has the effect of both making the Russian government feel better and to maybe send a message to the rest of the world.
Georgias advantage would be that they would not lose a part of their nation (as S.Ossetia was declaired a part of Georgia, i think by NATO) to a former "occupier" or "annexer" of the country.
It would gain control of a region that separates themselves from Russia, a buffer or safety zone between Georgia and what the Georgian government may see as looming threat to their independance.
Basically Georgia is trying take the area before Russia does.

This is just my take on the situation.
It is on going and only time will tell what will happen.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by full997]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Sorry but lol!

all of these comments saying WW3....seriously?? there are no grounds for this to turn into a full scale conflict. At this stage it is a border skirmish meaning that the countries are at a de-facto state of war.

War hasn't actually been declared which changes the 'rules' slightly.

At the moment, it is too early to make a value judgment and say who is right, who is wrong and what we should do about it. The whole situation has proved one thing however, that the UN is toothless and when a call for a cease-fire is is simply ignored. UN Security Council?? Pointless. I would be looking to form a NATO Security Council in its place.

WE (NATO) need influence in that region as it is a vital energy transit point. WE (NATO) cannot afford to piss Russia off (they provide a horrific percentage of power to Western Europe....)

Lets see what evidence is brought to light when the dust settles tomorrow. Then we can judge what actually happened. (i.e Did Georgia build up its troop concentration under the guise of a training exercise? Did Russia launch a pre-emptive strike?? are the Georgians killing Russian citizens in the region??)

We don't know yet. But seriously, WW3.....pffft

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by full997

Georgias advantage would be that they would not lose a part of their nation (as S.Ossetia was declaired a part of Georgia, i think by NATO) to a former "occupier" or "annexer" of the country.
It would gain control of a region that separates themselves from Russia, a buffer or safety zone between Georgia and what the Georgian government may see as looming threat to their independance.
Basically Georgia is trying take the area before Russia does.

This is just my take on the situation.
It is on going and only time will tell what will happen.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by full997]

Yes but Georgia knew they would have no chance of holding onto it,so did they think they would get help or do you think they were told they would.
As i said before " a brave move"

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:55 PM
So basically Georgia is pointing finger at Russia and vice-versa

[edit on 8-8-2008 by dracodie]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Georgia just announced that they will decalare martial law within the hour.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:03 PM

So why have detalizations of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaigan maps just dissapeared from google. Has it always been this way? I saw this posted somewhere else and looked on Google maps and sure enough no details.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Georgian Securty Council says Russia has begun bombing civilan targets.
Breaking news on SKY NEWS

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:04 PM
I don't suppose anyone is in a position to refute the current rumor that Russia is deploying the 76th VDV to the area?

I've seen it mentioned in a few other places but its always reported to be sourced as coming from a 'Russian newspaper' which seems to be fairly untraceable.

At the moment I am tempted to place it firmly into the propaganda bin but despite the 76th being based in the north they are a rapid deployment force and if it was true... being a Georgian regular would be quite high on the list of 'job opportunities you very definitely don't want' when they arrived.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by freemindmine

A risky move indeed, to answer your question i think that Georgia were probably counting on support from NATO, not so much expecting it more gambling on the odds that they would recieve support.

As for the issue of Georgia being told that they would recieve support, that is an interesting idea.
I can see that for some political reason Georgia may have been told by another country that should their sovereignty be underminded that they would recieve support.
However i think that Georgia would know that what someone says and what someone does arn't always the same thing.

Anyway like i said it is just my take on things and i could very well be wrong.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:08 PM
Israel's involvement:

Friday morning, Aug. 8, Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia, which is backed by Russia. Moscow claims that reinforcements are being rushed to defend “Russian peacekeepers” in the province. Moscow claims ten have been killed.

In recent weeks, Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Jerusalem halt its military assistance to Georgia, finally threatening a crisis in bilateral relations. Israel responded by saying that the only assistance rendered Tbilisi was “defensive.”

This has not gone down well in the Kremlin. Therefore, as the military crisis intensifies in South Ossetia, Moscow may be expected to punish Israel for its intervention.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Absence of Self
I don't suppose anyone is in a position to refute the current rumor that Russia is deploying the 76th VDV to the area?

I they arrived.

Help me here!
I dont know what the 76th VDC is.Please till me_javascript:icon('

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:08 PM
Since I don't have cable I have been trying to get my updates from these threads. But I just hate wading through some of these posts with opinions that seem were formed from all the life experience gained from Call of Duty or Brothers in Arms or any other PlayStation game out there.

World War 3? From this? Nukes? Please people. Can we just get updates or at least insight from any one in the know?

When does school start again!?

Hey! this Skynews thing is awesome! thanks. I am now content.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by Res Ipsa]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:09 PM
They said Russia is still bombing

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by RenegadePsycho

I feel this will not stop at Georgias latest 3 hour break to let civilians leave the area. This will continue for days and thenit will eventually become worse. So much for enjoying the olympics
(visit the link for the full news article)

I think China should immediately invade both Russia and Georgia to make them play nice with each other. Then we might be able to enjoy watching the olympics in peace!

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