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Which Has The Most Evidence Aliens or God?

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by whatsup

I rememeber once reading a story as follows:

One day a man was sitting by a beach and wondering how did God came to be, soon after, an angel appeared from the sky and asked the man what was troubling him. The man answered "we are greatful of what God has gave us and this whole universe, but where did God come from?" The angel took out a small cup and said to the man "take this cup and transfer the ocean from this side to the other side on the land, once you do that you will know where God came from".

So in saying that, not a person really will ever get to know the answer to that question. That story could be just a story but its one of my favourite's to explain this situation!

As of yet, we as humans still have alot of unanswered questions about what we are doing here and why.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by -elmo-]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:33 PM
Outstanding thread!

I think whatever the individual chooses or wants to believe will have the most evidence for them.

However, there are some really good points on both sides of the isle here, and I am finding myself going back and forth between the two. Great subject, really thought provoking for me.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:48 PM
What disturbs me is, that if God is so divine, all mighty, good, all loving and above all the "Creator", why did he spend so much time creating us and the aliens, on a major chunk of rock that orbits a dying ball of gas?

Why put down so much work in creating us and giving us so much words and guidence that it requiers a book with hundreds of hundreds of pages just to be able to fit it all in when we evetually will perish anyway?
Our sun was dying since the day it was created. I just don't get it.

And I agree also with what someone said above.

God may exist, but I strongly doubt he is what the majority of the humans refers him as. Religon is man made. It is based on a "best seller".

Here is what I think. (Wrote similiar in a nother thread here)

Everything has to do with our level of consiousness.
Today the level is alot higher and I think we are about to reach the peak of consiousness actually.
But 2000 years ago the human consiousness were still on a premature state.
When a human saw something flying around in the air 2000 years ago, what we today call UFO's, their mind reached out for an explanation. But their minds could only reach out as far as their consiousness allowed them too.
Technology didn't exist, and therefore was machines something they never would think about. They just couldn't think out of the box that far. Their mind was just not ready or aware of machinery, electrics, magneticfields, gravity etc.

But they need an explanation. Then we have the earthquakes, volcano eruptions, plagues, war etc etc. If they combined all this with the sightings they had, which logically to me would be refered as SIGNS at that time, it wouldn't be hard to come up with something like A GOD.

And just like people do today, we have a lot of authors writing books about UFO's we had authors writing about this as well.
Remember that the bible have been rewritten so many times that I assume that it is almost impossible to know how the original looked like.
Anyway, to me, the bible is just another book of interpretations of the unknown.

What I am believing is, that Religon and God AS WE KNOW IT, is an ancient interpretation of visitations of Aliens here on earth. However, I will not dismiss the thought that we might have something or someone helping us out with creating us. But that he would also have created a infinite number of dying gas balls in an infinite space is to me higly unlikly.

BUT... I also like to add, that this is what I believe.
I fully respect other peoples believes in this matter.
And those who believes in a supreme being are not idiots. They just have their point of view. Which is a sacred thing to everyone.

Believe what you want, but one shall never keep ones eye fixed upon one belief in my opinion. Have your beliefs as a guide in life, don't let it control it.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:57 PM
its an interesting question you raise.

alot of the ET info you read (websites , and people who come on here who say they have spoken with aliens) all say that they beleive in a supreme being(god) so if u beleive in aliens then do you beleive in what they beleive in?

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Akezzon

when you say best seller, are you refering to te bible?

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by gate13
its an interesting question you raise.

alot of the ET info you read (websites , and people who come on here who say they have spoken with aliens) all say that they beleive in a supreme being(god) so if u beleive in aliens then do you beleive in what they beleive in?

I don't think one can associate it like that since alot of people who claims to have been speaking with aliens don't belive in a supreme being. Who should you go for?

On the other hand, perhaps you are right.
But the question that still remains is if this supreme being is what we so often refers him as.

Also, we should perhaps also not mix together "supreme being" with the "God" that mostly of us humans refer to.

I believe that our religon is based upon our ancestors lack of understanding of the ufo sightings that occured long ago but that we still have to seperate the religon from todays Ufo phenomenon. They have the same origin but religon today have become so big and deep that it has it's on agenda today. And I respect those who like to follow that path.
I, however, have chosen not to though.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:17 PM
Then He said to Thomas, "Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing."

And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!"

Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

~ John 20:27-29

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by gate13
reply to post by Akezzon

when you say best seller, are you refering to te bible?

Yeah, in the terms of that the bible is the one book that almost every soul on this earth knows about, and because of it's age and popularity.
Many live by the bible and the words written in it, again... I respect that.

Much has been rewritten in it ofc, added and substracted. But all the same many follows it.

However, now we are talking about just one aspect of religon. I believe many other religons are based on the same thing while some religons are based upon something totally different things.

But regarding the bible. I assume that the religon came before the bible ofc, but todays view of the religon in question is mostly based upon what is said in this book. And therfore I said it like that. Perhaps "Best-seller" is not the right word to chose, but I hope you understand my meaning.

Keywords here are still:


Point of View


[edit on 31-7-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:26 PM
Yeah this is something i have thought about many times.

Id say ET has more proof. There are more witnesses to strange phonomena in the sky and vehicals that decend from the heavens. and the bible is testomany to that also IMO.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:36 PM
Why does our concept of God have to be an "other" being outside of the cosmos? Because the way our human minds work, we must project such a being as something to which we have an anaclitic relationship with. I am sort of a panendeist in that I believe that God is part and parcel of everything. I think that the cosmos itself is conscious and creates and generates itself (and we are part of that).

However, the need to project a separate anthropomorphic representation of ourselves as an "other" (Supreme being), I think has deep rooted psychological underpinnings in our insecurity. I agree with Jung and see God instead as "the ground of being" (instead of a "separate being").

[edit on 31-7-2008 by whatsup]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:46 PM
Good question. For me, I don't think there can or ever will be proof of God's existence. (Belief in his existence is totally based on "faith" and that is the pride of believers.) However, I am cautiously optimistic that in my lifetime there will be proof of intelligent life in our universe that is not human....if they exist it is possible to gain tangible evidence of their existence through advances in science and technology (that perhaps can be attributed to them anyway.) With that said...for me personally, it's easier to believe in the existence of ETs, rather than the existence of God. If God for centuries had remained a simple mystery, as ETs somewhat do, I may feel differently. However, God has become so complicated through religious interpretation, that it's hard to take him as much more than a character in a fairy tale. Thanks for the thread.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by rapinbatsisaltherage
reply to post by aLinkToThePast

Religion was a necessity for the development of human civilization

Yet it has systematically opressed our development. When it comes to Science, sexuality, etc.

I give human beings more credit, some of the people who treat others and this planet the best are atheist. I don't think we need religion like a parent to keep us civil. Those who want to hurt others do so already, and will continue to- religion or not.

I agree that religion needs to go poof so we can be less divided, but I'm missing in your post where there is a shred of evidence of God?

How has religion oppressed sexuality and science? Sure many scientists in the past were declared heretics and executed, but this didn't stop them from making their discoveries. Sexuality? not too sure about what you mean there, gay bisexual straight, orgies etc etc, have existed long ,long before christiannity, and most other religions. Im not saying that we need religion now, i said that we do not need it anymore,. Evidence of Religion is dated back 300,000 years during the Middle Paleolithic and the Middle Stone Age , where burial was practiced along with the burial of goods and items. Religion was the only form of truth that people could turn to throughout these times. The promise of an after life, something that would help the poor people make it through the days of poverty and hardship. Religion took away the fears of the unknown, giving the person some form of satisfaction so they could live better lives. The Fear of God(God's) was an extremely powerful idea, which would make many people second guess their actions. Religions also established the Idea of a Greater power, and some form of meaning to our lives.Of course people who want to hurt others and cause harm , will exist with religion.... without religion, i didn't say that religion was this super powerful mind controlling force which made EVERYONE live free of sin. Religion WAS a necessity for human advancement. It is Human nature to question life, and what the meaning is etc etc etc. Without religion, we would most likely be very very far behind in evolution. That is speculative , no one can know what would have occured without religion , but i think our existence , and progression to the state we are at today would not have been possible without religion.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Akezzon

the point i was going to make was yes christiantiy came about 300-400 years befor the new testement was put together but you covered your self very well.

its no secret im a christian i have stated that on many threads.

and i enjoy reading people's thoughts who question or dont follow the path of it.

but i wll admit i do agree with you in many ways when you talk about religion having its own agenda bc it does and any one who dissagrees is a very delusional person. ( if the religion organisations such as catholism, orthodox etc.. stood for what they really say they do there wouldnt be one homless person on this earth today but this is a matter for another thread)

and the probelm of today is people think that the bible is the only book that shold be followed to being a good christian. when the truth is it is only a guid similar to a map, there is more to it then just the bible.

as religous as im i will not say UFO's and aliens do not exist bc i my self have experience weird phenomena and have seen unexplainable things in the sky. Maybe they are demons maybe not but i have seen them.

but if there is aliens and there is a god i would have to beleive he created them also but maybe god has brothers? and they created other life on other planets.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Nohup

WHY??? can you see your brain? therefore, i conclude that it does not exist...hahahaha

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:04 PM
i dunno if anyone posted this quote yet or not but i'll do it anyway...

from Chariots of the Gods:

Ch. 4 - Was God an Astronaut?

"The bible is full of secrets and contradictions.

Genesis, for example, begins with the creation of the earth. which is reported with absolute geological accuracy. But how did the [writer of the story] know that minerals preceded plants and plants preceded animals?

'And God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness': we read in Genesis 1:26.

Why does God speak in the plural? Why does he say 'us' not 'me,' why 'our' and not 'my?' One would think that the one and only God would address mankind in the singular, not in the plural."

that's just one of MANY examples in the book, if you haven't read it then go do so! :-D

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by aLinkToThePast

How has religion oppressed sexuality and science?

This was heavily discussed in a class I took on many religions. Many religions in history have surpressed sexuality, especially in women, demonizing women for being born of a sex they can not control. We are not just talking about Christianity, we are talking about many religions. Religions that regarded individual thinking women as witches, demons, etc.

As for Science and other intolerance:

The promise of an after life, something that would help the poor people make it through the days of poverty and hardship

Yes, but at the same time religion has been an opressive force, a dangerous shackle on others that they wish to be free of, while it gives hope to some. I'm not disputing that for some it does good, but I don't think that out ways the bad.

Again this is about evidence of a God, I'm not seeing an ounce of evidence in your rants. It could be because your post runs together and is hard to follow.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:30 PM
What makes God so suspect to me is that there were Gods for everything in ancient times. Akhenaten was the first to recognize a monotheistic religion, years before Jesus. So he pretty much invented the one God belief system.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by TheHunted]

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by rapinbatsisaltherage
reply to post by aLinkToThePast

How has religion oppressed sexuality and science?

This was heavily discussed in a class I took on many religions. Many religions in history have surpressed sexuality, especially in women, demonizing women for being born of a sex they can not control. We are not just talking about Christianity, we are talking about many religions. Religions that regarded individual thinking women as witches, demons, etc.

As for Science and other intolerance:

The promise of an after life, something that would help the poor people make it through the days of poverty and hardship

Yes, but at the same time religion has been an opressive force, a dangerous shackle on others that they wish to be free of, while it gives hope to some. I'm not disputing that for some it does good, but I don't think that out ways the bad.

Again this is about evidence of a God, I'm not seeing an ounce of evidence in your rants. It could be because your post runs together and is hard to follow.

Again , i said that there is no real evidence for GOD. If you go through my post i have said that the only way to prove gods existence is by doing the following " ( see my post)" . Individual thinking women?? not just women men were also persecuted for indivdual thinking as well... )you kinda sound a little like a feminist from this and previous posts)...

so what are you saying? religion should never have existed, because the " BAD" outweighs the good? If Religion never existed where do you think we would be today? I am against religion because it is obselete in light of numerous other theories pertaining to death , afterlife and meaning. However Religion has had a great deal to do with where we are today, many people might not agree with the state the world is in now , but the alternative, if religion never existed? You can speculate all you like but , this is what has happened, thus Religion WAS NECESSARY FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT up to the past 200 years atleast.Until the period of enlightenment when the term secularism became widely known to western civilization. Before this most nations government and religion were one. Many people have been persecuted in all Religions , millions have died , but it was an evolutionary stage which was worth the sacrifices.

[edit on 1-8-2008 by aLinkToThePast]

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 01:13 AM
I have to give you great credit for this thread. I am impressed. have you considered that possibility that they could be one and the same. The is a lot of theories that say God came form another planet. And even more that say that the 'God's were aliens.

I myself vary from day to day. I don't have a 100% answer to what I believe. But I do know this Aliens are real. I have never been abducted by then, but have visited with them many times.

God is a little harder. I have felt God, but not through anything religious. It was a totally spiritual experience. So to say one or the other doesn't work for me. But my God isn't the same as Joe average Christian. This is gonna sound vain and ignorant but my God is more loving and forgiving and much bigger than most peoples. I don't know how to explain that.

It's not that it's a different God than anyone else's. Its just how I view God that is different. I am happy and pleased with what I believe in, and it seems to be working for me. Many people would say that cause I don't believe what they do that I am doomed, but I think that would be up to God.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 01:31 AM
Don't see many alledged photos of god nowadays do we...

Then.. to throw a spanner as such...
I believe we are all god. Simple as that.

So I guess there is more proof of god then

However, in christian terms - I've seen the aliens but yet to see god. I've seen many more photos of other peoples sightings than a single photo or evidence of god.

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