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Soon U.S. Citizens Must Ask for Government Permission to Fly or Travel

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posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:32 PM
check out this link

(url= Secret Government(/url)

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

If you really want to see the ultimate, check this out:

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:36 PM
sorry thought I was creating a link I've never done it before. anyway its a article entitled fema the secret government

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Did ypu know you can Google Earth all 600 of the civilian concentration camps in the U.S.?

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

Here you go. Here's your link:

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

No I didn't, but now I do. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Well let me try this again...

FEMA-The Secret Government

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

And thanks Prof. Yay! I figured out how to make a link!

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

Congratulations! You're now a veteran.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 12:33 AM
Good to see you two have a sense of humor...
... you may need it soon.

I am curious. Countless dictatorships and third world countries have often employed the use of permission to leave the country as a last desperate means of maintaining control over it's people.

Why then does a prosperous nation such as the US feel the need to do the same?

Through the history books, and watching world events... things didn't turn out too well for the other nations that attempted this... in fact, things got down right ugly for them.

When does this go into effect again?

I'd be looking at that as a deadline to get out of the country.

I know many of you are patriotic, and would feel bad about abandoning your country of birth... but it's simply no longer the country you grew up in. The country has already abandoned you some time ago.

When the holes in the hull can no longer be patched... it's time to jump ship.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 01:06 AM

[edit on 3/2/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Notice the date on that 1995 to start with. During the Clinton administration. Bush did nothing to change it. Just because the people changed in office does not mean their agenda changed. It's going the same direction.

You guy's know if Obama gets killed. The race wars will start so bad in this country. Then our government will have complete control as they will then go in with military to take over the cities and get them under control. I believe this is what they want. This is when the concentration camps will first start to be used. This is when they will mark you if you want any kind of freedom at all.

God help us all. This is coming so close.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 02:33 AM

Funny how you need to be protected from the very slightest terrorist and yet US still brings in people that have been proven to be breeding grounds for the 2nd generation terroist.

If you did such a good job there where is any need for refugees

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 02:33 AM

Funny how you need to be protected from the very slightest terrorist and yet US still brings in people that have been proven to be breeding grounds for the 2nd generation terroist.

If you did such a good job there where is any need for refugees

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 03:01 AM
Although I live in the Netherlands I find this situation to be alarming for the citizens of the U.S.A. It is very disturbing to see how your freedom gets taken away from you bit by bit.

I don't know how much protest there is going on against all of this but I'm very afraid of what is happening and continues to happen. I'm afraid one day the people of America will wake up and realise they are not living in a democracy any more. I feel democracy in America is a thing of the past now, and there is only one person who decides.

To me this is a form of dictatorship. There is no other way to look at it for me. I'm sure people who are in favour of all that is happening will say the laws came to be trough a democratic way. That may all be true, but the laws themself create non-democracy.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 05:50 AM
This is not going to help the Airline Industry. The lag is going to make their stock fall little by little. I bet we see airlines switch ownership. There will be allot of connected money being moved around during this time. Maybe another government bailout, at the cost being payed by tax payers.

The machine is picking up speed. The laws are building the walls up around us all. 2008 is going to be a bad ride!

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 06:35 AM
So it has come to this.

I guess I should have known. Here is a story that I must share that makes this news all the more malignant.

The first time I went to Canada (Post 911)
I was going for a concert starting at 8:00PM. By the time I gathered my Birth Certificate, fought the common torrential rain and wind on the Interstate with my friend who's car I was driving, We arrived at the border at 8:30PM with another 20 minute drive to destination.

When asked what our business in their country was, I answered that "we were going to the concert."
When asked why we were arriving at the border at 8:30 for an 8:00 show, I answered "it was my first trip to Canada since additional ID was required and it took extra time to locate my birth certificate."
When asked my address, I began with the familiar address that I had just moved from, corrected myself and fumbled trying to remember my new address, so it was anything but sounding fluent and spontanious.
I explained this as well.

I guess that was enough of a red flag to be directed to park and proceed into the building on the Canadian side.

Once inside, My friend and I were questioned seperately, and after checking out my documents, the officer was satisfied. I sat while my friend continued his questioning. He was originally from the south and had never left the States.

As it turned out, His birth certificate and his drivers license were a day apart on his birth date. This was a suprise to him as well, never really examining the document until then.

In the wait for my friend, I decided to go outside for a smoke, but when I stood from my seat, I was ordered to sit back down and not move.

This caused a more scrutinized interrogation of him, as they searched his name finding a 35 year old conviction from 1970 for possession of one gram of marijuana. Subsequently, we were then denied entry to their country because he was considered "a felon", but then, our documents were forwarded to the uniformed personel on the other side of the office. These two agents then patted us down, retrieved the car keys from my pocket and explained that they were going to go search the vehicle. when they finally returned, the officer that had scrutinized my friends documents initially waved him back to the counter and informed him that there was still a way they could allow him to enter Canada.
All he had to do was fill out a work permit form and pay $200.00. That would allow him in.

By this time, it was almost 10:30PM, The show would have been over if we paid the money and finished the drive, so my $200.00 for the two tickets were lost, the 2 hour drive to the border in torrential rain was a total waste of time, fuel and effort, so, my "felon" friend that was a threat to their National Security or, in lieu of this fear, he could be permitted to work in their Country for a mere $200.00 which then proved he was not a threat to their National security, and I were escorted out, allowed to turn around and drive back into the U.S., where we then had to enter the State side building to recieve further questioning and examination of documents that the Canadian officers brought to them and finally given our documents, allowed back in our Country for the 2 hour rainy drive home.

My point is,
If this happened because of a 35 year old gram of pot bust and a typo on a document,
imagine what would happen in our own Country now, attempting to fly (probably on an AirBus by then too).
If the National Driver License happens, the only thing left would be to declare Martial Law and burn the Constitution, crippling our Nation to it's knees, finally announcing thechenney andfriends airport terminal hunting trip as rifle toting good ol' boys herd "former Citizens" to the prisoner rail cars until all the shackles, then the camps are at capacity.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 07:59 AM
they Simply wont have enuff time here on earth to continue that agenda.... they have screwed up an theres only so much rope they have bought an stockpiled, soon they will be hanging like a soggy old stale pinata.

Watch I dont need anything else but time to be my proof. we are experiencing the major earth changes right now.....

"American an much of this world has been like a broken leg that never healed, an we must be rebroken then reset an we will then be on the correct path of recovery."

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by cavscout

cavscout, I do so appreciate your patriotism.

I do have a question. A what if.

You are free to travel the world, and the US. You have two airlines to choose from.

One checks your name and all passengers against a data base of terrorist, and well know bad guys.

The other is openly advertising that it welcomes all passengers world wide and guarantees nobody will be asked any questions at all. No name is required. No bags checked, and shoes are optional.

Which one do you fly?

After reading the articles, I didn't see anything about permission. If airline number two existed, and one of their planes blew up, then what?

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 10:37 AM
For those that were questioning whether Homeland Security wanted part of the power of FEMA - DHS owns FEMA and has since DHS was created.

Department Components
The Directorate for National Protection and Programs works to advance the Department's risk-reduction mission. Reducing risk requires an integrated approach that encompasses both physical and virtual threats and their associated human elements.

The Directorate for Science and Technology is the primary research and development arm of the Department. It provides federal, state and local officials with the technology and capabilities to protect the homeland.

The Directorate for Management is responsible for Department budgets and appropriations, expenditure of funds, accounting and finance, procurement; human resources, information technology systems, facilities and equipment, and the identification and tracking of performance measurements.

The Office of Policy is the primary policy formulation and coordination component for the Department of Homeland Security. It provides a centralized, coordinated focus to the development of Department-wide, long-range planning to protect the United States.

The Office of Health Affairs coordinates all medical activities of the Department of Homeland Security to ensure appropriate preparation for and response to incidents having medical significance.

The Office of Intelligence and Analysis is responsible for using information and intelligence from multiple sources to identify and assess current and future threats to the United States.

The Office of Operations Coordination is responsible for monitoring the security of the United States on a daily basis and coordinating activities within the Department and with governors, Homeland Security Advisors, law enforcement partners, and critical infrastructure operators in all 50 states and more than 50 major urban areas nationwide.

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center provides career-long training to law enforcement professionals to help them fulfill their responsibilities safely and proficiently.

The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office works to enhance the nuclear detection efforts of federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local governments, and the private sector and to ensure a coordinated response to such threats.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) protects the nation's transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce.

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is responsible for protecting our nation’s borders in order to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States, while facilitating the flow of legitimate trade and travel.

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is responsible for the administration of immigration and naturalization adjudication functions and establishing immigration services policies and priorities.

United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security, is responsible for identifying and shutting down vulnerabilities in the nation’s border, economic, transportation and infrastructure security.

The United States Coast Guard protects the public, the environment, and U.S. economic interests—in the nation’s ports and waterways, along the coast, on international waters, or in any maritime region as required to support national security.

The Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) prepares the nation for hazards, manages Federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident, and administers the National Flood Insurance Program.

The United States Secret Service protects the President and other high-level officials and investigates counterfeiting and other financial crimes, including financial institution fraud, identity theft, computer fraud; and computer-based attacks on our nation’s financial, banking, and telecommunications infrastructure.

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